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随着信息技术的发展,翻转课堂教学模式逐渐被应用于各个学科的教学中。翻转课堂教学模式对于提高学生自主学习能力、培养实践能力和激发创新意识具有重要作用。基于电气自动化技术专业课程,探讨了翻转课堂教学模式在该领域中的应用实践。通过对翻转课堂的概念和特点进行介绍,并结合电气自动化技术专业的特点,分析了翻转课堂教学模式在该专业课程中的可行性和优势。在实践过程中,采用了在线视频教学、自主学习和课堂互动等方式,提高了学生主动参与和学习的效果。  相似文献   

翻转课堂作为现在信息技术环境下的一种新型的教学模式,已经受到很多教育者的关注。本文以《微积分》课程教学实践为例,对翻转课堂教学模式进行了初探,并分析了翻转课堂教学模式在提高学生的自主学习能力和学习效率方面的意义。  相似文献   

在高中信息技术教学中引入翻转课堂教学方式,可以突出学生的主体学习地位,实践新课改倡导的自主、探究、合作的学习理念。本文就如何在高中信息技术教学中引入翻转课堂教学方式,培养学生的自主学习能力提出一些可行性措施。  相似文献   

文章从自主学习、合作学习、检测拓展三个方面进行了信息技术条件下的翻转课堂教学应用模式实践和探索,形成了翻转课堂"三步八环节"教学应用模式,实现了对翻转课堂教学的有效运用,提升了课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化素质教育改革工作的不断完善和进步,各种现代化教学思想逐步在教学实践中普及开来。信息技术教学是高中课程教学的重要组成部分,不仅是丰富学生课程学习的一种形式,同时也是提高学生现代化信息技术能力的重要途径。翻转课堂教学理念在高中信息技术教学中的应用不仅顺应了新课程教育改革工作的要求,同时对提升学生自主学习能力和信息技术专业素养有着关键的促进作用。本文立足高中信息技术教学实践,首先简要概述了翻转课堂理念的相关特征和教学优势,并在此基础上结合教学经验,简要分析了翻转课堂理念下的高中信息技术教学策略,旨在分享教学经验,促进高中信息技术课程教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

随着互联网信息技术在有机化学教学中的实践与应用,其创新的教学模式也悄然兴起。翻转课堂是采用信息技术对传统教学模式的有效翻转,是近年发展起来的一种新型教学模式。本文探讨了目前有机化学教学中存在的一些问题,研究了有机化学教学中采用翻转课堂教学的意义及取得的初步效果。该教学模式能提高课堂教学质量,全面培养学生自主求知的驱动力,有利于实现有机化学教育信息化的跨跃式发展。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展,推动着教育信息化的步伐,翻转课堂在这过程中应运而生。文章在建构主义学习理论研究的基础上,阐述了翻转课堂的内涵,分析了翻转课堂相较于传统课堂教学设计的特点,构建了翻转课堂教学模型,并根据此教学模型,以《JAVA程序设计》课程为例,着重从课程背景分析、学习资源设计、教学活动设计、学习环境设计四个方面进行了详细的教学设计,通过具体的教学实践,进一步突出翻转课堂相对于传统课堂的优势作用。  相似文献   

在高中信息技术学科的教学活动中,翻转课堂教学模式能够与多项教学目标和内容相匹配,还能够充分提升高中生的信息素养以及信息技术应用能力。在翻转课堂中,能够将各个关键教学阶段中的重点活动形式进行深化设计,还能够培养高中生的自主探究学习能力。本文将主要研究和探讨翻转课堂在高中信息技术教学中的实际应用策略。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是一种新型的教学形态,结合翻转课堂的实践开展,教师主要通过视频录制让学生提前或者利用课余参与知识教学和讲解,全面提升信息技术课堂教学的有效性。本文从四个方面阐述了翻转课堂在高中信息技术课堂中的运用研究:更新观念,具备信息意识;适用为主,结合学科课型;创建资源,抓住翻转关键;延伸拓展,实践自主学习。  相似文献   

在翻转课堂教学模式基础上,我们提出了一种适合中学教育的师生合作教学新模式。这种教学模式根据中学生具有一定的自主学习能力,要求课前自主学习教师精心准备的纸质材料,课堂上教师主要进行答疑和核心概念的教学。通过对学生学习成绩和学习兴趣的检测,实践结果表明教学效果良好。  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is an instructional model which allows for more advanced learning activities during in-class time while introduces subject knowledge to students prior to class. To address a gap in the recent research regarding higher education instructors’ experiences, perceptions and adoption decisions of the flipped classroom instruction, this study aimed at investigating the critical factors which were predictive of a higher education instructor’s decision to adopt a flipped classroom instructional model through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multiple regression in a US university. The results revealed that performance expectancy and technology self-efficacy were significant predictors. Although facilitation condition was significantly correlated with instructors’ adoption decisions, it was not a significant predictor. This study suggests that in order to improve higher education instructors’ adoption decisions of the flipped classroom and other active learning instructional models, it is of priority for institutions to remove the internal barriers to instructors’ adoption decisions of these instructional models, such as improving their performance expectancy and technology self-efficacy.  相似文献   

翻转课堂是指学生能在课前利用互联网、电子信息技术等手段自主学习,课堂上与教师、同学互相探讨合作交流解决疑问的新型教学方式。信息时代,翻转课堂在教学中的应用场景越来越丰富,本文以初中数学教学为例,阐述开展翻转课堂教学的必要性,并就如何在数学教学中使用翻转课堂辅助课程教学表达几点看法。  相似文献   

Flipped classroom refers to an instructional approach in which students study educational videos at home and do homework assignments in class. The present study aims to compare flipped classroom with other forms of video-based instruction and determine which types of students benefit most from video-based instruction. Thirty-eight EFL school classes with 848 ninth-grade students took part in a quasi-experimental pre-post-test intervention study over four weeks. Two independent variables were completely crossed resulting in four experimental conditions: video (at home vs. in class) and instructional method (student-centred vs. teacher-centred). Multilevel analysis reveals that all four experimental conditions were equally effective in promoting students’ learning gains. At-risk, average and excellent students profited least from the learning conditions. The study constitutes a first step towards a comprehensive evaluation of flipped classroom by using a better-controlled research design and may contribute to a more objective discussion about the positive effects of flipped classroom.  相似文献   

The educational potentials and challenges of “flipping” a classroom are today well-documented. However, taking into account the contradictory results, literature on the benefits in using the flipped model as a socially inclusive technology-supported instructional design model is still in its infancy. This study seeks to investigate the perceptions of twenty-six (n = 26) trainee instructional media designers based on the access and use of a flipped instructional model, following an exploratory mixed method research with quantitative and qualitative data that was framed by learning concepts. Findings indicate that the flipped model supported really well exercises facilitating trainees’ participation, particularly those with specific reference to gender, age and web-based open educational resources (OER) level of frequency use. Regular recordings of difficulty with long-time content lectures were perceived as the most effective for flipped instructional model use showing that course design matters for knowledge gain. The study results also confirmed the view of flipped classroom as facilitating model for learning activities with trainees to be actively participated and not being passive receivers of the main instructor’s information or observers of other colleagues’ practices and experiments. In this context, which is defined by severe resource constraints and fear of using web-based transactions or sources among lecturers and trainees, the simplicity and accessibility of a flipped model promises a successful adoption for instructional media technology in Higher education.  相似文献   

信息技术与课程有效整合个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合目前中小学信息技术与课程整合的课堂教学情况,分析了信息技术有效介入的课堂在教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法和教学结果这五个方面的新特点,并结合课堂教学实例《生活中的旋转》一课阐述了信息技术环境下“什么样的课是好课”。通过文献研究和实际调查,制定了初步的评价量规。希望通过本文的论述和对本文提出的评价量规的合理使用,能促使教育者真正做到把信息技术有效的整合到课堂中。  相似文献   

While “flipping” a classroom has gained attention in K-12 and Secondary school programs, there has been relatively no explicit focus on its effectiveness as a teaching method for instructional media design courses in Higher Education. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine the effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach to teaching instructional media design subjects by comparing students’ academic performance and training satisfaction in traditional lecture-based instruction with those in a flipped classroom. A total of 128 undergraduate students participated voluntarily and were divided into a control (= 62) and an experimental (= 66) group, respectively. The study findings indicated substantial differences in both academic performance and training satisfaction between the two groups, with the students in the experimental group performing significantly better. Specifically, the results showed some determining factors associated with training satisfaction that explain why students in flipped classes achieved notably higher mastery in the learning objectives than their control group peers. This study adds to the literature by providing evidence on how a flipped classroom can potentially benefit students’ academic performance, leading to higher training satisfaction and deeper disciplinary understanding in instructional media design courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore how technology can be used to teach technological skills and to determine what benefit flipping the classroom might have for students taking an introductory-level college course on spreadsheets in terms of student achievement and satisfaction with the class. A pretest posttest quasi-experimental mixed methods design was utilized to determine any differences in student achievement that might be associated with the instructional approach being used. In addition, the scalability of each approach was evaluated along with students’ perceptions of these approaches to determine the affect each intervention might have on a student’s motivation to learn. The simulation-based instruction tested in this study was found to be an extremely scalable solution but less effective than the regular classroom and flipped classroom approaches in terms of student learning. While students did demonstrate learning gains, the process focus of the simulation’s instruction and assessments frustrated students and decreased their motivation to learn. Students’ attitudes towards the topic, their willingness to refer the course to others, and the likelihood that they would take another course like this were considerably lower than those of students in the flipped or regular classroom situations. The results of this study support the conclusion that a technology enhanced flipped classroom was both effective and scalable; it better facilitated learning than the simulation-based training and students found this approach to be more motivating in that it allowed for greater differentiation of instruction.  相似文献   

近年来,基于信息技术下的翻转课堂教学形式的应用日益广泛,已成为高职教育教学改革的热门话题。微课模式下的翻转课堂实践教学形式顺应了时代的要求,是教学与信息技术有效结合并产生合力的产物。翻转课堂的教学形式通过信息技术平台提供给学生多种形式的学习资源,适应学生不同的学习方式,创造校内、校外学习互动和交流的机会。从实践教学视角,探讨实践教学环节诸多问题。推动基于微课的实践教学模式改革,对应翻转课堂实践教学模式实现的关键点;对应职业知识的社会需求,建立真实的案例题库;对应专业技能素养的培养,实现多元的实践过程。这是深化高职院校实践教学的有效方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to examine the dimensions of junior high school teachers’ readiness for implementing a flipped classroom approach and to construct and validate an instrument—the Flipped-Classroom Teacher Scale (FCTS). Two sets of samples (170 and 495 junior high school teachers) served to explore and confirm the constructs of the FCTS model proposed by this study. The model has been empirically validated via exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis. The research participants were from different geographical locations in Taiwan. The FCTS consists of four factors: institutional support, technology self-efficacy (TSE), teacher beliefs and teaching strategies (TS). The results show that the FCTS model is a valid and reliable scale. Teachers may use the FCTS to gain a greater understanding of their instructional design and strategies in relation to flipped classrooms.  相似文献   

随着人工智能的崛起,信息技术的不断发展,传统的教学模式已不再适应在校大学生的全面发展。文章通过对翻转课堂和MOOC平台资源的研究、探索、运用,针对高校美术学专业课堂教学中存在的问题,建构适合我院美术学专业学生的翻转课堂教学模型,并依此展开课堂教学实验,依据研究结论转变教育观念,以学生为中心,不断革新教育理念和教学方法。  相似文献   

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