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为了提高我国基础教育教学水平,清退代课教师已是大势所趋。然而在清退过程中,由于政策相关利益群体与政策制定者存在价值观、社会地位、利益倾向等差异,从而制约着政策实现的范围与程度。能否正确认识与把握教育政策能力限度对教育政策本身的制定与调整、教育政策的执行与结果都起着至关重要的作用。本文从影响清退政策能力限度的各相关利益群体的角度进行分析与反思,以期通过各方努力最终使代课教师清退政策能够最大限度地发挥作用。  相似文献   

常彦 《教育》2009,(21)
从现实层面看,农村中小学代课教师数量大、分布广,清退工作艰难。一是很多代课教师在低待遇情况下把自己最美好的青春献给了农村教育事业,有些代课教师也具备了相当高的教育教学水平,"一刀切"地清退,各地教育主管部门很为难,代课教师们有情绪。  相似文献   

随着"清退"农村代课教师进度的加快,农村代课教师数量逐年下降,这对提高义务教育质量有着十分重要的意义.但"清退"过程中却出现了一系列的问题,如清退方案不完善、不到位、不切合实际;实施中的一刀切、无序、非人性化等现象的存在,等等.以及如何对待由于各种原因还不能清退的代课教师,都值得认真思考并加以解决.坚持短期对策和长期对策双管齐下的方法,标本兼治,使解决农村代课教师的工作有序、有理、有力地进行.  相似文献   

2001年,国务院发布《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》,首次正式提出“坚决辞退不具备教师资格的人员,逐步清退代课人员”的要求,自此开始了全国范围的清退代课教师的工作。然而,随之出台的一系列代课教师清退政策并没有取得理想的效果,在清退过程中产生了许多现实问题。要想妥善处理代课教师问题,我们需要对现行的代课教师清退政策进行反思和调整。  相似文献   

岳伟  刘柳迪 《中国教师》2012,(15):26-28,80
2001年,国务院发布《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》,首次正式提出“坚决辞退不具备教师资格的人员,逐步清退代课人员”的要求,自此开始了全国范围的清退代课教师的工作。然而,随之出台的一系列代课教师清退政策并没有取得理想的效果,在清退过程中产生了许多现实问题。要想妥善处理代课教师问题,我们需要对现行的代课教师清退政策进行反思和调整。  相似文献   

本文从教师基本特征、工作状况、专业发展、福利待遇等方面对湖北省随州市的代课教师进行调查分析,研究发现,代课教师年纪轻,教龄短;学历达标,教学能力过关但工作任务重;收入偏低,获得参加培训的机会少。在不能马上"清退"代课教师又不能弥补"清退"代课教师后的师资缺口的情况下,笔者认为,代课教师还是必要的选择。教育主管部门要改变对他们"素质低下"的刻板印象,明确聘用主体,实行"代转公",提供培训机会等,真正公正、合理、有效地解决代课教师问题。  相似文献   

代课教师的存在由来已久,关于代课教师的政策随着代课教师群体的存在而产生和发展。近年来国家对代课教师采取了清退政策,由此也引发了众多问题,招致社会各界对此强烈关注。通过对近年来有关代课教师问题及其清退政策研究成果的梳理,初步发现在这一领域还存在研究面广但深度不够,缺乏对保护代课教师群体伦理学意义的重视,缺乏对政策制定和执行的立足点的理论论证等问题。因此,从制度伦理的角度分析和考量代课教师政策势必会成为未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

自教育部宣布实施"清退"政策之后,西部农村代课教师这支特殊的教育群体受到了前所未有的关注.文章在对西部农村代课教师存在基础进行客观分析的前提下,提出了解决西部农村代课教师问题的一些建议.  相似文献   

在我国教育发展的特殊时期,代课教师应时而生,代课教师的出现有其历史必然性及现实的合理性。在当前大规模“清退”代课教师之际,我们有必要对这一群体的历史进行一个简单的回顾,并由此反思我们的教育政策在制定、执行过程中的偏差。  相似文献   

随着清退农村代课教师进度的加快,农村代课教师数量逐年下降,这对提高义务教育质量有着十分重要的意义。但清退过程中却出现了一系列的问题,如清退方案不完善、不到位、不切合实际;实施中的一刀切、无序、非人性化等现象的存在,等等。以及如何对待由于各种原因还不能清退的代课教师,都值得认真思考并加以解决。坚持短期对策和长期对策双管齐下的方法,标本兼治,使解决农村代课教师的工作有序、有理、有力地进行。  相似文献   

免费师范生教育政策实施十年来,基础教育师资水平低下、高素质教师匮乏的突出问题得以缓解,但在政策实施过程中,免费师范生违约容易、解约受阻和免费教育实践中相关方矛盾等问题依然存在。通过分析违约事件,厘清违约、解约和矛盾问题并究其成因,进而对免费教育政策进行法理分析,为免费师范生退出机制的建立提供法理依据,对免费师范生退出机制的建立给予实施建议,以便于改进免费师范生教育政策。  相似文献   


In this paper we examine relations between education policy and local practice. Situating our work within the literature on the local implementation of education policy, we develop a pedagogical perspective for understanding relations between policy and local practice. We argue that policy‐makers’ attempts to enact policy can be viewed as a form of teaching and that local educators can be seen as learners from policy. This pedagogical perspective provides a theoretical frame for the papers in this volume. We trace the evolution of this pedagogical perspective in our work, and we preview the contribution the papers in this volume make to developing this frame. We also present details of our research methods.


目前,在校本课程开发过程中地方教育部门、学校、校长、教师均在赋权增能上存在问题,主要是地方教育部门的政策落实不到位,校长的权力下放不到位,学校的培训指导不到位,教师群体缺乏合作意识,教师自我效能感不强。为促进校本课程开发的顺利进行,应明确界定地方教育部门与校长的权责,优化学校组织结构,营造教师群体合作氛围,增强教师自我效能感。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine the development and implementation of teacher competence frameworks in Hungary. Supported by European structural funds, Hungary introduced a teacher competence framework for initial teacher education in 2006 and another for the career promotion and appraisal of teachers in 2013. Employing the process tracing method, the article follows the evolution of teacher competence frameworks over time, based on a document analysis and expert interviews with policy officials and teacher educators. Findings show that the Hungarian teacher competence frameworks evolved as an outcome of a broader Europeanisation process in teacher education, on the one hand, and of internal political priorities, on the other. Strong political commitment was often linked to weak implementation capacities, so that dissatisfaction was created on the side of teachers. Depending on the way local actors use these frameworks, some perceive it as a way of limiting teacher autonomy, whilst others feel it promotes teacher professionalism.  相似文献   

This article examines the differences between the formally stated aims of education and the implementation of the school curriculum in order to show the divergence between what is initiated and what emerges as school practice. This implementation problem is examined from the policy-makers' and teachers' perspectives, with specific reference to physical education as a school subject in Hong Kong. First, it examines the existence and intention of educational policy towards curriculum as established by policy-makers. Second, the implementation process is evaluated from the teachers' perspective by employing a framework adopted by Cuban (1998) that utilized effectiveness, popularity, fidelity, adaptability and longevity. The data are derived from a case-study of a physical education programme that included document analysis, and interviews with teachers, parents and students. The case-study provided a subjective perspective of teachers and their work, while the framework assisted in demonstrating the absence of cohesion between the various government agencies. The resulting fragmentation of ideas leading to confusion and frustration for teachers also indicates that longevity and adaptability are likely to be the most constructive criteria for the assessment of curriculum change.  相似文献   

Teachers as mediators between educational policy and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teachers obviously serve as the medium for causing the result of policy as they carry it into schools and classrooms and deliver it to pupils. They mediate between education policy and practice. Knowledge of the exact nature and effects of this vital role is limited. Drawing on a range of research and evaluation of both national and local policy in practice, carried out by the authors in England, this paper illustrates how teachers mediate policy and the resulting outcomes. Further, it proposes a typology of teacher adaptation to education policy. The paper argues that as yet the appropriate professional role for teachers within policy‐making and implementation has not been achieved, and outlines what this might be. Finally, it outlines some implications for teacher education.  相似文献   

The expectation that teachers will use student achievement data to improve their instruction is a major feature of national and local reform agendas. The theory of action behind data-driven decision making is a mostly causal model of professional action, whereby teachers diagnose weaknesses and implement solutions. The purpose of this article is to examine how high school teachers, situated within their policy and work contexts, use data to inform instructional decisions. Using a framework that draws upon sense-making and co-construction theories on reform implementation, we analyze qualitative data gathered in 4 urban public high schools in the United States. Findings reveal that the process of data use by teachers is complex, multilayered, and influenced by teacher interpretations and social interactions. Teachers used a variety of forms of data to inform their decision making and struggled to reconcile policies promoting data-driven decision making with local beliefs and practices. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in education systems across Europe are a response to perceived needs to improve academic performance. The recent workforce remodelling agenda in England (2003–2005) reflected a growing concern that centralisation and the associated deskilling of teachers had gone too far. The resultant restructuring of the work of teachers, giving roles previously performed by teachers to staff without teaching qualifications, needs to be considered from the perspective of those involved. What is clear from comparative studies is that experiences of the implementation of such policies are influenced by local factors. The study reported here focuses on the effect of a significant policy change on teachers in two English local authorities through a mixture of 557 questionnaires and 86 semi‐structured interviews collected from five secondary and nine primary schools. The data focus on the changing roles of teachers and teaching assistants and the lessons to be learned for system changes beyond remodelling.  相似文献   

Policy reflects and shapes society's beliefs about schools, teachers, children, learning, and society, as well as the power structures embedded in our communities and decision-making processes. Although teachers may be central to the implementation of education policy, they are marginal to the design of policy agendas and text, especially around issues of teaching and learning. Their absence in the policymaking process creates a disconnect between the goals and design of education policy and the actual lived challenges of implementation. In examining the dynamics in this critical disconnect, we address the following research questions: How do institutional norms and routines affect teachers' agency in the policymaking process? Following this research question is our action question: How do we support conditions that support teachers as policy agents? We draw on qualitative data from two sites (West Virginia and Wisconsin) where K–12 teachers partnered with university researchers in a range of capacity-building efforts. Analysis illustrates how teachers interact with certain institutional norms that make it hard to engage in policy design. Based on our findings, we discuss how a teacher–university partnership can better support the conditions that facilitate greater teacher agency in thinking, talking, and acting on policy.  相似文献   

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