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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
If you've "lost your appetite", you don't feel like eating. "No, thanks. I've lost my appetite."If you're a "bundle of nerves", you' re very nervous or anxious, "1 was a bundle of nerves after watching the horror film."If you're "in good shape", you' re physically strong and healthy. "My grandma is 92 but she's still in great shape."  相似文献   

Parents are the closest people to you in the world. They love you just because you' re you. And they would do anything for you.[第一段]  相似文献   

Jan: I want you to know, you're the most important thing in my life. Garfield: Let me sleep, please.  相似文献   

A: Tongue Twister Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can. "A swan swam over the pond. Swim, swan, swim. Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan."C: Connected speech Look at these sentences. See if you can say them with connected speech. Then, Listen to the CD to check your answers. I. Do you like what I' m doing? 2. What are you doing? 3. I couldn't see what he was doing? 4. She doesn't know what l'm doing? 5. Do they like what they' re doing? 6. We don't know what we' re doing?  相似文献   

The income-tax deadline approaches and some taxpayers' thoughts turn to it. Test time approaches and some students' thoughts turn to it. Temptation appears and some spouses consider it. Nowadays, cheating is on the rise. "You want something you can't get by behaving within the rules, and you want it badly enough, you'll do it regardless of any guilt or regret, and you're willing to run the risk of being caught." That's how Ladd Wheeler, psychology professor at the University of Rochester in New York, defines cheating.  相似文献   

Well, I, I suppose the accent itself is quite sing-songy, it's quite up and down. Much like the Welsh themselves, you see. They' re never, they' re never sort of in the middle. They either, either go to the sort of top or the bottom. And the language itself reflects that, I think; whereas standard English is much flatter.  相似文献   

At last, the mid-term exams are over. You' ve done the hard work, but you can't relax. You have to prepare for the next exams. Do you hate exams? If you do you' re not alone. Students in other countries hate them as well.Luckily for them, Britishstudents have fewer exams than Chinese students. And they only have them once a year. Every summer they take a test in each subject. Each test lasts about an hour.  相似文献   

Celebrity Quotes     
"I've been in relationships where I've felt terribly alone. Just because you're with someone, it doesn't mean you're happy." Actor George Clooney.  相似文献   

If you're like most people, the biggest potato crisis you ever face is the common lunchtime question: "Do you want fries or chips with that?"  相似文献   

You're travelling to some village. At some point there is a fork in the road. You could go two ways but only one of them leads to the village. Lucky for you there are two men standing next to the fork. But unfortunately one of them always lies and one always speaks the truth and you do not know who is who. Since the men do not really like to help you, you are allowed to ask one of them only one question. Which question should you ask'?  相似文献   

1. If you're "hot under the collar," are you feverish, surprised or annoyed?
2. In computer language, what is "e-mail" short for?  相似文献   

Read & listen! The best way to learn new words is to do it the natural way: by reading and listening to lots of English. And if you read and listen to things that you' re really interested in, you 'll improve your range of vocabulary without even realising it as you absorb language within interesting content.  相似文献   

The Party Hey, Mike, this is Stephanie. I was just calling to let you know that I' m (1) a party at my house this weekend and you' re invited, of course. It'll be at about 8pm on Saturday evening, that's this Saturday 14th. Everyone' s (2) some food, so if you could make a dessert, that'd be great. By the way, the party' s at my new house. The address is 23 Baker Street--it's just offthe high street. Bye!  相似文献   

For investors, the market's moody swings are a recipe for rash decisions. Even the pros are having a hard time getting it right, so don't get discouraged. If you're a frazzled investor, here are five practical tips from Charles Schwab designed to calm your nerves:  相似文献   

Part Ⅰ Listenand repeat these expressions.What you say . Is there a garage near here? I'd like sixteen litres ofdiese please. I'd like 20 litres of the four-star unleaded, please. Fill it up, please./Fill it with super, please. Could you check the tyre pressure, please? Could you check the water, please? Could you check the oil, please? Is this the road to Birmingham? Which turning do I need totake for Manchester? Which exit is it for Liverpool? What's the traffic like? I think we're lost. Could you tell me how to get here? I think I took the wrong exit. How do I get into the town centre? Is there a motel near here? Can I leave the car here, please?  相似文献   

When was the last time you felt stressed? What did you do about it? Here are a few ways of dealing with stress. Stress is the feeling you get when you' re under pressure. All sorts of situations can cause stress: moving home, financial difficulties, work overload, driving in heavy traffic, noisy neighbours, pollution, uncertainty...  相似文献   

教学步骤: Part 1.Revision.巩固已学知识,活跃课堂气氛。 1. Revision A. Guessing game. It' s a sunny day. We're going on a camping trip today. Look, I have a backpack. There're many things in it. What's in my backpack? Can you guess? (Ask Ss to guess with the key structure “Is/Are there … ”)[第一段]  相似文献   

Don't listen to those who say "It's not done that way." Maybe it's not, but maybe you w Don't listen to those who say "You're taking too big a chance." Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor and it would surely be rubbed out by today.  相似文献   

Have you not heard? It's the 21st century. anymore (and they were always a terrible way to Threats and power plays just do not cut it manage). Yes, you pay people's salaries but that doesn't mean you' re their lord and master. You are their leader, however. Leaders lead by inspiring, teaching, encouraging, and, need to threaten. So keep your word, set a yes, serving their employees. Good leaders never good example, praise in public, criticize in private,  相似文献   

段菁 《小读者》2010,(3):40-40
If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you And share with its beauty On the days you're feeling blue. If I could build a mountain You could call your very own A place to find serenity A place to be alone.  相似文献   

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