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中国传统数学和西方传统数学对世界的数学发展起着重要的作用,但中国传统数学和以希腊为代表的西方传统数学存在较大差异.本文从地域和哲学等角度分别对中西传统数学的成因进行分析和比较.  相似文献   

明代以来,西方数学逐渐被天主教引入中国,给中国带来了大量的西方思想,真正使中西科学、宗教、哲学有了实质性的交流与融合.对此.越来越多的学者对此给予关注.发表了许多新的、有价值的研究成果.本文在前人研究的基础上.以西学东渐为研究对象.论述了西方数学在中国的两次传播.  相似文献   

中西数学发展的差异导致了中西不同的自然观。自然的“数学化”给西方文明带来了先进的科学技术和发达的生产力,但也给西方文化带来许多负面效应。而中国的文化传统不受“数学化”的限制,对于西方文化摆脱当前的精神危机具有重要意义  相似文献   

本文通过对《周易》与毕达哥拉斯学派数理观之异同及其对中西数学发展之影响考察,来寻找中西数学差异的历史渊源和思想渊源,从而反映出中西方不同国度的人们思维方式的根本不同。笔者从“探源”这一深层对中西方数学思想的差异作新的比较,并力求脱去哲学“政治”的外衣,使哲学与数学相结合,充分显示它的合理内核——科学性和真理性。  相似文献   

南宋数学家杨辉在他的著作里收录了此三角,中国习惯称之为“杨辉三角”。而法国数学家帕斯卡在1653年开始应用这个三角形数表,西方称此三角为“帕斯卡三角”。笔者最初在英国作者的数学科普书籍上学习到了此三角的相关知识,为了表示对第一位数学老师的尊敬和感谢,本文统称“帕斯卡三角”。  相似文献   

体现数学文化价值是普通高中《数学课程标准》基本理念之一.普通高中《数学课程标准》明确指出:数学课程应介绍数学发展的历史、应用、发展趋势;注意体现数学的社会需要、……,以帮助学生了解数学在人类文明发展中的作用,逐步树立正确的数学观.三角在高中课本为必修内容,教材中也有关于三角文化的介绍.了解三角的文化、历史,理解三角知识,认识到三角文化发展的继承性、发展性和延续性,意识到三角是人类对宇宙充满好奇与探索的结果.因此,重视三角文化、历史对于加强三角的教学具有重要的意义.在三角教学中,通过探究三角历史,丰富学生的数学课外活动;通过三角的应用,增加学生的视野;利用三角线形成的过程,让学生深刻准确无误地理解到三角概念;利用历史文化名题,让学生了解三角文化,认识三角应用广泛.  相似文献   

《算术驾说》与《几何赘说》是潘应祺自编的广东高等学堂预科数学课本,是当时广东地区具有代表性的数学论著和流行较广的数学教科书,内容仅相当于现今小学初中的数学水平;采用横竖混合编排,数学符号中西兼用;以数学的逻辑关系编排教学内容,注重数学与生活实际的联系;承载传播西方数学文化的历史使命,促进广东近代数学教育的迅速发展。  相似文献   

中西数学文化存在着巨大差异。目前国内一些有关数学文化的研究忽略了数学文化观研究的理论特性。数学文化应讨论的主要问题有:关于数学文化的中西方差异的厂家及关于中西方数学教育存在的文化心理和价值观念的研究。数学文化的研究至少在以下3方面对我国数学教育具有启示作用:中国数学教育的技艺型文化价值取向;中国传统数学价值观与现代西方数学教育方式共存;数学文化具有的地域性、民族性特征。  相似文献   

在清朝前期,由于西方数学的传人,开始了中西数学融合的过程,更由于康熙皇帝重视数学学习,数学教育较明代有了较大的发展,并且在整理、研究中国古代数学上做出了不少的成绩.清朝中晚期的数学教育则呈阶段性发展,1860年以前,一方面受康熙帝传统的影响,官方数学教育得以继续维持,另一方面,乾嘉学派以数学作为研经治史之助,在民间倡导数学教育,开办了一些有数学课程的书院,同时,一些通数学的教师也在其经学教育之余为学生讲授数学知识.  相似文献   

2023年8月11—14日在呼伦贝尔学院隆重召开了第十一届中国数学会数学史分会学术年会暨第十届数学史与数学教育学术研讨会.此次会议选举产生了第十一届理事会,分享并讨论了中国传统数学的现代学术价值和教育价值、西方数学及中西数学的传播与交流、数学教育史研究、数学文化及其融入数学教学研究.此次会议不仅为中小学数学教学提供了指导性的资源支持,同时对当今数学教育改革和优秀人才培养具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

本文利用作者发现总结的+k(k∈z)和原有的-α与α角三角函数关系两组公式,即可替代原来的五组公式才能解决的求任意角三角函数值,并将原来解决该类问题的步骤简化为两步甚至一步,极大地简化了求任意角三角函数值的问题。  相似文献   

作为数学教育改革的一种尝试,文章将数学发展的历史与数学教育相结合给出了自然数幂和公式与三角公式的直观证明。由此探讨了数学史与数学教育的关系(HPM),认为数学史上许多思想方法十分精彩,富有启发性,若能将它们渗透到数学教学中,对数学教育改革将具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper concerns proof presentation at the university level. We report on a study in which we observed ten mathematicians constructing or revising proofs for pedagogical purposes. We highlight the factors that they claimed to consider when completing these tasks. We found that intended audience and medium (lecture or textbook) influenced proof presentation. We also found that, although mathematicians generally valued pedagogical proofs featuring diagrams and emphasizing main ideas, these mathematicians did not always incorporate these aspects in the proofs they constructed or revised.  相似文献   

In a recent paper (Weber & Mejia-Ramos, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76, 329–344, 2011), we reported findings from two small-scale interview studies on the reasons why and the ways in which mathematicians read proofs. Based on these findings, we designed an Internet-based survey that we distributed to practicing mathematicians working in top mathematics departments in the USA. Surveyed mathematicians (N?=?118) agreed to a great extent with the interviewed mathematicians in the exploratory studies. First, the mathematicians reported that they commonly read published proofs to gain different types of insight, not to check the correctness of the proofs. Second, they stated that when reading these proofs, they commonly: (a) appeal to the reputation of the author and the journal, (b) study how certain steps in the proof apply to specific examples, and (c) focus on the overarching ideas and methods in the proofs. In this paper, we also report findings from another section of the survey that focused on how participants reviewed proofs submitted for publication. The comparison of participant responses to questions in these two sections of the survey suggests that reading a published proof of a colleague and refereeing a proof for publication are substantially different activities for mathematicians.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a study in which nine research mathematicians were interviewed with regard to the goals guiding their reading of published proofs and the type of reasoning they use to reach these goals. Using the data from this study as well as data from a separate study (Weber, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39:431–459, 2008) and the philosophical literature on mathematical proof, we identify three general strategies that mathematicians employ when reading proofs: appealing to the authority of other mathematicians who read the proof, line-by-line reading, and modular reading. We argue that non-deductive reasoning plays an important role in each of these three strategies.  相似文献   

Student difficulty in constructing proofs: The need for strategic knowledge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to construct proofs is an important skill for all mathematicians. Despite its importance, students have great difficulty with this task. In this paper, I first demonstrate that undergraduates often are aware of and able to apply the facts required to prove a statement but still fail to prove it. They thus fail to construct a proof because they could not use the syntactic knowledge that they had. By comparing doctoral students and undergraduates constructing proofs in abstract algebra, I have hypothesized four types of `strategic knowledge' – knowledge of how to choose which facts and theorems to apply – which the doctoral students appeared to possess and undergraduates did not. The doctoral students appeared to know the powerful proof techniques in abstract algebra, which theorems are most important, when particular facts and theorems are likely to be useful, and when one should or should not try and prove theorems using symbol manipulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

讨论了5位数学家的数学创造公式以及它们的特点与作用。  相似文献   

本文对不得已从儒者向学者转变的清朝知识分子的意识形态和社会形态进行解明的同时 ,对由作为与政治、道德密切相关的智慧 (wisdom)的学问 ,向追求“实事求是”之中性知识 (knowledge)的学问转变的清朝学术史之一端进行了描绘。目的在于借此解明中国近世末期城市型知识分子意识的变貌。虽然本文仅仅举了阎若璩和章学诚二例而已 ,但试图藉以论证他们所提出的知的理论 ,正是中国近代学术知识之萌芽  相似文献   

The received view of mathematical practice is that mathematicians gain certainty in mathematical assertions by deductive evidence rather than empirical or authoritarian evidence. This assumption has influenced mathematics instruction where students are expected to justify assertions with deductive arguments rather than by checking the assertion with specific examples or appealing to authorities. In this article, we argue that the received view about mathematical practice is too simplistic; some mathematicians sometimes gain high levels of conviction with empirical or authoritarian evidence and sometimes do not gain full conviction from the proofs that they read. We discuss what implications this might have, both for mathematics instruction and theories of epistemic cognition.  相似文献   

三角函数不同于普通函数,其自变量表示角度,研究三角函数时要重视角与角的关系.三角函数是“多对一”函数,要注意其对称性和周期性,尤其在利用三角换元解题时,更要注意“多对一”.三角公式有其成立的条件,使用公式时要注意角的范围变化.另外,三角学不是独立的学科,要重视三角与其他学科的联系和应用.  相似文献   

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