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校长凝聚力就是校长因优良的素质、高超的权力运用技巧和高工作绩效等对学校组织成员产生的感召力和吸引力以及学校组织成员对校长的向心力和忠诚度。通过问卷调查得知,目前中小学校长凝聚力水平不高,主要原因可以归纳为校长缺乏人格魅力、学校人际关系不融洽、校长领导方式不妥、学校员工没有形成共同愿景等。  相似文献   

中小学校长凝聚力对一个学校的健康成长极其重要,它不仅关系到学校的工作效率和学校组织成员对学校的满意度,甚至决定了学校的兴衰成败。影响校长凝聚力的主要因素是权力、领导方式和工作绩效,增强校长凝聚力的主要途径是共同愿景、高效团队以及校长领导力。  相似文献   

校长凝聚力就是校长因优良的素质、高超的权力运用技巧和高工作绩效等对学校组织成员产生的感召力和吸引力,学校组织成员对校长的向心力和亲近度.增强中小学校长凝聚力的有效策略主要有提升校长人格魅力、形成融洽的人际关系、运用恰当领导方式、形成学校共同愿景等.  相似文献   

在当前学校变革的时代背景下,建设一支有凝聚力的教师团队无疑是变革成功与否的关键。凝聚力是一个团队的向心力,是团队对成员的吸引力,是一个组织生命力持续保持斗志的条件,也是团队中把个体结合在一起的情感力量。影响教师团队凝聚力的因素既有以校长为核心的学校领导的素质、组织文化的建设、学校的内部管理,  相似文献   

学校领导班子是学校的核心、指挥部。学校领导班子成员之间的关系如何 ,直接影响到班子领导效能的整体发挥 ,影响到学校教育事业的发展。因此 ,在教育改革逐步深入的今天 ,搞好学校领导班子成员间的关系就显得至关重要。如何使学校领导班子形成一个在校长统一领导下的具有凝聚力的战斗集体关键在于首先了解学校领导班子成员间存在的各种关系。学校领导班子成员之间的关系结构 ,从其内在机制和表现形式上来看 ,主要包括这样几种 :思想上的共同关系、组织上的集合关系、工作上的协同关系和感情上的交流关系。只有正确认识以上各种关系 ,处理好…  相似文献   

袁登骅 《广西教育》2013,(10):41-41
校长价值领导力,指校长在学校精神文化方面的规范、引导和整合能力。它体现在调节和规范学校各组织成员的个体价值观念,使之形成学校凝聚力,对于解决学校工作中存在的问题、实现学校当前目标和发展远景具有举足轻重的意义。因此,提升价值领导力是当代校长实现专业发展的必经之路。作为一名中学  相似文献   

在当前学校变革的时代背景下,建设一支有凝聚力的教师团队无疑是变革成功与否的关键.凝聚力是一个团队的向心力,是团队对成员的吸引力,是一个组织生命力持续保持斗志的条件,也是团队中把个体结合在一起的情感力量.影响教师团队凝聚力的因素既有以校长为核心的学校领导的素质、组织文化的建设、学校的内部管理,也有关系到学校何以存在、学校如何成功以及如何对教师进行领导和管理的共享价值理念.为此,笔者试从价值共享的视野来寻求一种促进教师团队凝聚力提升的路径.  相似文献   

一个好校长就是一所好学校。校长是一个学校的灵魂。在学校,学生看老师,老师看班子,班子看校长,校长处于学校管理系统的核心、主导、决策地位。学校管理要靠班子的凝聚力,关键是看校长的凝聚力。校长管理学校的根基在于他的凝聚力。那么,校长的凝聚力从哪里来呢?  相似文献   

一、学习型学校校长领导的含义1.学习型学校中校长的新角色早在《第五项修炼》一书中,圣吉就对学习型组织中领导者的新角色进行了阐述,他认为在学习型组织中,新的领导者所专注的是更奥妙和更为重要的工作,他们是组织的设计师、愿景的仆人和组织成员的“教师”。按照圣吉的观点,我们认为学习型学校中的校长同样具有学校组织的设计者、愿景的仆人、学校组织成员的教师三种新的角色。校长作为学校组织的设计者,所要做的工作是整合,包括整合学校内成员的愿景、价值观,设计组织和它的政策,设计学习过程,使学校中所有人都能有效地处理他们所面对的…  相似文献   

校长是一所学校集体领导的核心,也是学校科学管理、科学决策的关键。校长在日常管理工作中,接触最多的就是自己的下属(校长室的其他成员和学校中层领导)。如何同下属搞好团结,形成自身的凝聚力和集体领导的合力?笔者认为,校长在处理同下属的关系方面要做到“五个要”。  相似文献   

This study examined the structural relationships among perceived school support, transformational leadership, teachers’ work engagement, and teachers’ knowledge creation practices. It also investigated the mediating effects of transformational leadership and work engagement in explaining the association between perceived school support and knowledge creation practices. Samples included 284 career and technical education teachers in the United States. Structural equation modeling was employed. Perceived school support was positively associated with transformational leadership and teachers’ work engagement, but had no direct impact on knowledge creation practices. Transformational leadership was found to affect knowledge creation practices, but not work engagement of teachers. Although a supportive school climate had no direct relationship with knowledge creation practices, it indirectly affected this outcome variable through transformational leadership and teachers’ work engagement. The results suggest that in order to increase teachers’ knowledge creation activities, a supportive school climate should be provided with efforts to improve teachers’ work engagement and transformational behaviors of the principal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which leadership styles predict school climate, in order to identify whether a relationship exists between principals’ perceived practices of instructional and distributed leadership and their perceptions of school climate (mutual respect and school delinquency), controlling for a net of principal and school characteristics. This research was conducted on a principal data-set from the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), which was administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Several linear regression models with and without the country controlled dummy variables were conducted, respectively. Results indicated that principals’ perceived distributed and instructional leadership practices are significant predictors of staff mutual respect in the school. Nevertheless, such leadership styles did not appear as important factors for school delinquency and violence. School size and socio-economic status turned out to be the two most important factors predicting school safety. These results add nuance to the findings of previous studies that principals’ emphasis on instructional practice and sharing leadership can play a significant role in promoting the trust, collegiality and respect among staff. However, more than such leadership styles may be needed for creating a safe and orderly school environment.  相似文献   

The merits of technology in general and of educational technology specifically are well documented. The use of educational technology has been shown to improve teaching and learning and the overall educational quality of schools. However, the successful integration of educational technology in schools hinges on school administrators' technology leadership abilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate aspiring school administrators' perceived ability to meet technology standards established by ISTE Standards for Administrators (formerly known as the NETS·A) and to determine which standards they wished to pursue for future professional development. Utilizing the ISTE Standards–A as a framework, a survey was created to decipher how aspiring school administrators perceived their own abilities to become leaders with foundational technology leadership skills. The findings showed that (a) the aspiring school administrators were more likely to indicate a need for professional development in technology utilization to meet the standards than they were to indicate their perceived current competence in meeting the technology standards and effectively utilizing technology in their schools; (b) when interests were examined by race, African American aspiring school administrators were more interested in pursuing professional development to enhance their abilities to perform the tasks than were Caucasian aspiring school administrators; and (c) there was a statistically significant difference between aspiring school administrators' average Perception and Interest scores. It appeared that in general, the participants perceived a greater need for professional development in technology standards than their perceived current ability to perform the standards.  相似文献   

Using a multilevel multiset time-series model, the present study aimed to examine whether changes in teacher perceived principal leadership practices were associated with the change in school academic performance. Teacher perceived principal leadership practices tapped into various aspects of school process and principal leadership. School academic performance was measured as a school’s average in reading and mathematics at a certain grade level (Grades 5–8) in a certain calendar year (2013–2017). Change in teachers’ perceptions regarding principals’ efforts to improve parent involvement was identified as the single most important teacher perceived principal leadership practice for growth in both school reading and school mathematics performance across grade levels (moderate effect size of .481 in reading and small effect size of .254 in mathematics). Implications were discussed, including the hypothesis of “growth” factors in principal leadership practice.  相似文献   

In the current era of accountability for achievement, school principals play the pivotal role of instructional leader. In a high-stakes testing environment, leadership preparation programs in universities and school districts need to be positively related to academic outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between school leadership preparation programs and student achievement in urban settings. Because leadership is contingent on the setting, school contextual factors and their impact on student achievement framed this study. Regression techniques were employed to construct a conceptual model with predictors of criterion and norm-referenced student achievement scores. Confirming previous research findings, student poverty, teacher experience, and previous achievement were the strongest predictors and accounted for a significant amount of variance in student achievement; however, university and district preparation programs were not significant predictors. Implications for policy, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This research evaluated the psychometric properties of Friedman's (1999) Teacher Work-Autonomy Scale (TWA) to determine whether it was an acceptable instrument to measure U.S. teacher autonomy in the present educational context. A second purpose was to ascertain the current status of teachers’ perceptions of their autonomy from a sample of U.S. teachers. Four hundred seventy-seven teachers from three public schools in Michigan participated in this study for a response rate of 30%. Factor analysis confirmed the multifaceted nature of teacher autonomy; however, somewhat different factor structures were found for the elementary and secondary teachers in this study, in comparison to that of Friedman. The TWA, without major modifications, appeared to be a valid and reliable instrument for use with a U.S. secondary sample but with limitation with an elementary sample. Elementary and secondary teachers perceived autonomy in the different factors in identical order, but with significant differences between their scores. Differences in school structure and conceptions of autonomy may have contributed to grade-level discrepancies. The findings suggest that administrators may be able to enhance teacher autonomy by releasing some of their power to include teachers in school leadership, specifically in the two areas teachers perceived with lowest autonomy: school finances and professional development.  相似文献   

This study investigated 13 predictors of self-reported high school leadership. The study utilized the Project TALENT national sample of high school students. Two leadership criteria were studied. The internal consistency of the criteria ranged from .48 to .67. Multiple correlations between the observed and predicted leadership scores for regression analyses ranged from .45 to .63. Cross validities ranged from .32 to .58. The leadership characteristics of males and females were found to be similar. Results of this study characterize the high school leader as mature, interested in business management, self-confident, socially sensitive, vigorous, and having high socioeconomic status. Cognitive variables were not found to be significant predictors of either leadership criterion.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships between perceived leadership, group cohesion, online engagement, self-regulation and learning outcomes. Data included surveys and online discussion logs from 171 students in an undergraduate online course. Through correlation analysis and structural equation modeling, the results revealed unique contributions of task and relationship leadership in small group collaborative learning. Each form of leadership may translate into greater use of self-regulation strategies that align with students’ focus on either the instrumental or interpersonal resources related to academics but may bring about a corresponding lower utilization of other types of self-regulation strategies. Further, results indicate that students’ perceptions of group cohesion provided the most robust and multifaceted positive associations with learning engagement.  相似文献   

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