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对131名高校贫困生及332名普通大学生的生涯不确定感进行调查,多因素方差分析的结果显示:贫困生的生涯不确定感显著高于普通大学生;贫困生的生涯规划意识比普通大学生低,在遇到生涯发展问题时不知如何求助等问题。高校和政府主管部门应该重视贫困生生涯教育,搭建贫困生生涯发展帮扶平台。  相似文献   

The impact of environmental forces and the interaction of occupational and family roles on career plans were explored in interviews with female vocational clients. Twenty unemployed women in career transitions were interviewed over a three-year period. The women were asked about their career plans at age 18, for the immediate, and the long-range future; the life events that happened and the effects these events have had on career directions. In addition, the women were asked whether they feel they are stuck or moving in their current job situation. Themes from the interviews affirm that role priorities for family and work have been shaped by socialization and changing opportunities. Many of the women, who felt unprepared previously to integrate occupational behavior in their lives, now report that the need for adaptability to work roles has become a priority.This research was partially supported by an award to the first author by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):249-269

Males are still underrepresented in the office management environment and this article pertains to the tendency to discriminate against men students studying towards administrative and office-related qualifications. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the perceptions (regarding various barriers in executing their studies) of male office management students in a female-dominated occupational career choice have changed since 2002 and to determine the level and quality of guidance received on entering this field. The study encompassed a literature review and empirical surveys (2002 and 2010) which were conducted by means of structured questionnaires. Although there was an overall increase in male office management student numbers, gender discrimination undoubtedly, as well as ineffective or no career guidance still had a negative effect on these individuals and their career choices. Educators and career guidance officers should take every possible measure to reduce all gender segregation and become more sensitive to and actually provide career guidance to students planning to make career choices.  相似文献   

Various school transitions provide both challenges and opportunities for pupils. The ways in which pupils cope with these transitions can have a significant impact on their everyday lives and futures. This study focuses on exploring the kinds of transitions pupils face during their comprehensive school path. The aim is to gain a better understanding of horizontal and vertical school transitions faced by Finnish ninth graders (n = 518) who are 15‐ to 16‐years‐old during their school careers. These transitions are empirically examined through two complementary aspects: (1) determining the horizontal and vertical transitions in the pupils’ school career; and (2) identifying the challenges faced by the pupils in these transitions. By introducing a horizontal and vertical school transition model and exploring the transitions in this framework we aim at contributing to breaking down the complexity of the transfer process.  相似文献   

Conclusions The current high rates of unemployment and underemployment of individuals with disabilities is evidence that traditional approaches to career development and transitions planning have not adequately met the needs of persons with disabilities. An individual's family and significant others have been recognized as having major impact on career development, although the ongoing dynamics of family influence on career development are not fully understood (Lopez & Andres, 1987). Currently, there is a lack of a conceptual framework to guide professionals in developing programs to utilize the family as a resource in the career development of individuals with disabilities. The developmental approach, as discussed in this article, is a sound basis for developing intervention strategies designed to assist the family and the individual to promote the career development of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

This article analyses the career narrative produced by a woman working as a small-scale entrepreneur. Career and career transitions are analyzed in two ways: The sub-stories told in the interview have been analyzed using William Labov’s structural analysis of personal stories; career management competencies are used in the analysis of creating coherence in the career narrative. The characteristics of career created in the narrative, the transitions included in the career and how the entrepreneurial self is created in the narrative are explored.
Résumé. Créer de la cohérence en transition de carrière: Une étude de cas de récit de femme entrepreneur. Cet article analyse le récit de carrière produit par une femme travaillant comme entrepreneur dans une petite entreprise. La carrière et les transitions de carrière sont analysées selon deux axes: les épisodes recueillis au cours de l’entretien ont été analysés en utilisant l’analyse structurale des histoires personnelles de William Labov; on a eu recours aux compétences de gestion de carrière pour analyser la fa?on de créer de la cohérence dans le récit de carrière. On explore les caractéristiques de la carrière créées dans le récit, les transitions incluses dans la carrière et la manière dont le soi entrepreneurial est créé dans le récit.

Zusammenfassung. Die Schaffung von Koh?renz beim Berufsübergang. Eine narrative Fallstudie mit einer Unternehmerin. Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Berufslaufbahn, narrativ berichtet von einer Frau, die als Kleinunternehmerin arbeitet. Berufslaufbahn und Berufsüberg?nge werden in zweifacher Hinsicht analysiert: die im Interview erz?hlten Einzelberichte wurden an Hand von William Labov′s Strukturanalyse der pers?nlichen Geschichten untersucht und die Berufsmanagement- Kompetenzen werden in der Analyse daraufhin analysiert, wie Koh?renz innerhalb der Berufslaufbahngeschichte erzielt wird. Es werden die in dem narrativen Bericht gebildeten Merkmale der Berufslaufbahn, einschlie?lich der Berufsüberg?nge untersucht sowie die Art und Weise, wie das Unternehmer-Selbst in dem narrativen Bericht gebildet wird.

Resumen. Creando coherencia en la transición de la carrera: Un estudio de caso narrativo de la mujer empresaria. Este artículo analiza las producciones narrativas de una mujer empresaria que trabaja en una compa?ía peque?a, en relación con su carrera. La carrera y las transiciones son analizadas de dos formas: las sub-historias contadas en la entrevista han sido analizadas usando la técnica de William Labov de análisis estructural de historias personales; las competencias para la gestión de la carrera se utilizan en el análisis de cómo crear coherencia en la narrativa sobre la carrera. Se exploran las características de la carrera creada en la narrativa, las transiciones incluidas en la carrera, y cómo se crea el ser empresarial en la narrativa.

Looking at ‘biographical learning’ as part of a work transition, the aim of this paper is to investigate how social relations enable and constrain such a learning process in outplacement clients. To examine the process, its character and social conditions, the study draws on interviews with workers who had been made redundant and were enrolled at an outplacement agency. The interviews were analysed using a comparative cross-case analysis. A distinction was made between ‘strong’ (long-term and intimate), ‘weak’ (short-term and non-intimate) and ‘formal’ (e.g., professional counsellors) relations. Findings showed that strong and formal relations were rather influential on people's engagement in biographical learning while weak relations were important to the straightforward career. Since transitions in late modern society has become not only a passage but also a learning option, the different sources and functions of social relations should be considered a vital part of outplacement counselling. Future research should examine more closely both parties in strong relationships and the (joint) process of career decision-making inherent in occupational transitions.  相似文献   

清代三藩之乱中的吴三桂政权,其武官系统中存在将军号和军职两个序列.将军号在吴三桂起兵之初便已创设,用于标识武将的等次,目的是合理安排旧部和降将的地位;而军职则标识了军队实际管辖关系的等级.此外,对基层武官,吴三桂政权有资格的考察,包括武举和“随征官”.武官的将军号有升转之制,地方镇标中的武官可以升入亲军中.但是军职的滥授迅速发生,导致武官制度出现困难.  相似文献   

On the concept of career transition – a theoretical discussion with regard to Super's theory of career development.The aim of this article is to promote a differentiated concept of career transitions. First, Super's theory concerning this topic is analysed. The conclusion is that Super considered career transitions as being processes that occur every time an individual is destabilised by socio-economic and/or personal events. In this respect, transitions from one life-stage to the next are not to be regarded as something special. Second, a general career transition model is outlined based on Super's approach and including theory elements developed by other researchers. Some dimensions of transition strategies are discussed using cases from an ongoing study. Finally, some implications for research and career counselling practice are formulated.  相似文献   

There is significant policy interest in the issue of young people’s fractured transitions into the labour market. Many scholars and policy-makers believe that changes in the education system and labour market over recent decades have created a complex world for young people; and that this can partly be addressed by enhanced career education while individuals are at school. However, the literature lacks in-depth quantitative analysis making use of longitudinal data. This paper draws on the British Cohort Study 1970 to investigate the link between career talks by external speakers and employment outcomes, and finds some evidence that young people who participated in more career talks at age 14–16 enjoyed a wage premium 10 years later at age 26. The correlation is statistically significant on average across all students who receive talks at age 14–15; but remains the case for 15–16 year olds only if they also described the talks as very helpful.  相似文献   

Despite profound changes to the higher education sector in the UK over recent years, which have tended to emphasise the role of prospective students as active choosers within a marketplace and encourage higher education institutions (HEIs) to place more emphasis on student engagement and representation as a means of improving the quality of the learning experience, the role of students’ unions has remained largely unexplored. To start to redress this gap, this paper draws on a UK-wide survey of students’ union officers and a series of focus groups with 86 students and higher education staff in 10 case study institutions. It outlines the ways in which students’ unions are believed, by those closely involved with them, to have changed over recent years, focusing on: the shift towards a much greater emphasis on representation in the role and function of the students’ union; the increasing importance of non-elected officers; and the emergence of more cooperative relationships between the students’ union and senior institutional management. The article then discusses the implications of these findings for both our understanding of the political engagement of students, and theorising student involvement in the governance of HEIs.  相似文献   

Career development interventions can have positive effects on the career decisions that deaf seniors make before graduating from high school. Interviews with 189 seniors from 16 residential and day high schools revealed their career decisions and their experiences with career development activities. School staff evaluated the seniors' career decisions, career decision-making skills, and probable post-high school placements. The results indicated that seniors who had vocational training were more knowledgeable about their vocational aptitudes than were seniors who had no vocational training. Seniors with vocational training were also more likely to have considered other careers prior to making career decisions. Seniors who had received career counseling were more knowledgeable than those who had not about the skills needed to enter their chosen careers and were more interested in their career choices. More importantly, the amount of interest in one's career choice was determined to be related to ratings of motivation, readiness, and prospects for completing the postsecondary placement. The implications of these results are discussed below for professionals in education and rehabilitation.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects of education on the career paths of Texas law enforcement officers holding advanced or specialized positions. It addresses the distribution of officers by rank and by assignment pattern, and the variance in career paths explained by respondents' education. Findings show that higher education reduces time required for movement in rank and assignment to specialized positions and was positively correlated to promotion into supervisory and administrative posts. Implications are that higher education will enhance an officer's probability of rising to the top regardless of whether the agency requires a college degree as a precondition of employment.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to explore the motives underpinning career mobility, and the impact of such mobility on changing the perceptions of senior teacher educators from Israel who have experienced cross-cultural professional transitions during the mid-career stage (hereafter referred to as ‘internationally oriented teacher educators’). A thematic analysis of five interviewees’ retrospective narratives highlighted three motives driving career mobility: the opportunity for professional development; the joy of adventure and challenge; and the need to bring about a fundamental change in their careers. In addition, two categories of changes in perceptions that occurred following international mobility were mapped: (a) pluralistic perceptions in a multicultural higher education environment, and (b) culture of learning among the younger generation. The discussion raises similarities and differences between the findings and the literature on career mobility in higher education.  相似文献   

A career intervention based on life design approach was devised for a group of young adults at risk for the process of career construction. It was aimed at fostering a series of resources useful to cope with career transitions, to encourage reflection on the future, to identify one’s own strengths, and to plan future projects. Results of the study provided evidence for effectiveness of the career intervention across at several methods of change assessment (statistical significance, clinical significance, and social validity) and highlighted the potential of the career intervention.  相似文献   

苏轼以科举步入仕途,以议选举见重于神宗皇帝,以知贡举达到仕途高峰,一生与北宋选举结下不解之缘。  相似文献   

Individual development plans (IDPs) have been promoted nationally as a tool to help research trainees explore career opportunities and set career goals. Despite the interest in IDPs from a policy perspective, there is little information about how they have been used. The authors examined IDP awareness and use, the benefits of creating an IDP, and ways to facilitate its use by administering a survey to current or former postdoctoral researchers via the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) and University of Alabama at Birmingham email lists; individuals belonging to Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology member societies who mentored postdocs; and postdoctoral administrators at member institutions of the Association of American Medical Colleges and the NPA. Although most postdoctoral administrators (>80%) were familiar with IDPs, less than 50% of postdocs and only 20% of mentors were aware of IDPs. For those postdocs and mentors who reported creating an IDP, the process helped postdocs to identify the skills and abilities necessary for career success and facilitated communication between postdocs and their mentors. Despite the fact that creating an IDP benefits postdocs and mentors, IDP use will likely remain low unless institutions and research mentors encourage trainees to engage in this process.  相似文献   

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