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城市规划过程中进行快速建模、交通仿真和效果检验尤为重要。以某城市为例,利用UC win/Road软件进行道路设计、建筑物建模及交通仿真完成城市规划设计,并且利用软件的脚本功能及模拟驾驶功能,在完成后的场景中进行脚本演示及模拟驾驶。实验证明,利用UC win/Road软件进行城市规划,不仅方便快捷、具有强烈沉浸感,而且可以通过交通仿真功能及驾驶模拟器对规划的合理性进行检验。  相似文献   

Rats received three-trial series on a T-maze consisting of extended visually distinct left-black and right-striped side runways. During the first phase of training, when allowed to select baited runways within these series, they predominantly alternated their choices. During the second phase, rats received forced-choice serial pattern training of series consisting of two rewarded (R) trials and one nonrewarded (N) trial in two fixed orders, RRN and RNR. In Experiment 1, the rats in the runway shift rule group always received the second R trial when forced down a runway opposite that on the preceding trial in the series and the N trial when forced down the same runway. The rats in the runway stay rule group always received the second R trial when forced down the same runway and the N trial when forced down the opposite runway. In Experiment 2, each rat was conditionally trained with both runway outcome rules as determined by the central alley lighting and the type of food in the side alleys. The rats took longer to reduce their running speed on the N trial within each sequence under the runway stay rule than under the runway shift rule. They also took longer to acquire serial pattern responding for the RNR than for the RRN series only under the runway stay rule condition. When subsequently reexposed to series of free-choice trials on the final phase, rats maintained spontaneous alternating choice patterns under the runway shift rule conditions but either seldom alternated their choices (Experiment 1) or greatly reduced choice alternations (Experiment 2) under the runway stay rule condition. We discussed these effects in terms of rats’ natural foraging strategies and as a factor that interacts with other within- and between-series variables that affect serial pattern behavior.  相似文献   

程姌 《上海教育》2004,(4S):31-31
在考前这一阶段,明智的教师一般都不会给学生布置太多的作业,而是留给学生充分的时间进行调整和梳理。要有计划,有针对性,不能胡子眉毛一把抓,正如英语中有一句话“Grasp all,lose all”。下列几个环节必须作为重点来抓:  相似文献   

我的home stay     
只身一人到异国求学,文化的差异,寂寞和无所依靠的感觉,使她变得放任颓废。好在母爱的伟大超越国界,这个外表严厉的异国妈妈,给了她言传身教的爱的教育。在成长的经历中,这是一笔不小的财富。  相似文献   

Two Australians won the Nobel prize for medicine on October 3, 2005 for showing that a bacterium rather than stress causes stomach inflammation and ulcers, after one of them drank a witches' brew of bacteria to prove the point. Experts said the discovery of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium by Barry Marshall and Robin Warren in 1982 was met with skepticism by the medical community,which did not think bacteria could survive in the acid conditions of the stomach. Marshall resorted to drinking a culture of the bacteria to give himself an ulcer and then to treat himself.  相似文献   

The authors voice teachers' perceptions of their interpersonal experiences with students in both positive and problematic relationships. Interview data from 28 teachers were examined by coding utterances on teacher and student interactions. Results indicate that teachers defined the quality of the relationship mostly by the level of communion (friendly vs. hostile), instead of by the level of agency (in control vs. powerless). Analyses of mentioned teacher and student behavior show a friendly interactional pattern for positive relationships and a hostile pattern for problematic ones. In teachers' perceptions, positive and problematic relationships also differed in context where encounters take place and topic of talk. Contrary to interactions in problematic relationships, encounters in positive relationships were mostly situated outside the classroom context and conversations during these encounters covered a wide range of topics. Implications for teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

无线网络已经融入了现代人生活、工作中,成为必不可少的网络工具。网络是信息化的基础,网络设施的完善和网络技术的进步,对信息网络化起到积极的推动作用。随着Internet应用的迅猛发展,以及笔记本电脑、个人数据助理(PDA)等移动智能终端的日益增长,人们对无线局域网(WLAN)的需求也急剧增加。以无线局域网的现状、特点为研究对象,探讨win7系统下如何设置无线网络连接及局域网连接、WLAN安全,使无线网络在学习、生活中得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

People often say, "Time is money. "But I think time is even more important than money. Maybe someone will ask me why. The reason is when money is spent out, we can earn it back. However, when time is spent away, it' II never return. One's life is limited, so we mustn't waste(浪费)time.[第一段]  相似文献   

香港回归十周年的特殊日子里,《当代学生》、《上海中学生报》学生记者团一行80余人来到香港开展了一次别有意义的参观采访活动。活动的内容丰富而精彩,迪斯尼乐园、海洋公园、太平山顶、金紫荆广场、维多利亚港等美不胜收的景色让我们流连忘返,而别有意义的采访活动和独特的homestay(家庭寄宿)生活更是让我们久久难忘,现在就让我们通过学生记者发回的文字来一起回味一下那段难忘的学记团生活吧!  相似文献   

H. Ramesh  V. Vinay 《Resonance》1998,3(4):72-87
When can one call a sequence of heads and tails truly random? This article is about the Kolmogorov or algorithmic complexity of a sequence. This complexity tells you how random a sequence is.  相似文献   

目前中小学学校电脑实验室用的一般都是 NOVELL Netware V3.12网络,采用的是无盘工作站。它的优点是:①可以预防病毒;②启动速度快;③节省经费开支。档次较高的微机室一般都装有两种操作系统,即 DOS6. 22操作系统和 win95操作系统的双启动系统。 DOS系统一般不需维护。因为该网络限制了普通用户对 DOS操作系统及里面的应用软件的使用权限,普通用户不能删除和改写里面的系统文件和应用文件。而 win95则不然,用户在使用 win95时对里面的部分文件具有 [RWCEMFA]七种权限。学生在使用时由于各种原因不小心将某些重要文件删除、…  相似文献   

Today there is a kind of strong and dangerous disease called SARS. It is different from the common pneumonia. Many people have got it and some of them have died. Now more and more people are worried about it.How to prevent the disease?First we must have good and healthy living habits. Everyone should keep  相似文献   

在斯诺克英国锦标赛上,年仅18岁的中国台球运动员丁俊晖以10比6的比分战胜连续六次夺冠的英国老将戴维斯取得冠军。  相似文献   

在Windows中,Shift键有很多作用,尤其是当它和其他功能键组合时。比如大家会经常使用Ctrl+Shift来切换输入法;用Shift+Space在中文输入状态的半角与全角之间快速切换;在开机进入Windows时按住Shin键禁止系统的自启动项目运行;在光驱中放入光盘时按住Shift键可以防止光盘自动播放……实  相似文献   

Windows操作系统的出现,使鼠标成为电脑必备的输入设备,它将复杂的命令行输入方式,变得简单而轻松。但是鼠标也不是万能的,特别是在进行一些特定的操作时,使用快捷键更方便一点,以下就是和Shift有关的一些快捷键,合理的利用这些快捷键可以提高工作的效率。  相似文献   

ghost win7系统的安装分五步走,其中第一步是装前检查;第二步设置COMS相关参数;第三步系统安装;第四步系统瘦身;第五步系统完善,每步都很重要。  相似文献   

<正>"孩提时代,我曾经向往成为正义的伙伴。""什么啊,曾经向往,意思是后来放弃了吗?""嗯,很可惜,英雄是有时间限制的。变成大人之后,就很难以英雄自居了。""那就没办法了。那么,就让我来替你当吧。爸爸已经是大人了,我的话就没问题。交给我吧,爸爸的理想。"少年坚定的眼神显然给了这个看起来略显疲惫的中年男子一些力量。"那我就放心了。"中年男子怀着慰藉,心满意足地台上了双限。  相似文献   

U盘上可运行Windows自带虚拟光驱图片密码功能……你一言我一语时间:鱼小朵:什么,什么,八爪鱼已经用上Windows8的系统?侠客"呃,惭愧,惭愧,我还停留在Windows7呢!西西:啥?Win7,Win8?其实吧,我还是XP系统呢!神秘的Win8系统到底是什么样?它有哪些不为人知的小秘密,不妨跟随小编的步伐,我们去探个究竟……小快嘴:听说有好多新功能,偷偷地告诉你们——  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a sparse overcomplete image approximation method based on the ideas of overcomplete log-Gabor wavelet, mean shift and energy concentration. The proposed approximation method selects the necessary wavelet coefficients with a mean shift based algorithm, and concentrates energy on the selected coefficients. It can sparsely approximate the original image, and converges faster than the existing local competition based method. Then, we propose a new compression scheme based on the above approximation method. The scheme has compression performance similar to JPEG 2000. The images decoded with the proposed compression scheme appear more pleasant to the human eyes than those with JPEG 2000.  相似文献   

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