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本文讨论了我国联机情报检索服务面临的各种问题,着重分析了面向微机的CD-ROM光盘系统对联机情报检索服务的冲击和影响。文章还详细介绍了CD-ROM的发展趋势及其优缺点,并就我国计算机情报检索服务和CD-ROM的开发与利用策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

CD-ROM与联机检索的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
CD- ROM 与联机检索是当前两种最主要的计算机情报检索方式。两种检索方式各具特点与不足, 它们相互作用, 在竞争中共存, 在共存中互为补充, 从而提高了当今计算机情报检索的整体效应。  相似文献   

本文介绍了重庆大学国际联机情报检索远程终端的框图、国家科委新技术局和情报局委托西安交通大学制定的《全国科技情报计算机检索系统的方案》。并阐述了在我国高等院校中尽快建立远程联机检索终端的重要意义及具体模式。对目前我国高等院校在这一学科领域中存在的问题提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国教育与科学研究事业对文献情报需求的日益增长,传统的手工检索手段已经不能完全适应于对情报检索发展的要求,现代化的计算机联机情报检索日趋受到人们的广泛利用与普遍关注。然而,也常常听到人们的抱怨说,联机检索效果不佳、费用太高。也有的人对之束之高阁、敬而远之,不愿意或不敢去利用它。笔者根据自己几年来情报检索教学实践,拟就联机情报检索对用户的基本要求及其咨询服务工作谈些个人的意见,以期与同行商榷,并敬请广大读者教正。  相似文献   

对计算机联机检索的认识及其效益的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对计算机联机检索的认识及其效益的探讨岑洪飞(辽阳市科技情报研究所)近年来,随着国内数据库的投入运行,国内联机网络的初步形成,各地建立的计算机情报检索终端给情报资料的查询带来了极大的方便。就我们辽阳市终端而言,1990年投入使用,迄今已为用户检索了40...  相似文献   

计算机、通信和情报三者结合的联机检索已成为传递、交流、储存科技情报信息的有效手段,是情报检索现代化的一个重要标志。为了更好地向科研人员提供情报服务,我馆设置了UNIDAS国内联机终端,并检索了一些科研课题,收到了良好的效果。本文通过对UNIDAS系统联机终端的实践分析,就联机检索的策略、效果做一番粗略的探讨和评价。  相似文献   

本文运用对比方法论述了手工检索和联机检索之间的关系.其内容包括:1.印刷本检索工具与机读数据库的结构对比.2.手工检索与联机检索方法的对比.3.联机检索的优势与存在问题.4.手工检索与联机检索在当前情报检索中的位置与展望。  相似文献   

���������е��鱨���������о�   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在探讨网络环境特点及其对情报检索语言要求的基础上,对网络环境中的情报检索语言,包括词汇的兼容化、易用性、词汇的联机显示等进行了研究,并针对我国情报检索语言研究的现状提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文简要论述了美国情报检索的两大主要手段,即联机情报检索和CD-ROM的现状、发展以及 两者之间的对比等。  相似文献   

自一九八三年十月我国建立国际联机情报检索公用数传终端以来,国内检索用户日益增多。由于实际工作的需要,一些图书情报部门还承担了“联机情报检索中间人”的业务,即代替或协助、指导本系统的专业科技人员进行联机检索的情报服务工作,收到了较好的效果,积累了一些经验。必须把握在什么情况下应该利用机检,才能获得较好的机检效果。  相似文献   

当前中国新闻传播学学科发展的特点与问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在简单回顾中国新闻传播研究的历史进程后 ,重点阐述了中国新闻传播学进入“多角度学术化发展阶段”(1 992年至今 )的十个标志性情况 ,分析了近年自然形成的四方面的话题。文章最后 ,谈到新闻传播学研究中存在的五个问题。作者认为 ,传播现象贯穿于与人类相关的一切事物和活动中 ,各个学科都面临着从本学科角度出发的各自的传播问题。现在尽管在学科管理上还有新闻学、传播学的区分 ,但新闻学和传播学的融合已是现实 ,新闻传播学进入各个学科或借鉴其他学科而丰富自身 ,也成为趋势。  相似文献   

Marital and relational counselors bring their normative ideas about couples’ communication to the therapeutic setting and these ideas become a part of the ongoing dialogue between counselors and their clients. Although many therapists emphasize couples’ communication problems as a source of relational difficulty, it is not clear how therapists conceive of, and explain, those problems. The current study addresses this issue by examining counselors’ perceptions of, and attributions for, couples’ communication problems. Interviews with 50 couples’ counselors suggest that communication problems are common among clients. The most frequently noted communication problems involved failing to take the other's perspective when listening, blaming the other for negative occurrences, and criticizing the other. Most of counselors’ attributions for couples’ communication problems referred to stable, unchanging causes and focused on external factors. A content analysis of the attributions further indicated that many counselors felt communication problems were the result of patterns taught to individuals by their family of origin. Finally, when asked to identify the most central problem for dissatisfied partners, only about one‐fourth of the counselors cited issues directly related to communication. The majority noted that communication was usually a manifestation of other, more fundamental, difficulties. Taken together, the findings indicate that counselors tend to focus on individual, rather than interpersonal and relational factors when conceiving and treating the cause of communication problems.  相似文献   

刘开源  蔡立媛 《新闻界》2009,(2):107-109
高校的学生工作是推进素质教育的重要组成部分,学生工作的复杂性需要有一个清晰的解读.学生工作的本质就是传播行为,学生工作的有效性依赖于传播行为的有效性.引入有效传播的视角,分解学生工作的流程,能够将学生工作的实际执行层面问题探出根源,同样从有效传播的途径也可以得到学生工作有效进行的启示.  相似文献   

中国传播学研究的历史与现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在回顾中国传播学研究简史的基础上,梳理了中国传播学研究最近五六年的状况:传播学译著的出版持续数年高涨;经验-功能主义传播学的研究方法在中国新闻学和传播学研究中普及;证实传播学假设的研究形成规模;媒介形态研究开始受到关注;开辟了较为广阔的传播学批判学派的研究空间。当前存在的问题是:研究层次总体仍停留在介绍层面;研究的话题长期分散;课堂教学基本停留在大众传播学领域,而且主要是经验-功能学派的观点体系。文章最后指出了传播学在中国的发展朝向。  相似文献   

This paper discusses potential challenges to research generalizability in studies on interactive communication. In interactive media contexts where users are enabled to individualize their communication, the generalizability of individual studies is likely lower than it is in studies on more conventional one-to-many communication. We discuss research strategies related to sample size and heterogeneity, focus on structural-invariant elements of communication media and processes, and finally refer to the recording and analyses of messages and communication processes as potential remedies to generalizability problems. A more explicit reflection on generalizability both in empirical studies as well as in the way the discipline deals with replication of previous work seems to be necessary.  相似文献   

建设综合性实验教学平台实训复合型现代传媒人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会已是信息社会,以信息传播技术为核心的新闻传播媒介,目前已经进入了采编网络化、通讯数字化、传输同步化的时代。高等院校如何培养适应现代社会需要的上手快、能力强、素质高、后劲足的复合型传媒人才,成为当今传媒教育界迫切需要解决的重大问题,也是传媒实验室所面临的现实问题。  相似文献   

Progress in controlling quantum systems is the major pre-requisite for the realization of quantum computing, yet the results of quantum computing research can also be useful in solving quantum control problems that are not related to computational problems. We arguethat quantum computing provides clear concepts and simple models for discussing quantum theoretical problems. In this article we describe examples from completely different fields where models of quantum computing and quantum communication shed light on quantum theory. First we address quantum limits of classical low power computation and argue that the terms of quantum information theory allows us to discuss device-independent bounds. We argue that a classical bit behaves to some extent like a quantum bit in the time period where it switches its logical value. This implies that a readout during the switching process generates entropy. A related problem is the distribution of timing information like clock signals in low power devices. For low signal energy, the situation is close to phase-covariant cloning problems in quantum information theory. Second we rephrase a classical statistical method to draw causal conclusions from data of a clinical drug-testing experiment. Since this method, as it is described in the literature, relies on a hidden-variable model of patient’s behaviour it leads to misconclusions if quantum theory infact does play a role in the human mind. The toy model we use to illustrate this is formally a quantum communication protocol in the presence of entanglement. We argue that quantum information theory could put classical statistical reasoning on a safer basis because it does not need hidden-variable models of nature.  相似文献   

在传播日益大众化的时代,DV新闻的出现突破了传统的新闻模式,改变了受众与媒体的关系。虽然它的随意与非专业带来了一系列的问题,但它进一步拉近了受众与传媒的距离,深化了受众参与,是当前新闻传播活动中受众参与理论的成功范例。  相似文献   

Even though there are few directorates explicitly dedicated to communication research at places like the National Science Foundation, there are significant opportunities for funding of interdisciplinary research on "communication problems." This article informally shares some principles, rules of thumb, and ideas about funding communication technology research projects, though it applies to other areas as well. The article draws on the experience of the communication technology research experience at the international, cross-university, and interdisciplinary network of Media Interface and Network Design (M.I.N.D.) Labs.  相似文献   

Even though there are few directorates explicitly dedicated to communication research at places like the National Science Foundation, there are significant opportunities for funding of interdisciplinary research on "communication problems." This article informally shares some principles, rules of thumb, and ideas about funding communication technology research projects, though it applies to other areas as well. The article draws on the experience of the communication technology research experience at the international, cross-university, and interdisciplinary network of Media Interface and Network Design (M.I.N.D.) Labs.  相似文献   

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