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教育的理论与实践相结合是培养社会发展所需求的人才的基本原则。要实现教育发展与社会发展的真正接轨,就必须在教学与实践环境的营造上不断加以创新与研究。结合现代设计教育的理念,提出工作室的教学模式以及对工作室的操作与管理方法,力求创造一个能培养具有学科特色的设计艺术人才的实践环境。  相似文献   

把语言视作一种交际工具、一种思维模式、一种文化实践,即一种行为形式的语言观,使得这门边缘学科能够创造性地继续影响它所吸收养分的人文社会学科。从人类语言学这一视角探讨仪式和语言的关系以及仪式语言的特点,能帮助我们更好地理解语言对于人类的意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the idea of exemplarity in relation to educational research and teacher education. Exemplarity is introduced as an alternative to the paradigm of evidence and ‘what works’, which seems to be omnipresent in educational research at present. The idea of exemplarity relates to the particularity of educational practice. The claim of this article is that we need to skew the dominance of functionalistic studies of education, which focus on skills and solutions to problems, or on providing quick fixes and methods to be applied in practice. I will argue that this tactic shuts down interpretive spaces and gives the teacher an illusion of simplicity and efficacy that connects poorly with the complexities of pedagogical practice. Exemplarity provides a different way of answering the question of ‘what works’, since it does not claim generalisability, but instead offers a path to reflective engagement with the complexities of educational processes. The idea of exemplarity highlights how educators can be invited to lend an ear to practical experience and pedagogical theorising, and through these develop their tact and reflective abilities through exemplars that display pedagogical principles. This, in turn, offers the possibility of retuning one’s practice, and in the scope of this article, retuning educational research itself.  相似文献   

Developing holistic practice through reflection,action and theorising   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article outlines how I, as a primary teacher engaging with a self-study action research process, have come to a deeper understanding of my practice. It explains how I have also come to an understanding of why I work in the way I do; of how this understanding influences my work, and the significance of this new understanding. My work as a teacher frequently includes doing collaborative digital projects with my class. As I engaged in research on my practice, I initially experienced difficulties problematising this work. I struggled to achieve clarity not only with engaging in critical thinking but also with articulating my educational values. I found Mellor’s idea about ‘the struggle’ helpful as he explains how ‘the struggle’ is at the heart of the research process. My new understanding around these collaborative projects emerged in terms of holistic practice; clarifying my ontological values and learning to think critically. I am now generating an educational theory from my practice as I see my work as a process for developing spiritual and holistic approaches to learning and teaching. I conclude by outlining what I perceive to be the significance of my work and its potential implications for education.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a consideration of some important themes dealt with in the paper by Treagust and Duit. These include the relationship between research on conceptual change and educational practice, the significance of emotion and identity in the process of conceptual change, and role of cognitive conflict in motivating change. I then argue that the authors implicitly assert the importance of spoken dialogue as a motor for conceptual change, but do not give it the proper, explicit recognition that it deserves. I first use their own data of transcribed talk to make this point, and then go on to elaborate my case by drawing on other research. Talk amongst students and teacher–student talk are both considered. My conclusion is that while more empirical research is needed to understand how dialogue is involved in conceptual change, available evidence shows very clearly that the role of talk and social interaction is so significant that it cannot be ignored. It is therefore necessary for theoretical accounts to deal with both social (i.e. communicative) and cognitive aspects of conceptual change.
Neil MercerEmail:

A bstract .  In this essay, Gert Biesta provides a critical analysis of the idea of evidence-based practice and the ways in which it has been promoted and implemented in the field of education, focusing on the tension between scientific and democratic control over educational practice and research. Biesta examines three key assumptions of evidence-based education: first, the extent to which educational practice can be compared to the practice of medicine, the field in which evidence-based practice was first developed; second, the role of knowledge in professional actions, with special attention to what kind of epistemology is appropriate for professional practices that wish to be informed by the outcomes of research; and third, the expectations about the practical role of research implicit in the idea of evidence-based education. Biesta concludes that evidence-based practice provides a framework for understanding the role of research in educational practice that not only restricts the scope of decision making to questions about effectivity and effectiveness, but that also restricts the opportunities for participation in educational decision making. He argues that we must expand our views about the interrelations among research, policy, and practice to keep in view education as a thoroughly moral and political practice that requires continuous democratic contestation and deliberation.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Contemporary philosophical and political theories place high hopes on the concept of deliberative democracy. Within educational research, there seems to be widespread agreement that if students are to be educated for deliberative democracy, actual classroom deliberation constitutes an indispensable educational tool. From the standpoint of sociology and social psychology, this assumption seems plausible but unnecessarily vague. In this essay, Wendelin Reich suggests a comprehensive list of educational aims that may be associated with deliberation before reviewing research on the concept of communicative interaction in order to evaluate how deliberation, seen as a specific form of communicative interaction, could live up to its educational aims. From this evaluation Reich deduces that the aims stand in complex and sometimes even contradictory relation to the means for achieving them and to each other. Reich concludes that more empirical research is needed to determine in which forms and contexts deliberation can best contribute to fulfilling the goal of educating democratic citizens.  相似文献   

Drawing on research in several disciplines, I examine recent developments in social and cultural approaches to understanding child development. I argue the case for considering narrative understanding as a key aspect of meaning-making. The implications of this case are discussed in the context of educational research and classroom practice.  相似文献   

The socioeconomic changes that took place in Russia in the 1990s defined both the ideology and practice of educational reform. The answer to the question: ‘Was the educational system democratized?’, is of key importance in evaluating the social outcomes of the educational reforms. In this paper, I discuss three aspects of the problem of inequality in school education in Russia: (a) social stratification and institutional changes in the school system; (b) regional features and inequality in education; and (c) the school as the site of social differentiation. The first and second aspects are concerned with macro tendencies, and I use official statistical data in discussing these. The third aspect has a socio-psychological orientation, and here I draw on material from research undertaken by the Centre of Sociology of Education in the Russian Academy of Education.  相似文献   

教育管理学学科范式是指教育管理领域的社会共同体在进行教育管理研究时所遵循的一定模式。当前教育管理学学科范式现状表现为:支撑教育管理学学科发展的理论基础为人文社会科学相关理论;研究价值取向正由主客二元对立逐步向主客一元统一过渡、理论与实践松散结合;理论知识体系由相互争鸣到渐趋相似,但尚未统一;研究方法正由一维片面逐步向二维互补、多维融合过渡。在"大教育管理学"视野下,教育管理学学科范式将出现如下走向:理论基础将从人文社会科学理论走向复杂科学理论;研究价值取向将从由主客二元对立走向主客一元统一,从理论与实践松散结合走向理论与实践紧密结合;理论知识体系将从相互争鸣走向统一、系统的教育管理理论建构;研究方法将从一维片面走向二维互补、多维融合。  相似文献   


It has become commonplace within the educational research community to invoke the transformative power of education. The call to adopt a ‘transformative’ approach to teaching and learning can be heard in fields as different as adult education and school leadership and as estranged as social justice education and educational psychology. While there is undoubtedly great promise in the idea of transformative education, the fact that it involves deep psychological restructuring on the part of the student requires ethical justification. In this article, I analyze the three most pressing ethical problems that arise within a transformative educational environment: the problems of transformative consent, controversial direction and transformative trauma. In the concluding section, I argue that this ethical analysis urges us to adopt an approach to transformative education as a process of initiation.  相似文献   

The article reviews the social-educational theorization of the early Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky (1896–1934) in the light of the impact of communicative globalization in educational practice. Vygotsky proposed four “genetic domains” for investigating higher cognitive processes: the phylogenetic (humans undergoing natural evolution), the cultural-historical (social activity of humans), the ontogenetic (individual lifespan), and the microgenetic (immediate events). Vygotskian sociocultural theory is widely used in educational research, especially Vygotsky’s notion of mediated development via tools and signs. Since Vygotsky, communicative globalization has transformed educational potentials. Nevertheless, provided adjustments are made to Vygotsky’s genetic method to incorporate time-space compression, the mutual presence of the genetic domains, and the glonacal heuristic, Vygotskian theory continues to be useful in socially-situated investigations of educational development and transformation, and opens another way into the global, for example investigation of the role of global mediation in learning.  相似文献   

教育研究科学取向是教育研究从自在走向自由的自为存在。它通过认知教育世界、引导教育生活、创造教育理论提升自己的价值;借助于问题转化和主客体互动、逻辑自洽和经验证实建构教育理论和关注教育实践。由于固有的“悟性”特质和社会精神使然,中国传统文化明显缺乏科学意识,特别是科学精神。现代中国的教育研究需要倡导和培育科学思维和科学精神,以应对现代性的挑战。这就要求超越以传统道德理想主义的“天人合一”思想,而借助科学的中介实现教育研究“天人合一”之目的。  相似文献   

The concept of community has been central to the discourse of rural education for generations. At the same time, community has been and continues to be a deeply problematic concept. I begin this analysis with Raymond Williams's characterization of the idea of community as a uniquely positive concept, arguing that this framing is, as Williams pointed out, deeply problematic. This paper interrogates the idea of community and looks at the way it has been used historically in rural education as well as some of the ways that it is understood and used in educational, social science, policy, and governance discourses today. In this analysis I draw on the foundational communitarian analysis of American social thinkers Paul Theobald and Robert Putnam as well as on Williams's critical analysis of rurality and community. I argue that effective rural educational policy today needs to problematize the idea of community and develop it in ways that avoids playing into nostalgic and retrogressive notions of the rural. This argument is based on a conception of place that keeps in focus multiple and complex understandings of emerging postproductivist rural spaces.  相似文献   

This article describes how Critical Communicative Methodology (CCM) has been used successfully to analyse educational inequalities in ways that generate real transformation towards social justice. We begin by arguing that educational research today should employ new methodological approaches that can ensure the inclusion of different voices in social science research and the production of knowledge that transforms social exclusion. We then analyse the main epistemological positions of CCM, based on Habermas’ communicative action theory, and explain how it was implemented in the European Union-funded INCLUD-ED project. Finally, we illustrate how INCLUD-ED has had a social and political impact and we argue that research with vulnerable groups, based on the principles of CCM, can generate social and educational transformation.  相似文献   

Several writers have appealed to the literature on communities of practice as a way of thinking about the nature of educational research. In this paper, I look at the benefits and dangers of doing this. There seem to be two main sorts of lesson that have been drawn from this literature, one about research as an activity in its own right, the other about its relationship to educational practice. These ideas certainly suggest some important points about educational research itself, for example countering the notion that it could involve merely following an abstract set of methodological rules derived from the model of natural science. However, there have long been criticisms of this type of naturalism, and so there is a question about whether the literature on communities of practice adds anything distinctive in this respect, for example by comparison with the work of Kuhn in the history and philosophy of science. There is also the issue of whether educational research is a single community of practice, or is a field containing multiple such communities; and whether the literature on communities of practice effectively rules out any attempt at community building as against the organic growth of local cultures. The second strand of argument, this time about the relationship between research and educational practice, is potentially very radical in its implications. Indeed, I will suggest that it threatens to eradicate educational research as a distinctive form of activity. However, it raises some serious questions about the literature on situated learning in communities of practice, concerning the roles of reflection, propositional knowledge and narrative. While not wishing to deny the value of this literature, I conclude that any application of its central ideas to the case of research requires considerable caution.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss the relationship of philosophers and philosophy to teachers and schools using my ESRC funded research into social justice as an example. Drawing on, extending, playing with and finally rejecting Schon's (1983) metaphor of the relationhip of the hard, high ground of theory to the swampy lowlands of practice, I discuss ways of keeping both perspectives in touch with each other. There is a view of educational philosophy that its role is to produce maps for the benefit of those below. I argue that this is unhelpful both to teachers and to philosophers and that philosophy as educational research will only flourish if a means is found to keep communication open about both perspectives.  相似文献   

高校教师住宅区孕含着丰富的教育蕴意,既具有充分利用高校各类资源、扩大师生交流的时间和空间、稳定青年教师队伍等显性功能,又具有提升校园文化品住、为教师子女的成长提供良好的人文环境等隐性功能。高校要有前瞻性的眼光和“以人为本”的办学理念,以社会效益为己任,采取切实措施建设自己的教师住宅区。  相似文献   

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