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Historical time and chronological sequence are usually conveyed to pupils via the presentation of semantic information on printed worksheets, events being rote-memorised according to date. We explored the use of virtual environments in which successive historical events were depicted as “places” in time–space, encountered sequentially in a fly-through. Testing was via “Which came first, X or Y?” questions and picture-ordering. University undergraduates experiencing the history of an imaginary planet performed better after a VE than after viewing a “washing line” of sequential images, or captions alone, especially for items in intermediate list positions. However, secondary children 11–14 years remembered no more about successive events in feudal England when they were presented virtually compared with either paper picture or 2-D computer graphic conditions. Primary children 7–9 years learned more about historical sequence after studying a series of paper images, compared with either VE or computer graphic conditions, remembering more in early/intermediate list positions. Reasons for the discrepant results are discussed and future possible uses of VEs in the teaching of chronology assessed.  相似文献   

Historical representations of the National Society for the Study of Education’s Committee on Curriculum-Making typically recount that the purpose of the committee was to assemble representatives from competing curriculum camps to achieve consensus on curriculum principles, depict the committee’s work as important, cast doubt on the consensus the committee achieved, overlook the principles proposed by the committee and ignore its call for deliberation. A historical reconstruction of the committee’s work in the USA during the 1920s reveals that the purpose of the committee changed from reviewing research to prescribing techniques and finally to proposing general curriculum principles, with the aim of fostering deliberation among curriculum workers. A review of the US curriculum literature reveals that, after some initial attention, the Twenty-Sixth Yearbook fell into relative obscurity, but was rediscovered in the 1960s. A new analysis of the committee members’ supplementary statements argues that the committee indeed achieved consensus on foundational curriculum principles. As a historical document, the yearbook represents the coalescence of curriculum development as a professional field in the USA during in the 1920s. As a repository of professional knowledge, the General Statement remains pertinent to curriculum reform in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

张可 《中学生英语》2004,(10):13-14
沃尔特·司各特(1771-1832)生于苏格兰首府爱丁堡的一位律师家庭。大学毕业后,他当上了律师,但从年轻时起他就对民歌,尤其是英格兰与苏格兰交界处的古老传说和民间歌谣感兴趣。1802年他出版了《苏格兰边区歌谣集》。从1814年起,司各特写了20多部小说,但在很长一段时间里他总是慝名发表作品。所以在1796—1813年期间他是诗人,而在他40岁之后则成了小说家,他的诗名也逐渐被他的小说家的名声所遮掩。沃尔特·司各特开创了欧洲历史小说之先河。在他之前出现了一些以历史上的事件和历史人物为依据的小说,但事件和人物都过于夸大,或者浪漫过头,几…  相似文献   

Concepts of genetics are often difficult to teach, specifically the central concept of gene. Even the scientists disagree when defining this concept. This paper investigates university students' understanding about the gene and its functions. The results show the dominance of two conceptions of the gene: the Neoclassical model and the Mendelian model. The existence of hybrid conceptions and the lack of the modern model show that students are unable to mobilize the knowledge taught in biology. These results suggest to improve the teaching methods of genetics, for instance, by developing activities that bring students face to face with their conceptions.  相似文献   

This study investigated students’ ideas about historical significance in Korea. Using qualitative, task-based interviews, I interviewed 28 secondary students who had taken Korean and world history courses. In response to various historical contexts, these Korean students relied primarily on a schematic narrative template consisting of ‘tragedy,’ ‘struggle,’ and ‘freedom and equality’ to judge historical significance. This schematic narrative template reflected the national identity which Korea established in the postcolonial context after independence in 1945. By applying this template to world history, moreover, students showed strong sympathy towards the oppressed, and this reflected their resistance to colonial and class hegemony. However, imposing this template resulted in significant omissions and distortions that might hinder the development of critical historical thinking. These findings suggest that a variety of cultural tools are necessary for Korean students to develop more complete and nuanced historical understanding.  相似文献   

Graphic elicitation, i.e. asking participants to draw, is an interview technique used to focus the interviewee on the given topic or gain extra meaning not covered verbally as part of the interview. This study analyses two interview contexts which included visual elicitation. It describes a successful example in which the researcher maintained control over the mode of the planned research task (diagram) as well as another example in which slippage occurred between the mode of the planned research task (drawing) and the resulting artefact (diagram). Through this analysis, strategies for maintaining researcher control over the mode of elicitation are identified, increasing our understanding about the theory and practice of both drawings and diagrams as two different modes of visual elicitation. The paper concludes that the required control does not necessarily comprise an increase in task structure (directing participants as to how to draw). Moreover, the subject and purpose of the task are equally important. Successful researcher control then comprises a careful balance between all the three aspects of purpose, structure and subject.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This article presents a qualitative study of the understanding of various epistemic and non-epistemic aspects of the nature of science (NOS), based on...  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to study the viability of using hypothetical problems that need the application of causal models for their solution, as a method for assessing understanding in Social Sciences. So, this method was used to describe how seventh grade students understand causal factors affecting the “discovery and colonization of America”. First, the causal model expected to have been understood was made explicit. Then, eight problems were designed to assess whether students were able to deduce the implications of past conditions and to use these implications to anticipate what consequences would most likely follow in each of the hypothetical problems. 51 seventh graders were interviewed with this purpose, and their answers were coded and analysed. The results have shown that 60 to 100% of seventh graders understand correctly the role of most factors that eased the discovery and the colonization. However, students often had previous ideas that caused them to make erroneous predictions The same results were found when examining whether students had a mental model integrating the different causal factors studied. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper compares public–private partnerships (PPPs) in education in post-war Singapore and Hong Kong. After the Second World War the Singapore government shied away from PPPs, while the state in Hong Kong collaborated extensively with the non-state sector in education. Singapore was a small city-state flanked by two Muslim nations, and its post-war regime faced challenges from the Malayan Communist Party. These pressures curbed the state’s involvement with missionary and Chinese bodies in education. Hong Kong, however, was a mono-racial society without any anti-Chinese neighbours, and its authorities were seldom challenged by a militant antagonist. Thus, its government was freer to involve non-state agents in education. This study reveals that PPPs are viable only when suitable non-state partners exist and when the state does not believe that such undertakings would expose the school system to an antagonist. It also urges scholars in future to explore the socio-political preconditions for PPPs.  相似文献   

LANGUAGE AND PHILOSOPHY. Studies in Method. By Max Black. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1949; pp. xiii+264.

ELEMENTE DER LITERARISCHEN RHET‐ORIK. Eine Einführung für Studierende der romanischen Philologie. Von Heinrich Lausberg. München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1949: pp. 93.

AFRICANISMS IN THE GULLAH DIALECT. By Lorenzo Dow Turner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949; pp. xi+317. $7.50.

A WORD GEOGRAPHY OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES. By Hans Kurath. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Studies in American English, No. 1, 1949; pp. xi+88+163 maps. $4.00.

THE GOLDEN NIGHTINGALE; Essays on Some Principles of Poetry in the Lyrics of William ButlerYeats. By Donald A. Stauffer New York: The Macmillan’ Company, 1949; pp. 165‐$3.00.

STUDIES IN POETRY. An Introduction to the Critical Reading of Poems. By Neal Frank Doubleday.’ New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xxiii+380. 52.25.

TRAVELLING TONGUES. By Kenneth Harris. London: John Murray, 1949; pp. 215. 8s 6d.

STAGE TO SCREEN. Theatrical Method from Garrick to Griffith. By A. Nicholas Vardac. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949; pp. xxvi+283. 56.00.

ACTORS ON ACTING. Edited with Introductions and Biographical Notes by Toby Cole and Helen Krich Chinoy. New York: Crown Publishers, 1949; pp. xiv+596. $5.00.

THE IDEA OF A THEATER. By Francis Fergusson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949; pp. xiv+240. $3.75.

STAGE MAKE‐UP. By Richard Corson. (Revised edition). New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. vii+211. $3.50.

CHILDREN WITH MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HANDICAPS. By J. E. Wallace Wallin. New York: Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1919; pp. xxii+ 549. $5.00.

PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDIOMETRY. Principles and Methods. By Loraine Anson Dahl. Danville, Illinois: The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., 1919; pp. 290. $3.00.

CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY. By Maurice Saltzman, M.D. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1919; pp. xiii+195. $5.00.

ACUTE LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS. By A. Harry Neffson, M.D. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1949; pp. vii+197. $5.00.

YOUR CHILD'S SPEECH AND HOW TO IMPROVE IT. By Amy Bishop Chapin and Ruth Lundin. Cleveland: The Press of Western Reserve University, 1949; pp. 30. 75c.

THE COMMAND OF WORDS. By S. Stephen‐son Smith. (Second edition). New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1949; pp. xii+ 305. $3.50.

PORTFOLIO OF TEACHING TECHNIQUES. New Facts and Techniques to Invigorate Classroom Teaching—Including Tested Practices in Group Dynamics for the Classroom Teacher. Edited by the Staff of the Educator's Washington Dispatch. New York, New London, and Washington: Educator's Washington Dispatch, 1949; pp. 31. 75c.

TWO LESSONS OF GROUP DYNAMICS. So You Appointed a Committee. When a Schoolman Runs a Conference. By the Staff of the Educator's Washington Dispatch. New York, New London, and Washington: Educator's Washington Dispatch, 1948; pp. 10. 25c.

WEBSTER'S GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. John P. Bethel, General Editor. Springfield, Massachusetts: G. &; C. Merriam Company, 1949; pp. xxx+1293. §8.50.

DIPHTHONGS IN AMERICAN SPEECH. By George Whiting Hibbitt. New York: Columbia University Bookstore, 1948; pp. 86. $2.50.

GENERAL SPEECH. An Introduction. By A. Craig Baird and Franklin H. Knower. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1949; pp. ix+500. $3.50.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the characteristics of pictures affect memory for verbal learning materials. In the learning phase, participants watched a slideshow about historical figures that were depicted as more or as less powerful. The slideshow included spoken information that was more prototypical for either powerful or powerless people and thus semantically congruent (e.g., depiction and verbal information rated as powerful) or incongruent with the pictures. Congruency resulted in more errors when participants had to reject incorrect items in a memory test. There was no effect of congruency on verifying correct items. This pattern was observed for a slideshow that included one picture for each historical figure (Experiment 1) and for a slideshow including additional pictures (Experiment 2). Hence, both experiments provide corroborating evidence that pictures affect learners’ memory for verbal learning materials. These findings are relevant for instructional practice with regard to the design of learning materials and test items.  相似文献   

Different studies have shown that national groups construct a positive social identity through the appropriation of heroic narratives about the national past. Within this framework, this research studied the narratives of Argentine university students (n = 27), without specific training in history about a historical process in which their national state carried out morally questionable actions. Specifically, we analysed their narratives on the ‘Conquest of the Desert’, a military campaign carried out in the late nineteenth century which entailed the genocide of the indigenous peoples who inhabited most of what is today Argentina. Through semi-structured interviews, it was revealed that although the grammar of the participants’ narratives is generally poor, it is possible to identify in them two clashing groups as agents of that historical process. Furthermore, the participants did not use the pronouns we/us to refer to any of these groups, so they did not identify with them. We conclude that the poverty of the participants’ narratives may reveal a collective attempt to forget this morally condemnable historical process, which would also have been expressed in the shift of responsibility from the Argentine state to other social groups in most of the narratives analysed. Likewise, failure to identify with the victims, even in cases in which it was considered to be the national state, shows the implementation of cognitive strategies to preserve a positive identity.  相似文献   

The raising of the participation age (RPA) to 17 in 2013 and 18 in 2015 marks a historic expansion of compulsory education. Despite the tendency of New Labour governments to eschew historical understanding and explanation, RPA was conceived with the benefit of an analysis of previous attempts to extend compulsion in schooling. This paper assesses the value of a historical understanding of education policy. The period from inception to the projected implementation of RPA is an extended one which has crossed over the change of government, from Labour to Coalition, in 2010. The shifting emphases and meanings of RPA are not simply technical issues but connect to profound historical and social changes. An analysis of the history of the raising of the school leaving age reveals many points of comparison with the contemporary situation. In a number of key areas it is possible to gain insights into the ways in which the study of the past can help to comprehend the present: the role of human capital, the structures of education, in curriculum development and in terms of preparations for change.  相似文献   

Modern industrial society liberated the sources of livelihood, gave birth to salaried labour and began to cater for social mobility, i.e. broke the foundations of traditional estate society. Traditional trades and socialization mechanisms attached to families were replaced by mass production and education. Education played a crucial role in the project of modern industrialized society. Its task was, besides production of a productive labour force, i.e. good workers, also the production of good citizens and decent personalities. Education always works, however, in the other direction, too. By opening up life‐paths and chances for some, it simultaneously closes them off from others. It also plays the key role as the producer of social exclusion and indigence and eventually as the producer of normality and deviance permeating through the entire society. This paper is based on a comprehensive, long‐term research project funded by the Academy of Finland. Its goal is to locate the historically changing meaning of scarce education and no education at all as the denominator, producer and outcome of social exclusion and indigence. The authors are also interested in the change in the whole way of life or ‘habitus’ or moral citizenship demanded of the modern educated man and as its reverse side the habitus of the non‐educated man. The analysis of exclusion is extended from as early as the time of ‘absolute poverty’ of the nineteenth‐century European modern society to the time of ‘relative deprivation’ of postindustrial welfare societies in the late twentieth century. The research seeks answers to how education and indigence have been linked at various points in time and especially how the so‐called modern Nordic welfare model defines the interrelations of education, citizenship, labour market citizenship and exclusion, i.e. the borderlines classifying the population. The criteria of social exclusion have to be defined in the context of historical time and nation and it is not possible to use the same criteria in a historically comparative analysis. ‘Educational lower class’ is used as the tool referring to the excluded. The aim is to define its criteria, composition, outcomes and birth mechanisms at a certain point in time by means of concrete sociohistorical research. Theoretical interest is focused on clarification of the concept ‘educational lower class’ as a ‘zero‐line’ concept of the theory of marginal utility, although we are well aware that the explication of that line is as ‘relative’ as the frequently presented efforts to draw the line between relative poverty and relative deprivation. The concrete part of this research is concentrated on the formation of the modern Finnish educational system in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is based on comprehensive and versatile historical data. The educational ‘zero‐line’ is located both from above, i.e. from the direction of official educational discourse, and also from the middle and below, i.e. from the viewpoints of public discourse and the users of education. Committee reports, legislation, public documents, clarifications and statistics are used as sources for outlining the official discourse. The intermediary level of discourse is analysed with the help of historical data from the press and periodicals. The ‘citizen's viewpoints’ of the objects of education are searched for in written biographies, interviews and archives of enterprises.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the impact of human capital theory on contemporary Chinese education, this paper first draws a conceptual outline of how this theory was introduced and interpreted to suit the Chinese quest for modernization. The study then adopts a comparative historical approach to the points of similarity between Neo-Confucian educational ideas and those of British humanism in an earlier transitional period that has some parallels. The aim of this comparison is to connect the ideas of Neo-Confucians and humanist educators to Ronald Dore’s concept of the role of education and his insights on the diploma disease. Within this core framework, this paper exposes the problems that have come from a melding of the examination tradition and the notion of human capital. It suggests that a revival of another aspect of Chinese tradition-education for fostering one’s humanity—may help balance contemporary Chinese education and restore it to health.  相似文献   

Cultural‐historical activity theory, an outcrop of socio‐psychological approaches toward human development, has enjoyed tremendous growth over the past two decades but has yet to be appropriated into science education to any large extent. In part, the difficulties Western scholars have had in adopting this framework arise from its ontology, which is materialist dialectical and, hence, does not allow easy absorption into non‐dialectical (classical logical) thinking underlying much of Western scholarship. Cultural‐historical activity theory has tremendous potential because it sublates traditional dichotomies in everyday teaching‐learning situations including individual/collective, body/mind, intra‐/inter‐psychological, cognitive/emotive and psychological/sociological. In this contribution, we not only review the existing literature that uses or develops this non‐dualistic approach, but also articulate an intelligible explication of the theory that is more accessible to Western scholars and describe possible future curriculum work and research in science education as an expression of the fruitfulness of the theory.  相似文献   

Numerous epidemiological studies from the early years of the tragic HIV and AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa identified formal education as a risk factor increasing the chance of infection. Instead of playing its usual role as a preventative factor, as has been noted in many other public health cases, until the mid-1990s educated African men and women had a higher risk of contracting HIV than their less educated peers. This led to ambivalent policy about the efficacy of education as a possible social vaccine against new infections in this region. Reported here is a cohort analysis of formal education and HIV infection in 11 African countries showing that among younger adults, who came to sexual maturity after widespread misconceptions and misinformation about the causes of the disease were reduced, more schooling is associated with a lower risk of HIV infection. The results are discussed in light of a critique of past weak hypotheses about how education works as a social vaccine, and a new hypothesis is developed. Policy implications are described for renewed efforts towards the supply of quality education as an important strategy to promote public health in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Adopting the lens of “new histories” as the basis for my inquiry into the institutional legacy of the art program at Toronto’s Central Technical School (CTS), I created a methodological framework informed by the traditional art form of the polyptych, in which many panels are joined together to show and tell multilayered stories connected to a central theme, to demonstrate visually how stories are interrelated, and to present openings to other stories. In polyptychs, I found a means to express both the form and content of my research in ways that are artful, permeable, and conductive. Through Prezi, a digital presentation and storytelling platform, I discovered how the polyptych can become three-dimensional. The resulting series of intertextual expressions create a portrait of the complex, expansive, and multigenerational stories that make up the history of CTS. This article describes how I came to see the polyptych as a methodological frame by unpacking its historic roots; by exploring how it operates in contemporary historical research; and by reflecting on how my identity as an artist, teacher, and researcher influences the way I organize stories within this framework.  相似文献   


School history textbook narratives of a nation’s past often present limited perspectives, which may impede the aim of teaching history from multiple perspectives. Less is known about the influence of including multiple perspectives on students’ representations of the past. This study examines the extent to which students include multiple perspectives when processing a schoolbook text that includes multiple perspectives compared to a schoolbook history text containing fewer perspectives. Tenth grade students (N = 104) in four schools were randomly assigned to read one of two texts on the Dutch Revolt and asked to make a summary. Multiperspectivity was analysed through the representation of actors, aspects of scale, dimensions and historiography. The students working with the text having high multiperspectivity showed more perspectives in their representations. In the summaries, these students included significantly more perspectives than did the students using the text with fewer perspectives. Moreover, these students’ representations of the main actors were more nuanced. The students using the text with high multiperspectivity situated the conflict in a broader international context and integrated more historiographical dimensions. The insights generated by these outcomes emphasize the important role of textbooks when aiming to teach history from multiple perspectives.


The objective of this study is to facilitate progressive transitions in chemistry teachers understanding of nature of science in the context of historical controversies. Selected controversies referred to episodes that form part of the chemistry curriculum both at secondary and university freshman level. The study is based on 17 in-service teachers who had registered for an 11-week course on ‘Investigation in the teaching of chemistry’ as part of their Master’s degree program. The course is based on 17 readings drawing on a history and philosophy of science perspective with special reference to controversial episodes in the chemistry curriculum. Course activities included written reports, class room discussions based on participants’ presentations, and written exams. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that this study facilitated the following progressive transitions in teachers’ understanding of nature of science: (a) Problematic nature of the scientific method, objectivity and the empirical basis of science; (b) Myths associated with respect to the nature of science and teaching chemistry; (c) Science does not develop by appealing to objectivity in an absolute sense, as creativity and presuppositions also play a crucial role; (d) The role of speculation and controversy in the construction of knowledge based on episodes from the chemistry curriculum; (e) How did Bohr confirm his postulates? This goes beyond the treatment in most textbooks; (f) Differentiation between the idealized scientific law and the observations. It is concluded that given the opportunity to reflect, discuss and participate in a series of course activities based on various controversial episodes, teachers’ understanding of nature of science can be enhanced.  相似文献   

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