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美国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家托尼·莫里森于2012年发表其第十部小说《家》.该小说以20世纪50年代为背景,讲述了十四岁的黑人女孩茜离家、受创、归家的经历,揭露了在看似“黄金时代”的美国黑人女性的生存困境,同时揭露了黑人自身的问题和阴暗面.本文聚焦小说女主人公茜,从女性书写的角度出发,认为在白人主流文化下黑人女性只有坚守黑人文化和传统,凸显黑人女性文化的价值,才能获得疗伤的机会以保存自身.  相似文献   

成长小说超越时代和地域、超越文化和种族的特点使其成为美国文学史上经久不衰的文学命题,其中成长领路人是成长小说中一个重要组成部分.《所罗门之歌》是一部典型的男性成长小说.本文以成长小说的理论为基础,解读主人公奶娃在成长道路上的领路人的形象,以及在形形色色的领路人的指引下,奶娃成功地迷离文化夹缝的尴尬境地,最终冲破种族的束缚和压迫,走上成长的道路.莫里森通过探索黑人个人的成长,从而探索整个黑人民族的发展道路:即只有继承黑人优秀的文化传统,才能真正地发扬黑人民族的历史和文化遗产.  相似文献   

爱丽丝·沃克是美国文学史上著名的黑人女作家之一,她的作品注重探寻黑人女性的内心世界。在小说《日用家当》中,爱丽丝.沃克成功塑造了一位代表并继承传统文化的母亲。在母亲和大女儿围绕旧"百衲被"发生的冲突的过程中,母亲的自我意识开始觉醒。母亲这一角色体现了黑人女性在逆境中保持旺盛生命力并竭力捍卫传统文化的可贵品质。  相似文献   

黑人传统文化对于美国文化的发展作出了独特的贡献,而且在某些领域还产生了世界性的影响,然而种族偏见,尤其是所谓种族“智力差异”的偏见却始终存在。莫里森的《所罗门之歌》是对持种族“智力差异”偏见的人的有力的反驳。它展示了黑人悠久的传统文化的历史和艺术魅力,是一部了解美国黑人传统文化的教科书。  相似文献   

本文通过分析指出,《暴风雨》和《妈妈.戴》两部作品中的场景、人物形象及主题呈现出互文关系,但当代黑人女作家格洛丽亚.内勒在欣赏莎士比亚作品的同时,结合了黑人自身传统对其作品进行了重新审视与改写,注重书写自己的故事。通过改写《暴风雨》,内勒在互文关系中寻找以黑人为主人公的作品和以白人为主人公作品的不同,更是在探寻非裔文化与白人文化的差异,为黑人文学开拓了更豁达的思维表达空间。  相似文献   

音乐是美国黑人民间文化的一种主要艺术形式。莫里森作为新一代黑人女作家的代表,她成功将黑人传统音乐元素移植到文学创作中,在她的多部作品中,布鲁斯的主题、爵士乐的节奏等音乐元素被她以多种方式借用。莫里森旨在通过对传统依附来彰显黑人文化以及价值观。  相似文献   

美国作为一个移民国家,黑人长时间处在多元文化社会生态的底层,经历了痛苦的身份认同和国家的融入过程。黑人文化至今在实现走向美国主流文化的梦想。纵观美国的文化发展史,真正使黑人文学为大众所认知,可追溯至上个世纪的六、七十年代。而为黑人文学争得一席之地的托妮·莫里森就是其中的优秀代表。作为享誉盛名的美国黑人女作家,她凭借《宠儿》一举获得了1993年的诺贝尔文学奖。  相似文献   

托妮·莫里森于2012年发表又一力作《家》,其中蕴含大量独具黑人特色的传统文化。本文主要从黑人群体对基督教的虔信、独特的超自然认知方式以及黑人姓名所蕴含的文化等三方面来展现黑人对传统文化的传承,进而彰显了瑰丽的黑人传统文化魅力以及民族价值观与民族智慧。  相似文献   

《根》是美国黑人作家亚历克斯·哈里的代表作,它完全以黑人为主人公,并以黑人的生活为主题,不仅反映了黑人作为奴隶的悲惨命运,还挖掘非洲文化之根。在小说中有众多关于黑人文化传统的描写,诸如:神话、成人训练、葬礼等,本文对小说《根》中体现的黑人文化传统加以简单阐述。  相似文献   

作为一名黑人女性作家,莫里森不仅在其作品中反映了当代美国黑人妇女生活的困境,而且藉其文学创作保存和推广了非洲优秀的文化传统。在她的第三部小说《所罗门之歌》中,莫里森将这两者有机地结合起来。笔者在黑人女性主义批评方法的指导下,着重分析了《所罗门之歌》中黑人女性主义思想与非洲文化传统的融合,揭示了莫里森对黑人妇女解放和非洲传统文化保存的同时关注。  相似文献   

肖沂 《海外英语》2012,(15):199-202
《他们眼望上苍》是美国著名黑人女作家佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿的代表作。该文描写了主人公珍妮通过三次婚姻,挣脱了传统习俗的束缚,逐渐成长为具有女性主义意识的独立的妇女。她不甘愿成为第一任丈夫的劳动工具,也不愿被第二任丈夫作为摆设,她不断地寻求自我,最终发现并了解自我。黑人女性受到种族和性别的双重歧视,只有她们自我意识的觉醒和不懈的追求才能使她们实现自我的完满。珍妮这个人物成为美国女性文学和美国黑人文学中影响深远的角色。这部作品也可以称作黑人文学的经典。  相似文献   

In this article I question whether or not African American young adult literature serves as a primer for, and a version of, African American adult literature. Using the Black Aesthetic as my literary theory and the Coretta Scott King Award as the young adult canon, I note that while the content of adolescent literature is consistent with the tenets of the Black Aesthetic and African American adult literature, the literary elements and style are not. As such, young readers of African American young adult literature are not necessarily prepared for the literary elements and style of canonical African American adult literature. Further, I note that editors, publishers, and literary critics may contribute to the construction of young adult literature, in that editors may discourage authors from experimenting with form and style. Finally, I call for reorienting Black children’s and adolescent literature away from White literary elements and style and toward Black literary elements and style.  相似文献   

While African American women routinely outnumber African American men on the historically Black college and university (HBCU) campus, the African American woman??s voice is usually relegated to the margins within social and academic frameworks. The author seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the actual liberation of African American women on HBCU campuses. Drawing from undergraduate and graduate experiences as an African American female on campus, the author uses Collins??s (Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge, New York, 2009) Black feminist epistemology as a lens through which to examine her own decision to attend an HBCU while giving specific attention to the implications and intersections of race and gender. Using Black feminist epistemology and autoethnography, the author provides a critical analysis of her education at an HBCU in relationship to the experiences of other African American women. The author concludes the article explaining the intersections of education, liberation, and resistance with implications for HBCU administrators and staff in preparing African American women as campus and community leaders.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the achievement gap, with attention devoted to underachievement and low achievement among African American males in urban school contexts. More specifically, the article explains problems and issues facing or confronting these Black male students in urban education settings. A central part of this discussion is grounded in the achievement gap literature on Black students in general and implications for Black males in particular. Another fundamental aspect of this discussion is the need for urban educators to adopt a social justice or civil rights approach to their work, which means an equity-based and culturally responsive approach in philosophy and action. Suggestions for closing the achievement gap and otherwise improving the achievement of gifted, high-achieving, and high potential African American males are provided to urban education educators and families.  相似文献   

This study examines home schooling among Black parents by providing insight to Black families’ beliefs, concerns, and desires for their children’s education. To date, the literature remains void of empirical work related to home education among African American families. However, the present study directly addresses this void. Findings demonstrated that parents’ motivations to home school included issues related to race and home-school interaction. In addition, Black parents reported that religious beliefs influenced their decisions to home school. But, unlike their Caucasian counterparts, Black home educators described a more liberatory form of religion.  相似文献   

李梅 《哈尔滨学院学报》2006,27(11):109-112
陈染的自传体小说《私人生活》,以其独特的女性叙事构成作品解读的多种可能性,从而引起国内外文学研究者的关注。文章从纪实与虚构,叙事视角的交替,叙事人称的转换三个角度出发,探讨陈染小说《私人生活》独特的叙事方式,从中看出作者如何成功地实施这一叙事策略,以自我为个案抒写精神自传,以一种趋于心理与哲学的思想者的姿态,表达出对生命的体验以及对生命意义的哲性思索和理性追问。  相似文献   

Zora Neale Hurston is an important writers in Harlem Renaissance. Meanwhile, her unique writing styles influence African American literature. Especially, after Their Eyes Were Watching God(1934) were published, Hurston aroused various reflections. This paper analyzes the writing features in this work which differ from others.  相似文献   

The author uses this conceptual paper to present her personal narrative of transformation from miseducated (schooled) to educated (cultural broker) as a pretext to explore miseducation among young Black teachers. The author’s personal transformation comes in response to the neglect of teacher educators to attend to our few African American preservice teachers. Using a letter format, this paper places a particular focus on African American teachers and teacher educators, who agonize over how to transmit culture when they themselves have been miseducated.  相似文献   

高文惠 《德州学院学报》2006,22(4):25-30,45
民族主义文学一直是黑非洲文学的主流,它大体经历了四个时期。萌芽时期的黑非洲民族主义文学在模仿的基础上开始出现了朦胧的民族意识。第二阶段在文学领域内产生了捍卫民族文化的运动,具体表现形式是黑人性文学。第三阶段的表现主题集中在表现黑非洲人民遭受的苦难和他们的现实斗争、塑造觉醒者形象、记录传统文化的迅速崩溃、探索欧洲文化和黑非洲传统文化冲撞下的民族出路等方面。第四阶段的表现主题转向关注内部的现实问题。  相似文献   

托尼.莫里森是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美籍非裔作家,发表于1987年的小说《宠儿》是莫里森最震撼人心、最成熟的代表作,一直被评论家视为"黑人文学历史的里程碑"。本文以二元对立为视角对《宠儿》进行文本解析,通过对《宠儿》中四组二元对立的分析:人与鬼、反抗与压抑、黑人婚礼与白人婚礼、塞丝母爱的缺失与对子女的宠爱,分析出是奴隶制社会以及塞丝本人性格中的对自由和平等的追逐导致了塞丝弑女的非偶然性。  相似文献   

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