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Ce qui a marquéle plus le vingtième siècle,c’est l’ac-quisition de droits sociaux.Le système de protection socialevoit le jour,qui consisteàfaire prendre en charge par lacollectivitéles dépenses de santé,de vieillesse,de ch mageet les charges familiales.La protection sociale est unsystème d’économie sociale qui figure parmi les plus impor-tants pays développés.Etablir et mettre au point le systèmede protection sociale qui correspond au niveau dedéveloppementéconomique est la …  相似文献   


In this paper the recent needs and trends in statistics for engineers are discussed, particularly statistics as a motivating and illustrative tool in engineers' technical and methodological education.

Tendances et besoins recents en matière de statistique pour l'ingénieur. Rôe de motivation et d'illustration de la statistique dans sa formation technique et méthodologique.  相似文献   

Le but principal de cet article est de comparer à partir des textes législatifs, des enquêtes ministérielles et européennes, et des revues spécialisées en France et en Espagne les propriétés de deux organisations scolaires singulières nommées «éducation prioritaire» ainsi que les mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la construction sociale, nous présentons comment ces deux pays européens organisent cet enseignement dans les milieux défavorisés. Une analyse des aspects visibles du système éducatif à l'aide d'indicateurs généralistes (organisation des études, formation des enseignants, dépenses publiques) aurait laissé envisager d'importantes différences. Cependant, la comparaison à l'aide d'indicateurs «plus fins» des mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique dans les écoles traditionnelles (poids de l'éducation physique, préoccupations gouvernementales et celles des enseignants, programmes d'enseignement) puis dans les milieux difficiles ZEP et CAEP (choix didactiques et pédagogiques) indique de fortes similitudes. Ces différences de résultats soulignent l'intérêt des analyses comparatives secondaires et la nécessité de considérer des analyses détaillées.

The main aim of this study is to compare two particular school organisations labelled ‘priority education’ in France and Spain, in relation to physical education using laws, ministerial and European surveys, and specialised journals. The social constructivist approach has been used to describe how both these European countries organise the teaching of physical education in under‐privileged environments. The analysis of the visible aspects of these educational systems with general indicators (organisation of studies, teacher education, public expenses) seems to imply differences. However, the comparison using more detailed data in the implementation of physical education in traditional schools (weight of the physical education in the system, governmental and teachers concerns, teaching programmes) indicates strong similarities. In addition, didactic and pedagogic choices in physical education in under‐privileged schools appear to be quite similar. These results underline the interest of secondary comparative studies and the necessity of taking into account detailed analyses.  相似文献   

The impact of family status in Madagascar on inequalities in schooling – In this article, in the context of generalised access to primary education and parity between girls and boys, we analyse data from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2009 in Madagascar to examine inequalities in schooling related to children’s status in the family. The results confirm the protective benefit for children of living with their biological parents. Fostered children are disadvantaged, especially and increasingly so depending on whether they live with an uncle or aunt, with a distant relative or a non-relative. Conversely, children who reside in the home of a brother or sister are not disadvantaged, a result which reflects the role of elder children in family education strategies. Grandparents play a moderately positive role in schooling. The death of the father is an important factor in dropping out. Finally, children whose parent or parents are not household heads are disadvantaged in terms of schooling compared to children of household heads.  相似文献   

Sans résuméConférence tenue au Congrès sur l'Intégration des enseignements scientifiques, à Varna, 11–19 septembre 1968.  相似文献   


Can school increase its productivity? Which is the attitude of teachers to this issue? INRP and University of Paris 5 made conducted survey on the issue, by questionnaire. Among more than 2000 answers to the questionnaire, a sample of 988 has been extracted to accurately represent the heterogeneous spectrum of French secondary school teachers. Individual qualities are considered essential spectrum among the conditions for success. The majority of teachers does not expect school to be able to counterbalance individual differences. Implications of these attitudes for teacher training are then discussed.  相似文献   


The F.‐A. Demetz's example, one of the most well‐known prison reformers, is representative of the evolution of the relations between State and private initiative in France. For most of the people, the creation of the penitentiary agricultural colony of Mettray by F.‐A. Demetz is a model. F.‐A. Demetz belongs to the tradition of prison reformers, men or women coming from charitable societies, and acting mostly by charity and pity. Far to be a thinker, he is a “doer”. He also wants to be a pedagogue.

Mettray symbolises the triumph of the private initiative. But as soon as Mettray opened or only after a few months running, much of the colony organisation was modified. There are very important differences between Demetz’ s plans and the colony opening in 1839. For example, the repressive rules were strengthened. The family‐like organisation was changed into a more military one. Demetz had to comply with the administration's will to obtain its support.

This paper will allow us to understand the relations between reformers and the penitentiary administration.  相似文献   

Preservice teacher education in France consists of:

subject oriented studies in a university,

recruitment by means of a state competitive examination which may be prepared in a university,

professional training in a training centre, including both subject oriented studies and practice periods in classrooms.

Preschool and primary teacher training includes two years at a university to obtain the required degree for competition and then two years in a college of education. Secondary level teacher training includes more years at a university as the level of competition is high. It takes at least three years to become a graduate, four years in the other case. But the preparation of the competition in itself requires more time for most people. When admitted to the competitive examination, the teacher has one year in a training centre.

This paper will present:

  1. the legal basis, curricula, content, structure and aims of practical studies at the two levels (preschool‐primary/secondary levels);

  2. the difference and convergence of thinking about practical studies at the two levels: the main principle seems to be that pedagogical and practice studies make up for a lack of theoretical knowledge, but that, consequently, they are not considered really useful for those who do have theoretical knowledge;

  3. the difficulties of achieving the official objective concerning an integrated training with links between theoretical studies and practice periods,

  4. an innovative approach to this problem by means of a case study which put into practice the hypothesis brought out in the research I have led at the INRP about primary school teacher training.

The organisational models and the place given to practice periods in the whole teacher education raise the problem of what is a professional teacher training and what is its aim.  相似文献   

The ongoing reform in science education in many countries, including Israel, has attainment of scientific literacy for all as one of its main goals. In this context, it is important to provide teachers with the opportunity to construct meaning for the term science literacy and by doing so to obtain a clear understanding of the new teaching goals. Here we report on a study in which teachers, as part of their professional development, were involved in defining the term ‘chemical literacy’; they discussed the need for it, and suggested educational experiences that are necessary in order to attain it. The programme was conducted as part of a reform in the content, as well as in the pedagogy, of chemistry education in Israel. The collected data provide some insights regarding the process by which the teachers’ perception of ‘chemical literacy’ developed and the way actual school practice influences teachers’ perception of ‘chemical literacy’.  相似文献   

Mathematics teaching in Burkina Faso is faced with major challenges (high illiteracy rates, students’ difficulties, and high failure rates in mathematics, which is a central topic in the curriculum). As evidenced in many of these studies, mathematics is reputed to be tough, inaccessible, and far from what students live daily. Students here look as though they are living in two seemingly distant worlds, school and everyday life. In order to better understand these difficulties and to contribute in the long run to a more adapted teaching of mathematics, we tried to document and elicit the “mathematical resources” mobilized in various daily life social practices. In this paper, we focus on one of them, the counting and selling of mangoes by unschooled peasants. An ethnographic approach draws on the observation of the situated activity of counting and selling mangoes (during harvesting) and on “eliciting interviews” of the involved actors. The analysis of results highlights a richness of structuring resources mobilized and distributed through this practice, related to what Lave (1988) call “the experienced lived-in-world” and “constitutive order.” The mathematical resources take the form of “knowledge in action” and “theorems in action” (Vergnaud, Rech Didact Math 10(23):133–170, 1990), embedded in the social, economic, and even cultural structures of actors.  相似文献   

Lecture podcasts are considered an efficient means for passing on learning contents to students, most notably in lectures with large numbers of students. Here, the lecturer’s presentation, combined with lecture slides, is recorded and broadcasted in video form. The present study investigates how students organize learning when they have the choice of different representations of content: face-to-face lectures, lecture recordings as video podcasts, and additional text material. Latent class analysis identified three groups with different patterns of integration of these representations of content: (1) students who focused on podcasts; (2) students who made little use of the different representations of content; (3) students who occasionally made use of the different learning opportunities. Students in group 1 with a focus on podcasts achieved best. They devoted more time to learning and made diligent use of a variety of learning strategies such as note-taking, generating summaries, or rehearsing with the podcasts. The results suggest providing different representations of content to take into account differences in learners’ preferences and abilities. They speak in favor of podcasts, especially in lectures with a large audience. However, the results also show a group of learners who make minimal use of the various representations of content. Instructional measures should be taken to engage and support these students.  相似文献   

Whitehead's well-known three stages's theory of any educational process (romance, precision, generalisation) should be revisited in the light of E. Weil's moral philosophy so that the pupil could develop a sense of responsibility towards the totality of the human beings, rather than a speculative or esthetic sense of the totality of the world. Consequently, reflecting about Whitehead's cosmology could prepare the construction of a renewed educational pattern.  相似文献   

Borders, translation and politics of difference: the hermeneutic task of comparative education ?C Governments are making increasing use of international comparisons as a tool to run and reform education systems, through the establishment of competency norms and assessment standards. In light of this trend, this paper wishes not only to reiterate the crucial distinction, made by Max Weber as early as 1922, between scientific research and political action, but also to recall the principles of separation and mediation from which the comparative approach in education derives. The concepts that comprise a language, that are disseminated and become established in a social world, are borne of history, of dynamic uses, and are culturally rooted. By neglecting this social and cultural provenance of words there is a danger that one can end up with a comparability based on functional equivalencies alone; although there are strong pressures in this direction, it is probably the surest way, in the words of Marcel Détienne, of ??comparing the incomparable??. The purely instrumental rationality that favours the spread of such frameworks or interpretative models appears indifferent to questions of meaning and culture, apart from being irrational on an axiological level, if we follow Weber. Strangeness or even ??otherness?? tends to be erased. One wonders therefore what issues are raised for the comparativist when the illusion of spontaneity in translation is reduced to a functional equivalence. In keeping with the researcher??s responsibility to mediate, he/she must promote clarification and mutual understanding (inspired by C. Taylor), replacing the standardisation of words with a critical illumination of the semiotic variations generated by their use.  相似文献   

In this article on the cultural context of children's learning processes among the indigenous peoples of tropical South America, the author aims to show how in these cultures the human body offers a language and a mechanism central to the process of production, elaboraton and transmission of knowledge, skills and emotions. She works from the assumption that the construction of a child's identity is a process which takes place in the body, creating a synthesis of social, cosmological, psychological, emotional and cognitive meanings. In constructing an ethnography of the Akwe~-Xavante and Akwe~-Xerente peoples of central Brazil, the author refers to recent anthropological debates on the cosmology and outlook of the indigenous peoples of this region, as well as to the literature of the new discipline known as "anthropology of the child".  相似文献   

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