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作为第二代认知科学核心的具身认知观打破了经典认知科学中的二元论和天赋论传统,认为人类心智是基于身体且源于身体,人类认知是在身体与客观世界的互动基础上形成的。作为一种全新的认知范式,具身认知观对扬心抑身的传统教育理念提出了巨大挑战,在此理论关照下,从"离身"学习向"具身"学习的转向已日趋明晰。作为一种教育活动,英语教师培训有其自身特点,实现学习者身体的回归进而实现身心融合的学习能更好地促进学习者主动、深入、全面的认知,最终实现学习者完整、可持续的发展。  相似文献   

根据具身认知,人的思维和身体是不能分离的,在学习过程中身体运动会促进学习;相关研究也证实了学习与具身相关。在具身认知的指导下进行教学,如在动态视频中加入手势或动作、创建3D虚拟环境、使用体感交互技术等,可以提高教学效果。文章认为,学习应该基于所学知识的具体情境之中,个人应与环境建立联系,努力将技术应用于教学,并将虚拟的学习空间与现实世界有机结合起来,以提供一个供学习者参与实践的个性化的高互动学习世界。  相似文献   

文章从具身认知的视角入手,首先分析了"品德与社会"课程的现状,提出品德课程的开设要将具身认知与深度学习结合起来;随后,文章分析了基于具身认知的深度学习,并探讨了相关原则;最后,文章从学习空间设计、学习对象设计、学习轨道设计、学习互动启发、内容文图转换、情境具身模拟等方面,在品德课程中进行了基于具身认知的深度学习设计,并以小学四年级品德课程中"不同的交通运输方式"一章为例进行了案例分析。文章表明具身认知论、信息技术和思品课堂深度融合能产生良好效果。  相似文献   

具身认知是认知科学一个新的研究取向,也是物理教学发展的新方向,其核心在于强调身体的认知功能,认为认知、身体和环境是动态互动的。在此基础上,文章基于具身认知理论,对课堂设计提出了四点教学策略,为物理教学设计和具身认知理论相结合提供启发,以此引起物理教育教学对具身学习理论的关注,有效培养学生的物理科学素养。  相似文献   

认知的本质是一种身体经验。具身认知理论强调身心合一,主张把认知放到实际生活中去,为社区教育提供了新思路、新方法。社区教育是地域文化教育的依托和载体。通过对具身学习理论内涵的分析,提出身体、环境等因素是影响认知学习的重要因素。教育环境的开放性、教育内容的生活化、教育方式的体验性、教育评价的激励性等社区教育策略,有利于学习者深度参与社区教育,促进优秀地域文化的传承发扬和文化经济的融合发展。  相似文献   

具身认知理论认为,人是通过身体与世界的互动以及身体对客观世界的作用而产生知觉和认识世界的。基于具身认知视角的作文教学,强调的是环境的创设对学习者认知的影响,调动学习者基于身体各感知器官加工信息的能力对写作的积极性。在作文教学中,教师要善于利用具身认知理论知识来激发学生的写作兴趣。  相似文献   

具身认知揭示了传统认知的重要缺陷——对个体身体的忽视,突出了认知的涉身性、体验性与环境性特点。根据具身认知生成的路径,可以分为实感具身、实境具身和离线具身。此为教学带来新的启示:从纯粹大脑认知的传统教学转到身心投入的主动体验式学习,师生互动的身心融合为生成式学习达成了路径,情境教学则为加强身心体验的重要教学方式,消除对学生和教师身体束缚的负性具身效应。具身认知观还为教育教学评估提供了体验性、参与性与生成性的评估思路。  相似文献   

董芬 《教育导刊》2013,(12):19-21
教学改革的本质是处理好身体与心智的关系。当前课堂教学依然存在着身与心相分离的状况。作为当代认知新转向和新发展的具身认知,其核心观点是认知基于身体,身体与认知密切相关,它对身心分离的课堂教学具有重要的教学意义。文章从具身认知理论出发,提出具身性教学策略:构建具身认知的动力环境;知识学习的具身认知;情感态度价值观的具身感受与领悟。具身性课堂教学的转变将促进课堂教学改革的深入发展。  相似文献   

为了清楚掌握我国具身认知研究的热点与趋势,文章以2006-2020年中国知网(CNKI)数据库中的文献资料作为研究对象,利用CiteSpace软件对文献的研究主体、关键词等进行可视化分析。研究发现,具身认知的研究热点主要集中于具身认知理论研究、概念隐喻等主题;研究前沿则包括具身学习、学习环境以及虚拟现实等主题;研究进程:从整体演进视角看,具身认知从认知科学领域向教育学领域演进;从分布式演进视角看,具身认知从单一取向到多元取向演进。在此基础上,文章对未来具身认知研究做出展望:(1)以系统论视角审视具身认知,准确把握具身认知的本质内涵;(2)以混合现实的人工智能技术构建学习环境,实现具身交互的身体体验;(3)以多学科视域拓宽应用范围,促进具身认知的多元化发展。  相似文献   

具身认知主张身体的知觉是行为产生的基础,认知是具体的个体在实时的环境中产生的。在关于世界、心智、知识和认知等多个方面,具身认知与客观主义和建构主义在范式上都呈现出很大不同。由于抓住了具身性这一核心特性,具身认知发现了一条与客观主义和建构主义两种关于现实的极端观点之间的中间道路,对以往的理论具有更大的包容性和扩充性。具身认知对于我们理解学习,明确一切教育实践的出发点具有深刻而巨大的意义,也为更具包容性的贯一教学设计提供了可能的认识论基础。同时,具身认知对于开展与教学活动并行的教学设计,设计整合了物理、生物与电子媒介的"认知系统"环境,对于促进学习具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

The disembodiment of cognitive science has resulted in curricula with disembodied concepts and practice. The emergence of the embodied cognitive science provoked public reflections on the nature of the curriculum. This has elevated the body from the ‘peripheral’ position to the ‘central’ position, acting as the subject in action and becoming the bridge to experience transformations. Meanwhile, the nurturing role of the environment for the mind is attracting increasingly more attention, and the environment, the body, and the mind jointly constitute a dynamic system that prompts the transformation and restructuring of learners’ experience. The reshaping of the relationship between the body and education and the integration of physical experience and mind-building have led us to examine curriculum from a completely new perspective, and curriculum construction is thus transformed to the dynamic generation of interaction among the body, the mind, and the environment based on group experiences. To be precise, there are three basic dimensions in the construction of an embodied curriculum: (1) returning to the life-world and promoting the integration of the curriculum narrative framework and the student’s learning trajectory; (2) introducing the embodied experience and realizing the continuous interactions among the learner’s body, mind, and environment; and (3) integrating the functions of technologies to provide a powerful mediating tool for the construction of embodied curriculum.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,传统课堂逐渐趋向于一个充满技术和更加人本化的泛在学习空间,未来课堂概念应运而生。目前对于未来课堂的研究主要侧重于对未来课堂的空间设计、技术应用、特点特性等方面的研究,还缺乏与未来课堂特性相应的教与学方式及教学模式的系统研究。开展具有前瞻性的未来课堂教学设计有利于推动未来课堂实践。教学设计中隐含着关于认知和学习的理论。虽然传统认知观对教师主导的,以传授客观知识为主要目的的传统课堂教学设计做出了重要贡献,但是其作为面向学习者主动建构知识和实现意义理解的教学设计的理论基础不再是充分的。当代认知理论研究已完成了由离身到具身的范式转型。具身认知理论强调身体在认知过程中的关键作用及认知、身体与环境交互的重要性。基于具身认知的视角,未来课堂的教学设计不再仅仅是提供具体的可操作性步骤,而是为在教学中产生更多的可能性而做好准备,其具有学习内容的情境性、学习环境的无意识性、教学目标的生成性、教学过程的动态性以及学习活动的体验性等特性。  相似文献   

在推进教育现代化进程中,人的因素具有举足轻重的地位。要实现人的成长,学习的意义非凡。受到主观因素与客观因素的影响,个体在学习过程中存在着阻抗现象,表现为“非学习”状态。具身认知强调学习者的心智、身体、大脑与环境四位一体,在具身认知视角观照下,沉浸式学习的主体表现出身心合一、自我导向、自得其乐、知情相契、最优体验等特征。产生学习意愿,炼制合宜之知,设计任务活动,创设达化之境,提供沉浸式学习范例,五个方面综合作用有助于沉浸式学习的发生,从而促使越来越多的学习主体由终身学习发展为终身热爱学习进而实现终身成长,为建设学习强国提供人的要素支撑。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing use of portable tablets in learning, their impact has received little attention in research. In five different projects, this media-ethnographic and design-based analysis of the use of portable tablets as a learning resource in science museums investigates how young people’s learning with portable tablets matches the intentions of the museums. By applying media and information literacy (MIL) components as analytical dimensions, a pattern of discrepancies between young people’s expectations, their actual learning and the museums’ approaches to framing such learning is identified. It is argued that, paradoxically, museums’ decisions to innovate by introducing new technologies, such as portable tablets, and new pedagogies to support them conflict with many young people’s traditional ideas of museums and learning. The assessment of the implications of museums’ integration of portable tablets indicates that in making pedagogical transformations to accommodate new technologies, museums risk opposing didactic intention if pedagogies do not sufficiently attend to young learners’ systemic expectations to learning and to their expectations to the digital experience influenced by their leisure use.  相似文献   

Science museums, science centers, zoos, and aquariums (MCZAs) constitute major settings of science learning with unique characteristics of informal science education. Emphasis will be given to the analysis of four specific characteristics of MCZAs that seem relevant for educational research and practice, namely, conditions of mixed motives and goals, staged popular science, and impact of physical layout, as well as the role of social exchange and participation. By doing so, we focus on the consequences of these characteristics for the learning processes and outcomes of visits of MCZAs. We show that outcomes encompass not only knowledge acquisition in a narrower sense but also changes in interest and beliefs.  相似文献   

Research from brain science and the learning sciences support the notion that human cognition is grounded in our sensorimotor engagement with the physical world and that processes of learning can be shaped by our movements and actions. Increasing recognition that effective educational interventions can be seeded with embodied actions is paralleled by recent and rapid advances in sensing and motion capture technologies. These advances allow for a new wave of cyberlearning environments that permit learners to use their bodies to create and manipulate digital representations of core ideas in a variety of learning domains. Drawing on the research literature on embodied cognition and design principles for creating effective embodied educational simulations, we present the design of a cyberlearning platform called ELASTIC3S. We describe the design rationale and preliminary data from a small empirical study of the ELASTIC3S platform that address the potential for enhancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning and engagement through embodied interaction.  相似文献   

伴随着移动互联网+、扩展现实(XR)、泛在智能、大数据、5G、全息与传感等新技术的飞速发展,极大地赋能了人类的学习、工作与生活方式,沉浸式体验已越来越受到重视与应用。尤其在教育领域,沉浸式体验所具有的无边界、交互性、愉悦性、具身性等特征,创造出了更优质的学习空间,学习者可进行各种模拟体验,为其主动投入学习、提升认知、培养移情与关联能力等提供可能。沉浸式体验是由技术、内容、交互三大机制相互作用所共同构成“境身合一”般的场景与感官感受。这种境身合一的沉浸式学习体验,不仅可应用于认知领域、动作技能领域与情感领域的教与学;也可用于培养学习者的创新性思维和想象力,还可从游戏化智慧学习、XR+CPS仿真实验室、泛在协作学习场域、全域学习生态链、沉浸式群体探究学习和高自由度生成叙事学习空间等方面,进一步赋能AI+沉浸式学习新场域。  相似文献   

Theatre is often introduced into science museums to enhance visitor experience. While learning in museums exhibitions received considerable research attention, learning from museum theatre has not. The goal of this exploratory study was to investigate the potential educational role of a science museum theatre play. The study aimed to investigate (1) cognitive learning outcomes of the play, (2) how these outcomes interact with different viewing contexts and (3) experiential learning outcomes through the theatrical experience. The play ‘Robot and I’, addressing principles in robotics, was commissioned by a science museum. Data consisted of 391 questionnaires and interviews with 47 children and 20 parents. Findings indicate that explicit but not implicit learning goals were decoded successfully. There was little synergy between learning outcomes of the play and an exhibition on robotics, demonstrating the effect of two different physical contexts. Interview data revealed that prior knowledge, experience and interest played a major role in children’s understanding of the play. Analysis of the theatrical experience showed that despite strong identification with the child protagonist, children often doubted the protagonist’s knowledge jeopardizing integration of scientific content. The study extends the empirical knowledge and theoretical thinking on museum theatre to better support claims of its virtues and respond to their criticism.  相似文献   

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