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Despite a substantial body of research investigating the market significance of inventions by independent inventors, relatively little attention has been devoted to understanding their technological significance. A recent study conducted by [Dahlin, K., Taylor, M., Fichman, M., 2004. Today's Edisons or weekend hobbyists: technical impact and success of inventions by independent inventors. Res. Policy 33, 1167-1183] on the tennis racket industry shows that independent inventors are a heterogeneous group which includes both “heroes” who contribute substantially to technological progress and “hobbyists” who make only a marginal contribution. What is not asked - and therefore not explained - is why this distinction arises. In this paper, we focus on the type of prior technological knowledge (in terms of technological specialization and diversity) applied by independent inventors and their corporate counterparts as a factor explaining differences in technological impact. Our empirical setting is the field of medical equipment technology. We find that independent inventors are more sensitive to the negative effects of technological diversity than their corporate counterparts. Furthermore, our study reveals that technological specialization pays off more for independent inventors than for their corporate counterparts. Therefore, those independent inventors who apply low degrees of diversity and high degrees of specialization are capable of reaching the same level as or even outperforming their corporate counterparts, thus becoming “heroes”. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for research and corporate practice.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the levels of serum lipid peroxide, nitric oxide end poducts, erythrocytic superoxide dismutase activity and serum α 1-antitrypsin in smokers. Total 90 active cigarette smokers were subdivided into Group I (subjects with smoking habit of less than 10 cigarettes per day) and Group II (with smoking habit of more than 10 cigarettes per day). In both groups lipid peroxide and nitric oxide end products were significantly increased with significantly decrease in erythrocytic superoxide dismutase activity and serum α 1-antitrypsin as compared to controls. Our findings show enhanced oxidative stress and reduced α 1-antitrypsin in cigarette smokers. Further increase in number of cigarettes per day exacerbates the oxidative stress with decrease in α 1-antitrypsin.  相似文献   

This paper establishes an impact factor model among government R&D input, enterprise R&D input and IPRP in China. It uses data from 1992 to 2012 for regression analysis and finds that government R&D input in enterprises, institutions and universities has a leverage effect on enterprise R&D input, although the leverage effect caused by government R&D input in universities is not prominent, and proper IPRP can promote Chinese enterprise R&D input. The further Granger causality test shows that IPRP produced structural changes in Chinese enterprise R&D input in approximately 2002, and its leverage effect reached 0.147, which is double the previous effect and exceeds the leverage effect caused by government R&D in institutions and in universities. The findings verify that IPRP is the source of power for promoting Chinese enterprises’ technology innovation.  相似文献   

Dengue fever (DF) is characterized by systemic inflammatory response including neutrophil activation leading to uncontrolled elastase activity. This study was aimed to measure the activity of plasma neutrophil elastase (NE), its endogenous inhibitors α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) and α2-macroglobulin (α2-MG) and elastase in complex with α1-AT (NE–α1-AT complex) in DF. 50 dengue patients [39 DF and 11 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)] and 52 healthy subjects were included in the study. NE was measured using N-succinyl-tri-alanine-p-nitroanilide as substrate. α1-AT, α2-MG and NE–α1-AT complex were estimated by ELISA. The result analysis indicated that the dengue patients had significantly higher elastase activity with significantly reduced inhibitor levels compared to controls. Between DF and DHF patients, DHF group had significantly higher elastase activity. In conclusion, significantly elevated NE and reduced inhibitors level in dengue fever indicate these parameters could be of significance in DF particularly for the assessment of progression of inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

International knowledge spillovers, especially through multinational companies (MNCs), have recently been a major topic of academic and management debate. However, most studies treat MNC subsidiaries as relatively passive actors. We challenge this assumption by investigating the drivers of knowledge protection intensity of MNC subsidiaries. We argue that knowledge protection intensity is determined by MNC subsidiary mandates and by opportunities and risks originating from the host region. We hypothesize that not just competence-creating but also competence-exploiting mandates increase knowledge protection intensity. In addition, technological cluster regions in the host country can be expected to provide opportunities for knowledge sourcing and MNC subsidiaries may be willing to protect knowledge less intensively to participate in cluster networks. We test our hypotheses using a dataset of 694 observations of 631 MNC subsidiaries in Germany and develop recommendations for research, managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

A framework consisting of a conceptual model and a closed-loop knowledge work outsourcing decision model is developed. A process flow model of a medical device company's product development function is analysed, where this framework is applied to understand various outsourcing options for the company. The conceptual framework describes major attributes related to outsourcing decisions, parameters associated with various attributes and the relationship intensity of parameters with three knowledge work outsourcing options – in-house, near-shoring, and off-shoring. The proposed model is closed loop, emphasizing the importance of regular re-evaluation needed for an off-shored function. The modeling framework contributes to a company's decision whether or not a particular knowledge-based function should either be kept in-house, near-sourced or off-shored. The general perception of off-shoring is to reduce costs but, the proposed model takes into account additional factors such as, market accessibility, strategic partnership, reduced time to regional market, access to overseas talent pool, and governmental incentives, etc. These factors play a vital role in determining an outsourced function. The paper discusses various options and makes recommendations for tapping into technological advancements around the world, their effects on supply chain management and other competitive advantages presented by off-shoring.  相似文献   

There is an increasing recognition that various stakeholder groups for e-government have a significant role to play in ensuring the long-term success of the e-government enterprise. This article seeks to contribute to the understanding of the stakeholders’ multiple perspectives by proposing typologies of stakeholder roles, and stakeholder benefits, respectively, and embedding these in a stakeholder benefits analysis tool. A literature review is used to surface the diverse existing categorizations of e-government stakeholders and their interests and the benefits sought. This review informs a proposal for a typology of stakeholder roles, and for a typology of stakeholder benefits, which together are used to construct an initial proposal for a stakeholder benefits analysis tool (SBAT), which can be used to map stakeholder roles to stakeholder benefits. This tool has been tested by an expert group, and revised. This exploratory study is an important first step towards the development of tools and approaches for understanding the benefits sought by a wide range of different stakeholder groups in e-government. Progress in the development of such tools is important for the development of knowledge and practice, policy, and evaluation with respect to stakeholder engagement with, and participation in, e-government.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between R&D drivers and firm's age, taking into account the autoregressive nature of innovation.  相似文献   

In Varieties of Capitalism; The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, Peter A. Hall and David Soskice (H&S) argue that technological specialization patterns are largely determined by the prevailing “variety of capitalism”. They hypothesize that “liberal market economies” (LMEs) specialize in radical innovation, while “coordinated market economies” (CMEs) focus more on incremental innovation. Mark Zachary Taylor [Taylor, M.Z., 2004. Empirical evidence against varieties of capitalism's theory of technological innovation. International Organization 58, 601-631.] convincingly argued that Hall and Soskice's empirical test is fundamentally flawed and proposed a more appropriate test of their conjecture. He rejected the varieties of capitalism explanation of innovation patterns. We extend and refine Taylor's analysis, using a broader set of radicality indicators and making industry-level comparisons. Our results indicate that Hall and Soskice's conjecture cannot be upheld as a general rule, but that it survives closer scrutiny for a substantial number of industries and an important dimension of radicality.  相似文献   

α-Thalassemia (α-thal) is considered as the most common inherited hemoglobin disorder worldwide. The present study describes the first observation of a combination of rare α-chain variants, and β-globin gene cluster deletion. A 21-year-old woman with thalassemia trait, marked microcytosis, mild anemia, and normal range of Hb F was referred to Amirkola genetic center in the North of Iran for routine molecular test of thalassemia in the context of carrier detection and prevention of thalassemia major birth. Nucleotide sequencing revealed a novel compound heterozygosity status for two non-deletional mutations on HBA2, Hb O Indonesia (α116(GH4)Glu → Lys), and Hb Matsue–Oki (α75 (EF4) Asp → Asn), together with heterozygosity for the sicilian (δβ)0-thal mutation. This finding highlights the necessity of deep molecular investigation of thalassemia in regions where thalassemia is abundant, and present highly heterogeneous population.  相似文献   

一个女孩 听啊,听啊,在废墟中,在瓦砾下,传来阵阵清脆读书声。一个压在废墟下的女孩,打着手电筒在忘情读书。她忘记了危险,忘记了伤痛,忘记了饥饿,用读书声驱赶着恐惧,与死神抗争,同时也召唤着生的希望。废墟下是黑暗的,但你心中有阳光,因为知识会带来勇气,文化会带来光明。临危不惧,从容镇静,在你身上,显示了广大灾民的不屈精神,体现着我们民族的光辉未来。你是最优秀的“读书种子”,你也是最出色的抗震勇士,向你致敬,为你祝福!  相似文献   

稍息、立正、跨立、齐步走、正步走……一样的动作,一样的要求,一样的口号将我的思绪带回到初中军训的时光。三年前的军训见证了我的成长:从初一的懵懂到初二的张扬再到初三的沉稳。经历鲜花簇拥时的快乐,也有身处荆棘时的痛苦,但无论处境如何,总有父母的双手为我导航,总有朋友的身影与我并肩,总有老师的目光陪我前行。  相似文献   

翻译活动是个极其复杂的过程,其中,作者、译者和读者的身份不同,然而彼此联系紧密。斌从信息交流的角度讨论翻译活动中这三类不同的主体,揭示其重要的地位和作用,对有关评判译作标准的问题抒一己之见。  相似文献   

Wilson’s disease is a disease of abnormal copper metabolism in which free serum copper level is raised. The objective of the study was to determine, whether in Wilson disease, l-cysteine/l-cystine influx into RBC was decreased or not and the specific amino acid transporter affected by copper in normal human RBC. For l-cysteine/l-cystine influx, ten untreated cases, ten treated cases and ten age and sex matched healthy controls were recruited. To study the effect of copper on l-cysteine/l-cystine influx in RBC, 15 healthy subjects were selected. RBC GSH and l-cysteine/l-cystine influx were estimated by Beautler’s and Yildiz’s method respectively. In untreated cases, l-cysteine/l-cystine influx and erythrocyte GSH level were decreased showing that elevated level of free copper in serum or media decreased l-cysteine/l-cystine influx in human RBC. Copper treatment inhibited L amino acid transporter in normal RBC specifically.  相似文献   

如果说农民耕田是所谓“汗滴禾下土”,那我们今天应该也能略微地体验一下“汗滴脚下土”的感觉。  相似文献   

2006年9月13日.欧盟创新峰会在比利时布鲁塞尔召开,会议讨论通过了《欧盟全面创新战略》报告,并提出了10项鼓励创新的措施;2006年11月26日,欧洲第一届再创新(Re-innovating)会议在西班牙巴伦西亚召开,会议讨论了传统产业的创新问题,旨在增强欧洲工业的基础创新能力.……  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there are significant differences in private R&D investment performance between the EU and the US and, if so, why. The study is based on data from the 2008 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. The investigation assesses the effects of three very distinct factors that can determine the relative size of the overall R&D intensities of the two economies: these are the influence of sector composition (structural effect) vis-à-vis the intensity of R&D in each sector (intrinsic effect) and company demographics. The paper finds that the lower overall corporate R&D intensity for the EU is the result of sector specialisation (structural effect) - the US has a stronger sectoral specialisation in the high R&D intensity (especially ICT-related) sectors than the EU does, and also has a much larger population of R&D investing firms within these sectors. Since aggregate R&D indicators are so closely dependent on industrial structures, many of the debates and claims about differences in comparative R&D performance are in effect about industrial structure rather than sectoral R&D performance. These have complex policy implications that are discussed in the closing section.  相似文献   

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