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图书贸易文化是中国古代图书文化的重要内容.中原古代图书贸易文化历史悠久,内容丰富,在中国图书贸易文化史上占据重要地位.中原古代图书贸易文化经历了先秦至汉代的萌芽、曹魏至唐朝的发展、五代至北宋的繁荣和南宋至清代的缓慢发展四个阶段,与中原古代政治、经济、学术、教育等因素相互影响,具有根源性、正统性、开放性和阶段性特征.  相似文献   

一、世界图书贸易的新时期世界图书贸易的繁荣,促进了世界出版业的繁荣;没有图书贸易的发展,就没有出版业的进步。这是考察近现代图书事业的基本着眼点,同时,在翻阅世界出版业史料时,也会发现,世界图书贸易是与世界社会经济的发展紧密相关的。比如西方资本主义的发展为图书出版贸易的发展解决了原材料,技术、劳动协作方式,管理方法,资本和市场以及运输等一系列问题。这些都是图书出版和贸易发展的前提条件。我们知道十三、四世纪,商业、银行金融业首先在意大利的各共和国兴盛起来,以后又发展到荷兰、英国。从1550年至1700年,荷兰开始成为殖民扩张的强国,商业和制造业资  相似文献   

澳门图书出版业市场规模小、市场竞争力弱,图书出版产业面临发展危机,需要探索转型发展新路径.本文通过对澳门图书出版业的发展现状与核心优势分析,为澳门图书出版业提供发展建议.研究发现,澳门依托国家一带一路发展战略,利用国际化的城市文化资源,能够提升澳门的出版业竞争力.澳门出版业需要调整出版产业结构,从传统出版向数字出版转变,依托国家文化输出的新战略,将出版业定位于文化生产、文化服务与文化贸易的发展方向,在教育产业化发展的背景下探索教育图书出版的新领域.  相似文献   

我国对外图书实物贸易逆差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外图书贸易发展概况 1949年中华人民共和国成立,对外图书贸易进入了一个崭新的阶段,至1966年文革开始前,经历了初创和初步发展阶段,奠定了图书进出口的基础;1966至1976年经历了文化大革命,图书进出口几乎停止,以出版政治类外文书刊为主;1977年以后,尤其在1978年中共十一届三中全会以后,国家坚持以经济建设为中心,图书进出口贸易在经过一段调整和  相似文献   

在我国的对外贸易中,文化产品贸易所占比重一直都处于较低的水平,文化的对外传播处于非常落后的状态。目前我国已经在文化的对外输出和传播上有所觉醒,开始意识到其必要性和重要性。因此,本文以图书为切入点,拟分析研究我国图书输出的概况和主要形式以及特点,具体上就是通过对版权贸易和图书商品出口这两中主要的输出形式的分析和对比,发现其中存在的有碍于发展的问题并且努力找寻解决问题的建议和方法。  相似文献   

瑞士作为高度发达的工业国,向来奉行自由经济政策,政府尽量减少干预。对外主张自由贸易,反对贸易保护主义政策。在图书、报刊等出版文化事业上也推行自由开放政策,根据联邦宪法,瑞士联邦政府没有全国统一的文化方针政策,各州在文化发展方面有自治权,均可自行组织各类文化活动和对外交流,并不完全执行联邦的决定。这是联邦制在瑞士文化政策上的反映,也是瑞士与欧洲其他国家在文化政策方面的主要区别。但是,这不意味着瑞士政府对出版业失去控制,更不意味着瑞士图书出口一无是处。  相似文献   

魏瑞 《出版广角》2013,(8):62-63
伴随着国际贸易的日益发展,文化软实力之间的竞争已经成为综合国力的一个重要因素,国家通过图书版权的贸易进行文化势力的渗透和影响已经成为一种主导趋势。本文在经济学理论指导下对当前的对外图书版权贸易逆差现象进行分析,从而探讨我国对外图书出版贸易的健康合理途径,提升中国文化贸易的软实力水平。  相似文献   

刘玲武 《出版科学》2010,18(4):111-112
在经济全球化的浪潮下,国际文化交流和合作日益增强,为了加强对外文化交流,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,新闻出版总署提出了中国出版业“走出去”的战略方针。“走出去”出版战略重点强调的是出版内容的“走出去”,即通过大力开展图书版权贸易,带动中国文化创新,推动发展,促进“走出去”。  相似文献   

有着浓郁地方特色的地方出版业的版权贸易发展的空间和潜力巨大,提高这部分出版业版权贸易工作水平,是促进我国版权贸易工作大繁荣,推动中国文化创新、发展、"走出去"的关键.本文试图通过对河北出版业图书版权贸易工作发展的对策性分析,引起兄弟省市的共鸣,以期达到共同发展的目的.  相似文献   

王娟 《东南传播》2013,(7):58-59
近年来,传统出版业在一些国家和地区出现了经营滑坡的迹象,然而新兴的数字出版业则发展迅猛.面对数字化技术所带来的变化,我国出版业面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战.数字出版将成为未来出版的主流,数字出版是出版业新的经济增长点.图书数字出版的变革必然带来图书数字出版贸易的发展,图书贸易产品的内容、形式以及交易方式等相对于传统出版贸易必然发生质的变化.本文以数字出版的基本概念为研究出发点,通过分析美国及中国数字出版发展现状及趋势,对中国图书数字出版贸易的未来发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

Is it even possible to design museum exhibits that have an above average chance of engaging visitors in meaningful experiences? Museum‐based researchers and designers, working over the past several decades, have endeavored to address this and other questions. Recently, a promising Ideas‐People‐Objects (IPO) model of the visitor experience, subsequently elaborated on to include Physical (IPOP) has been used in the design and subsequent study of visitors' museum experiences. Here I briefly describe the model and introduce three papers featured in this issue of Curator: The Museum Journal that offer new insights and perspectives for understanding the theory behind the model, as well as features of the IPOP model that have been used in the design and interpretation of exhibitions, and a comparison of analytic techniques that produce results that can be used in IPOP‐related research.  相似文献   

图书馆应尽快建立职业准入制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从图书馆人力资源现状为切入点剖析建立职业准入制度的必要性和紧迫性及其对发展图书馆事业的重要意义。  相似文献   

Recent trends in librarianship point to themes of crafters, artisans, and makers in library spaces. The American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries includes the Maker Movement as one of its trends. Librarians can support these makers and entrepreneurs by thinking of libraries as a place to create through community building and engagement, and considering job skills needed for success and confidence to staff such spaces, but this transformation requires administrative support. This article summarizes this movement for libraries and suggests a route to success through a case study of a year-long grant on Making Maker librarians.  相似文献   

Artworks are highly coded power objects. At best, they serve aswindows onto profound and unspeakable experience; at worst,they're simply ``wall obstructions.'' In this paper, two issueswill be addressed: (1) What do artists, in their role asextremely subtle information designers, have to teach us abouthow deep knowledge is conveyed? What do their visual strategiesteach us about interface? And (2) how can a digital program bedesigned that respects the properties inherent in each artwork,and yet harnesses the power of multimedia to make connectionsacross space and time?  相似文献   

What does it mean to be a professional, and do librarians meet the academic definition of a professional? Professions are strongly related to identity, and stereotypes associated with the culture of a profession are going to have some effect on the public’s perceptions of that profession. The stereotype of the vaguely purposed but somehow controlling older person (who “shushes” patrons to maintain silence) does not contribute positively to the professional image of a librarian. Library users do not even superficially understand what librarians do, and this leads to an undervaluing of the impact and importance of librarians. In the modern environment of budget challenges, it is important to be able to articulate the value of both libraries and particularly librarians. This article explores the sociological academic literature on professions to determine if librarianship meets the requirements to be a profession, if library literature supports librarianship as a profession, and why it matters for librarians to be seen as professionals.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study considers fact-checkers as innovators and entrepreneurs. It explores funding models as well as perceptions about three core aspects of a successful journalistic enterprise: audiences, value propositions, and resources. Findings indicate particular attention to media literacy and civic engagement, independence, and transparency. In addition, many fact-checkers see their role as not merely extending traditional journalism but also correcting some of its shortcomings.  相似文献   

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