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Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include mathematics as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for mathematics for children of compulsory school age. The Mathematics Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on mathematics reported in June and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in August alongside the mathematics proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science and for Wales. Tony Larcombe, director, Kent Mathematics Project, discusses the proposals.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act included English as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empowered the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for English for children of compulsory school age. The English Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on English reported in May and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment for Key Stages 2 to 4 were published in June alongside the English proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science. Bernadette Walsh, language adviser, Rotherham LEA, discusses the proposals.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include geography as one of the compulsory foundation subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for geography for children of compulsory school age. The Geography Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on geography reported in April and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in June in its final report. John Clarke, senior adviser (monitoring and evaluation) Suffolk Education Authority and author of Humanities for All (1989). discusses the problems likely to arise.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include history as one of the compulsory foundation subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for history for children of compulsory school age. The History Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on history reported in January and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in April in its final report. Michael D. Wilson, deputy head, Carr Hill School, Kirkham, Lancashire, and author of History for Pupils with Learning Difficulties , comments on the recommendations in relation to special educational needs.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include English as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for English for children of compulsory school age. The English Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on English for ages five to 11 reported in September and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in November alongside the English proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science and for Wales. The English Working Group will be reporting on English from 11 to 16 at the end of next month. Dr Barrie Wade, senior lecturer in education, Birmingham University, discusses the report on English for Ages 5 to 11 .  相似文献   

The subject working group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on physical education in the National Curriculum reported in June and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in August in its final report. Dr David Sugden, reader in education at Leeds University, comments on the relevance of the proposals for pupils with special needs.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include science as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for science for children of compulsory school age. The Science Working Group appointed to advise the Secretaries of State on science reported in June and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in August alongside the science proposals of the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales, in Science for Ages 5 to 16 . Alan Jones, head, physical science department, Trent Polytechnic, Paul Denley, south west regional project officer, Secondary Science Curriculum Review, and Christopher Butcher, senior lecturer, Trent Polytechnic, discuss the report.  相似文献   

The subject working group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on art in the National Curriculum reported last June and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in August in its final report. Rod Taylor, art adviser for Wigan and director of the Drumcroon Education Art Centre, comments on the relevance of the proposals for pupils with special educational needs. Art becomes a foundation subject in September.  相似文献   

The subject working group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on modern foreign languages in the National Curriculum reported in July and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in October in its final report. Gwen Thomas, lecturer in French studies, Reading University, and Ruth Nichols, senior inspector for special education, Berkshire Education Authority, summarise and comment on some of the recommendations and relate them to local practice.  相似文献   

The Design and Technology Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on design and technology, and on information technology for ages five to 16 reported in May. The joint comments of the Secretaries of State and the report of the Design and Technology Working Group together form the formal proposals for attainment targets and programmes of study published in June. Phillip Rodbard, associate lecturer in education, Brunel University, and in-service trainer on CDT and special educational needs, discusses the report, on which views need to reach the National Curriculum Council by September 22.  相似文献   

Germany is widely known for its vocational education and training (VET) system and its dual apprenticeship system in particular. What is often overlooked, however, is the vertical stratification within the German VET system. This is the focus of this study. Our analysis shows that the VET system, like the German school system, is highly stratified, resulting in large differences in labour market opportunities. We elaborate on three dimensions of vertical stratification: VET system vs. higher education, fully qualifying vs. prevocational VET programmes and segmentation of the fully qualifying VET programmes by educational attainment and career prospects. All three stratification dimensions are closely linked to school attainment and thereby to social origin.  相似文献   

This article studies the foundations of laic moral education in Spain. Some aspects of laic moral education can also be found in other nations, including the emergence of the laic man or the need for an educating State; other aspects of laic moral education, however, are peculiar to the Spanish case, such as the influence of Krausoinstitutionism and the programmes of 1931 Republicanism. This analysis of laic moral education centres on the bipolarity of traditionalism/liberalism. The article takes 1857 as its starting point, a date that is significant for the birth of laic morality and the Spanish education system. The article’s end point is 1936, on the threshold of the Civil War. This bipolarity of traditional/liberal is in combination, on the one hand, with the demands of Krausoinstitutionism for an independent morality and neutrality in instruction as tools for the attainment of a moral ideal of preparing men and, on the other hand, the Republican vindication of an autonomous morality and school laicism as key to the preparation of citizens, as well as with the demand for a civil morality fostered by an educating State.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which a culture of performance has impacted on schooling in the English setting and draws parallels with other post‐industrializing nations. There is a growing awareness amongst researchers and practitioners that improving the quality of teaching and learning through performance management is not working. In education policy terms the UK Government has made much of the importance of modernizing the teaching profession in raising levels of achievement, attainment, and success in schools and colleges. The proposed trade‐off for teachers is improved pay for improved standards. Advocates of such reform point to the benefits derived from greater devolution of market principles to frontline professionals which, it is argued, enhance performance, remuneration, and motivation (Barber 2001). Critics, on the other hand, have criticized the deprofessionalizing tendency of tying performance management to government targets, which fail to connect with the contextual realities of teaching and learning in the classroom or education workplace (Elliott 2001, Merson 2001). Recently such criticism was rejected by the (then) Secretary of State for Education as cynicism. ‘In education it is those who offer cynicism in the guise of experience who can drive young teachers to look for other careers. We shall always try to combat cynicism wherever it threatens progress on standards’ (Morris 2001: 9). This paper seeks to avoid such inference by arguing for greater authenticity in the way education practice might drive, rather than being driven by, the policy and performance agenda.  相似文献   

Mrs Shirley Williams, Secretary of State for Education and Science, replies to questions from Margaret Peter on recent and future developments in special education  相似文献   

California State University/Dominguez Hills, in Carson, California, is a leader in distance learning in the twenty-three campus California State University system. A pioneer in distance learning in its system, California State University/Dominguez Hills now offers six degree programmes via the Internet and televises over thirty hours of classes per week. California State University/Dominguez Hills was recently named by Forbes magazine as one of twenty "Cyber Universities" in the United States. Five of the six on-line degree programmes offered by California State University/Dominguez Hills are Master's degree programmes; four of these are self-supporting, attracting students from around the world. The experience that California State University/Dominguez Hills has gained in distance learning places it in a unique position of leadership among state universities in the western United States.  相似文献   

The Secretary of State for Education talks to Margaret Peter about his policies on special education and plans for future developments including those he outlined during his speech at the annual NCSE conference in April  相似文献   

The long awaited statement on the Government's response to the Warnock Report was made by Mr Mark Carlisle, Secretary of State for Education and Science, in the House of Commons on March 3.  相似文献   

Set against a period of rapid change, education has grown in political importance and policy development has moved from the local authority to central government with a key role being played by the Secretary of State. Based on a series of semi-structured interviews, with 10 politicians who have served as Secretary of State for Education, this paper considers a range of issues related to the development and implementation of education policy in England. This paper focuses on motivation and preparation for the role, the movement of ministers, regional factors, relationship with the Prime Minister and the breakdown of consensus. It illustrates the reality of policy implementation against the political realities of serving as a Government minister and the illusion of being able to develop long-term strategies in a rapidly changing environment.  相似文献   

先秦时期,各诸侯国特别重视音乐的发展,认为优美的音乐是繁荣的象征。曾侯乙墓的出土,使我们了解了先秦音乐的发展达到了辉煌的顶峰。尤其是曾侯乙墓编钟的出土,又成为先秦音乐辉煌的见证。传统文化的保护是国家“文化安全”的问题,在这其中包括民族文化传统的坚守和国家文化形象的构建。  相似文献   

音乐心理教育是根据音乐学科的特点,在学生感受、体验、表现以及创造音乐的过程中,施加心理影响并与学生自主构建相互作用,从而培养学生健康的审美情趣和良好的心理素质的一种教育.通过对音乐心理教育内涵与价值的探索,从转变角色、增强能力、提升素养、注意方法、讲究策略五个方面对音乐教师提出了期待.  相似文献   

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