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课程事务中,具有课程专业智识并行使课程决策权的主体包括教育研究机构、教育专家学者及一线教师,他们既是独立的主体,亦是其他主体利益及诉求表达的代表者或中介者,而身份的多样性也为其权力的行使带来困境:教育研究机构在政治压力与社会期望的夹缝中生存,教育专家学者在自由理想与现实束缚间痛苦徘徊,一线教师则成为形式赋权与权力虚置间的尴尬存在。课程决策专业主体权力的保障,既是课程专业品质的保证,亦是维护课程公平的要求。为此,不仅需要相关部门加强制度建设,为其提供良好的课程决策环境,还需要专业主体自身坚实履行职责,巩固其专业权威。  相似文献   

教师课程决策能力的形成与发展是教师基于自身的教育实践,自觉运用教育理论指导教学实践,是教师专业化的集中表现,也是课程改革对教师专业能力与素养的要求。教师课程决策能力是教师专业发展不可缺少的内容,提高教师的课程决策能力,对强化教师专业发展有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

教师参与课程决策对自身的专业化发展具有重要的意义。为了进一步促进教师参与课程决策,使教师专业得到发展,学校应采取以下策略:树立和强化教师参与课程决策的理念;提高教师参与课程决策的能力;解决教师参与课程决策的矛盾和问题;创造课程决策的文化;构筑课程决策的支持系统;创设教师参与课程决策的内外环境;加强教师参与课程决策的教育与培训。  相似文献   

教师参与课程决策是教师课程权的一种具体表现。但在教师参与课程决策的实践过程中遭遇到来自诸如观念文化障碍、制度文化障碍、行为文化障碍等文化障碍因素的影响。为了更好地促进教师参与课程决策,需要从以下几个方面入手:创新教师课程决策文化,以立法形式保障教师课程决策权,构建积极主动的教师课程决策行为文化,构建教师参与课程决策的技术支持文化,加快课程决策的信息化等。  相似文献   

教师教学决策权作为教师专业自主权的具体体现,是合法与合理的统一,与教师专业伦理责任和教学决策能力不可分。教师教学决策权是相对的,有着行使的范围和边界。教师教学决策权的边界主要有法律边界和制度边界、伦理边界和能力边界、社会边界和心理边界。  相似文献   

当前我国中小学课程改革的一个重要趋势是强调校本课程决策,这对教师专业发展构成了新的挑战。适应校本课程决策需要的教师专业素质主要有课程意识、课程理念和课程决策能力。面向校本课程决策的教师专业发展策略主要有理论学习、反思性实践和课程研究。  相似文献   

教师不仅是课程的开发者和课程的实施者,其自身也是一种重要的课程资源。在新一轮的课程改革中,教师的角色和专业自主能力越来越受到重视,教师的课程意识,成为教师成熟的重要标志之一。由于教师面临的课程情境总是独一无二的,这凸现了教师对课程决策的重要作用。而进行课程决策需要教师具有较强的课程意识,才能充分发现和有效利用课堂上动态的课程资源。  相似文献   

教师参与课程决策对自身的专业化发展具有重要的意义。为了进一步促进教师参与课程决策,使教师专业得到发展,学校应采取以下策略:树立和强化教师参与课程决策的理念;提高教师参与课程决策的能力;解决教师参与课程决策的矛盾和问题;创造课程决策的文化;构筑课程决策的支持系统;创设教师参与课程决策的内外环境;加强教师参与课程决策的教育与培训。  相似文献   

教师应该享有一定的课程决策权力。教师之所以应享有课程决策权力,基于以下四点考虑:课程决策的性质;教师应有的形象;中国课程决策的传统;西方课程决策权的历史变化。教师的课程决策权力主要是由三方面构成,即参与国家课程和地方课程的决策,参与校本课程决策,以及参与学校课程统整的决策。教师课程决策权力的有效性保障主要包括机制保障、素质保障和资源保障。  相似文献   

高职教师参与高职课程资源开发对于促进高职教师自身的发展,丰富高职课程资源的内容都具有重要的意义。我国高职教师在课程资源开发中表现出来的主要问题有:课程资源开发意识薄弱,参与课程资源开发的自主性不足,课程资源开发范围窄化以及课程资源开发能力有限。造成这些问题的主要原因有:高职教师对课程资源的内涵缺乏全面而深刻的理解,对自身在课程资源开发中的功能认识不清,缺乏合法的课程资源决策权,等等。  相似文献   

In response to the vast amounts of data associated with the accountability movement and the rhetoric of data-informed decision-making, we interviewed 16 principals to find out what streams of data they used and what decisions they made by using the data. We found that: (a) student achievement data are predominantly used to the extent of neglecting other streams of data such as student and community background data and school process data; (b) student achievement data are used more for accountability purposes—for assessing “of” rather than “for” the learning; (c) different streams of data are rarely used together to derive rich meaning for decision-making; and (d) school districts differ in the extent to which their principals use data to improve curriculum and instruction. The study pointed both to the challenges and to the opportunities of making data-informed decisions to improve our schools.  相似文献   

当前,西方国家校本课程决策出现了许多新的动向:在理念上,以学习为中心,强调个性化学习,强调知识学习与整体生活经验融通,关注校本课程决策的文化视角;在机制上,课程决策机制的整体框架和校本课程决策的内在机制都有变化;在方式上,注重课程统筹性的决策,注重课程补充上的决策,注重对学生进行个性化学习指导上的决策。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   

Curriculum materials serve as a key conceptual tool for science teachers, and better understanding how science teachers use these tools could help to improve both curriculum design and theory related to teacher learning and decision-making. The authors review the literature on teachers and science curriculum materials. The review is organised around three main questions: What do teachers do when using science curriculum materials?, What happens when teachers use science curriculum materials? and Why do teachers make the decisions they do? For each question, the authors first summarise the findings of two key reviews from the mathematics education literature, then situate the findings from science education in juxtaposition with those findings. The review uncovers that relatively little is understood about the mechanism underlying how teachers interact with curriculum materials. To try to address this gap, complementing and extending the field’s existing understandings of the teacher–curriculum relationship, the authors make four propositions, grounded in the literature on self-regulation. The propositions reflect a mechanism for teacher curricular decision-making. The self-regulation perspective also helps to develop more targeted support for science teachers aimed at the uptake, adaptation and enactment of curriculum materials in ways that are intended, and that teachers themselves experience as an improvement in their teaching. The authors conclude with a call for research that further explores the ways in which individual science teachers’ decision-making is situated within the wider sociocultural context.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   

This research is based on an empirical study exploring how academics make curriculum decisions and their perceptions of the influences that shape their decisions. Interviews were held with 20 academics from diverse disciplines, who were both research active and committed to teaching. The higher education curriculum was conceptualised as a field of decision-making shaped by academics’ beliefs about educational and contextual influences. The study identified five distinctive curriculum orientations representing coherent patterns of curriculum decisions aligned with academics’ beliefs about educational purposes. Case studies are presented to elucidate each of the curriculum orientations. Curriculum orientations were also found to shape academics’ responses to educational change. The following higher education change drivers are explored: graduate employability and the skills agenda, teaching–research relationships, changing understandings about teaching and learning, educational technologies and flexible delivery. The findings suggest implications for institutional curriculum change initiatives and academic development programmes.  相似文献   

This article draws on a research study that focused on young children’s involvement in an environmental curriculum that created for them opportunities to display their competence and confidence through knowing, deciding and acting for the environment within a supportive early childhood setting. When young children are involved in making decisions that affect their lives, including those decisions regarding sustainability and the natural environment, they are capable in contributing to the decision-making that leads them to purposeful action. The research revealed the importance of honouring the young child’s right to know about social and environmental issues; to be part of conversations and possible solutions; to have their ideas and contributions valued; to seek solutions with others in order to be able to take meaningful action. The article explores the notion that when the rights of young children are respected, they are confident advocates for the environment and for a more sustainable world.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a key developmental period for developing and strengthening brain circuits that underlie effective decision-making skills, which profoundly impact lifelong health and academic, professional, and economic achievement. But decision-making skills are learned rather than inherent. School presents an ideal environment for the direct instruction and frequent practice of decision-making skills, however, finding time in the school day is a challenge for contemporary educators. We have developed a learning curriculum that involves active student participation to strengthen decision-making skills that is sufficiently flexible and adaptable to be utilized in a wide variety of content-specific classwork. Using this curriculum, students show evidence of improved decision-making skills, including increased consideration of the number of factors that are relevant to their decision, the resources needed to make a particular decision, and both the short-term and long-term consequences of decisions.  相似文献   

Helen Abadzi 《Prospects》2013,43(2):115-132
With the advent of school-based management, citizen committees in low-income countries or areas are often expected to oversee the functioning of schools, health centres, and other community resources. However, studies of their effectiveness show mixed results. Though members of such committees may be able to repair buildings, they often cannot monitor the quality of instruction or of medical services. This article draws on psychological research to predict the performance of such committees, given their levels of education, group dynamics, and complexity of decisions. The research suggests that committees of the very poor may lack the time and resources to make good decisions; they also lack the experience with quality schools to accurately evaluate service delivery. Thus, donors and governments must understand better the decision-making dilemmas of people with limited literacy. Targeted research may clarify the chains of causality leading from management committee decisions to service delivery and may help improve services to the poor.  相似文献   

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