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问题学生的自我概念研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以初一至初三年级197名问题学生和136名普通学生为对象,对问题学生的自我概念及其相关因素进行了研究。结果表明:(1)问题学生的自我概念除初三学生外一般比普通学生低,这与普通学生的自我概念在初三显著降低有关;(2)问题学生的自我概念不存在显著的年级或年龄差异,而普通学生的自我概念表现出明显的年级差异和年龄效应;(3)问题学生的父母教养方式和负性生活事件所带来的应激与其自我概念的发展存在极其显著的相关。而问题学生的负性生活事件应激强度显著高于普通学生;(4)问题学生的自我概念可以显著预测其心理健康水平,提示自我概念的发展水平是影响问题学生心理健康状况的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

目的:探究学习力训练对初中生成就目标的影响。方法:以临沂市沂州实验中学初二年级3个班的学生作为实验组,临沂市第六中学初二年级3个班的学生作为控制组,对实验组进行学习力训练。以《初中生成就目标量表》考察训练前后学生的成就目标取向。结果发现:训练前,实验组和控制组的学生在掌握趋近目标、掌握回避目标、表现趋近目标、表现回避目标、社会交往目标和社会地位目标上均不存在显著性差异,表明学习力训练不受学生原有成就目标水平的影响;训练后,实验组学生的掌握趋近目标、掌握回避目标、表现回避目标、社会交往目标和社会地位目标得分均显著高于控制组,表明学习力训练有助于改进初中生的成就目标取向。  相似文献   

采用认知策略训练课与语文能力训练、数学能力训练和人格训练相结合的形式,对小学二、三、五年级学生进行为期一学期的认知策略训练,探讨认知策略训练课对小学儿童智力发展的影响。结果表明:采用这种训练模式,促进了实验班多数学生智力的迅速发展、学生群体的智力水平获得显著提高;小学三年级实验班的81.82%学生智力发展迅速,平均提高8.43IQ;在本实验取样的年龄段内,小学三年级是小学儿童认知策略能力培养的关键年龄。  相似文献   

多选题作为新高考创新题型,其目的是增加考试的区分度和选拔功能。研究多选题解题策略的教学势在必行,以高二年级学生为被试,采用完全随机化等组设计。实验组参加“多选题解题策略训练”,控制组在同等时间内,采用与实验组相同的教学模式做习题练习。实验结果表明:(1)“多选题解题策略训练”对高中生多选题解题能力有显著提升,中等生提升速度最大;(2)学生的智力水平与训练效果相关系数为0.546;(3)问卷调查结果显示91%的学生对该训练给出正面评价,认为训练对提升多选题的解题能力有帮助。  相似文献   

关于教师教学监控能力的培养研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
采用角色改变技术、教学反馈技术和现场指导技术等方法做为干预手段,探讨干预条件下小学教师教学监控能力的提高与学生学科能力发展之间的关系。整个研究选取19名小学五年级教师为被试,其中实验组教师9名,对照组教师10名,与此相对应,实验班共9个班291名学生,对照班共7个班226名学生。实验设计采用实验组和控制组前后测时间序列设计。经过为期一个学期的干预训练,结果表明;(1)角色改变技术、教学反馈技术和现场指导技术做为三种干预手段,能明显地促进教师教学监控能力的发展;(2)教师教学监控能力的发展会促进其教学认知水平的提高和教学行为的改善;(3)教师教学监控能力的发展最终会显著地促进学生学科能力的发展,也会明显地提高学生的学习成绩。p<0.01*p<0.001。以下各表同)表7前测、后测条件下,实验组教师与控制组教师教学监控能力的比较从表7中可以看出,在前测时,实验组教师和控制组教师在教学监控能力的各维度上基本不存在显著的差异;经过干预培养,后测时,实验组教师与控制组教师在教学监控能力>有了明显的差异(T—3.42,PCO.01),实验组教师在教学监控能力上明显地强于控制组教师,特别是在计划与准备性、课堂的组织性、教?  相似文献   

中学生学校归属感及其与自我概念的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用问卷调查法,考察重点中学和非重点中学,从初一到高二10个教学班248名学生的学校归属感与自我概念。结果表明:(1)学校归属感与自我概念存在显著正相关;(2)重点中学学生的学校归属感和自我概念都显著高于非重点中学的学生;(3)学校归属感存在显著年级差异,初三学生的学校归属感显著低于初一和初二,高二学生的学校归属感显著低于高一;(4)学校归属感对自我概念有非常显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

本研究考察了点探测注意训练对考试焦虑的干预效果。首先使用考试焦虑量表(TAS)在小学、中学和大学分别筛选60、38、60名被试,依据TAS得分将其分别划为高考试焦虑实验组、高考试焦虑控制组和低考试焦虑控制组;在三周内采用点探测注意训练对三组被试进行13次、总时长65min的干预。高考试焦虑实验组和低考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片位置的概率为98%,而高考试焦虑控制组的训练程序中,探测刺激出现在先前呈现考试无关图片和考试相关图片位置的概率均为50%。干预结束后比较三组被试各自干预前后TAS得分差异。结果发现,小学、中学和大学实验组被试TAS得分前后测差值均显著大于控制组。研究表明,点探测注意训练能有效降低小学、中学和大学高考试焦虑个体的考试焦虑水平,干预效果良好。  相似文献   

针对三本学生英语专业阅读教学中的诸多问题,提出将教学大纲中要求学生课外阅读的文学简易读物作为英语专业一年级阅读课的主要教材.为了检验这一做法的效果,进行了为期一年的对比实验.结果显示:(1)实验组在英语语言水平、阅读理解能力、阅读速度方面的进步显著快于控制组;(2)实验组与控制组的词汇量增长无显著差异.  相似文献   

采用自编“大学生学习策略问卷”对185名大学生进行调查.结果表明:(1)从大学一年级到三年级,学生学习策略水平呈上升趋势,到了大学四年级出现下降,低于二年级、三年级的水平.大学一年级学生在学习策略三个维度上均表现出较低的水平;(2)在元认知策略上存在显著的文理差异,文科生高于理科生.在认知策略和资源管理策略上,文科生普遍高于理科生,但差异不显著.建议加强大学一年级学生的学业管理,激发学习动机;加强大学生整体的学习策略指导.  相似文献   

研究基于认知行为原理,了解团体训练促进小学生乐商水平的提升效果,探索提升小学生乐商水平的途径。随机抽取97名小学生作为实验组,开展认知行为训练活动。下以92名小学生作为对照组,接受传统心理健康教学活动。实验组共接受连续16周,每周45分钟的团体训练。对照组在相同时间内接受心理健康课程训练。使用《中小学生乐商问卷》对两组被试进行前后测。结果发现,实验组的乐商、快乐阈限、乐观感染和品味水平后测显著高于前测(p<0.05)。对照组的乐商总分以及各个维度的前后测不存在显著差异(p> 0.05)。这说明,相对于传统心理健康课程,认知行为训练能够显著提升小学生的乐商水平。认知行为训练能提高小学生的快乐阈限、品味生活能力和乐观感染力,是提升小学生乐商水平科学有效的方法。  相似文献   

While much research has outlined the importance of intra-psychic factors in predicting workplace success, it is rare that attention is given to the development of these factors in training for human service professions (e.g. psychology, clergy, nursing). Accordingly, the present study explores differences in self-concept, a key intra-psychic factor, between two institutions that train human service professionals. One institution provides a self-concept program as part of its curriculum while the other provides no such program. Structural equation modeling showed that students from the former institution evinced higher scores on 10 of the 13 measured self-concept factors. However, when personality dimensions were included in modeling, only four of the original 10 self-concept differences remained. Taken together, this study demonstrates: (a) some support for the role of curriculum in self-concept development, (b) the predictive utility of personality on self-concept, and (c) the importance of controlling for such individual differences when evaluating institutional effects.  相似文献   

本文以学习者性别差异为切入点,通过对348名大学新生所做的定量研究,观察并分析学习者英语自我概念与英语水平之间的关系。研究发现:(1)女生的整体英语自我概念、听力自我概念和阅读自我概念都明显高于男生,但在口语自我概念和写作自我概念上男女生不存在显著差异;(2)女生的综合英语水平及各项技能水平均高于男生,尤其是听说水平;(3)男生的英语自我概念与英语各项技能水平间的相关系数均高于女生,同时男生和女生的口语自我概念与口语水平的相关系数均最高;(4)在英语自我概念高分组中,女生只在口语水平上明显地高于男生,而在低分组里,女生的英语各项技能水平都明显高于男生,最为突出的是写作水平。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of relevant curriculum materials upon the self-concept, achievement, and school attendance of black students. Subjects for the study were black students enrolled in ten randomly selected inner-city schools in a large urban school system. Thirty-nine heterogeneously grouped classrooms were involved in the study-sixteen third grades and twenty-three sixth grades. A control group design was established. To measure the effects of relevant materials, three instruments were utilized: The How I Feel About Myself Inventory, The Metropolitan Reading Test, and The Attendance Form. There were positive statistically significant differences in the achievement and attendance of students in the experimental group. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the self-concept of students in the experimental and control groups as measured by The How I Feel About Myself Inventory.  相似文献   

The use of group sensitivity training within a counselor education program was studied. It was hypothesized that participation would have a positive effect on participant self-concept, would increase the effectiveness of the participants in emitting the core dimensions of empathy, warmth, and genuineness during counseling, and would make the participants more effective in offering the core dimensions in counseling than would be members of a control group who did not receive such training. Members of a National Defense Education Act Institute for Counselor-Consultants were randomly assigned to the treatment and control groups. Measurements consisted of a self-report on self-concept and independent ratings of audiotapes based upon the core dimensions. Analysis of the data did not reveal significant findings, thus the hypotheses were not supported.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine changes in self-concept and self-efficacy during the childbearing year among adolescent mothers (defined as young mothers up to age 20) who were involved in a behavioral intervention. Subjects included a sample of 282 urban, pregnant adolescents (94% African American, 4% white, 2% other). The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) was used to measure self-concept. A scale to measure the self-efficacy of the adolescent mother during the childbearing year was developed and evaluated. Questionnaires were administered during intake for prenatal care and in the postpartum period. In the larger study, the intervention was a peer-centered, mastery modeling intervention designed to increase self-efficacy, improve self-concept, and improve long- and short-term perinatal outcomes. The results in this portion of the data showed that self-concept increased significantly for young women in the experimental group but did not change significantly for young women in the control group. Changes were noted in the TSCS for overall self-concept as well as for several subscores, including identity, self-satisfaction, behavior, the personal self, the family self, and the social self. However, differences between groups did not reach significance once age, parity, site, and time were accounted for, except on TSCS subscales of identity and personal self. Between intake for prenatal care and postpartum, self-efficacy changed significantly for both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups increased in self-efficacy for labor and delivery and decreased in self-efficacy for infant care. In this group of mostly African American teens, peer support and small group care demonstrated positive effects on self-concept. Professional and peer interactions were equally associated in intervention and nonintervention groups with regard to self-efficacy.  相似文献   

The creation and implementation of strategies that could improve student development is receiving new research interest. The main objective of the research was to establish whether hypnosis-induced mental training programmes as a strategy could alter the self-concept of students which in turn could improve their overall academic functioning. Two experimental and two control groups were randomly selected from a population of undergraduate psychology students at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. The analysis of variance showed that the two hypnosis-induced mental training programmes had a significant positive effect on the self-concept of the participants.  相似文献   

The effects of a constructivist approach on academic achievement, self-concept and learning strategies, and student preference were investigated. The 76 six graders were divided into two groups. The experimental group was taught using the constructivist approach while the control group was taught using the traditional approach. A total of 40 hours over nine weeks was used to implement the experiment. The instruments used were as follows; mathematics tests administered by the teacher, self-concept inventory, learning strategies inventory, and a classroom environment survey. The results are 1) constructivist teaching is more effective than traditional teaching in terms of academic achievement; 2) constructivist teaching is not effective in relation to self-concept and learning strategy, but had some effect upon motivation, anxiety towards learning and self-monitoring; 3) a constructivist environment was preferred to a traditional classroom.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of same-sex class organization on junior high school (seventh and eighth grade) students’ academic achievement, self-discipline, self-concept, sex role identification, and attitude toward school. A pretest and posttest experimental design with randomly assigned groups (with some adjustments in assignment) was employed. Each experimental group was in English, social studies, mathematics, science, and physical education classes for a full school year. The instructional content and method were essentially the same for both the control and experimental groups. Five null hypotheses, one for each dependent variable, were tested by application of analysis of covariance using a 2X2X2 factorial design. While the data did not warrant the rejection of any of the null hypotheses, significant differences were found for factors not effected by the experimental treatment. Differences in academic achievement and general maturity were consistent with the research about early adolescence in that the differences favored the girls.  相似文献   

The relationship of achievement-variability (standard deviation of grades) to changes over time in academic achievement and self-concept of academic ability was investigated. Compared were 112 students having near average grade point averages (GPAs) but very high or very low achievement variability (AV) indices. The high AV group showed a significantly greater drop (17 less than .05) in both GPA and self-concept of academic ability over the 5-year period. There were no significant differences between the groups in intelligence scores or socio-economic status ratings.  相似文献   

Conclusions Several conclusions can be drawn from this study: 1) At midterm there was no difference in self-concept or ideal self-concept factors clearly attributable to the videotape experience. 2) At midterm there was a significant difference on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept between videotaped males and videotaped females. 3) Females videotaped during the first half of the semester significantly increased on the Strength factor of self-concept during the second half of the semester. 4) At the end of the semester there were no significant differences in self-concept or ideal self-concept scores attributable to the time in the semester of the videotape experience. But there was a sleeper effect for females on the Strength factor that began about seven weeks after self-viewing and led to enhancement of self-concept. 5) At the end of the semester females videotaped early in the term had significantly higher scores on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept than did either group of males. 6) The significant interaction of factor x time x sex X time of videotape on the factors of ideal self-concept could not be explained. In future studies of self-concept and ideal self-concept, as related of self-viewing, males and females should be in separate treatment groups. Further research might profitable explore the sleeper effect on the Strength factor for females, the tendency of Strength factor of self-concept scores of males and females to equalize during a speech communication course, and the possibility that the lapse of time between self-viewing and measurement may influence self-concept scores.  相似文献   

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