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The need for quick, timely, and accurate information is critical in emergency events. During mass emergencies, people assemble information from both official and unofficial sources. As digital access expands, people will increasingly incorporate information from digital sources into decision making and assess it against the local circumstances they experience. If we extrapolate what such behavior means for the future, we can see that information management under emergency conditions will need to become increasingly socially distributed. The key question then is how to assess the quality of information: how “good” or “bad” it is; whether it is “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Borrowing from Simon's notion of satisficing, the authors argue that people's assessment of information helpfulness and credibility is a function of the “everyday analytic” skills they employ during mass emergencies. To facilitate the critical work of “everyday analysts,” we outline a research agenda for the development of analytical support tools.  相似文献   

In this article I try to show in what sense Emmanuel Levinas’ ‘ethics as first philosophy’ moves our ethical thinking away from what has been called ‘centrist ethics’. Proceeding via depictions of the structure of Levinasian ethics and including references to examples as well as to some empirical research, I try to argue that human beings always already find themselves within an ethical universe, a space of meaning. Critically engaging with the writings of David Gunkel and Lucas Introna, I try to argue that these thinkers, rather than clarifying, distort our ethical understanding of how we stand in relation to artefacts. Drawing a distinction between how pervasive our ethical relationship to other human beings, and living animals, is and how the nature of artefacts is tied to us, I conclude by indicating that the aspiration to give artefacts an ethical face suggests a fantasy to avoid ethical responsibility and generates what I call a ‘compensatory logic’.  相似文献   


This article examines one of the largest interventions in computer-based learning currently underway, the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, with 2.5 million laptops in use worldwide. Drawing on 2010 and 2013 fieldwork investigating a project in Paraguay with 10,000 of OLPC's “XO” laptops, I explore the ways in which participants interpreted leisure laptop use as “learning.” I show that the most captivating uses of the laptops were not “productive” or programming-centric, as OLPC's developers hoped, but “consumptive” and media-centric, focused on music, videos, and video games. I discuss the learning benefits and drawbacks of this use, as understood by participants and in light of education research, and in light of the broader context of transnational corporations interested in marketing to these children. In the process, I weigh OLPC's utopian dreams against the interests of the child beneficiaries, concerns of media imperialism, and a potential shift in the meaning of computers.  相似文献   

李响 《科教文汇》2014,(10):45-45,47
克拉申的“输入假说”阐述了人们习得语言的过程,是第二语言习得的一个重要理论。“使”字兼语句是留学生在汉语语法学习过程中的重难点。“使”字兼语句是兼语句的一种,但与一般兼语句又有所不同,它是汉语中特殊的动词谓语句中非常重要的一块。本文主要尝试将克拉申的“输入假说”运用到留学生“使”字兼语句的习得过程中,帮助留学生更快更好地理解和掌握“使”字兼语句以及在教学的过程中教师应采取哪些适当的教学方法。  相似文献   

We theorize that organizing learning activities in high-technology firms differs from those in conventional manufacturing. Using controls, we found empirical support for our hypotheses, which are due to market turbulence. High-technology-driven firms had to face a rapidly changing, highly volatile environment with disruptive and destructive changes. Inspired by our findings, we suggest an extension to the Burns and Stalker's idea of the “organic” firm—a neural firm paradigm in interpreting people–technology interactions. For high-technology firms having to cope with market turbulence, we argue for “plasticity” in organizing.  相似文献   

严格地说,哲学就是形而上学。科学哲学研究就是对科学进行哲学理解的活动,且必以形而上学式的问题为核心来展开。但我国现有的科学哲学研究则较少如此。虽不能说其它相关研究不重要,但"喧宾夺主"的研究状况并不利于真正的科学哲学研究的深入和发展。由于语言本身的带入作用,研究者若能利用"当下"一词、深刻理解"当下化"并按其本质要求来展开科学哲学的研究活动,则更易进入科学哲学的形而上学式研究境遇,从而有利于科学哲学研究的深入和良性发展。  相似文献   

Ethical pluralism and global information ethics   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A global information ethics that seeks to avoid imperialistic homogenization must conjoin shared norms while simultaneously preserving the irreducible differences between cultures and peoples. I argue that a global information ethics may fulfill these requirements by taking up an ethical pluralism – specifically Aristotle’s pros hen [“towards one”] or “focal” equivocals. These ethical pluralisms figure centrally in both classical and contemporary Western ethics: they further offer important connections with the major Eastern ethical tradition of Confucian thought. Both traditions understand ethical judgment to lead to and thus require ethical pluralism – i.e., an acceptance of more than one judgment regarding the interpretation and application of a shared ethical norm. Both traditions invoke notions of resonance and harmony to articulate pluralistic structures of connection alongside irreducible differences. Specific examples within Western computer and information ethics demonstrate these pluralisms in fact working in praxis. After reviewing further resonances and radical differences between Western and Eastern views, I then argue that emerging conceptions of privacy and data privacy protection laws in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand in fact constitute a robust, pros hen pluralism with Western conceptions. In both theory and in praxis, then, this pluralism thus fulfills the requirement for a global information ethics that holds shared norms alongside the irreducible differences between cultures and peoples.  相似文献   

Agency theory views board independence, retaining a high fraction of outside directors, as a hallmark of effective corporate governance. Consequently, many boards have become so “independent” that over 50% of S&P 1500 firms only have one inside director, the ‘lone-CEO’. A small but quickly growing body of ‘pro-insider’ research in agency theory stresses the value of retaining a few additional inside directors to ensure that outside directors are better informed about R&D investments, and to help guide the CEO's long-term technology strategy. We extend agency theory by showing how and why different executive roles, namely the CEO, CTO, and CFO result in contradictory motivations towards R&D investments, due to each inside director's unique resource dependency with key stakeholders. Specifically, we argue that a conflict exists between the CTO's strategic control role and the CFO's financial control role and that the conflict has contrasting consequences for R&D investments. We use panel data analysis to test our theory on a sample of 390 S&P 1500 firms from the high-tech industries, over the period 2002–2015. We find that R&D-intensity increases significantly when a CEO is accompanied by a CTO inside director. Conversely, we find that R&D-intensity substantially decreases when a CEO is joined with a CFO inside director. In fact, a lone-CEO only board is associated with a higher R&D-intensity than a board with both the CEO and CFO. Therefore, whether the CTO or CFO accompanies the CEO on the board matters for preserving R&D expenditure.  相似文献   


According to a recent survey by the HR Research Institute, as the presence of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly common in the workplace, HR professionals are worried that the use of recruitment algorithms will lead to a “dehumanization” of the hiring process. Our main goals in this paper are threefold: (i) to bring attention to this neglected issue, (ii) to clarify what exactly this concern about dehumanization might amount to, and (iii) to sketch an argument for why dehumanizing the hiring process is ethically suspect. After distinguishing the use of the term “dehumanization” in this context (i.e. removing the human presence) from its more common meaning in the interdisciplinary field of dehumanization studies (i.e. conceiving of other humans as subhuman), we argue that the use of hiring algorithms may negatively impact the employee-employer relationship. We argue that there are good independent reasons to accept a substantive employee-employer relationship, as well as an applicant-employer relationship, both of which are consistent with a stakeholder theory of corporate obligations. We further argue that dehumanizing the hiring process may negatively impact these relationships because of the difference between the values of human recruiters and the values embedded in recruitment algorithms. Drawing on Nguyen’s (in: Lackey, Applied Epistemology, Oxford University Press, 2021) critique of how Twitter “gamifies communication”, we argue that replacing human recruiters with algorithms imports artificial values into the hiring process. We close by briefly considering some ways to potentially mitigate the problems posed by recruitment algorithms, along with the possibility that some difficult trade-offs will need to be made.


There has been increasing attention in sociology and internet studies to the topic of ‘digital remains’: the artefacts users of social network services (SNS) and other online services leave behind when they die. But these artefacts also pose philosophical questions regarding what impact, if any, these artefacts have on the ontological and ethical status of the dead. One increasingly pertinent question concerns whether these artefacts should be preserved, and whether deletion counts as a harm to the deceased user and therefore provides pro tanto reasons against deletion. In this paper, I build on previous work invoking a distinction between persons and selves to argue that SNS offer a particularly significant material instantiation of persons. The experiential transparency of the SNS medium allows for genuine co-presence of SNS users, and also assists in allowing persons (but not selves) to persist as ethical patients in our lifeworld after biological death. Using Blustein’s “rescue from insignificance” argument for duties of remembrance, I argue that this persistence function supplies a nontrivial (if defeasible) obligation not to delete these artefacts. Drawing on Luciano Floridi’s account of “constitutive” information, I further argue that the “digital remains” metaphor is surprisingly apt: these artefacts in fact enjoy a claim to moral regard akin to that of corpses.  相似文献   

According to the amoralist, computer games cannot be subject to moral evaluation because morality applies to reality only, and games are not real but “just games”. This challenges our everyday moralist intuition that some games are to be met with moral criticism. I discuss and reject the two most common answers to the amoralist challenge and argue that the amoralist is right in claiming that there is nothing intrinsically wrong in simply playing a game. I go on to argue for the so-called “endorsement view” according to which there is nevertheless a sense in which games themselves can be morally problematic, viz. when they do not only represent immoral actions but endorse a morally problematic worldview. Based on the endorsement view, I argue against full blown amoralism by claiming that gamers do have a moral obligation when playing certain games even if their moral obligation is not categorically different from that of readers and moviegoers.  相似文献   

马克思语境下的“精神生产”作为人类社会生产的重要一维,是人类一种特殊的认识活动。它暗示了作为类存在的人既是生产的主体又是认识的主体。这一观点所蕴含的思想可追溯至现代西方哲学的开端———培根、笛卡尔的认识论中;因此,在认识论视域下审视“精神生产”的概念,不难发现,培根提出了作为人造物的“归纳法”,为人的精神生产提供了认识工具,使得人类在认识自然之时即成为双重意义上的生产者。笛卡尔对“观念”的分析则表明人在认识外部自然世界的过程中,生产出了某种“表象”观念。相比之下,马克思更强调精神生产作为人类认识活动,追求实现人的类本质的本真,即人的自由的有意识的活动。  相似文献   

Along with informed consent, anonymization is an accepted method of protecting the interests of research participants, while allowing data collected for official statistical purposes to be reused by other agencies within and outside government. The Decennial Census, carried out in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, is a major event in the production of research data and provides an important resource for a variety of organizations. This article combines ethical evaluation, a review of relevant law and guidance, and analysis of 30 qualitative interviews (carried out during the period of the 2001 UK Census), in order to explore the adequacy of the current framework for the protection of informational privacy in relation to census data. Taking account of Nissenbaum's concept of “contextual integrity,” Vedder's concept of “categorical privacy,” and Sen's call to heed of the importance of “actual behavior,” it will be argued that the current “contractarian” view of the relationship between an individual participant and the organization carrying out the Census does not engage sufficiently with actual uses of data. As a result, people have expectations of privacy that are not matched by practice and that the current normative—including the governance—framework cannot capture.  相似文献   

刑法作为一门应用性极强的学科,在社会生活的各个层面发挥着不可替代的作用,当穷尽其他手段无法实现法益保护的时候,刑法便会褪去谦抑的面纱,发挥其"终结者"的作用。刑法的适用关系到个案正义与人权保障,高校刑法教学理应贯彻"正义、刑罚、责任一体"之理念,同时,在教学中"有利于犯罪人原则"理念的展开,对犯罪人人权保障、刑法理论研究、司法实践探索以及法律职业共同体建设大有裨益。  相似文献   

In this paper, a critique will be developed and an alternative proposed to Luciano Floridi’s approach to Information Ethics (IE). IE is a macroethical theory that is to both serve as a foundation for computer ethics and to guide our overall moral attitude towards the world. The central claims of IE are that everything that exists can be described as an information object, and that all information objects, qua information objects, have intrinsic value and are therefore deserving of moral respect. In my critique of IE, I will argue that Floridi has presented no convincing arguments that everything that exists has some minimal amount of intrinsic value. I will argue, however, that his theory could be salvaged in large part if it were modified from a value-based into a respect-based theory, according to which many (but not all) inanimate things in the world deserve moral respect, not because of intrinsic value, but because of their (potential) extrinsic, instrumental or emotional value for persons.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104793
Contrary to conventional economic growth theory, which reduces a country's output to one aggregate variable (GDP), product diversity is central to economic development, as recent “economic complexity” research suggests. A country's product diversity reflects its diversity of knowhow or “capabilities”. Researchers proposed the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) and the country Fitness index to estimate a country's number of capabilities from international export data; these measures predict economic growth better than conventional variables such as human capital. This paper offers a simpler measure of a country's knowhow, Log Product Diversity (or LPD, the logarithm of a country's number of products), which can be derived from a one-parameter combinatorial model of production in which a set of knowhows combine with some probability to turn raw materials into a product. ECI and log-fitness can be interpreted theoretically (using the combinatorial model) and empirically as potentially noisy estimates of LPD; moreover, controlling for natural resources, the simple measure better explains the cross-country differences in GDP and in GDP per capita.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide new insights to debates on group privacy, which can be seen as part of a social turn in privacy scholarship. Research is increasingly showing that the classic individualistic understanding of privacy is insufficient to capture new problems in algorithmic and online contexts. An understanding of privacy as an “interpersonal boundary-control process” (Altman, The environment and social behavior, Brooks and Cole, Monterey, 1975) framing privacy as a social practice necessary to sustain intimate relationships is gaining ground. In this debate, my research is focused on what I refer to as “self-determined groups” which can be defined as groups whose members consciously and willingly perceive themselves as being part of a communicative network. While much attention is given to new forms of algorithmically generated groups, current research on group privacy fails to account for the ways in which self-determined groups are affected by changes brought about by new information technologies. In an explorative case study on self-organized therapy groups, I show how these groups have developed their own approach to privacy protection, functioning on the basis of social practices followed by all participants. This informal approach was effective in pre-digital times, but online, privacy threats have reached a new level extending beyond the scope of a group’s influence. I therefore argue that self-determined sensitive topic groups are left facing what I present as a dilemma: a tension between the seemingly irreconcilable need for connectivity and a low threshold, on the one hand, and the need for privacy and trust, on the other. In light of this dilemma, I argue that we need new sorts of political solutions.  相似文献   

Kelty's “recursive public” is defined as a binary: whether or not ownership of intellectual property is legally in the public domain. We propose a broader continuum of recursive depth, which spans the range from shallow constrained generative spaces (e.g., photo memes) to the deeply open collaborations of “critical making” communities. Recursive depth is assessed by the capacity for transformation across three distinct continuums: public/proprietary, virtual/material, and high/low social power. Transformations across all three continuums is not always necessary for deep recursion (as Kelty and others note for many cases of open source), but we argue that paying attention to all three, and treating them as continuums rather than binaries, allows a better evaluation of the capacity for democratizing the technosocial landscape.  相似文献   

The life and works of the English Renaissance polymath John Dee (1527–1609) have been traditionally treated by scholarship in the context of the history of philosophy and science. Only in recent decades have two of John Dee’s most prominent and controversial endeavors - (1) his political philosophy and advocacy of a British Empire (a term he is credited with coining), and (2) his long-standing practice of angelic magic - been reconstructed in their significance to Dee’s worldview. This paper highlights how Dee’s visions of a British Empire and his angelic rituals were not only major landmarks in his corpus, but were intimately interconnected in Dee’s ideology of “Cosmopolitics.” Dee’s “esoteric imperialism” is situated in the context of his intellectual, textual, and political environment, and his angelic magic is identified as fitting within the medieval Solomonic current. It is argued that both ideological trends coalesced in Dee’s vision of an angelic-inspired British Empire.  相似文献   

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