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抗日战争胜利后,中国历史又进入一个新的阶段———解放战争时期。这一时期的民主党派继续与中国共产党竭诚合作,坚持和平民主,反对内战独裁,积极配合人民解放军作战,并逐步克服自身的弱点,走上新民主主义革命道路,为推翻反动派统治、建立新中国起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

抗日战争胜利后,中国历史又进入一个新的阶段———解放战争时期。这一时期的民主党派继续与中国共产党竭诚合作,坚持和平民主,反对内战独裁,积极配合人民解放军作战,并逐步克服自身的弱点,走上新民主主义革命道路,为推翻反动派统治、建立新中国起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of peer-tutoring training on elementary school student communication and collaboration skills when used in conjunction with cooperative learning. Within six classes (grades 2–6) in an inner-city school, cooperative learning pairs were randomly assigned to two groups (control and training). Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) of quantitative data from a systematic observation instrument used over an entire year showed that, in general, the training group surpassed the control group in both communication and collaborative skills. Students in grades 2–3 showed substantially more improvement than students in grades 4–6; also, students with average or below-average reading levels required more time to acquire these skills than did above-average students. The qualitative data further substantiated these findings while revealing a large variation among teachers in implementing cooperative learning. and is Editor of the Research section of this journal.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to replicate previous research on phonics-based tutoring in kindergarten and to compare treatment effects for students who received individual instruction compared to instruction in dyads. Thirty classroom teachers from 13 urban elementary schools referred at-risk students for participation. Students who met screening criteria were quasi-randomly assigned, within classroom, to one of three conditions: individual tutoring (n = 22), tutoring in dyads (n = 32), or no tutoring (n = 22, classroom instruction only). Twenty-one paraeducators provided 18 weeks of explicit instruction in phonemic skills and the alphabetic code to students during the latter half of kindergarten. Multilevel model results showed that tutored students outperformed non-tutored controls on posttest measures of phonological awareness, word reading accuracy, oral reading fluency, spelling, and comprehension. However, no significant differences were found between the two tutored groups on any measure, suggesting that code-oriented tutoring for pairs of students is a viable alternative to the gold standard of individual instruction.  相似文献   

The inclusion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools can result in difficult decisions regarding classroom organisation and management. The premise of this article is that these are likely to be affected by the classroom context, specifically the number of pupils in the class, the size and composition of groups and classes, and the presence of additional adults, but that there is very little systematic information on these features. A systematic observation study was conducted involving 48 pupils at Year 5 (9–10 years) and 49 pupils at Year 9 (13–14 years) with Statements of SEND, along with 115 comparison pupils at Year 5 and 112 at Year 9 who were typically developing. There were nearly 70,000 observations (data points) in total. Results showed that pupils at Year 5 with SEN were being taught in larger classes than at Year 9, and that, compared with typically developing pupils, they were much more likely to be separately taught in small, low‐attaining groups at Year 5 and small, low‐attaining classes (sets) at secondary. The study raises worrying questions about the appropriateness of classroom contexts for pupils with SEND and the heavy reliance on teaching assistants.  相似文献   

用滇龙胆的顶芽及侧芽为外植体,以MS培养基为基本培养基,以6-BA/NAA和KT/IAA两组不同浓度组合进行对比实验,研究诱导滇龙胆顶芽及侧芽萌发产生不定芽的最佳条件。发现在诱导率、产生的不定芽数、长势及不定芽出现时间等方面上,BA/NAA两种激素的互作用效果明显优于KT/IAA。其中以MS+BA3.0mg/l+NAA1.5—2.0mg/l的培养基上诱导率较高,可达100%,且小植株生长茁壮,叶色浓绿,大部分在10d左右可萌发出不定芽,产生不定芽数达7—9个。  相似文献   

在学校由外延发展向内涵发展转型的过程中,必须要以科学发展观为统领,遵循教育规律和市场经济规律,在办学功能、人才培养、办学体制方面科学定位,在管理方面有所创新以寻求可持续发展的制度保障,实现学校在办学思想、管理体制、学校精神文化等内涵建设的转变。  相似文献   

效率为基础 公平为主导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应该以“效率为基础,公平为主导”代替“效率优先,兼顾公平”。“一部分人先富起来”是求效率,是手段,是途径,是基础;“达到共同富裕”是求公平,是目的,是宗旨,是主导。如果“达到共同富裕”不以“一部分人先富起来”为基础,就会导致普遍贫穷;如果“一部分人先富起来”不以“达到共同富裕”为主导,就必然导致两极分化。这都背离了社会主义的根本宗旨。  相似文献   

A questionnaire assessing attitudes toward small‐group teaching (SGT) was administered to 442 elementary and secondary school teachers from 26 randomly selected schools in Israel. Data was collected on teachers’ prior experience with SGT, their knowledge of the basic characteristics of this approach and their perception of colleagues’ support for the use of innovative teaching techniques. Teachers expressed somewhat negative attitudes toward SGT on a scale dealing with teacher control of the class, but they were distinctly positive on a scale about the efficiency of SGT for presenting subject matter, and most positive regarding the effect of SGT on pupil development. Teachers experienced with SGT were more positive on 2 out of 3 attitude scales than were those with no experience. Data from measures of teachers’ understanding of SGT characteristics, their perception of colleagual support for innovative teaching and prior experience with SGT accounted for 30 per cent of the variance (canonical R = 0.55) in their responses to the three attitude scales. Findings were discussed in terms of their implications for a model of instructional innovation.  相似文献   

或称“文章志”为作家传记,不确。《隋书·经籍志》著录“文章志”一类在“簿录篇”,为目录书;“文章志”一类书的作者在秘书监任职,工作之一就是典校图籍,登记目录;《后汉书·文苑传》所承绪者应为《文士传》一类;“文章志”一类书多关注对作品评价乃至对作者文学事迹的整体关注;“文章志”与总集、别集编撰有辅助作用。  相似文献   

李商隐生在晚唐,随着其对政治的日益失望,关心现实的诗篇减少了,他更多地用忧伤的调子感叹个人的沦落,伤感个人感情的失落,这类诗的艺术价值较高,也广为人传诵,其中交织着他对爱情的希望以至绝望的复杂心情.他对表现这类感情的诗,周一种极含蓄、婉转的手法表达.本文试从自然界的具体物象来揭示诗人的内心体验  相似文献   

"工学结合、项目教学"课改创新的探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"工学结合、项目教学"按照"以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以项目课程为主体的模块化专业课程体系"的总体思想,结合实践,对课程教学方式、教学组织形式、教学方法、师生角色及其关系进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

as well as 是英语中常用的一个连接词.在理解、翻译和用法上有一些值得注意的地方.本文试提出来与同行共同商讨.  相似文献   

Higher education is a rapidly changing mutant. In post‐industrial society, the entire world of higher education is being questioned because new and different producers, transmitters, and brokers of knowledge and competence have emerged and are now flourishing. As the result of a wide‐ranging research exercise on reforms in higher education within the European Union Member States, this article discusses the most crucial problems and contradictions of the present life of the university and non‐University sectors of higher education and suggests the justifications for and the conditions of their new role within the globalization of economics and information. The relationships between research and teaching, academic and professional preparation, the independence of “culture” and its responsiveness to social demands, as well as the relevant changes in the types of publics entering higher education are critically assessed, and a new mission for the whole system of higher education is suggested.  相似文献   

不同民族文学之间的相互渗透和影响,不仅不是文学民族性消亡的导因,相反,倒常常是文学民族性得以发展和提升的契机。因此,我们应该以理性的心态欢迎全球化时代的到来,而不应该把全球化视为妨害中国文学健康发展的灾难。  相似文献   

党的十七大首次从国度意义上使用"中国"、"一国".内涵的转换意味着解决台湾问题理念和模式之变.重表轻里、重名轻实、重旗轻杆,是其战术特点;由"形式"统一,达到"实质"统一,是其战略优选.  相似文献   

党的十七大首次从国度意义上使用“中国”、“一国”。内涵的转换意味着解决台湾问题理念和模式之变。重袁轻里、重名轻实、重旗轻杆,是其战术特.量;由“形式”统一,达到“实质”统一,是其战略优选。  相似文献   

音素的插入与脱落是英语语音中出现频率较多的现象。它是连贯语流中音素与音素之间相互影响、相互作用的结果。它的形成大致可分为自然的,表达语法词尾所需要的及历史原因带来的。在连贯语流中不借助插入音,将单词中每个音素都完整地读出来必然会给口头语言表达带来困难。因此了解认识这两种语言现象是必要的。  相似文献   

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