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The increased number of international students in United States universities and colleges have created the need for the development of services that appropriately reflect their needs and characteristics. The Career Center at the University of Missouri, Columbia reacted to this phenomenon by developing career services exclusively for international students. Career services are provided as individual services and online services, and consist of information on graduate schools and entrance examination practices, information on available employment opportunities and work permit policies, career assessments, and information about specific skills for obtaining a job in the United States. Several marketing strategies were used to ensure international students' use of services. Important points in developing career services for international students are presented.  相似文献   

Limited scholarly work has been conducted on obtaining equal opportunities to participate in employability-related programmes by international students while studying in Australia. Drawing on a qualitative study, 20 South Asian postgraduates were interviewed to explore their experiences in accessing employability-related programmes. Based on the findings, South Asian graduates have experienced unequal opportunities in accessing employability-related programmes as postgraduate international students in Australia. They are disadvantaged by generic career advice and resume assistance offered by their university career office, and companies invited to university career fairs offer internships, placements or graduate programme opportunities mostly to domestic students. As a result, South Asian graduates were unable to gain employment in their field of studies. South Asian graduates have also offered several useful recommendations to facilitate more equal chances of developing employability and thereby gaining successful employment in Australia. These include partnerships with companies in providing employment opportunities, diversification of university career office roles, and establishing connections with alumni. The paper also discusses implications for Australian higher education institutions and higher education policy and practice in Australia.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigates the career placement concerns of international graduate students returning to their home countries, heading to other countries, or remaining in the United States after their education. Using a phenomenological framework, structured interviews were conducted with 24 participants (i.e., 18 international students, 1 naturalized status student, 3 faculty members, and 2 career counselors). Assertions that emerged suggested that the students possess diverse career plans influenced by numerous unique factors. Major, gender, and geography were not salient factors affecting the students' career placement needs. Students used contacts in their academic fields far more than they used campus career services, due to negative perceptions of or limited services that the center could provide. Based on these findings, more outreach to the international student community and collaboration between the career counseling and placement center and other campus departments are recommended.  相似文献   


A key attractor for many international students when choosing to study abroad is the prospect of gaining employment in the host country after graduating. From a university’s perspective this becomes an important attraction issue for both maintaining and increasing the number of international students as well as improving graduate employability. A survey was utilised to explore employment intentions and outcomes of international graduate alumni from two Australian universities (n = 511 and n = 648). A comparative analysis between the universities has been undertaken in relation to this and rates of unemployment amongst graduates. The study has coined the term Two-step migration intender for international students/graduates and contributes to a gap in the research in relation to international graduate mobility, career intentions and employment outcomes. The findings have strategic implications for the promotion of Australian higher education to overseas markets and can also inform higher education policy and practice in terms of strategies for promoting international graduate employability.  相似文献   

通过对浙江工业大学研究生学习生活现状的调查研究发现,当前研究生的价值取向和就业观比较明确,但还存在一些问题;研究生的课余生活与社会实践目的性较强,就业压力和学习压力是研究生产生心理压力和心理问题的最主要根源。因此,高校应指导研究生进一步树立正确的择业观和价值观,丰富研究生的课余生活,尽可能地为在校研究生提供各种社会实践的机会,以培养其各方面的能力,从而减轻研究生的心理压力。  相似文献   

经济高质量发展需要高质量人才支撑,而研究生就业与专业匹配程度是影响高质量人才的重要因素。利用中部某农林院校研究生就业调查数据,构建定序Logit模型,探讨研究生就业观对其专业就业匹配的影响作用。研究发现:研究生就业态度、就业期望、职业发展目标对其专业就业匹配有着积极影响,但择业观不对专业就业匹配产生影响;就业观对研究生专业就业匹配的影响因性别而有所差异,职业发展目标不对女性研究生的专业就业匹配产生影响。  相似文献   

造成大学生就业困难的因素很多,但不能有效进行职业生涯规划与管理是其中的重要原因。基于胜任特征的大学生职业生涯管理主要包括基于胜任特征的职业生涯诊断、职业生涯目标确定和职业生涯的策略制定与实施三个步骤。将胜任特征理论引入大学生职业生涯管理领域,能够帮助大学生确定就业目标,将已经确定的就业目标进行分解。  相似文献   

The issue of international student mobility has had a profound effect on policy decision-making in the higher education system of essentially every country; however, the statistical data on this subject are insufficient, especially for graduate students. The purposes of this study are to substantiate the state of international mobility among talented graduate students in the sciences and engineering who will publish scholarly research in their future career and to present the mechanism of their moves between institutions. This paper quantitatively analyzes the trajectories of more than 7,000 scientists and engineers beginning at graduate school, obtained from the biographical notes attached to journal articles for authors in the fields of computer vision, robotics, and electron devices. The results suggest that mobility in various engineering fields at world-class research universities is subject to varied pull and push factors. In the fields of computer vision and robotics, a high world university ranking is a significant pull factor in the global mobility of graduate students, which may promote a US-dominated stratification between institutions of higher education, since the institutions at the top end of these rankings are generally in the United States. In contrast, in the field of electron devices, employment for highly skilled workers in domestic industries seems to act as an alternative pull factor for talented graduate students. This article also sheds light on the status of the universities that underpin first-tier research universities by providing undergraduate students to them, an important role that tends to be concealed in the world university rankings. Furthermore, this article suggests the existence of complementary relationships between the globally top-ranked research universities and the exporting top national research universities in various countries, a relationship that is key to the shape of the current global higher education system.  相似文献   

试论个性化的就业指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对职业指导“特性-因素”理论的借鉴与解读,结合实践阐述大学生就业指导应该:充分尊重学生个性,为其独特的职业发展需求提供帮助;启发学生认识自身潜能,根据自己的人生指标进行职业设计:鼓励学生热情追求职业理想,启发他们培养实现职业理想的理性思考和实力,在职业的选择与发展中成为自我认知、自我实现及自觉有用的人。  相似文献   

The career development of students, demonstrated by students performing appropriate career developmental tasks, is important to institutions of higher education because career developed students are more likely to have career objectives, persist in their academic goals, gain career-related work experience, find employment in their chosen fields, and graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine if the career development of students by class level had been enhanced by participation in a career management plan specifically prepared for undergraduates. The intervention of a career management plan (i.e., the Career Success Club) was successful, especially for seniors and middles, in enhancing the career development of undergraduates. Career management plans may help students that are academically undecided to become more connected to their majors by focusing more on academic and career matters.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业信息的收集与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业信息是高校毕业生求职择业的基础,是通向用人单位的桥梁,是择业决策的重要依据,更是顺利就业的可靠保证。就业信息掌握的多少,在一定程度上决定着大学生能否顺利实现就业。高校毕业生在求职择业的过程中,要学会通过不同的渠道收集就业信息,并科学合理地整理、分析和运用信息,实现就业目的。  相似文献   

The expansion of the higher education system and widening access to undergraduate study has led to growing diversity within the graduate labour supply, including increasing numbers who studied for their degrees as mature students. Analysis of graduates entering the labour market prior to the major expansion in the early 1990s indicated that those over the age of 30 had considerably more difficulty than younger graduates in accessing the career opportunities for which their education had equipped them. Is this still the case for more recent graduates? Drawing on a major qualitative and quantitative study of a class of graduates who completed their undergraduate degree courses in 1995, this paper explores early career development and employment outcomes according to age at graduation. Although we find considerable diversity among all age groups, mature graduates were more likely than their younger peers to experience difficulty in accessing appropriate employment, had a lower rate of earnings growth and expressed higher levels of dissatisfaction with their jobs.  相似文献   

针对国际金融危机的形势下高校毕业生就业难的问题,深入分析了造成毕业生就业难的主观和客观方面的原因,并就政府、高校、毕业生三个层面,对如何解决毕业生就业难的问题,提出了新的主张。  相似文献   

In high participation systems of higher education, the link between undergraduate study and progression to graduate employment is increasingly tenuous. One response is a growing emphasis on the development of employability skills and preparing students to take advantage of future opportunities as part of university study. This paper uses a Bourdieusian‐based conceptualisation of graduate capitals, combined with a concern for the psycho‐social dimensions of classed experience, to consider transitions through university and into employment for students from working‐class backgrounds in England, drawing on data from a study of students who attended the two universities in Bristol UK. It is argued that the assemblage of capitals that make up graduate capital could be seen as constituting a form of symbolic capital with magical powers, that hides the power relations involved in successful progression to graduate futures. While the move from university into work is more prolonged and precarious for students from all backgrounds, access to the resources that enable the development and mobilisation of graduate capitals, along with psycho‐social dimensions of class, create additional challenges for the development of viable graduate career identities for working‐class students such as those discussed in this paper. The paper concludes by noting implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   

This article details the transition of second career teachers to the workplace called ‘school’. Post‐baccalaureate students at a mid‐size comprehensive state university completed surveys pre‐ and post‐student teaching. Participants responded to the personal and professional challenges in changing careers. Issues faced by the non‐traditional students emerged. An increasing number of adults are changing careers and entering teacher certification programs. The study was conducted to discover the special challenges graduate teacher certification students encountered when leaving a career field and becoming novice teachers. Forty graduate students in the study completed an extensive certification program of courses related to the art and science of teaching. Open‐ended surveys were used for the students to reflect on personal and professional expectations prior to and following the student teaching semester. Teacher educators who address the needs of second career teachers, such as increasing field experiences, providing classroom management and time management strategies, may lead second career teachers to use the unique competencies they bring to the teaching–learning setting.  相似文献   

This study deployed a qualitative approach to explore an alternative perspective regarding graduate migrants’ employability. Twenty graduate migrants in Australia participated in in-depth interviews. Findings revealed graduate migrants faced various challenges in the target labour market, and to successfully secure employment it was important for them to develop key forms of capital – i.e., excellent technical knowledge, relationships with ‘significant others’, strong career identity and psychological resilience, and exercise agency in interlinking these capitals so that they could make use of their strengths and coat weaknesses. Results from the study imply that managing, teaching, and professional staff members should collaborate closely to develop well-rounded programmes to sufficiently equip international students with multidimensional resources.  相似文献   

高职毕业生就业困难问题的解决是一项长期而系统的工程,这项工作不仅要求国家的经济能够持续稳定发展以提供更多的就业岗位,还要求各地方政府采取更多积极有效的措施落实中央关于解决高职毕业生就业难的各项政策要求;而高职院校学生职业生涯规划工作的缺失也是造成就业难的主要原因之一。针对高职毕业生这一特殊的就业群体所面临的就业困境,加强高职院校学生职业生涯规划教育是解决高职毕业生就业难题的有效途径,从而提高高职院校学生的就业率。  相似文献   

王荔 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(A01):120-122
就业问题是当前大学生思想政治工作的重要内容,高校辅导员解决大学生思想问题必须要注重与解决大学生就业难问题相结合,以职业规划教育为突破口,为学生顺利就业提供职业规划指导,从而减轻大学生就业方面的思想困扰,增强思想政治教育的实际效果。辅导员作为大学生工作的直接管理者与服务者,充分发挥在大学生职业规划教育中的重要作用是其主要职责。  相似文献   

研究生教育改革项目应以提高研究生培养质量为目标,在实施规划中应以研究生受益为导向。本文以研究生为调查对象,从课程教学、专业实践和学位论文工作等方面了解他们经过硕士阶段培养在知识、能力和素质上的提升情况以及对今后职业发展的影响,并结合就业情况分析评估全日制工程硕士培养项目建设的成效,为进一步推进工程应用型研究生培养模式改革和优化提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

历年求职季中,总有部分同学因自卑与焦虑、缺乏职业生涯规划、沉迷网络等原因,消极求职,错过秋招、春招等黄金求职期,甚至毕业时未实现就业。不仅影响个人前途和未来发展,还会给学校和所在院系的就业工作带来一定压力。选取高校应届毕业生因自卑、迷茫而沉迷网络虚拟世界,进而消极求职的具体案例进行剖析,探讨通过细致耐心的工作、切实可行的具体措施,帮助学生解决经济困难,戒除网瘾,树立信心,积极求职,最终获得就业机会的有效做法,旨在提升辅导员业务实操能力。  相似文献   

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