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In arguing for government withdrawal from funding and regulating schooling, James Tooley claims that equality of opportunity in education implies only that all deserve an adequate minimum education. However, he concedes the 'abstract egalitarian thesis'that all should be treated with equal concern and respect. I show that this thesis indeed implies educational equality , and that Tooley's arguments against educational equality rest on a misunderstanding of the foundations of egalitarianism.  相似文献   

Epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge and belief underlie many of the controversial issues fundamental to research and practice in science teaching and learning. In an effort to bring some clarity to questions of knowledge and belief embedded within science education research and teaching, we first describe the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief in both philosophy and educational psychology, each of which have shaped the various definitions employed within science education. This discussion is followed by an examination of the distinctions drawn between knowledge and belief employed by three groups of science educators: the traditional distinctions of the foundationalists that are co-opted by researchers focusing on teacher thinking/cognition, the nonfoundational epistemology of the fallibilists and the evolution educators working from this framework, and the radical constructivists who react to and attempt to move past the limitations of these other positions. In this analysis, we explicate the different ways in which knowledge and belief are understood and operationalized in a broad spectrum of research, we describe the theoretical and philosophical assumptions underlying these approaches, and we explore the important areas of contention (both theoretical and empirical) surrounding each of these distinctions.  相似文献   


In his empirical study of educational research, James Tooley claims to have uncovered 'partisanship' in the 'focus content and argument of educational research'. The purpose of this paper is to suggest that Tooley's study is simply one more manifestation of the failure of many educational researchers to take account of the extensive theoretical and methodological developments that have occurred over the last four decades in the political and social sciences. It is suggested that a debate about partisanship and educational research which took these developments seriously would not be a narrow debate in which researchers with right wing affinities try to score political points against researchers of the left. Instead, it would be a more intellectually rigorous and theoretically informed debate about the complex relationship between educational values and political beliefs on the one hand and research methodologies and practices on the other.  相似文献   

In Philosophy of Education we frequently argue for or against different educational theories. Yet, as I illustrate in this analysis of two articles, in order to maintain the abstract theoretical distinctions, we are liable to ignore the concrete details of practice, caricature the theories we reject and make false distinctions. The two articles that I analyse, one from Golding and one from Boghossian, grapple with the pedagogical theories of transmission teaching, constructivism, pragmatism and Socratic pedagogy, in the context of dialogical philosophy teaching. As a result of my analysis, I first present three examples where the authors have rejected abstract theories based on arguments that I show to be strawmen: These theories would not or could not be adopted in practice. Then, I present two examples where the authors attempt to make distinctions between educational theories which seem sound in the abstract, but which turn out to be false distinctions if we consider the details of concrete practice. My conclusion is that, in these two articles, abstract educational theory is prone to problems when it ignores concrete practice. Although I am presenting a case study, and do not argue that my conclusion is generalisable, I do suggest some reasons why this conclusion might apply more widely to Philosophy of Education. My recommendation is that we be more discerning in our treatment of educational theories and more mindful of the educational practices that they entail. We should acknowledge the practical similarities between different abstract theories rather than forcing caricatured distinctions.  相似文献   

The Ethics of Outsider Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This chapter examines criticisms made by or on behalf of 'disempowered' groups against outsider research into their experience: that outsiders cannot properly understand and represent their experience and are exploitative and disrespectful, and that having outsiders articulate your views for you is intrinsically disempowering. I argue that 'outsider research' can contribute to the better understanding of the researcher, of the community engaged in the research and of the wider community. Nevertheless the claim 'nothing about us without us' expresses an ethical and epistemological truth in educational research: as a statement about the kind of relationship which should obtain between researcher and participants.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to reconstruct two counter-intuitive Aristotelian theses—about contemplation as the culmination of the good life and about the impossibility of undoing bad upbringing—to bring them into line with current empirical research, as well as with the essentials of an overall Aristotelian approach to moral education. I start by rehearsing those essentials. I then illustrate the two theses and their counter-intuitive ramifications by dint of three life stories of imaginary persons. Subsequently, I offer a reconstruction of Aristotle’s theses which, while going beyond the textual evidence, remains faithful to core elements of his moral and educational theory. I finally bring some considerations from the current literature on self-change to bear on this Aristotelian reconstruction, arguing that the effects of bad upbringing can be undone through contemplative activity. I also elicit some implications of the proposed argument for contemporary moral education and schooling.  相似文献   

Criticisms of educational research: key topics and levels of analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article is an exploration of the meanings and worthiness of criticism as a significant phenomenon in the evolution of educational research during the 1990s. While drawing on an overview of the vast amount of documents expressing criticisms of educational research in the UK, western and eastern continental Europe and the USA, it summarises the findings of a study based on the analysis of some of the most influential texts that criticised educational research in the UK during the mid‐1990s: Hargreaves (1996), Tooley and Darby (1998), Hillage et al. (1998). An understanding of the targets, sources, solutions and actors that are characteristic of the recent criticisms of educational research is proposed, together with an exploration of the rhetorical devices employed in expressing criticism and of some of the philosophical themes that underpin the recent debates.  相似文献   

James Tooley argues that educational institutions offer educational opportunities rather than provide education. On this basis he claims that education can be offered without state intervention. It is argued here that education is not about the provision of opportunities but about preparation for life, and preparation for life is not an option among others. The consequences of this view are drawn out and it is argued that universal education can only be reliably provided by a central body such as the state and cannot be left to market forces as Tooley claims.  相似文献   

In his 1948 address to the Division of Theoretical-Experimental Psychology of the American Psychological Association, Kenneth W. Spence discussed six distinctions between cognitive and stimulus-response (S-R) theories of learning. In this article, I first review these six distinctions and then focus on two of them in the context of my own research. This research concerns the specification of stimulus-stimulus associations in associative learning and the characterization of the neural systems underlying those associations. In the course of describing Spence's views and my research, I hope to communicate some of the richness of Spence's S-R psychology and its currency within modern scientific analyses of behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss globalisation as an empirical reality that is in a complex relation to its corresponding discourse and in a critical distance from the cosmopolitan ideal. I argue that failure to grasp the distinctions between globalisation, globalism, and cosmopolitanism derives from mistaken identifications of the Is with the Ought and leads to naïve and ethnocentric glorifications of the potentialities of globalisation. Conversely, drawing the appropriate distinctions helps us articulate a more critical approach to contemporary cultural phenomena, and reconsider the current place and potential role of education within the context of global affairs. From this perspective, the antagonistic impulses cultivated by globalisation and some globalist discourse are singled out and targeted via a radicalization of educational orientations. The final suggestion of the article concerns the vision of a more cosmopolitically sensitive education.  相似文献   

Graham Nuthall described research findings from his recent classroom studies as educationally transformative, analogous to the shift to a Copernican universe. In honouring this assertion, we focus on two aspects of Graham's work: the role of theory in his scholarship, and the relationship between his scholarship and the pursuit of educational equity. In each case, we speak to why these aspects of his work are important and how each facet of his work is poised to advance the enterprise of education. Finally, we address some of the transformative implications of these two aspects of Graham's work for educational research and teacher education.  相似文献   

In his writings Jim Marshall has helpfully emphasized such Wittgensteinian themes as the multiplicity of language games, the deconstruction of ‘certainty,’ and the contexts of power that underlie discursive systems. Here we focus on another important legacy of Wittgenstein's thinking: his insistence that human activity is rule‐governed. This idea foregrounds looking carefully at the world of education and learning, as against the empirical search for new psychological or other facts. It reminds us that we need to consider, in Peter Winch's words, ‘what it makes sense to say’ about certain educational phenomena, and how these meanings stand against understanding a wider form of life. This insight has important implications for doing educational research, and we examine some of these.  相似文献   

Foreword: a century of vocationalism   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several writers have argued that educational research should be educative; in the sense of being geared directly to improving educational practice. This is proposed on a variety of grounds--from appeals to the meaning of the word 'educational', through claims about the very nature of all social inquiry, to arguments that there is a need for a practical form of educational research that is distinct from social scientific work. This article suggests that while these arguments point to important distinctions among types of research, they do not formulate those distinctions soundly; and a more effective formu lation will be attempted. Moreover, in conclusion, it will be argued that research cannot be educative, only informative.  相似文献   

Recent research on e‐learning shows that blended learning is more effective than face‐to‐face learning. However, a clear empirical response has not been given to the cause of such improvement. Using a data set of 9044 students at two Catalan universities and a quasi‐experimental approach, two possible hypotheses identified in previous research are studied. The results show that the principal cause of the improvement is not, in itself, the increase in time spent online for educational purposes. Rather, increasing the time devoted to studying online is only useful when it takes place as some form of interactive learning. The educational implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

涂元玲 《教育学报》2007,3(6):14-20
在当前我国教育研究中,有关教育的实证研究存在着几个方面的错误认识:教育实证研究是一种研究方法;教育实证研究等同于关于教育的经验研究或实验研究;通过访谈、观察、问卷调查、民族志研究等开展的教育研究或质的教育研究是教育实证研究;教育实证研究不需要运用文献资料和思辨或理论研究。对教育实证研究的历史与特征进行分析,有助于澄清上述几个方面的错误认识,有助于促进教育实证研究的进一步发展和有关的教育理论与实践工作的开展。  相似文献   

Reflective practice in general, and the views of Carr and Kemmis on 'action research' in particular, have become the settled orthodoxy of much educational thinking, but can they take the load that they are being asked to bear? An analysis of 'reflection' is offered, which reveals what can be achieved by the operation and what cannot. This is then used to assess the coherence of Kemmis's views on the concept—the basis of Carr and Kemmis's widely-cited theoretical proposals, which they use to justify their approach to action research. I then turn to an examination of the adequacy of these proposals themselves.  相似文献   

Broadly defined, social support is regarded as resources provided by others. Its importance has been widely demonstrated in many fields of study. However, unclear definitions and shortcomings in theory and measurement have resulted in a number of inconsistencies limiting the generalizations of empirical findings. The present article reviews some of the critical issues and tries to organize this domain in terms of some basic dimensions of social support. Most authors agree upon the usefulness of distinctions such as received vs. perceived support, structural vs. functional support, and different types and sources of support. Their relative merits as documented in the recent literature are discussed here. The paper concludes with some thoughts about social support and educational research.  相似文献   

This paper interprets Wilhelm von Humboldt??s travelogue of his voyage to the Basque country (??Die Vasken??) as an empirical study on human development (??Bildung??) that applies an ethnographic research approach. Against the background of Humboldt??s comparative anthropological considerations the paper focuses on the underlying theory and methodology as well as on the results in Humboldt??s study of the Basques. It will be shown that in ??Die Vasken?? Humboldt directs his attention at anthropological questions on character building (??Charakterbildung??) through applying his anthropological method which combines empirical research with philosophical speculation. The analysis of the results of Humboldt??s study of the Basques demonstrates that Humboldt succeeds in developing his anthropological theory of ??Bildung?? in such a way that he can apply his new insights later in practice in the reform of the Prussian educational system. Finally, a critical reflection about the results of ??Die Vasken?? points out a central methodological and at the same time educational problem in ethnographic research on ??Bildung??. With this interpretation of Humboldt??s study of the Basques the paper provides a historical reflection about theory and methodology in educational anthropology that offers still important insights for actual ethnographic research in the field of education.  相似文献   

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