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Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.The first m onth of the year is J.2.Septem ber is the n m onth of theyear.3.The l m onth of a year is D ecem ber.4.I’m12years old.M y b isN ovem ber18th.5.W e have a m festival in A ugust.6.H er birthday p is on O ctober22nd.7.Children’s D ay is on J1st.8.G ina was born on D28th.9.M onday is the s day of the week.10.Spring in Beijing usually lasts穴持续雪fromM to M ay.Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The穴four雪day of the week is m ybirthday.2.J…  相似文献   

根据上句写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。1.—Thank you very m uch.—Thats O K.—.—Y ou re.2.The w om an is m y m others sister.She is w earing a red sweater.The w om an is m y.3.C an I help you?can I you?4.W hat do you wantto have for supper?W hat you for supper?5.C an you help m e?Can you?6.Tom and I are classm ates.Tom is one of.7.H is father is w orking now.H is m other is working,too.H is are now.8.Its tim e for breakfast.Its tim e breakfast.9.M y bike is broken.There is…  相似文献   

U nit10Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及首字母填单词1.By the t she gotto class,the teacher hadalready started teaching.2.H e m a teacher in2004.3.M y friends invited m e to have dinner on A prilF D ay.4.Y ou should l the door when you leave thehouse.5.China is a d country.6.The telephone was i in1876.7.The m ilk tastes t.8.H e prefers lem ons to oranges.H e likes thes taste.9.She added salt but is still wasn't s e-nough.B.英汉词组互译1.run off2.on tim e3.break down4.A prilFool's D ay5.setoff6.结婚7.叫…  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.M y bike is broken.Can you help m e r it?2.M y dress is s to yours,so I took your dressby m istake.3.I cam e here s to ask you a question.4.H e looks sad.Let’s c him up.5.I’ve called you three tim es,are you d?B)根据句意及所给汉语,填写适当的单词完成下列句子。6.The kind m an always helps the(无家的)children.7.“D idn’t you see the(牌子)‘NOSM OK IN G’?”she said angrily to the m an.8.M other asked her to(指导)u…  相似文献   

Unit11一、词汇(10分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出空白处所缺的单词。1.M rs B lack can t(忍受)the cold weather there.2.M y father is a(了不起的)doctor.3.O ur lives are(多彩的).4.Y oung people like to follow the(时尚).5.M y daughter wants to be a(主持人).B.根据句意和首字母提示补全空白处的单词。1.H e has n to do,so he decides to go to the m ovie.2.Its hothere.D o you m opening the window?3.The girl with a red hair c is his sister.4.There is no m oney in m y w.5.D ifferentpeople have different o abo…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话,其中有一个多余选项。A:D o you have a sister?B:Y es,I do.A:1B:She is m y aunts daughter.A:W hats her nam e?B:H er nam e is H u D an.A:2B:She is only five.A:3B:N o,she isn t.A:W hat does your sisters face look like?B:She has a round face.A:4B:Itis shortand black.A:5B:H er favorite sportis jum ping.A:W hat else does she like?B:She likes singing,too.B.阅读理解(1)M y M otherM y m others nam e is G uan X iuyan.She is a worker.O n wee…  相似文献   

一、单词拼写根据句子的意思和所给的首字母,写出单词,使句子意思完整、通顺。1.M y grandfather u to be a Chineseteacher,but now he is a m ath teacher.2.I’m a I can’t help you.I’mreally busy now.3.O ur school has changed a lot in thep few years.4.I m iss m y best friend Linda.She hasm to another city.5.They used to c w ith their friendson the Internet.6.H is voice s like the singing ofbirds.7.D o you m m y being late forschool,M r.Li?8.M y parents don’t a m e to go outalone at night.9.—H o…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和首写字母,写出句中所缺单词。1.The s heating system is popularin big cities.2.They need m ore soldiers to m thefront.3.H e has a large fam ily to s.4.The university has a all its goalsthis year.5.This bottle has a flat b.6.M the place on the m ap.7.Surgeons have m ade a great b inkidney transplantation.8.H e a the gun at the enem yofficer.9.F is the m other of success.10.D isease is an enem y of m.Ⅱ.选择填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11.It’s v…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.You should drink p of water.It’s good foryour health.2.H elen is a scientist.She has been doing herr work for m any years.3.If you want to be popular am ong friends,I thinkyou should be a good l first.4.You are clever and hard-working,I’m c ofyour success.5.The Chinese governm ent has given som e mequipm ent to som e African countries.6.W ith the p of the headm aster,our classvisited the zoo.7.M y sister is hardly ever tired.W e all say she is tooe.…  相似文献   

辨析下列各组词语,并用相应词语的适当形式填空。A.look the sam e,look like1.The boy his m other.2.The two girls.B.fam ily,hom e,house1.There are five people in m y.2.There is a big tree behind Tom s.3.Lucy is at now.C.seat,sit1.Please com e in and have a.2.down,please.D.in,on1.There are three windows the wall.2.There is a m ap ofChina the wall.3.There are m any apples the tree.4.There is a boy the tree.A SC H O O L G ARD EN O F EN G LISHE.little,sm all1.M y sisteris only five years …  相似文献   

U nit6Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及已给首字母的提示,写出空白所缺单词的正确形式,使句子意思完整,语法正确。1.—W hich do you like,m usic or art?—Both.B utI p PE.2.H e never tells a lie.H e is an h boy.3.There are m any things on d in the m useum.4.I like the song thathas greatl.5.M y auntis good attaking photos.She is a good p.6.The picture r m e ofwhatI had seen in Beijing.7.W hen Edison was young,he showed i in science.8.They haven thad lunch yet,so I e they re hungry.9.Y ou need a lot of e to w …  相似文献   

1.K ate com es A ustralia.She s A ustralian.2.Li M ing and I go school M onday Friday.3.The m an lives Beijing,China.4.H is birthday is N ovem ber.5.M y birthday is D ecem ber23rd.6.I like going to the m ovies m y friends.7.C an you w rite m e soon?8.Please write and tell m e your schoollife.9.The bank is next the superm arket.10.I arrive school at7:00every m orning.11.The train usually arrives Shanghaiat5:00p.m..12.I often go to the park Sundays.13.—W here s the hotel?—Its C enter…  相似文献   

(A)Im a m iddle school student.I did wellin m y studies,1.butI have a problem thattrouble m e allthe tim e.It is the2.relationship am ong m y m other and m e.M y m other is a3.university professor,w ho works really hard.She s m uch4.strict with m e,and ha…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.H is uncle is a wine m who neverdrinks alcohol him self.2.Sm iling M ona Lisa熏which is am of Leonardo de V inci熏is saidto be a portrait of him self.3.A person’s w m ay becom e anadvantage over others in som e way.4.The穴裁决雪was given in favorof the accused.5.M y cough熏w hich is really t熏haslasted4days.6.The little boy jum ped into the yard torescue his sister熏with a穴剑雪inhis hand.7.Y asser A rafata’s w ife …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Som e of m y r ,m y m other’s auntand uncle,live in A m erica.2.The weather is m today;it isneither hot nor cold.3.G lass has a s surface.4.This school is m for boys;thereare only a few girls in it.5.It’s not s that the com pany’s indebt now that it’s been com pletelym ism anaged.6.W ool is one of the chief e ofA ustralia.7.H ave they decided on the l(地点)of the new building yet?8.W e have s (解决)who will payfor the m eal.9.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A)根据英文解释和例句,完成下列单词的拼写。(首字母已给出)1.f(som ething to eat)Allthe is on the table.2.c(notopen)Ithink the superm arketis atthis tim e ofthe day.3.w(seven days)Sunday is the firstday ofthe .4.m(a lotof)Is there rice in the room?5.w(have...on the body)M any teachers w glasses.6.y(notold)The girlis too .She can蒺tgo to school.7.t(the day aftertoday)M rW hite can蒺tcom e here .8.a(nothere)LiM ing is notatschooltoday.H e is .9.c(ofcourse)-—Could you help m e?—.10.w(not…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语过关(单词拼写)1.Y ou can’t enter m y room w ithout m yp.2.The expression on her face穴证实雪their w orst fears.3.The school has only been open for sixm onths熏so it’s hard to e if itis successful.4.Is that station clock穴准吗雪?5.If you are c about your baby’shealth熏you’d consult a doctorim m ediately.6.H e is穴熟悉雪with m y fam ily.7.She r her m other in the way shem oves her hands when she talks.8.This com pany is one of the largeste of its kind.9.She had led a life of luxury …  相似文献   

There isa happy girl.She has am d sm all eyes.short hair two This girlism e----Chen Yang.School.Iam a pupilofBeixing Primary m onitor in m y nam e is Betty.I am theM yEnglish and singing.I like drawing,class.I likereading ofm y too.one m um very m uch.She is I love m y English.often m ewith m y bosom friends.She helps m other:m other.Iwantto sayto m y She is a good”Ibelieve“H appy every day!teacherin thefuture.Ihope Ican becom e a bosom[]friend知心朋友:m z藜inm yself.'bu future[]n.将…  相似文献   

H ello,everybody!M y nam e isW u C haonan.Ihave a good English teacher.H er nam e is W uC henlei.She is tall and beautiful.She is24years old.T hough she is young,her English isexcellent.She has been ourEnglish teacher for3years.She w orks hard like agarde…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

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