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作为当前新闻表达的主流形态,融合新闻的数字化、多媒性、互动性等特征,决定了新闻叙事的理论基础是数字叙事学。在叙事学的知识版图中,空间叙事是一种备受关注的叙事观念和实践。所谓空间叙事,意为空间作为一种表征元素、符号装置或认知方式,积极参与文本的故事叙述与意义建构。从数字叙事学视角来看,融合新闻的空间叙事主要表现为四种形式:一是作为现实表征的空间叙事,意为数字技术赋能现实空间的再现,如数字动画、VR技术、移动直播等创设了不同的空间表征方式;二是作为结构图式的空间叙事,意为通过对既定空间形式的选择、征用或再媒介化处理,形成相应的空间组织结构、信息整合结构及主体参与结构;三是作为认知媒介的空间叙事,意为打开空间本身的隐喻性认识功能,即以空间为方法,借助空间性的符号模型来把握抽象的、复杂的现实关系和结构;四是作为主体实践的空间叙事,意为打造线上线下融合场景,其强调通过数字技术赋能现实场景,拓展新闻感知的具身体验。  相似文献   

作为推动经济高质量发展的新引擎,数字经济发展的媒介叙事兼具纪实性与时代性。其中,纸质媒介叙事是数字经济发展语境下媒介叙事的一种重要方式、载体,它讲述的“数字经济发展”故事对促进数字经济发展,引导社会认可和普遍接受产业数字化、数字产业化、数字政府建设的新理念、新形态,全过程呈现数字经济建设和发展成果,昭示成功经验,形塑国家形象发挥着独特的优势和作用。文章从纸质媒介讲述了怎样的“数字经济发展”故事、如何讲述“数字经济发展”故事、这种创新实践的社会文化意义等三个层面展开探讨。  相似文献   

互动性是数字媒介有别于传统媒介的典型特征。互动技术在叙事中的嵌入,从根本上改写了经典叙事赖以存在的结构问题,由此引发了叙事学的数字转向。互动性,沿着叙事语义和叙事规则两个维度,深刻地影响着叙事性的内涵。数字媒介的互动叙事之所以成为可能,离不开交互界面这一特殊的程序装置。界面既是信息存在的居所,亦是互动发生的条件,其在叙事可供性维度上拓展了一种全新的叙事关系。融合新闻的互动叙事,主要沿着路径互动、情节互动和环境互动三个维度展开,相应地便形成了三种基本的互动形式及实践。在路径互动维度,互动叙事基于“遍历”这一技术方案,打开了被折叠的可能世界,并以此为认识方法,抵达未知的现实世界;在情节互动维度,互动叙事通过对时间的自主“操控”以及对空间的自由“转换”,使得基于互动的故事建构成为可能;在环境互动维度,互动叙事基于普适计算的理念与实践,将叙事搬到了现实环境之中,使得环境本身成为一种界面,从而在人与环境的互动中构建了一种全新的信息生成模式。  相似文献   

数字技术为新闻的视觉表达提供可能,推动数字新闻生产的视觉转向。本文采取生态化路径考察数字新闻生产的视觉化趋势,以图像的观看、制作和传播三个动态过程为框架,系统性研究数字新闻生产的视觉化特征及其文化逻辑变革。本文提出,数字新闻生产的视觉转向带来视觉手段的重塑、新闻内容的"再媒介化"和渠道与模式的多元化,在新闻组织逻辑、叙事机制和思维方式方面,呈现出开放与透明、平等与个性以及直观与流动的文化特征。  相似文献   

人类对真实故事或虚假故事的执迷史已有证,在现代这一由影像文字信息所构成的传媒世界里,更没有人抗拒得了新闻报道中的故事姓力。新闻摄影,是以摄影技术为手段,对正在发生的具有报道价值的新闻事实,通过现场选择抓拍的手段,借助拍摄而得的瞬间影像所结构出的新闻要素,再加以文字旁白进行新闻叙事的一种报道形式。它是现代社会中一道独特的影像叙事体,但我们应怎样进人对新闻摄影叙事分析的核心呢?与其他媒体比较,新闻摄影的故事叙事方式有何独特之处呢?我们将叙事理论引人新闻摄影的领域,是否对二者均有助益呢?希望这一切都能…  相似文献   

传统媒体向数字新媒体迁移的“跨媒介性”叙事问题,成为媒介融合语境下电视媒体跨媒介叙事研究的重要问题。本文分析了电视沉浸综艺节目《诗画中国》的跨媒介叙事文本类型、叙事模式及受众/用户叙事沉浸体验的具体表征与叙事模式。研究发现,电视沉浸综艺节目的“回旋跨层”叙事模式与具有无限衍义“开放—自生式”的数字叙事模式影响着媒介融合文化的表达与建构。在由“模拟”到“数字”的“跨媒介”过程中,从文本到叙事,再到文化属性与传播形态,原有的传统媒体文本特质被改写。跨媒介叙事不仅革新了电视媒体的视听传播范式,还催生了新的“个体叙事—社会认同”的数字意义空间。  相似文献   

华进 《当代传播》2013,(2):27-29
媒介不仅是叙事的手段,影响叙事的方式,左右叙事的观念。网络媒介有着区别于传统媒介的鲜明特征,这种特性深刻地影响了新闻叙事的方方面面,甚至对传统叙事学观念进行了重构。与此同时,叙事学也在媒介变革的大背景下不断转换范式,并最终孕育了后经典叙事学的分支———数码叙事学。以数码叙事学为指导,探讨数字时代新闻叙事的转型与观念重构,对新闻传播实践具有重要指导价值。  相似文献   

近年来,网络文学IP影视化呈现已经成为中国浓墨重彩的文化现象。从文字媒体到影视媒体,从想象时空到影像时空,以'跨媒介'为视点的衍生叙事成为不同媒介空间中甄选故事元素,优化故事逻辑,重构故事文本的重要叙事方式。'媒介'是传播故事的媒体,是携带故事的载体,同时也是表达故事的语言工具。基于此,'跨媒介'衍生叙事在故事空间重构中就表现出三种文本构型,即改编型、延展型与圆融型。每一种文本构型都需要借助相应的叙事机制来支撑,每一种叙事机制又会呈现出不一样的故事世界,每一个故事世界都是实现粉丝黏合经济的重要依托。  相似文献   

相比于传统媒体语境下的倒金字塔式新闻叙事模式,新媒体语境下的新闻叙事模式更加丰富,主要包括菱形式、蜂巢式和钻石式三种。在新媒体语境下讲好中国故事,这一政治传播理念需要准确把握这一政治传播理念与新媒体语境之间的关系,即从领导人开始的中国故事表达、国际传播"转译机"中的中国故事以及国内舆论引导助推器的人民故事;同时,要遵循以下新闻叙事模式,即报道体量的碎片化与切入角度的细化、彰显人文的情感诉说以及协同化传播的有效互动。  相似文献   

《青春有你第二季》网络偶像选秀节目在疫情防控中全方位把握数字媒介的优势,呈现出跨媒介叙事的特征,从故事世界的创造、扩张到制衡过程中,展示出媒介融合、粉丝的集体智慧和参与的特点。粉丝和节目组对元文本的互动博弈以及对世界观的塑造让该节目彰显独特与典型;粉丝在知识社区中发挥他们的集体智慧,从媒介、叙事和世界性方面扩张故事世界;无限扩张带来了节目失控、焦虑的现实互文和资本逻辑挑战的风险,媒介与消费者进行了配合、制衡与妥协,但仍无法阻止失范行为的产生。  相似文献   

The work practices of the professional photojournalist are currently undergoing rapid change in the digital era. New technologies, new platforms and new methods of visual storytelling are exerting a range of pressures and influences that require photojournalists to adapt and respond in different ways. The changes provoke a number of questions that are critical to the future of professional photojournalism: What are the new risks being faced by photojournalists? How are the transformations in the media economy affecting photojournalists’ employment? What does this mean for image quality? How do photojournalists think about the manipulation of images or the staging of events? Given the rise of citizen journalism, digital technology and social media, will there even be professional photojournalists in the future? This paper presents some of the results and new analysis from the first international study into the current state and future of professional photojournalism, with a specific focus on risk and on perceptions of risk among photographers. The results indicate a high degree of risk is experienced among professional photographers with a very strong correlation to the country in which they are based.  相似文献   

In 2010, New York Times photographer Damon Winter sparked controversy when he used an iPhone equipped with the Hipstamatic application to produce heavily filtered, Polaroid-style front-page photographs of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. The debate over whether such images were photojournalism, or merely photographs, was reignited the next year as some of his images were honored in one of the country's most prestigious photojournalism competitions, and the practice of using filter-friendly apps for journalism spread. This article compares professional discourses around such journalistic use of smartphone apps with discourses that developed earlier in the digital era around digital image manipulation in Photoshop, with the goal of proposing ways to interrogate imaging technology controversies yet to come.  相似文献   

A decade ago the regional programming of CBC Toronto successfully transformed itself with a new notion of community reflection that utilized a range of emerging digital platforms but put narrative radio storytelling at its centre. With the launch of CBC Hamilton in Spring 2012, as Canada's sole digital-only public broadcasting outlet (no over-the-air TV or radio), audio storytelling was conspicuously absent from the equation. Based on the only publicly available research conducted with CBC users and community leaders prior to and following both launches, the authors raise questions about audience conceptions and the enduring value of audio storytelling in an era of digital broadcasting and social media.  相似文献   

A two-stage analysis examined visuals in news related to governmental surveillance, finding that just as surveillance has shifted from visual evidence to dataveillance, journalism is shifting its notion of visual evidence from photojournalism to journalistic data representations. First, a card sort analysis of news visuals was conducted on two news sites before and after Edward Snowden's document leak in June 2013. The news images remained relatively consistent, relying heavily on accessible official and stock photography sources. Second, a review of The Guardian's contemporaneous “NSA Files: Decoded” multimedia package found personalized, data-rich visual storytelling techniques. Between the two approaches is a vast difference in how surveillance is represented and made accessible, with implications for the visual coverage of other challenging news topics.  相似文献   

The paper describes the project #iziTRAVELSicilia which is using digital storytelling for engaging heritage communities. The objective of the project was to bridge the Sicilian gap in cultural heritage communication using a participatory approach with the local communities, in the framework defined by the Faro Convention. The paper evidences the digital storytelling role in engaging communities to promote their heritage, promoting new partnership with local cultural heritage institutions. The positive impact of digital storytelling in cultural heritage promotion in Sicily is evidenced by the quantitative results achieved and by the feedback collected by a survey.  相似文献   

聪明的移动者:手机与新闻摄影   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化的影像采集、处理、传播和接收过程给新闻摄影带来革命性的变化。近年来,世界新闻摄影领域图片采集过程越来越平民化。非专业的市民摄影记者的出现对专业新闻摄影工作者形成冲击;先前由传媒专业人士控制的话语格局被打破;手机在促进网络移动化的同时,使传受实现合一;而网络和手机屏幕式阅读方式正悄然改变着新闻图片的编辑、呈现和观看规律,进而使新闻摄影本身发生改变。  相似文献   

数字时代的新闻摄影深陷信任危机,目前对新闻摄影真实性的论述往往从职业道德和规范建立的角度出发展开研讨。本文使用内容分析的研究方法,对“我们:数码相机记录的影像生活”摄影比赛94名大学生的摄影作品进行统计分析,通过研究数字时代视觉表征的变化,分析新闻摄影在数字时代面临的新的视觉文化环境。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an explosion of citizen-produced content appearing in mainstream media outlets. Terms such as convergent journalism, citizen journalism and user-generated journalism are all widely used in an attempt to define this growing phenomenon. This paper explores the specific genre of citizen photojournalism (CPJ). It is argued this is a definitive genre of its own and has important implications for audience perceptions due to the narrative or “storytelling” role of the visual mage. An “action genre” approach is used to examine how this new photographic genre has been enabled within current technological, cultural, political and economic environments That is to say, that photographic production processes, undertaken by amateur photographers are examined to identify patterns of activity that comprise the genre of CPJ. Through a review of existing literature on how citizens work in the field, and the way the resulting photographs are used in mainstream media, I offer a conceptual structure to delineate recognisable patterns of activity that comprise the genre of CPJ. The strength of this approach is that it allows me to describe CPJ in a way that reveals how external factors and the practice of citizens taking photojournalistic images impact upon the final product published in influential publications including popular press, books, magazines and internet publications.  相似文献   

听书:阅读的时尚选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读通常指读书,是相对纸质图书而言。数字化时代,书籍不再作为唯一的一种文化实体而存在,对信息时代的人们来说,"听书"意味着一种新的生活及阅读方式,它是信息接受的个性化选择,是在网络环境下不受时间、行动限制的一种便携式读书方法。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):125-139
A few weeks into the start of the Iraq War in 2003, the front page of the Los Angeles Times featured a large photograph depicting a dramatic scene in which a British soldier motions to Iraqi civilians to stay down while a father carrying a child creeps across the dirt. The image ran in several US newspapers before it was discovered to be a composite of two different images cobbled together by the veteran photographer, Brian Walski, on his laptop in Basra. The Los Angeles Times immediately fired Walski and, along with other journalists, commented publicly on the wrongness of his actions while reasserting the soundness of their reporting. In keeping with paradigm repair, many in the US journalistic community eschewed questions surrounding the complex practices of photojournalism to instead insist on the principle of objectivity as a guiding news norm. This view omits much, including the importance of craft and the role of aesthetic criteria in photojournalism. Especially in war, journalism privileges the dramatic image to communicate conflict. From this perspective the Walski incident raised issues related to the proliferation of digital photography and editing software, the visual representation of war, and the uneasy relationship between images and reality.  相似文献   

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