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1.“a/an 姓氏单数”表示某家族的一个成员。例如: His wife is a Kennedy(=a member of the Kennedy family).他的妻子是肯尼迪家族中的一员。2.“a/an 作家、画家的姓氏单数”表示其作品。例如: Have you got a complete Lu Xun(=a set of Lu Xun's completeworks)?你身边有鲁迅全集吗?  相似文献   

Optimal choice of parameters for particle swarm optimization   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
INTRODUCTION Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is one of the evolutionary computational techniques. Since its introduction (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1995; Eberhart and Kennedy, 1995; Eberhart et al., 1996), PSO has attracted much attention from researchers around the world. It is a population-based search algorithm and is initialized with a population of random solutions, called particles. Each particle in PSO moves over the search space at velocity dynamically adjusted according to th…  相似文献   

Smart Machine     
A man coming from Europe landed at Kennedy Airport and steppedon a weighing machine, which reports weights by voice instead of bycard.Dropping in a dime,he heard the voice,“You are 5 feet 10 inchestall,weigh 185 pounds,and you aye taking a plane to Chiago.”He tried  相似文献   

Life is not a 100-yard dash,but a cross-country run.If we spring all the time,we not only fail to win the race,but never last long enough to reach the finish line.--J.Kennedy人生不是百米冲刺,而是越野长跑。如果总是不停地往前冲,我们不仅不能赢得比赛,还会因力量耗尽而无法到达终点。——肯尼迪(美国总统)  相似文献   

Though "Comparative" rhetoricians Oliver and Kennedy placed Indian rhetoric on the rhetorical map, much remains undiscovered concerning their specific indigenous communicative practices. This essay introduces two such Indian traditions-- Nyāya, a philosophically based approach to persuasion codified by Hindus, and Sadharanikaran, interpreted by many as a Hindu model of communication. Nyāya, gradually developed a five-part "method"(Matilal) that defines arguments in terms of claims, reasons, and analogies. In a parallel dramatic tradition from Bharat Muni called Sadharanikaran, the receiver "not only accepts the message willingly but in the process derives genuine satisfaction and pleasure or Ananda". This essay contrasts the two approaches with Aristotle's more familiar ideas, and then offers some historical and current Indian arguments to illustrate rhetorical delivery shaped by Nyāya and Sadharanikaran, a glimpse into rhetorical performance within a rich non-Western tradition.  相似文献   

范莹芳 《海外英语》2013,(2X):224-228
John Kennedy’s first inaugural address is one of the widely appreciated speeches worldwide. It is famous not only for calling up the American people to well serve the country, but also for its extraordinary linguistic power to arouse the listeners’ emotions, which lies to a great extent in the marvelous employment of the cohesive and coherent devices in the process of its delivery. Cohesion and coherence are two elementary and significant concepts in the theoretical system of discourse analysis. There-fore, they play an important role in the structuring, arrangement, interpretation and analysis of a discourse. In this sense, it is significant to analyze the cohesive and coherent features of John Kennedy’s first inaugural address in order to obtain a penetrating comprehension of the speech in many aspects. A detailed analysis on the cohesive and coherent features of the speech has been conducted in this paper. In the aspect of cohesion in the address, the devices employed fall into two categories: structural cohesion and non-structural cohesion. Structural cohesive devices used in the discourse are mainly grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion like repetition, ellipsis, conjunction, etc. Non-structural methods adopted in the speech are transitivity, mood and modality, thematic progression, parallel structure and so on. In the aspect of coherence, five levels of coherent methods have been employed, namely, lexical level, syntax level, semantic level, phonological level and social semiotic level. The neat intermingling of the cohesive and coherent methods function cooperatively and lead to the smooth going of the text.  相似文献   

Ms.Goldstein:I'd like you to imagine that it's the year 3000.A team of anthropologists is hunting through the ruins of Kennedy Middle School.They wonder about life here.They wonder about what we were like.  相似文献   

【慧眼识金】1.下面各式中,不是代数式的是().A.3a+b B.3a=2b C.8a D.02.以下代数式书写规范的是(). A.(a+b)÷2 B.6/5 C.1 1/3x D.x+y厘米 3.计算:-5a2+4a2的结果为( ).A.-3a B.-a C.-3a2 D.-a2  相似文献   

张展 《海外英语》2011,(15):308-309
The inaugural address delivered by John F. Kennedy, which gave deep impression to us, is regarded as one of the best inaugural addresses. The recipes for success in the inaugural address are mainly concerned with contrasts, bold imagery, parallelism and alliteration, audience analysis etc..  相似文献   

哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院师资构成分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨光富 《中国教师》2008,(21):42-44
<正>哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院(the John F. Kennedy School of Government,KSG)前身是建立于1936年的哈佛大学公共行政研究生院。其公共政策与公共行政类职业硕士项目连续多年被中立的高等教育权威测评机构《美国新闻和世界报道》评为全美第一,  相似文献   

有这样一道题:当a=0.35,b=-0.28时,求多项式7a3+3a2b+3a3+6a3b-3a2b-10a3-6a3b的值.有位同学指出.题目中给出的条件a=0.35,b=-0.28是多余的,他说的有道理吗?  相似文献   

形如√a(a≥0)的式子叫做二次根式,对于√a若在实数范围内有意义.必须a≥0,不妨叫做第一非负性,在a≥0的情况下。√a表示a的算术平方根.因此√a≥0,不妨叫第二非负性.于是√a具有双重非负性.一些涉及二次根式问题,需用√a的双重非负性求解.  相似文献   

粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是一种基于群智能的进化计算技术,是由Kennedy和Eberhart在1995年提出.由于粒子群优化算法具有收敛速度快、运算简单、易于实现等优点,近年来吸引了  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初,由于艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)政府对非洲的经济援助未能取得满意的结果,肯尼迪(Kennedy)适应形势的变化调整了对非洲的经济援助政策。肯尼迪政府对非洲的经济援助虽然有积极的意义,但并未能完全突破艾森豪威尔政府的冷战思维,也有很大的局限性。  相似文献   

初一年级1.由已知条件可知,a、b、c都不为的值为1或-1;由已知等式可知.中必有两个互为相反数,并且a、b、c中有一个且只有一个是负数.不妨设a<0,则b>0,C>0.abc<0.abc>0,2.因为数轴上表示a、b两数的点到原点的距离相等,所以a=b或a+b=0.若a=b,则x-4=2X—5.X=1.若a+b=0,则(x-4)+(2X-5)=0.X=3.故X的值为1或3.3.用分类思想来处理问题.因为卜,,且a、b异号.所以或4设这个有理数为a,则此题实际上是要确定al-a的符号。用分类思想来处理问题.因为a是有理数,所以可分为a>O、。一O、a<O三种…  相似文献   

初一年级1.解此题的常现思路是:先设法确定持定系数a、b的值,从而确定代数式ax3+bx+9,然后将x=-5代入计算.但已知条件不足以确定a、b的值,因此不可能先求得a、b的值.故需另辟蹊径.由已知得125a+5b+3=8∴25a+b=1.于是,将x=-5代入待求值式,并将其变形为关于25a+b的代数式即可.当x=-5时,2.由题设知。a≠0,b可取任何有理数值.因此,应采用分类的思想方法来确定a、b的大小关系.若b≥O,a>0,则a>b;若b≥0,a<0,则a<b;若b<0,a>0,则a>b;若b<0,a<0,则a<b3.要求a’的值,只要求出a和b的值即可.…  相似文献   

吴海波 《高中生》2011,(2):42-43
1.It's _____good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ___pleasure. A.不填;a B.a;不填 C.the;a D.a;the 【解析】答案为B。此题考查冠词的用法。冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。有些物质名词或抽象名词加a可具体化,变成普通名词,表示一个具体情况或动作或某一类物质。如:Maotai is a famous Chinese liquer.但在专有名词、抽象名词和物质名词.  相似文献   

知识链接 1.正方形边长为a,则周长为4a,面积为a^2。 2.长方形长为a,宽为b,则周长为(2a+2b),面积为ab.  相似文献   

非负数是我们学习中经常见到的一类数,它包括正数和0.其常见的形式有:|a|,a^2、√a(a≥0).即|a|≥0,a^2≥0,√a≥0(a≥0).非负数有一些重要的性质,比如,若干个非负数之和为0,则这些非负数均为0.利用这些性质可解决一些问题.现举例说明如下.  相似文献   

1.课本原句:I’ve had a letter from my brother,Wei Ming.精彩点拨:have a letter from sb.意为“收到某人的来信”。同义句型还有receive/get a letter from sb./hear from sb.如:  相似文献   

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