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As a learning model, apprenticeship is well known for its capacity to develop skills and vocational identities. It is also increasingly appealing for its potential to develop soft skills and enhance dispositions. This article focuses on the nature and role of apprenticeship and employers in developing dispositions and soft skills. It draws on a two-year New Zealand study of 41 apprentices in general practice medicine, carpentry, and engineering technician work, and their workplace mentors and teachers. The study theorised that apprentices’ most significant learning is personally as well as professionally challenging, and can be understood in terms of ‘vocational thresholds’ – portals to deeper capability in the field. This article argues that crossing vocational thresholds requires ongoing development of dispositions and soft skills, critically supported by workplace mentors and teachers. The article suggests that the situated nature of apprenticeship uniquely positions it to foster dispositions and soft skills, and that these are field-specific and learnable, rather than general, abstract and fixed.  相似文献   

This article explains the realisation and impact of tutoring on learning through a new kind of on-the-job learning method in workshops led by professional musicians. The research is a qualitative case study involving 62 upper secondary Finnish vocational music students who participated in 11 workshops. The research data consist of (a) workshop plans and personal learning goals written by the students before the workshops and (b) reflective essays about experiences after the workshops. The data were analysed using theory-oriented content analyses. In the workshop, the guidance-oriented interaction promoting learning starts at the beginning of the workshop with cooperative planning. The interaction between the students and the professional musician influenced the nature of the guidance – the professional musician was more like a colleague rather than a teacher. The students expressed that they had been able to influence the workshop goals in different phases and, thus, their professional competence had increased significantly. In vocational institutes, it is important to observe different ways of realising on-the-job learning and to develop new models of action, like the workshop method, to promote the development of students’ skills and competence.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impact of training sheet metal workers in Kenya on their uptake of learned skills and their income. Fifty-eight artisans trained in the construction of metal silos for hermetic grain storage were compared to a random sample of 123 untrained artisans. Results show that two-thirds of the trained artisans were making the silos, half of these in their own workshops and half as employees. The probability of using the skills learned declined with age but increased with previous experience in technical work. The training did not significantly increase the income of employed artisans, but increased the annual income of those who made the silos in their own workshops by KSh315,173 (about US$3,600). The overall impact could be improved by better targeting of trainees, by using apprenticeships as an alternative mode of training, and by encouraging entrepreneurship through business training and provision of credit.  相似文献   

For learners in vocational education, acquiring the specialized language of their field is important in facilitating the ability to communicate appropriately with colleagues and customers. Spoken and written discourse in a range of workplace settings has received some attention, but less attention has been given to discourse in vocational education contexts. This article concerns Builders’ Diaries; this is a key written text produced by trainee carpenters, both in an educational setting and once they move into the workplace as apprentices. Writing the Builders’ Diary gives trainees experience in producing a text important also to carpenters in the workplace. An analysis that focuses on language and meaning is used to investigate the purposes served by the Builders’ Diary in educational settings and the meanings expressed in it. Drawing on insights from Applied Linguistics, the analysis uses a small corpus of trainee diaries as well as interviews with qualified carpenters/tutors. It includes a comparison of writing done early on while the trainees are still in an educational setting, and towards the end of carpentry training, once the trainees have moved into the workplace. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of apprenticeship and situated learning in trainees’ acquisition of written workplace discourse.  相似文献   

This study examines Finnish apprenticeship training stakeholders’ perceptions of vocational expertise and experiences of workplace learning and guidance. The semi-structured interview data was collected in 2015 in two vocational fields: the social and health care services sector (five workplaces) and the technology sector (five workplaces). The sample (N = 40) consisted of apprentices (n = 10), their co-workers (n = 10), workplace trainers (n = 10) and employers (n = 10). The study applies the classifications of natural abilities and self-regulation to identify the most important individual characteristics related to vocational expertise. The socio-cultural approach to workplace learning and guidance illustrate that vocational expertise also develops from external support through participation and guidance in everyday interactions in the contexts of education and work. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that individuals with fluent cognitive skills (e.g., problem solving skills) combined to advanced social skills, self-awareness and self-regulation are perceived as vocational experts. The apprenticeship training was considered to draw upon an extensive learning environment to facilitate an apprentice’s vocational development by offering access to authentic work tasks and collective support by experienced workers. Yet, the lack of time, resources and pedagogical approaches were found to hinder individual guidance and reciprocal workplace learning between apprentices and experienced workers. The workplaces were shown to provide fruitful learning possibilities for those apprentices with strong self-regulatory skills.  相似文献   

Occupations differ in their prestige, but little research has examined how workers manage working in a low-prestige occupation. This case study with retail-clerk apprentices in Switzerland uncovers the identity strategies the apprentices employ to help them normalise the situation they find themselves in: they are learning an occupation that is not assumed to require any specific knowledge or skills. We base our arguments on theories about occupational prestige, identity and stigma management, as well as on a qualitative study in VET (vocational education and training) schools. Three identity strategies are dominant among retail-clerk apprentices and are deeply embedded within the retail context and the Swiss apprenticeship programme. First, apprentices embrace ideas of discontinuous careers and lifelong learning, which encourage them to improve their occupational position through mobility within or outside the retail sector. Second, the VET programme builds on apprentices’ consumer interests and encourages their self-valorisation through the prestige of products and shops. Third, apprentices emphasise that retail work is skilled work, a strategy that is consistent with the positive societal perception of the Swiss VET system. These strategies provide insights into how apprentices construct positive occupational identities although they are placed low on the occupational prestige hierarchy.  相似文献   

本文介绍了聋校职业技术教育改革和校办企业的管理经验。聋哑学生在校学习木工、缝纫、工艺美术等实用职业技能。多功能的职业技术教育使聋生成为自食其力的劳动者。通过职业教育改革,我校已办成以教育实习、生产经营、升学就业等多功能职业教育为特色的学校。  相似文献   

While learning journals (LJs) have been shown to support self-regulated learning strategies, reflection and learning outcomes in academic contexts, few studies have investigated their relevance in vocational education. A mobile and online learning journal (MOLJ) was developed to support reflection on workplace experiences. However, acceptance of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices and supervisors is not trivial. This study investigated how apprentices use the mobile and online learning journal and why they use it that way. The mobile and online learning journal was developed for apprentices in the field of bakery and contains a recipe book, a smartphone app to take pictures of workplace experiences, and a learning journal for reflection. Apprentices’ workplace supervisors have access to the mobile and online learning journal to provide support and feedback. A mixed method study was conducted with 16 apprentices. Indicators of their use of the mobile and online learning journal were recorded, while reasons for use were studied by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Four kinds of users of the mobile and online learning journal were identified: Multifunction users, picture takers, learning journal users, and overall low users. The most determining factors for the acceptance and use of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices were their interest in the use of a smartphone at the workplace, their acceptance of reflection on workplace experiences through the mobile and online learning journal, and supervisors’ participation and provision of feedback. Promoting the use of learning journals by apprentices requires strong guidance in the design of the learning journal as well as support and feedback from supervisors. Taking pictures from the workplace proves useful for learning and sharing experience in vocational training.  相似文献   

In the ‘dual’ system of vocational training, working in company represents the major part of training. At the workplace, apprentices are expected to acquire the typical skills of their profession but, at the same time, to contribute to the production of the company. For this reason apprentices are expected to carry out activities on their own from early on in their training and to ask for help only when they need it. Learning to ask questions and to seek help appropriately is, therefore, an important competence for learners to acquire during vocational training, just as it is important for the company to offer the learner every opportunity to ask for help when needed. In this study, we used mobile phones to follow at a distance 19 apprentices in car mechanics at the workplace. We then analyzed a corpus of approximately 77 hours of work, in search of all questions and requests they addressed during this time. Data show that requests for information are twice as frequent as requests for assistance (i.e. intervention or physical help) and that all together, requests are introduced more often by more advanced apprentices than by those in the early stages of their training. These findings are linked with the facts that: a) bringing apprentices to be autonomous early in their work is a deciding factor of the philosophy of work in many of the enterprises training apprentices, b) more advanced apprentices are given more complex tasks to work on, c) more advanced apprentices work more is often undertaken in collaboration with an expert car mechanics and d) questions and requests for help are more likely to be addressed when working collaboratively than when working alone. These findings are interpreted as evidences of a natural regulation which takes place at the workplace between the learner’s engagement and the workplace affordances.  相似文献   

This article investigates how Swiss retail apprentices construct their occupational identities under modern workplace affordances. The Swiss retail sector has become more competitive in recent decades; as a consequence, retail businesses look for skilled and responsible employees who are flexible in regard to work tasks and schedules. The article focuses on apprentices’ experiences and sense-making, and specifically examines how retail work conditions not only generate pressure and insecurity, but also offer possibilities for personal identification. Results are based on a qualitative study with retail apprentices involving interviews, focus groups, and observations in vocational education and training schools. Retail apprentices strongly identify with the skilled nature of retail work and even the demand for continuous skill development to ensure that they remain employable. However, they are more critical of the flexible way in which their work is organised and develop divided sense-makings around the demands for responsible autonomy. In short, retail work is perceived in ambivalent ways, oscillating between valorising some of the realities of retail work and suffering from others. The discussion points to the kinds of working and learning conditions within companies that hinder apprentices’ ability to cope with the demands of the modern retail workplace.  相似文献   

The integration of learning across different learning sites is an important and challenging task for each vocational education and training system. Although various integrative teaching and learning models have been developed and many reforms have been undertaken, their implementation is complicated by several factors. In particular, individual ways of understanding the relationship between the learning sites could be considered filters that may potentially influence the communications and actions of protagonists in this learning context. This study aimed to explore different ways of conceptualising learning and teaching across learning sites in the Swiss vocational education and training system. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 vocational school teachers, company trainers and apprentices in apprenticeship programmes in industry and business and administration in the Canton of Tessin. Data were analysed by combining data-driven (phenomenography) and theory-driven (content analysis) text analysis procedures. By adopting a phenomenographic method, four ways of conceptualising vocational learning across multiple learning sites were found: as separate learning experiences, as complementary learning experiences, as experiences mediated by intercompany training centres and as experiences integrated at the school level. Content analysis showed qualitative differences among the conceptions in relation to what extent they included socio-cultural key claims of school-workplace connectivity. Conclusions regarding potential implications for teachers, trainers and apprentices are drawn, and suggestions for future research are made.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to understand the role of culture in English as a Second Language (ESL) nurses’ clinical communication experiences in the United States, and how these experiences demonstrate the need for continuing education for ESL nurses. Five Taiwanese nurses who worked in U.S. health care contexts were recruited in the study. Data were collected through focus group and individual interviews, and data were analyzed using narrative and thematic analyses. Findings indicate that cultural differences in clinical settings complicated ESL nurses’ communication experiences, including linguistic and cultural diversity, the independent role of nurses, patient-centered care, and choice of speech registers. Findings further show that comprehensive on-the-job, vocational training in English for Nursing Purposes (ENP) is essential in order to assist ESL nurses’ transit between home and host country cultures. In other words, familiarising nurses with patient-centered care and different discourse patterns, developing critical thinking skills, and enhancing cultural competence should be emphasised in ESL nurses’ continuing education.  相似文献   

上古时代,工匠是除巫职之外的又一个重要的专业阶层,它们在某些职事上与巫相同,都以规矩为符号,因此被认为有神秘性特点,有权谏诫君王。春秋战国时期,工匠的"艺事"又被视为"道"的体现。先秦史书中记载的工匠有垂、奚仲、傅说、匠庆等,他们艺事精湛,地位崇高,行谏诫之责。《墨子》指责公输班"重技轻义",显示了墨家对工匠超越性传统的坚持;《庄子》中的工匠多为得道者或谏诫者形象。这些工匠在谏诫时则往往以自己的技艺设喻,体现了"执艺事以谏"的特点。  相似文献   

经济发展需要大量能工巧匠,高职院校应当在培育能工巧匠方面发展更大作用,学校通过培育“工匠精神”为学生在职业岗位上成长为能工巧匠奠定素质基础。高职院校培育“工匠精神”,应让学生学习完整的产业链知识、技术与技能,聘请名师传承精工技艺与“工匠精神”熏陶,引导学生养成淡泊名利与执着追求的信念,并在精益求精的技艺追求中感受快乐。  相似文献   

Teaching is a field that is dynamic, with innovations necessitating upgrading of skills and education of teachers for the successful implementation of reforms. The behaviour and attitudes of teachers towards teaching and learning and their knowledge banks are the result of the impact of in-service training. This study investigated the perceptions of mathematics and science teachers in Botswana towards in-service provision by the Department of Mathematics and Science Education In-service Training unit (DMSE-INSET), whose mandate is to improve the quality of teaching by supporting teachers through training programmes that enable them to take ownership of their professional development. Data were collected from a sample of 42 senior Mathematics and Science secondary school teachers, using structured interviews with open-ended questions, which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings show that teachers’ concerns included the lack of impact of current in-service training programmes on the education system, no regular follow-up activities to support the one-off workshops and insufficient skills acquired to sustain the implementation of the strategies solicited by the workshops.  相似文献   

Swiss vocational education and training (VET) is defined as a dual-track system where apprentices weekly alternate between vocational school and a (real) workplace. At the workplace, they have to keep a learning documentation throughout their training, in which they are expected to regularly document their professional development. The actual use of this documentation remains limited, however, and its potential for learning is clearly underexploited. The study presented in this paper sheds light on the current practices and issues related to the use of such a learning documentation in the Swiss VET system. Semi-structured interviews (N?=?29) were conducted with representatives of all the main actors of the Swiss VET system for various professional domains (Industrial & Handicraft, Commerce, and Health & Social Care). The study shows that although they all tend to see the potential of the learning documentation, the different actors of VET do not share a same conception of the aims and functions, both within and across professions. Based on their answers, possible improvements for this tool are discussed, and suggestions are made to enhance its use as a boundary object throughout the training.  相似文献   

In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the majority of 15?C19-year olds follow vocational education programmes within a dual-track system, spending most of their time in a company and going to school only 1?day each week. With their separate aims, content and sociological organisation, the company and the school can be considered as two distinct contexts within which apprentices have to acquire the various skills and competencies of their future occupation. In this paper, the development of apprentices?? learning intentions and motivation to learn, subjective competence, perceived utility of what is learned and estimated learning place attractiveness (study 1) as well as their readiness to seek help in these different contexts over the year of training (study 2) is analysed using both longitudinal and cross-sectional data. The findings show significant differences in apprentices?? motivation, their beliefs and their readiness to seek help in the different contexts throughout the training. Moderate (cross-different contexts, same time) as well as transcontextual (different contexts, different times) influences can also be seen. These results emphasise the importance of a careful delimitation of contexts when studying the impact of contextual factors on learners?? motivation and behaviours; they also suggest that motivation within one of these contexts can indirectly affect the learner??s motivation within another of these contexts. It is therefore likely that, by using these various dynamics appropriately, educators might temporarily sustain learners?? motivation in an unappreciated context by having recourse to a better accepted one.  相似文献   

This article reports on In‐Service Education and Training (INSET) workshops offered in Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces in the field of environmental education. The purpose of these workshops is to assist practising teachers to enhance their teaching skills, to infuse environmental education in their teaching and to participate in solving environmental problems in their communities. Aspects of the workshops were assessed using a questionnaire which was completed by teachers on conclusion of the workshops. These data are provided as well as recommendations provided by the attendees. Although this is a case study report where findings are usually not perceived to be generalisable, it is believed that the participants' perceptions of and recommendations for improving INSET opportunities could substantially inform similar INSET initiatives.  相似文献   

Building on Lazear's skill weights approach, we study the effect of having more or less heterogeneity in the training curriculum on the demand for and supply of apprentices. Modernizations of training curricula provide us with a quasi-experimental setting as these modernizations can be seen as a relatively exogenous shock. We argue that firms will train more apprentices when they have more choice options in the training curriculum because of (1) the higher productivity of graduates who have acquired more skills that are relevant for the firm, and (2) firms’ higher market power in the wage bargaining process with graduates. We test this hypothesis on data on the demand for apprentices in Germany in all occupations from 2004 to 2014. We find that a more heterogeneous curriculum increases both firms’ demand for and the supply of apprentices.  相似文献   

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