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近年来,鼓励和吸收家长参与学校管理成为台湾地区中小学管理改革的重要趋势。家长通过“学生家长会”参与学校课程发展委员会、校务会议、教师评审委员会及校长遴选委员会的工作,逐渐提高了其参与学校管理的权力,同时操作中出现的问题也为教育实践中家长参与学校管理提供了经验和参考。  相似文献   

家长参与子女学校教育日益得到社会各界的重视,家长参与教育是教育多元化发展的一种趋势.文章试图以比较中美"家长参与教育"方式为起点,探讨促进"家长参与教育"的发展对学生的成长和发展具有重要作用,对我国推进素质教育也有很大的推动作用,并提出一些可供实施的建议.  相似文献   

刘冬梅 《广西教育》2012,(21):8-9,12
当前,家长参与教育已成为各国学校教育改革与发展的一个重要研究课题。在台湾地区,“家长参与”是指“父母对子女所有教育历程或学习活动的参与,包括学校政策的决定、亲职教育、担任学校义工、义卖捐款、亲师沟通和督导子女在家中与校外的学习活动等”。  相似文献   

在多元化的开放教育背景下,在我国台湾地区.家长参与学校教育已成为教育改革与发展中的重要趋势.在“学生家长会”的设立、活动规范、参与方式等方面都积累了丰富的经验。这种家长参与学校教育的方式与传统的模式有着本质区别,具有合作性、深入化的特征,对于我们有效地促成家长参与学校教育具有十分积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对特殊儿童家长参与学校教育的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
特殊儿童家长参与学校教育是现代特殊教育的重要议题之一。与世界发达国家相比,我国特殊儿童的家长参与学校教育的问题在理论和实践上都还显得很不深入。以笔的第一手研究材料为基础,参照西方学关于“参与模式”、“家长需求”、“家长角色”和“家长的心理压力”的理论论述,对“家长参与”这一世界性的重要议题可以进行切合实际的探讨和思考,并由此提出了促进家长参与的几项策略。  相似文献   

本研究以北京地区培智学校班主任教师和家长为调查对象,考察了他们对家长参与的态度.结果表明,家长和教师都认同家长参与的重要性,但对家长的参与能力看法消极.在期望的参与类型上,双方都同意应改进家校联络方式,但对涉及学校事务的参与类型双方态度有分歧.影响家长态度的主要因素是家长的受教育水平和家庭居住地,但没有发现与教师态度关系显著的影响因素.  相似文献   

学校体育课程实施为的是不断接近体育课程计划的理想目标,体育课程计划目标实现的过程是学校体育课程实施主体合力作用的结果.研究认为,社区成员及家长参与体育课程实施是学校教育与社会教育相结合的需要、学校体育课程实施自身的需要、学校体育课程多元主体需要.而社区和家长对体育课程的认识、学校体育教育与社会的结合度、家长工作繁忙,社区无组织、个人素质能力、社区和家长被排斥等因素影响了社区成员和家长参与体育课程的实施.目前,促进社区成员和家长参与体育课程实施的措施包括采取各种方式加强宣传教育,促使家长和社区成员正确认识学校体育课程的作用、在发挥教育服务部门主导性的同时,积极构建广泛参与的教育模式、建立社区和家长参与学校体育课程实施的法律支持、提高社区成员和家长参与学校体育课程实施的素质、改变体育教育专业人员的观念,使其树立学校教育要和社会教育相结合的理念等.  相似文献   

特殊教育需要评估贯穿特殊儿童教育安置和教育教学的全过程。家长参与评估对保证儿童接受合适的教育具有重要作用。英国在特殊教育需要评估方面形成了较为完整的保障家长参与的体系。家长在向专业评估人员提供信息,参与制定和修改个别化教育计划,请求并参与法定评估等方面发挥着重要作用。通过对英国特殊教育需要评估中家长参与的内容和特点做简单介绍,对我国家长参与特殊教育评估提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

在基础教育阶段,家长参与教育督导具有必然性,这为区域教育督导工作的改进提供了一个新的增长点。文章认为:学生家长参与教育督导工作,强调评估过程与结果的开放,有利于体现教育督导活动的社会性,促进政府行政行为、学校办学行为和社会教育需求三方的整体聚合,深化区域学校发展性教育督导实践。为此,坚持理论研究与实践探索相结合,在对家长参与教育督导工作进行理性分析的基础上,有针对性地总结以英国为代表的国外经验,分析上海浦东新区学校发展性教育督导中的相关做法,并对完善家长参与教育督导机制提出改进建议。  相似文献   

<正>随着校本课程开发理论研究与实践探索的不断深入,家长参与校本课程开发的意义日益突显出来。只有当学生家长成为校本课程开发的助力而非阻力,并与学校和教师齐心协力的时候,校本课程的开发才能真正地顺利进行。一、家长参与校本课程开发的意义与作用教育是一项全民共同参与和合作的事业。在社会参与力量中,家长的参与对学生能够产生最为直接、有效的影响,在一定意义上,其影响程度不亚  相似文献   

Parents of children with intellectual disabilities and/or autism have been shown to experience higher levels of distress than other parents. Despite such data having been available for several decades, the evidence base for psychological interventions to support parental well-being is small. Recent data suggest that both mindfulness and acceptance processes are associated with decreased psychological distress for parents of children with intellectual disability and/or autism. In addition, some controlled evaluations of mindfulness-based interventions for these parents have resulted in positive outcomes for mothers in particular. In the present study 18 mothers and 3 fathers were recruited via special schools who then attended a Mindfulness Based Well-Being for Parents (MBW-P) group over eight weeks. Parents completed questionnaire measures before and at the end of the course. Statistical analysis showed significant reported increases in mindfulness and self-compassion, and reduced general stress. Parents also reported reductions in anxiety and depression, although these changes were not statistically significant. No significant reductions in their child’s behaviour problems or increases in the child’s prosocial behaviour were found. Parents also reported high levels of satisfaction with the course. These preliminary data suggest that further research studies testing the effectiveness of the MBW-P course are warranted.  相似文献   

孝道作为中国传统文化的核心,在构建和谐社会过程中具有重要作用。从传统孝道的核心内容入手,结合现代家庭中成员减少、子代依赖性强、亲子冲突严重、代际关系失衡、人情淡化等特点,从“养亲”“显亲”“谏亲”等方面论述传统孝道在现代家庭道德建设中的积极意义。  相似文献   

The relations of parenting and temperament (effortful control and anger/frustration) to children's externalizing problems were examined in a 3.8-year longitudinal study of 425 native Chinese children (6–9 years) from Beijing. Children's experience of negative life events and coping efficacy were examined as mediators in the parenting- and temperament-externalizing relations. Parents reported on their own parenting. Parents and teachers rated temperament. Children reported on negative life events and coping efficacy. Parents, teachers, children, or peers rated children's externalizing problems. Authoritative and authoritarian parenting and anger/frustration uniquely predicted externalizing problems. The relation between authoritarian parenting and externalizing was mediated by children's coping efficacy and negative school events. The results suggest there is some cross-cultural universality in the developmental pathways for externalizing problems.  相似文献   

重庆市康复机构中自闭症儿童家长需求的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过问卷调查法、访谈法对重庆市6个康复机构中近60名自闭症儿童家长的需求进行调查研究。研究发现:自闭症儿童的家长在家庭教育中的内部与外部需求众多且极为迫切,主要表现在:需要机构教师的长期帮助;希望设置更多的自闭症儿童疗育机构;提供医疗补助与更多的咨询信息。文章在对家长的内部与外部需求进行分析讨论的基础上,从家长本身、康复机构、政府部门及其他相关专业人士等四个方面提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

本研究采取团体辅导的方式,对自闭症儿童家长的心理健康进行实验干预研究。结果表明:通过团体辅导,自闭症儿童家长的抑郁和焦虑水平显著的下降,家长的社会支持水平有所上升,一定程度上提高了自闭症家长的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

Parents of children waiting for a diagnostic assessment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience distress and anxiety while they wait. The present small-scale study took place in a multi-disciplinary therapeutic service in Ireland for children with ASD and was run between April and September 2011. The first author, an educational psychologist on a multi-disciplinary team, designed a qualitative, three-staged study to look at ways of supporting parents of children on the waiting list for assessment. Focus group discussions were analysed using thematic content analysis to identify themes to facilitate the development and evaluation of a pilot parent education group. Findings suggested that the ASD “journey” begins when the disorder is first raised as a possibility. Parents want information about ASD and the diagnostic process at this point. Parents reported benefits from the pilot group through meeting professionals involved in assessment, being supported by other parents, and learning strategies to help their children.  相似文献   

Twenty four black parents from Houston, Texas were interviewed on their perspectives about nature and environmental education. Residts showed that animals, plants and parks played an important part in the lives of these parents and their families. Parents were also aware of the negative effects of environmental problems, such as air pollution, water pollution and garbage. Parents talked about such problems with their children, acted to help the environment and believed it was important to live in harmony with nature. Parents supported environmental education for their children and believed it was as important as drug education. Anthropocentric and biocentric considerations characterized parents' environmental reasoning and often their conceptions of what it means to live in harmony with nature. Taken as a whole, parents spoke of their commitment to environmental issues and enjoyment of nature while remaining vividly aware of the difficulties which arise from urban poverty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine parental priorities regarding science education in the early years. The study sample included 1456 Turkish parents of pre-K children (36–72 months). Parents were asked to prioritize eight academic content areas, including science, in descending order. The results demonstrated that the number of parents who prioritized science over other academic content areas in pre-K classrooms was quite low. Parents who ranked science highly deviated from the whole sample and almost all of these parents were identified as outliers by the two-step cluster analysis. Parents of boys and younger children and parents with high-SES level were more likely to prioritize science over other academic content areas. The findings suggest that parental preferences overall align well with early childhood teachers’ tendency to teach less science than other content areas, and parental priorities might be another major factor that contributes to limited science learning experiences in the early years.  相似文献   

纪录片《俺爹俺娘》中,当事人焦波的口述贯穿始终,成为结构全片重要线索,也决定了纪录片的独特视角。在讲述人和观众之间,建立了一种侧重于有声语言的对话关系。片中焦波对感人生活细节的讲述,突显了本片的故事化倾向。在对素材的处理上,《俺爹俺娘》中的很多表现手法呈现出个性化、文学化的特点。口述纪录片从讲述人的眼中看世界,体现的是一种局限视角下的真实。  相似文献   

Nine Children’s Services Department Pyramid for Parents courses were attended by a total of 68 parents whose children attend primary schools in North Town. The evaluation gave particular emphasis to the views of 45 mothers and 13 fathers who contributed to semi-structured discussions about what they hoped to gain from participation and whether and how the course had contributed to improvements in interactions with their children. Qualitative data are augmented by ‘before’ and ‘after’ data from Rosenburg Self-Esteem measures and a variety of internal documents. Parents agreed to attend courses, usually at the suggestion of and with encouragement from professionals. Several had current involvement from children’s social care and some were involved in care proceedings. The programme was funded through the Beacon Healthy Schools Peer Parenting Support Project and was one of seven projects being evaluated. The qualitative data suggest very high levels of satisfaction with the course, facilitators and immediate outcomes. Rosenburg Self-Esteem data indicate an increase in self-esteem amongst a majority of participants. Overall, the findings suggest that Pyramid for Parents provided a beneficial resource for these parents. They welcomed its flexibility and highlighted the importance of appropriate styles of facilitation and of support from other participants.  相似文献   

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