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In this article, we will explore the current landscape of teacher education programs in general, and specifically, physical education teacher education (PETE) from the national level down to the local level. Furthermore, we will explore the impact that the elimination of undergraduate PETE programs can have on PETE doctoral programs, including the teaching, research, and engagement of their faculty. We present ideas for preparing doctoral students for their future higher education roles that may or may not include the preparation of future physical educators.  相似文献   


The increased pluralism in today’s United States society, including our public school student population, has called for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to train teachers who can respond to the educational needs of students from diverse backgrounds. However, concerns have been raised with educator preparation programs’ ability to prepare teachers to address diversity in our schools. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the movement toward teaching for social justice in PETE with focus on preparing teachers for cultural diversity; this includes special attention to cultural humility as a missing component in physical education teacher preparation. We discuss the current state of diversity in PETE, leading to a discussion of social justice as a theme in teaching and teacher education in physical education. Next, we detail the underpinnings of social justice pedagogies in physical education and the need for infusing cultural humility in PETE.  相似文献   


This article has two purposes: (a) to consider existing platforms and future possibilities in the United States for what the authors refer to as Integrative Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE), which integrates standards-based K–12 physical education with a public health agenda focusing on promoting increased physical activity and fitness, and (b) to consider the implications of IPHPE for the preparation of future physical education teachers and teacher educators/researchers. First, the historical context that has nurtured the development of ideologies that inform IPHPE is summarized. Second, examples of these ideologies in terms of their current and prospective contributions to IPHPE perspectives are discussed. Third, building from existing public health-aligned recommendations for pre-service physical education teacher education (PETE) programs, IPHPE-based professional preparation requirements for future physical education teachers are considered. Finally, the focus shifts to doctoral PETE (D-PETE) programming and professional preparation requirements for future physical education teacher educators/researchers from an IPHPE perspective. The overall intention of this article is to propose a way forward for physical education which bridges educational priorities of the profession to contemporary and relevant public health needs.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):479-496

Change in education is inevitable. Physical educators are being positioned to effectively manage change and control their own destiny. In order to manage and facilitate positive change, physical educators should clearly embrace and accept physical education as a public health tool, understand the educational change process in schools, and know how to manage change through the strategic utilization of Professional Learning Communities. Physical educators can shape the culture of schools by increasing physical activity levels for students in physical education while facilitating physical activity opportunities for students and faculty across the school day. Given that physical education is a subsystem of the larger school system, each physical educator must understand the nature of change in schools and how to successfully influence it. Professional Learning Communities provide a structure for physical educators to take the helm by influencing positive and systemic change, shaping culture, and advocating for increased physical activity in schools.  相似文献   

Presently, most physical education teachers in the United States are White Americans and from middle class families. In fact, 83 % of all teachers in public schools are White Americans, whereas approximately 10 % of all African American teachers are representative of all teachers in the United States. A student might feel cultural dissonance that she or he is behaving appropriately based on the student’s cultural norm and upbringing, but the teachers who have different cultural and ethnic backgrounds than the students may inappropriately interpret or respond to the behavior. Therefore, it is important to study African American pre-service physical education teachers’ student teaching and field-based experiences with ethnically diverse adolescence (e.g., African American students), because they have the potential to develop a positive relationship between school support, teacher support, and academic achievement and influence student learning, motivation, and engagement in physical education. The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the experiences of African American physical education teacher education (PETE) candidates at secondary urban schools. The research design was explanatory multiple-case study situated in activity theory. Participants were seven African American PETE candidates. The qualitative data sources were interviews, weekly journal reflections, and e-portfolios. The results were (a) navigating power relationships between cooperative teachers and students, (b) a ‘shocking’ experience: Feeling under-prepared, and (c) encountered cultural normalcies and stereotypes in teaching physical education. PETE programs must better prepare teacher candidates for working in urban schools with greater cultural competence and higher self-efficacy.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we advocate infusing diversity training across physical education teacher education (PETE) programs and curricula (DeSensi, 1995). Specifically, we call for PETE programs to provide curriculum content and professional socialization experiences that enhance intercultural sensitivity to better prepare novice teachers for working effectively with students of various cultures and ethnicities (DeSensi, 1995; Hodge, 2003). We discuss (a) changing demographics in society and schools with implications for preparing teachers, (b) moving from ethnocentricism to ethnorelativism of intercultural sensitivity, (c) implementing NCATE diversity initiatives, (d) infusing diversity training in PETE programs, and (e) understanding physical activity and sport participation patterns of a diversity of learners and athletes. We also provide some closing arguments for implementing diversity training in PETE programs.  相似文献   

The current focus on utilitarian outcomes (e.g., fitness, health, skill development) in physical education has not been effective in producing life-long movers and makes physical activity a duty to be performed. An alternative to a utilitarian focus is to have a joy-oriented focus in which physical activity is promoted because it is joyful, pleasurable, and personally meaningful. In this paper, we present factors that inhibit a joy-oriented focus in physical education and reasons physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have thus far failed to produce joy-oriented physical education teachers. We then present a new approach to PETE—the foundational approach—in which the joy of movement forms the foundation of and is threaded throughout the program. Ten specific changes to PETE programs are proposed to produce joy-oriented physical education teachers.  相似文献   

It is obviously possible to argue that education is always an arm of social policy. However, there are just as surely degrees of directness between the agendas of noneducational authorities and what happens in school and university classrooms. This article considers what appears to be a direct example of a particular public policy agenda, the so-called “war on obesity,” translated into curriculum. My intention is to rouse the field from its slumber and to ask whether we are content for others to decide what and how we will teach health and physical education in schools and universities. I do this by examining a specific example of health and physical education curriculum. However, this is not a call for resistance to the intrusion of outsiders; we always need to listen to others. My question is whether the voice of physical educators matters at all when it comes to the practice of physical education.  相似文献   

Throughout the modern homeschool movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, homeschooling families have clashed with public institutions. Early homeschoolers joined together to win favorable legislative and judicial outcomes that resulted in the legalization of homeschooling in all 50 states by the early 1990s. Homeschoolers continue to face opposition from professional educators and the organizations that advocate for them. But although some interactions between homeschoolers and public schools are confrontational, in other cases, public school districts offer a variety of resources and opportunities to home educators. Some homeschoolers accept public school offerings through charter or online schools that allow children to remain at home while completing public school curricula. Others have gained the right to access public school extracurricular programs including high school sports. Not all homeschoolers agree on the merit of participating in programs offered by public schools. It is likely that instances of both cooperation and confrontation will continue.  相似文献   

This paper offers ideas for graduate study in physical education teacher education (PETE). It discusses professional versus scientific degree options, and argues that pedagokinetics (the art and science of teaching movement) should be the central focus of the curriculum for both practitioners and researchers. To overcome major obstacles to academic excellence, a problem-solving agenda is outlined for the PETE professorate, with emphasis on critical issues such as (a) governance and control of teacher education, (b) the proper location of PETE units at educational institutions, (c) regional networks of research universities, undergraduate colleges, and local school districts, (d) faculty competence and differential graduate orientations, (e) the shortage of exemplary teachers and teaching in physical education, (f) recruitment of bright graduate students for PETE, and (g) cultivation of a knowledge base to support practice and research in pedagogical physical education. In addition, the paper reports on a new generation of scholars at work, for over a decade, to increase PETE'S credibility with other physical education disciplines as well as the generic teacher education enterprise.  相似文献   

There has been a limited interest in examining physical education teacher educators’ role and practices in embedding professional responsibility and commitment to continued professional learning for both teacher educators and pre-service teachers in a physical education teacher education (PETE) program (MacPhail, 2011) Directed by a landscape of community of practice (CoP) as professional development (Parker, Patton &; Tannehill, 2012), this article shares four case studies that demonstrate the extent to which PETE learning can be mapped onto the landscape. In essence, a CoP is sustained over time, involves shared member goals, involves frequent discourse, is active and social, and is characterized by problems being solved by the members. The ideas in this article in tandem with Wenger's (1998) CoP process can encourage teacher educators to consider whether opportunities undertaken in a PETE program, and with colleagues external to the PETE program, encourage an authentic CoP.  相似文献   

Data show that 46% of all teachers in public schools will leave the profession within their first 5 years of teaching (Ingersoll, 2003). These data refer to teachers from all disciplines including physical education. To address these problems school districts have developed teacher induction programs that show promising results. Our literature search revealed a range of teacher induction studies based on the general population of teachers, but limited information exists specific to physical education teacher induction programs. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine major issues surrounding teacher shortages and retention, to illustrate how school districts have addressed these problems through teacher induction programs, and to determine implications for the field of physical education. In addition, recommendations are provided for bridging physical education teaching licensure programs with teacher induction.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and ally (LGBTQQIAA) students are not commonly discussed in teacher education programs. Issues related to LGBTQQIAA learners need to be addressed in schools and in teacher education programs. Extant research shows that LGBTQQIAA students often face hostile school climates, with few resources and little support, which can lead to higher levels of absence and truancy, lower levels of academic achievement, and numerous negative health outcomes. This article uses autoethnographic methods to examine the experiences of an activist group working with preservice teachers, teacher educators, and other social justice advocates on a long-term service project for undergraduate teacher candidates aimed at increasing recognition of and giving voice to K—12 LGBTQQIAA students' experiences. Issues related to agency and resistance are addressed, and implications for teacher preparation programs are discussed.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、问卷调查、座谈等研究方法,对郴州市11个县(市、区)的40所学校体育场地的开放情况进行调查,结果表明:学校体育场地设施在保证正常的教学前提下,课余时间向本校学生和周边广大居民开放,使之发挥更大的作用,从而可以缓解全民健身活动中体育场地设施不足的矛盾,促进学校体育和社会体育和谐发展.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provoke thought and hopefully stimulate action in physical educators in relation to moral education through physical education. A brief overview of three moral education programs in public schools serves to enlighten the reader concerning the possibilities for such development. Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental approach to moral education is discussed in greater depth since the author recommends this model as the foundation for moral education programs in physical education. A review of cognitive-developmental moral research culminates in the establishment of three guiding principles related to (a) nature of moral dilemmas, (h) nature of the environment, and (c) role of the teacher. An application of Kohlbergian techniques to physical education is discussed in relation to the three guiding principles. The paper concludes with an appeal to physical educators for greater concern and involvement with this long-standing goal of physical education for moral (character) development by the implementation of programs in the gymnasium classroom and in teacher education programs with concurrent research to support such programs.  相似文献   

American schools, especially their physical education and sport programs, provide some of the most hostile social geographies in all of society for gay youth. With the aim of transforming schools toward more democratic and sexuality sensitive institutions, this paper reviews the literature on sexuality and education. In the review, three themes, critical for educators pursuing sexuality sensitive change in schools, are presented. These themes include the following: cultural experiences of gay and lesbian youth in the home, community, and school; consequences of sexuality-based victimization; and the role that physical education teachers and sport coaches can play in fostering sexuality sensitive schooling.  相似文献   

Black and Latino students and the educators who serve as their advocates must be resilient in a highly contentious and racialized public education system. Modeling resilience in the public education system relies on individual assets and the extent to which one’s school possesses the resources and support needed to cultivate such assets. This study used interviews and site observations to explore the degree to which educators and students model resilience in an alternative education program. Findings suggest educators engage a sense of agency when they advocate for inclusion of Black and Latino students. In addition, an alternative education context can provide resources and cultivate strong relationships, a sense of self-efficacy and future orientation among educators and students. These findings highlight the assets educators and advocates need and the programs required to promote resilience in the public education system.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):416-433

The increasing diversity of the K-12 student population presents challenges and opportunities for growth in the physical education profession. To address the cultural gap in today’s classroom, many people highlight the need to improve the intercultural competence of teachers. The focus of this article is to summarize the shifting demographics of American society, its impact on K-12 education, and how one California physical education teacher education (PETE) program is preparing pre-service teachers for the multicultural classroom. The article also outlines recommendations for PETE programs to address intercultural competence.  相似文献   

School-level administrative support has been identified as an essential component of programs that promote research to practice. In this discussion, I address the critical role that school leaders play in supporting special educators and ensuring effective instruction for students with learning disabilities. Emphasis is placed on the need for teachers to be supported by administrators who are knowledgeable about special education and for administrators to receive the preparation and guidance they require to support science in contemporary schools.  相似文献   

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