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如何在查询中得到最好、最快所需要的信息,Web查询方法以及Web数据库的选择方式最为重要。本文提出基于Web数据库的查询表示方法,在用户查询与组织条件的数据模型建立的基础上,提出了用户相关匹配与查询统计分析,进行在用户查询请求过程中Web数据库选择方法研究。  相似文献   

图书馆Web数据库的建立与ASP技术的使用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在网络化时代, 图书馆实现Web 数据库查询有着重要的意义, 而ASP 技术可以简便易行地实现构建Web 数据库的查询程序, 一般的图书馆计算机管理人员均可有效地掌握。本文介绍了ASP 技术的基本概念、标准对象和编程的基本步骤, 并对图书馆如何开发Web 数据库的基本方法作了简要分析。  相似文献   

王继民  孟涛 《情报学报》2007,26(4):515-521
为发现中文Web用户查询行为的演化趋势,本文对近5年的中文天网搜索引擎的用户日志进行了抽样分析.结果显示用户输入的查询串中所包含词项数量有明显增多的趋势;用户会话的长度逐年下降;用户查看的结果页面越来越少;查看的时间间隔逐渐缩短;查询串中所包含的汉字个数基本稳定,其中包含2~4个汉字的查询串居多;在查询结果中发生点击行为的比率呈递减的趋势;查询次数与点击次数的相关性逐渐减弱;Web用户查询的主题变化较快.  相似文献   

Web数据库与ASP技术在图书馆的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在网络化时代,图书馆实现Web数据库查询有着重要的意义,而ASP技术可以简便易行地实现构建Web数据库的查询程序,一般的图书馆计算机管理人员均可有效地掌握。本文介绍了ASP技术的主要技术特征,以及在我馆的应用。  相似文献   

本文利用Web挖掘的相关方法研究并测度突发事件主题的破坏性。首先对突发事件主题、主题破坏性、破坏特征的维度进行了定义,并构建破坏词数据库,对突发事件主题破坏指数的测度流程进行了详细介绍;然后分别给出单条Web文档和突发事件主题的破坏指数测度方法;最后针对乌鲁木齐7·5打砸事件、非典事件以及汶川地震事件进行实验分析,结果证明,本文所提方法和事件自身表现的破坏程度基本符合。  相似文献   

基于Web环境下数据库检索方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文列举了当前较流行的Web数据库检索方法,并结合我馆所使用的SQL Server数据库,重点介绍了ASP技术在其数据库上检索应用的事例,为图书馆计算机信息管理人员了解在Web环境下数据库查询、更新、删除等功能作了一些有益探索。  相似文献   

旨在实现对给定的实体对象集匹配出尽可能宽的实体对象面,以帮助用户快速找到相关信息,尤其是那些需动态整合的特定领域的语义关联信息。分析Web文档中的实体对象结构及其关系,并借助Schema.org方案中的语义分类思想,提出构建具有语义特性的实体对象数据库建设方案。基于该数据库提出一个自适应的实体对象检索框架,该框架能对用户的查询意图进行分析并进行语义分类,形成一条条涵盖实体对象的查询语句,接着“智能地”选择、执行某些具有优先权的查询语句以匹配出那些保存在事实数据库中的相关实体对象。本研究旨在一定程度上实现“滚雪球”式的高效检索思想,满足智能检索技术的需求,促进以实体对象作为研究对象的情报理论研究工作的开展,并为智能情报检索技术的应用规划提供有用参考。  相似文献   

ISI Web of Knowledge平台数据库检索方法之浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对ISI Web of Knowledge(简称WOK)平台作简要介绍的基础上,以其中的综合性数据库Web of Science和专业性数据库Inspec为例,分析了此平台的几种独特检索方法:Web of Science数据库的Cited Reference Search(被引文献检索);Structure Search(化学结构检索);Author Finder(作者甄别)以及Inspec数据库中主题索引机制中的Controlled Indexing(控制词索引)。  相似文献   

董旻  方曙 《图书情报工作》2007,51(10):25-28
针对Deep Web信息资源的利用问题,指出对其进行信息抽取的意义,分析对比在信息抽取过程中处理查询接口和抽取结构化数据这两个主要步骤所使用的技术,采用基于关键词查询和建立文档对象模型的方法对专利数据库进行抽取实验。通过分析实验结果,验证抽取方法的准确性,指出不足之处和解决的途径,以期达到充分利用Deep Web信息资源的目的。  相似文献   

网络用户信息获取语言使用行为研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以网络搜索中用户信息获取习惯为研究对象,旨在对网络搜索中的基本词汇现象及其认知与利用进行总体把握性质的研究。主要使用网络问卷调查方法,辅以用户对比实验所得到的结论进行比较分析,得出在Web2.0标记、浏览中分类语言及其呈现方式、搜索词汇来源与类型、系统提示相关词等方面的研究结论:标签已经在Web2.0中有着极大的影响力;用户浏览时依赖分类语言,查询时对系统提示的相关词亦有较强认知;专指度较高的搜索词汇更容易在网络搜索中取得较好的效果。对于这些特征的把握,有助于各种网络获取服务的改善。  相似文献   

异构电子资源统一检索协议*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大规模分布式异构数据库的互连互检是数据库应用领域急需解决的问题,本文从制定标准化协议入手,提出了一个解决此问题的有效方法。协议分为两个部分,第一部分从分析现有的各种元数据标准和数据库入手,给出了一个标准化检索服务,各个数据库均可依据此标准服务发布统一的检索服务。第二部分对现有的UDDI标准进行了一定的扩展,提出了一种发现和选择信息检索服务的方法。  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索在检索效率和检索性能等方面一直存在着限制与不足。为提高图像检索效率,对基于内容的图像检索和分布式计算进行研究,提出一种基于图像颜色模型向直方图转换的分布式检索方法DHCIR(Distributed Image Retrieval method based on Color Model to Histogram Conversion),并基于该方法进行系统设计及实现。通过实际测试,该算法能够提供稳定、快速、高效的图像检索服务,提高图像检索的计算效率与准确性。  相似文献   

双检策略,是指同时采用印刷本和电子数据库两种索引工具来完成同一课题文献检索的方法。其做法是根据课题内容要求,选择合适的检索工具,分别采用其纸印本和光盘或网络版,进行文献检索,并对其结果进行分析、选择。双检策略不仅能保证文献查询全面、准确,而且能保证质量,利于科研。参考文献6。  相似文献   

Readers' advisory databases are used by public librarians to assist patrons in finding books based on the facts of the plot, the factors used to describe the appeal of the book, or read titles similar to another book they have read. Librarians depend on these databases to give a complete view of the titles available given these limiters, and may assume that identical searches in each database would give similar results. This study compares search results from four databases to see the extent of crossover within those results, using fact-based searches, appeal factor searches, and read-alike searches.  相似文献   

Using the example of microarrays, one of the constitutive technologies of post-genomic biomedicine, this paper introduces a method for analyzing publications, patents and research grants as proxies for “triple-helix interfaces” between university, industry and government activities. Our method creates bridges that allow one to move seamlessly between publication, patent and research project databases that use different fields and formats, and contain different information. These links do not require pre-defined categories in order to search for correspondences between sub-topics or research areas in the three databases. Finally, our results are not restricted to quantitative information but, rather, allow one to carry out qualitative investigations of the content of research activities. Our approach draws on a combination of text-mining and network analysis/mapping software packages.  相似文献   

In distributed information retrieval systems, document overlaps occur frequently among different component databases. This paper presents an experimental investigation and evaluation of a group of result merging methods including the shadow document method and the multi-evidence method in the environment of overlapping databases. We assume, with the exception of resultant document lists (either with rankings or scores), no extra information about retrieval servers and text databases is available, which is the usual case for many applications on the Internet and the Web. The experimental results show that the shadow document method and the multi-evidence method are the two best methods when overlap is high, while Round-robin is the best for low overlap. The experiments also show that [0,1] linear normalization is a better option than linear regression normalization for result merging in a heterogeneous environment.
Sally McCleanEmail:

获取学科前沿信息与全文的一条捷径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学科前沿信息在科学研究中具有非常重要的作用。本文介绍了一种快捷、高效地检索学科前沿信息并获取全文的方法,即:将三大检索工具与全文电子期刊导航、馆际互借业务“嫁接”起来,从而达到多、快、好、省地获取学科前沿信息与全文的目的。  相似文献   


Faculty publication databases or author bibliographies offer libraries an opportunity to provide services to users. Initially, these databases remained initiatives of special libraries in the health-sciences fields. Librarians used the publication information derived from these databases to compile lists for annual reports. However, the advent of new technologies, especially the Web, prompted numerous libraries to develop faculty publication databases for their institutions. The author conducted a survey of various listservs to discover the history and development of these databases. The results illustrate the popularity of Web-based faculty publication databases. The motivation for their creation varied, but most respondents emphasized the desire to highlight the research activities of their institutions. In addition, the content of materials included in the databases and the definition of faculty also varied, depending on the type of library. Librarians reported a wide range of software employed in the development of these databases highlighting their creation by librarians with various levels of programming skills. Moreover, additional features included in these projects underscore the potential for librarians to provide added value from this service. Finally, while institutional repositories seemingly present similar content, publication databases differ in their focus on a citation format that offers a solution to items without copyright permission for full-text accessibility.  相似文献   

多类型电子资源在查新检索中的综合使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高校图书馆电子信息资源迅速发展的有利条件, 提出了将联机数据库系统与W eb 数据库、CD- ROM 数据库以及Internet 免费资源等多类型数据库综合使用的方法, 以达到提高查新检索质量并降低检索费用的目的。  相似文献   

Two-stage statistical language models for text database selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As the number and diversity of distributed Web databases on the Internet exponentially increase, it is difficult for user to know which databases are appropriate to search. Given database language models that describe the content of each database, database selection services can provide assistance in locating databases relevant to the information needs of users. In this paper, we propose a database selection approach based on statistical language modeling. The basic idea behind the approach is that, for databases that are categorized into a topic hierarchy, individual language models are estimated at different search stages, and then the databases are ranked by the similarity to the query according to the estimated language model. Two-stage smoothed language models are presented to circumvent inaccuracy due to word sparseness. Experimental results demonstrate that such a language modeling approach is competitive with current state-of-the-art database selection approaches.  相似文献   

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