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A total of 103 academic department heads in four universities rated a set of 15 administrative activities as to their importance. Faculty members in these departments (totalN=1,333) used the same set of activities to rate both the importance they should be given by the department head and the effectiveness with which the head performed each set during the previous 12 months. Tests of reliability revealed that faculty ratings of both importance and performance were made with reasonable internal consistency. Three tests of construct validity showed that each of the three types of ratings were made with at least minimal validity. A principal components analysis of faculty ratings of performance suggested that the department head has three major types of responsibility: personnel management; departmental planning and development; and building the department's reputation.  相似文献   

在建设高等教育强国和世界一流大学的背景下,新一轮高校内部院系调整逐渐提上了各校的改革日程。之所以如此,是因为越来越多的人已经意识到我国高校内部院系数量过多的问题。本文运用定量方法通过描述性分析和回归分析发现:本科专业数量对院系组织数量的影响最大,按专业设置院系是造成院系组织扩张的重要原因。为此,我国高等院校必须打破专业办学的传统,以知识为取向,按学科设置院系,促进大学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Rankings of graduate and professional programs have become commonplace since Cartter's study for the American Council on Education was published in 1966. Much of the research up to the present has focused on discovering proxy variables, such as departmental size, which correspond to departmental ratings, as well as observing how the ratings of departments change over time. This study examines the relationship between the peer ratings reported by Roose and Andersen in 1970 and resource allocation patterns, represented by average salary figures, among fifty major American universities. It also shows the relationship of these ratings and other resource allocation measures within one of the fifty institutions. Results indicate that among the fifty universities, average salaries are higher at the highly rated institutions than at the lower rated ones, with senior professors being the chief beneficiaries of the higher wage scales. Similarly, within one institution the senior professors of higher ranked departments are better paid, compared to their junior colleagues, than those of lower rated departments. The higher rated departments share commonalities as to proportion of senior professors and teaching load assignments as well. Both across and within universities, departments found to be prestigious by Roose and Andersen do tend to exhibit common characteristics concerning resource allocation procedures.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Houston, Texas, May 1978.  相似文献   

The formalisation of reviews of academic performance, whether it be during probation, for promotion, or for feedback to tenured staff, has put a formidable burden on heads of departments who tend to be involved in all review processes concerning staff in their department.

This paper will present and discuss some data from a current study on the role and functions of heads of departments in Australian universities. Information obtained from heads as well as from staff highlight the difficulties of heads who have to make evaluative statements on departmental staff which may further or slow down their career. Regular performance appraisal of tenured staff pose particular problems as heads have few resources at their sole disposal to reward in any tangible way excellent performance, and indeed also command few, if any, measures to ensure adequate performance. Heads may have positional authority, but academic conventions often prevent heads from exercising it. Clearly heads need leadership qualities and the ability to create a positive departmental climate so that performance reviews are experienced as constructive and rewarding.  相似文献   

行政人员的选用不当容易造成高学历浪费,专业技术资源争夺,行政人员与专任教师之间矛盾凸现,行政领导选任棘手,部门利益至上,部分教师不专心于教研等不良影响。高校可适当调整行政人员的选用办法,通过聘用低学历专职办事员,政策引导现有高学历行政人员转岗,实行岗位管理办法,推行行政管理人员职员制等办法,做到职责明确,人尽其用,进而推动行政部门由管理向服务转变、提升行政部门的服务意识与效能。同时政府部门要积极推动高校民主,实行学术自治、学生自治,在高校评估考核等方面也要有所改进。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to delineate departmental differences in the length of time that doctoral students take to receive their degrees and the institutional characteristics linked with it. Variables describing graduate departments in three disciplines (chemistry, English, and psychology) and their parent universities were obtained from available records. In analyses of departments in each discipline, a relatively small set of institutional variables correlated with average time to the doctorate for the department, after controlling for characteristics of students in the department, and these relationships differed from discipline to discipline. The clearest and most extensive findings emerged for psychology: the institutional variables identified primarily concerned faculty accessibility (student/faculty ratio and department size)—a longer time to the doctorate for departments with many students per faculty member or many students.  相似文献   

美国大学系主任管理和领导角色探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在美国,系是大学最基本的组成单位。因此,大学系主任几乎负责与教、学、研及向社会提供服务有关的各项活动,通常扮演管理和领导的双重角色。其主要的工作包括开发师资、组织管理本系的各项日常活动和事务、领导本系的整体发展以及从事教学科研工作。显而易见,美国高等教育能够达到今天的水准与系主任的贡献是分不开的。中国高校正在面临、或在不同程度上进行内部结构和职能的调整和重组。尤其是许多大学纷纷成立学院。因而,对系主任管理领导角色进行重新定位具有深远意义。相信了解和借鉴国外的成功经验定有裨益。  相似文献   

The correlates of the rate of faculty advancement through steps within ranks were examined in a sample of 40 departments on two campuses of a large state university system. The proportion of departmental faculty moving through steps at faster than normal speed was positively correlated with the political power of the department on the campus and, in some cases, with the proportion of the faculty in the department who were at more senior ranks. The rate of departmental growth, the level of the department's scientific paradigm, or departmental national prestige had no effect on faculty career speed. The evidence suggests that it is important to broaden the study of faculty salary and other rewards to include structural as well as individual variables, including departmental affiliation and characteristics of the department.  相似文献   

Bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice (BCJ) now constitute one of the ten most awarded undergraduate degrees in this country, yet little attention has been paid recently to the institutional, departmental, or curricular aspects of these programs. This study used primary and secondary data collected from the population (N = 670) of US colleges and universities offering BCJ degrees during the 2015–2016 academic year to describe and assess the state of these programs. Results indicated BCJ programs are typically found at relatively small, residential, non-selective, private, sectarian, master’s-level institutions located in urban areas; the programs are housed in smaller departments labeled “criminal justice” located in academic units other than colleges/schools of arts & science; and BCJ curricula vary in total, required, and elective hours for the major, required courses in the major, and do not offer concentrations. Observations about the current state of BCJ programs are made as are recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

The paper explores academic staff and departmental research and teaching cultures in the Education Departments of five universities in Scotland and England, countries with increasingly diverging public policies in respect of education. The relationship between research and teaching, how the purposes of universities are defined and the status of research in Education are current UK higher education policy preoccupations. Data is drawn from interviews with 40 academics, observation of department settings, documentation and websites. The analysis draws on the work of Bourdieu, considering the changing habitus of individual academics, their departmental and academic subject context and the forms of symbolic capital now required in Scottish and English Education departments in response to new policies affecting their academic field. The paper also utilises recent literature on the research–teaching relationship. The career trajectories of respondents, their habitus and the forms of symbolic capital that they bring to academic life are examined, as are the extent to which the teaching and research cultures in each of the five departments studied mirror each other and whether these also reflect the two different policy contexts. The themes how academic cultures are shaped and research/teaching connections viewed have international as UK relevance.  相似文献   

This paper asks why spatially separated school departments might exhibit, in different ways, very similar practices. Data from an ethnographic study of three secondary school geography departments in England are discussed through a concept of ‘isomorphism’ (homogenising forces), drawn from neo-institutional theory. Similarities across these departments are analysed in terms of coercive isomorphism, including the strong regulatory role played by examination boards and Ofsted; mimetic isomorphism, in which similar approaches are adopted in response to situations of high uncertainty, based on spreading good practice; and normative isomorphism, including the implications of closely guarded educational routes, the professionalisation of teaching, and wider social trends including the increasing use of Google as a source of knowledge for lessons. It is argued that evidence of homogeneity across spatially separated departments raises interesting questions about teachers’ practice, with implications for departmental and school leadership.  相似文献   

The authors focus on the university department as the basic administrative and productive unit in the managerial structures of universities in the German Democratic Republic. For the authors, the departmental structure is more efficient in almost every way than the former system of faculties and chairs because it permits a more rational use of available human, material, technical, and financial resources. Departments which are structured in terms of specific disciplinary and scientific criteria can more easily forge links with other departments with regard to interdisciplinary projects and programmes. They are also in a position to interact more efficiently with outside partners, in industry, for instance. The authors focus their study on the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technological University of Karl‐Marx‐Stadt by reference to which they illustrate the versatility of university departments in general and the advantages of such management concepts as decentralization and individual initiative and responsibility.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relative importance which six groups of academic departments attached to five institutional goal dimensions. The six groups were formed on the basis of Holland's theory of vocational choice and the five goal dimensions were developed from a factor analysis of eleven goal statements. A stepwise, multiple discriminant analysis revealed significant differences between the six groups of academic departments on the Research-Graduate and Quality Education goal dimensions. These two dimensions produced significant differentiation in eleven of the fifteen possible group comparisons. The findings suggest tentatively that Holland's theory of vocational choice can assist in the interpretation of varying goal priorities within the academic community. Suggestions are offered to indicate how this theory might be employed by university administrators and in subsequent research on the administration of academic departments and the complex roles of their chairmen.  相似文献   

对加强高校部门预算工作的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
部门预算是反映政府部门收支活动的预算。高校部门预算是高校事业发展计划和任务的全面反映。本指出了目前高校部门预算工作存在的问题,并针对这些问题及如何加强高校部门预算工作进行了阐述,提出了编制部门预算应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

高校内部管理体制改革虽取得一些成绩,但效能问题始终是改革进程中的敏感话题。本文针对高校职能部门存在的现实问题,试图从新公共管理的理论中择取几个新的角度,去审视这些问题,以期从新的视角探究提升高校职能部门管理效能的途径。  相似文献   

在构建社会主义荣辱观教育体系的过程中,高校共青团组织应注重发挥自身优势,紧紧围绕社会转型期青年大学生思想道德水平实际,有针对性地开展社会主义荣辱观教育。本文在分析当前大学生道德存在问题的基础上,就加强大学生荣辱观教育中发挥共青团组织作用作了探讨。  相似文献   

Enquiries into the governance, structure and management of higher education institutions across the globe have stimulated changes to the legislative and policy frameworks within which universities operate and to their organizational structures and processes. These changes have subsequently brought into question the proper role of academics in relation to the leadership and management of their departments/institutions. While mainstream academic staff conceive of academic leadership as being strictly associated with teaching, research and community outreach, university administrators and policy makers conceptualize it more broadly. Their definitions often include the management of change, quality, information, finance, and physical and human resources - functions that many mainstream academics perceive as being the responsibility of departmental/institutional administrative or support staff. Such differences create major challenges for academic development units. What type of training should they provide? Should they embrace activities that support these new conceptions of leadership and management? These are among the central issues explored in this paper.  相似文献   

石家庄市教育行政部门信息化建设存在的主要问题是:教育行政工作人员对信息化认识不足,整体素质有待提高;教育行政信息化建设存在着重建设、轻维护的误区;工作人员思想观念落后,传统的办公模式有待改变.相应的解决策略为:加强教育行政人员对信息化建设的认识及专业知识学习;做好教育行政信息化建设的前期规划,注重软硬件及后期管理的平衡发展;转变传统的办公理念,加强教育行政信息的安全性建设.  相似文献   

信息技术融入高校管理系统可以提升治理水平。大学运行是低效还是有效,与大学的组织特性有关。研究采用文献研究法和案例研究法,深入分析大学结构系统,寻找可以提升效率的部门或环节。研究发现:(1)大学的技术系统难以推行效率机制,管理系统是提升大学效率的突破口。(2)高校可以应用信息技术推进信息化基础设施建设、设计集约化业务流程、打造智能化人机协作模式,从而实现教育治理模式的变革。(3)通过信息技术提高管理效率,高校必须突破思想观念、认知判断、专业知识和风险防控等方面的障碍。  相似文献   

Leadership for Open and Flexible Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Universities are responding to demands to be more inclusive, accountable, entrepreneurial and self-sustaining by seeking solutions in open and flexible learning and information and communications technology (ICT). Such applications are being transformed from equity-driven and marginal in a few universities to commercially-driven and mainstream across higher education systems. Open learning and ICT have the capacity to be 'disruptive technologies', transforming the organisation, culture and practices of existing universities and leading to new forms of institution and learning networks. The authors discuss these issues and draw upon their recent study into leadership in the field to argue for transformation leadership at the institutional, departmental, and programme level and suggest an action framework for those who would lead and manage.  相似文献   

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