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In a study of the compensation of over 600 college and university presidents, both individual characteristics (tenure in the position, gender, and whether or not the person was hired from inside) and institutional characteristics (size, resources, university type, and form of control) were found to predict salary. In private institutions, size, resources, and type (university, four-year college, two-year college) had more effect on salary than in public colleges and universities. There is evidence that over the period from 1978 to 1983, salaries increased more in private organizations, and the link between level of resources and compensation increased in public colleges. The results, taken as a whole, are consistent both with functional theories of compensation as well as with perspectives that emphasize the attribution of effectiveness to leaders.  相似文献   

In Western Europe, especially in Germany, private higher education is generally perceived as an alternative to public higher education for students from relatively affluent families; more broadly, there is a general perception that attending a private higher education institution is correlated to wealth. This perception is influenced by private higher education in the US, which is the world's most visible private system, but also probably the most atypical. In this article, we will analyse the relationship between private higher education attainment and the wealth of nations as reflected by their per capita GDP. We will try to relate the indicators in models that use cross-sectional transnational data as well as time series analysis for four contrasting countries (Chile, Germany, Romania, and the US). We will address two questions: (1) do wealthier nations have a higher percentage of enrolment in private higher education? and (2) does enrolment in private higher education grow with economic growth? Our analysis shows that a simple general relationship between enrolment in private higher education and the wealth of nations does not exist.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of the public university in Kenya as a key provider of private higher education, characterised mainly by the phenomenon of the “private public university student.” It probes the broader socio-economic reforms circumscribing the privatisation of Kenya's public universities and the local and global forces responsible for these reforms. From the enrolment patterns of Kenya's public universities, where state-subsidised students are becoming a diminishing minority and where a range of exclusive programmes for private students (mainly taught in the evenings) are a growing trend, it may be argued that a new kind of private university is emerging; namely, private universities owned by public universities.  相似文献   

Using data from the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03) of College Graduates, we use structural equation modeling to model the relationships between college major, values held in college, collegiate community service participation, and the post-college political participation of college graduates by public versus private institutions. We use Holland’s Theory of person-environment fit as lens to understand differences in political participation across majors and institutional contexts. Over a 10-year period immediately after receiving the baccalaureate, we find that choice of major and individual values are differentially associated with post-college political participation for private institution graduates when compared to the counterparts at public institutions. We relate our findings to extant literature that highlights the differences in institutional characteristics between public and private colleges and socialization patterns of undergraduates that may inform differences in post-college political participation. Implications for future research are also offered.  相似文献   

Many college students receiving accommodations for specific learning disability (SLD) do not meet objective criteria for the disorder. Furthermore, whether students meet criteria depends on the diagnostic decision model used by their clinician. The authors examined whether the relationship between diagnostic model and likelihood of meeting objective criteria is moderated by students' postsecondary institution. They administered a comprehensive psychoeducational battery to 98 undergraduates receiving accommodations for SLD at 2-year public colleges, 4-year public universities, and 4-year private colleges. Most 4-year public university students failed to meet objective criteria for SLD. In contrast, most 4-year private college students met objective criteria based on significant ability-achievement discrepancies, and most 2-year public college students met objective criteria based on normative deficits in achievement and cognitive processing. Students who met objective criteria also differed significantly in degree of academic impairment. The authors' findings indicate qualitative differences in SLD across postsecondary settings and have implications for the identification and mitigation of SLD in college students.  相似文献   


Two studies of the economic impact of the college on the community were conducted at two very different colleges in Alabama. The method employed at a private, predominantly black, four-year accredited liberal arts college also included an investigation of the human development impact of the college on the community, which was not investigated at the other college, a public, predominantly white, two-year accredited junior college. The findings from both studies suggest that the most meaningful impact studies should try to measure and consider human as well as economic factors.  相似文献   

我国民办高等院校毕业人数庞大,承担着巨大的就业压力,是当前社会存在的不稳定因素之一。革新人才培养模式,加强和改进对民办高校学生的就业指导、就业管理,提高毕业生的就业竞争力,培养能适应社会、符合岗位、满足人才需要的毕业生,是当前十分重要而紧迫的课题。  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) from selected Midwest colleges and universities participated in a study to determine the differences between LD programs at community colleges and four-year institutions; the level of satisfaction with college LD programming; and the services most important to students. Focus groups were held at five institutions including two community colleges, two independent institutions, and one public university. Focus group participants included male and female students aged 16 to 56 years and enrolled in freshmen through graduate levels. The literature suggests that the focus of LD programs and the types of services vary between two-year and four-year institutions due to differences in missions and the characteristics of the students served. However, results from the data in the present study reveal that the types of LD services offered among the institutions participating in the research were quite similar, but the quality of services varied. Students at the large public university had difficulty getting note takers, books on tape and tutors, and obtaining adequate assistance from LD staff. Participants from the smaller community colleges and private colleges and universities considered the smallness of their institutions to be a benefit. The LD program was easily accessible and LD staff were always available. Although the participants in the study who had received LD services in high school believed the services at their college or university were comparable or better, existing programs need to be evaluated to identify services in need of improvement.  相似文献   

The relationship between key state policy variables — (1) relative (private–public) tuition prices, (2) state student-aid funding, and (3) public institution density — and the competitive position of private colleges and universities is examined. Elite private schools are found to be nearly impervious to state policy. Large and moderately selective private institutions are adversely affected by public institution density and low public prices. Such prices divert students who would otherwise prefer these private institutions to similar public schools. State student aid funding most affects the enrollment market shares of the small, low-selectivity private colleges enrolling the greatest proportions of minority and modest-income students. The findings suggest state policies in this era of strong demand for higher education and constrained public sector capacity should use price signals (student aid and public institution pricing) to encourage students to consider seriously whether private higher education might serve their needs as well as or better than public institutions.  相似文献   

Students at America’s most renowned private universities face different acceptance rates, college wealth, class sizes, and potential graduate earnings even in comparison with students at the nation’s highest-ranking public institutions. The analyses that led to these findings frequently focused on national or state-wide comparisons of public versus private universities. This paper contrasts these studies by analysing a fixed group of colleges, those regularly listed in the global top 50 of research and reputation rankings. It argues that even within this small subset of colleges, the highest-ranking public universities have more in common with their similarly positioned private counterparts than with lower ranking public institutions; a finding reflected in assessments of private colleges. Subsequently, the paper finds that student experiences are more likely defined by a college’s reputational rank than by an institution’s public or private status, endowment, or acceptance rates, however, the same was found not to be true of potential graduate earnings.  相似文献   

深化办学体制改革 探索高等教育的新途径.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校二级学院是近几年兴起的一种新型办学模式,是国家实现高等教育大众化的重要途径.二级学院办学体制的实质就是利用原国有高校多年办学中积淀的无形有形资产,采用国家对民办高校的优惠政策,采取民办高校的办学运作机制,独立于母体高校的自主办学形式.因而这种办学体制具有办学起点高、见效快、易上规模、上档次等优势,因而集中体现了公立大学与民办大学的双重特点,是一种全新的办学形式.  相似文献   


One of the biggest forces in primary and secondary education today is the home schooling movement–parents opting to forego sending their children to public or private schools in order to teach them themselves in their own home. As this movement grows, more and more students entering higher education will have been home schooled. This is becoming a market segment that many colleges and universities cannot afford to ignore. The current paper reviews the research which has been conducted on home schooling to answer four questions of importance to college or university officials as they contemplate targeting this group: (1) why do parents home school? (2) what are the characteristics of home schoolers? (3) would home schoolers make good college students? and (4) how could a college or university effectively reach out to home schoolers? By answering these four questions, college and university officials can better decide whether or not they should target home schooled students and, if they do, how to best reach these students.  相似文献   

独立学院合法性起源于母体高校的"魅力"和教育环境的危机,它拥有经验主义和规范主义双重路向的合法化来源。虽然它从一诞生就持续地进行着后天的合法性建构,但是仍难以摆脱合法性危机。具体表现在:价值目标与教育应然价值间的紧张,与母体高校和投资方之间的必然的矛盾性,制度设计的缺失,对民办高等教育的冲击等。独立学院必须持续地寻求规范化,更加努力地进行合法性建构,其合法化有四条途径可选。一是,独立成为普通民办高校;二是,回归母体高校或二者整合形成战略联盟;三是,与其他民办高校甚至公办转制高校合并;四是,合并组建综合性的民办大学。在现实中第一条道路正成为主导的选择。  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate wide variation in the effect of occupational sex segregation on the job satisfaction of women college graduates employed in public and private organizations. Women employed in sex-balanced and male- and female-dominated occupations in the public sector have comparable levels of job satisfaction. In private firms, however, women college graduates employed in sex-balanced careers are more satisfied with theintrinsic andoverall nature of their jobs than those employed in female-dominated occupations, and those in female-dominated jobs are more satisfied with theextrinsic nature of their careers than women in male-dominated jobs. The implications of these findings for those who conduct research on the career consequences of women employed in sex-dominated career fields and for college officials responsible for the educational and professional development of women college students are discussed.  相似文献   

根据对长沙市岳麓区大学城实地考察和对大学生消费群体的问卷调查结果,分析了高校密集区学生消费者对大学城内商业街的利用特点和状况,找出了大学生独有的消费特点,得出了出行时间、距离成为制约其消费地点选择的主要因素的结论。指出,这一结论应成为大学城规划建设中注意的环节。  相似文献   

Ontario, a province located in central Canada, has a population of over 8 million people. Although the total area of the province is over 400,000 square miles (over I million square kilometres), the overwhelming majority of the population lives in southern Ontario, which includes less than one-third of the area of the province.The Ontario school system offers elementary and secondary education to all children and young persons able to profit from instruction. The school programme covers kindergarten, eight years of elementary instruction, and five years of secondary school. Compulsory school attendance has been enforced since 1870. At present the age of compulsory attendance is 6 to 16; kindergarten is voluntary at the age of 5, but nearly all children of this age are enrolled. Since the second half of the 1960s, junior kindergarten is being offered in many schools, and by 1974 the percentage of Ontario's 4-year-olds enrolled in junior kindergarten was 33 per cent. As far as the secondary school is concerned, in 1974/75 the net enrolment rate1 of persons age 16 was 87 per cent; of age 17, 69 per cent; and of 18, 34 per cent.The post-secondary educational system consists primarily of two major components: community colleges with over ninety compuses serving all the major economic regions of Ontario; and universities.The community colleges were introduced in the 1960s with the main purpose of providing joboriented programmes beyond the secondary level for high-school graduates who require post-secondary training and education other than university. They also offer programmes to meet the educational needs of adults and out-of-school youth, whether or not they are secondary-school graduates.In 1975/76 the post-secondary enrolment of full-time students in community colleges was about 60,000, and in universities about 160,000. However, the number of part-time credit students enrolled in colleges considerably exceeds full-time enrolment, while the number of part-time university students reached 75,000. In addition, many hundreds of thousands of adults participate in non-formal learning opportunities offered by the colleges and universities, as well as by a great variety of other organizations, such as the local school board, social, community and cultural organizations, municipal authorities, private schools, sports and interest clubs, etc. author of numerous educational films, television programmes and publications, among others, Broadcasting for Adult Education: A Guidebook to World-wide Experience (Unesco Press).  相似文献   

民办二级学院既区别于独立设置的民办高校,又有别于普通二级学院,是“公有”优势和“民办”活力相结合的办学形式。民办二级学院的发展动力在于制度创新。办好民办二级学院必须正确认识和处理好筹资收费与制度创新、教学质量与办学效益、依托母体与相对自主、校内资源与校外资源等方面的关系。民办二级学院是目前高校适应市场经济改革的一种发展形式,长远地看也是一个过渡形式。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对福建省公办和民办高等职业院校的体育学科建设的现状进行比较,结果发现:公办院校数量多于民办院校,生源数量高于民办院校;师资配备优于民办院校;教学管理规范略优于民办院校;课题立项和学术论文大幅度领先于民办院校;课程设置方面较为接近;民办院校场馆的"生均面积"大于公办院校.  相似文献   

目前,从高校学生资助政策层面上看,民办高校与公办高校学生基本相同。但调查研究表明,民办高校学生的资助水平低于公办高校。为此应在三个方面进行努力:首先,在奖、助资金分配过程中,应当转变观念,实现资金分配的公平、公正和透明化;其次,应加大对民办高校的监管力度,确保政府颁布的各项政策在民办高校得以落实;再次,探索在现有的政策框架之外,对民办高校学生给予特别学费资助。  相似文献   

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