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网球肘又叫肱骨外上髁炎,因本病最早是在网球运动员身上发现的,所以才得此名,实际上在网球运动员中网球肘的发病率仅占5%,容易患此病者主要是那些从事家务事的家庭主妇们,网球肘几乎成了她们的"职业病".  相似文献   

网球肘的诊断与治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网球肘亦称肱骨外上髁炎 ,本病因慢性积累性劳损导致肱骨外上髁腕伸肌腱附着处纤维组织变性、粘连所致。又因多发生前臂劳作者及网球运动者 ,因此称为网球肘。1 局部解剖学特征肱骨外上髁部有肱桡肌、桡侧腕长伸肌、腕短伸肌、指总伸肌、小指固有伸肌、尺侧腕伸肌附着 ,主要功能为伸腕、伸指 ,其次使前臂旋后。网球、乒乓球运动正手扣球时 ,手和腕伸肌受到猛烈的被动牵拉 ,牵拉应力主要集中于总腱附着处 ,既肱骨外上髁部。反手扣球时 ,手和腕伸肌突然猛烈地主动收缩 ,其应力也主要集中在总腱附着处 ,既肱骨外上髁部。在疲劳或伸腕与屈腕肌…  相似文献   

网球肘的症状治疗和预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俗语“网球肘”是指肘关节疼痛,而医学术语是指外上髁炎,即肱骨外上髁部位发炎。 用手腕和手臂运动的大多数运动员,在他们的运动生涯中都经历过网球肘,虽然这在大多数挥拍运动中是很普遍的,但是决不能忽视它对人们今后的运动生涯所产生的影响。 为了理解网球肘,首先必须对这一部位的解剖结构有所了解。肘是由三块骨头即上臂的肱骨、前臂小指旁的尺骨、前臂大拇指边的挠骨所组成一个绞链结构。它的二侧有内、外侧副韧带以加固并防止损伤,使手和腕运动的肌肉恰好沿着肱骨起始于肘的上方,如旋前元屈肌起始于肱骨内上髁(沿肘内侧突出的骨头),伸肌起始于肱骨外上髁上方(沿肘外侧突出的骨头)。虽然它们的起始稍有不同,但每块肌肉都对前臂、腕和手的运动产生着不同的功能。 注意:因为肘关节软组织损伤的许多症状和网球  相似文献   

“网球肘”(Tennis Elbow是传统沿用的习惯名称,其医学名词应叫做肱骨外上髁炎(Lateral Humeral Epicondylitis)。顾名思义,本病多见网球运动员,但乒乓球、羽毛球、高尔夫球及击剑运动员中也时有发生,即使一些投掷项目的运动员,由于技术要领不当也可造成此种损伤。 据记载,“网球肘”一词最早出现于1973年,那时在英国的威尔士一带草坪网球运动  相似文献   

“网球肘”,医学名词应叫做肱骨外上髁炎,由于本病多见于网球运动员,所以人们习惯称其为“网球肘”。临床上乒乓球、羽毛球、高尔夫球、击剑运动员及投掷运动员也屡见不鲜。几年来,本人利用手法治疗75例,临床效果非常满意,特成此文,供同道参考,供广大教练员、运动员遇到情况时试用。  相似文献   

前臂伸肌劳损或称肱骨外上髁炎,因多见于网球运动员,故又有“网球肘”之称,在我国运动员中是常见的症候。本病主要临床特点是肘部疼痛,“反拍”时动度受限、疼痛、伸肌痉挛。起病多为隐袭性,疼痛强度不一,且多是恒定的,作拧毛巾动作时常失控性丢落物品。多年来对该病无准确可靠的治疗方法。本人自一九七六年——一九八三年对这一疾患开  相似文献   

网球肘,又称肱骨外上髁炎,系前臂挠侧伸肌肌起部软组织劳损、唳伤所引起的一种无菌性炎症.多见于反复用力伸腕活动者,以球类、武术运动员为多发群体.  相似文献   

网球肘(肱骨外上髁炎)是指手肘外侧肌腱发炎疼痛。疼痛的产生是由于负责手腕及手指背向伸展的肌肉重复用力而引起的。患者会在用力抓握或提举物体时感到患部疼痛。网球肘是过劳性综合征的典型例子。研究显示,手腕伸展肌,特别是桡侧腕短伸肌,在进行手腕伸直及向桡侧用力时,张力十分大,容易出现肌肉筋骨连接处的部分纤维过度拉伸,形成轻微撕裂。网球肘因网球运动员易患此病而得名,而在乒乓球运动中,网球肘是常见的损伤之一。  相似文献   

对网球肘的正确认识和防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、什么是网球肘网球肘又称肱骨外上髁炎,是一种运动损伤,是在网球运动中,因挥拍击球造成的肘部关节的损伤疼痛。二、网球肘的症状网球肘的症状主要表现为,前臂肌肉的两端之间产生红肿和疼痛,尤其是靠近肘部外侧和内侧肌腱上端  相似文献   

前言:“网球肘”学名为“肱骨外上髁炎”,因多见于网球运动员而得名。像网球、羽毛球、乒乓球等这些持相对抗项目.经常要反复伸屈腕关节,尤其是常做用力伸腕而同时又需要前臂旋内、旋外的动作,同时,“网球肘”的形成还有其他许多因素。例如日常不常运动的肌肉在打网球时使用过度.经常大力击球使肘关节内旋外展过度,拍弦的磅数不当等等。本文就网球肘的成因、诊断、预防与治疗进行了一些调研、探讨。一、网球肘原因的90%是由打反手击球造成的对网球肘的研究我们进行了问卷调查,有300多名水平不等的男女老少参加了问卷调查,结果令…  相似文献   

网球是一项深受人们喜爱而又极富乐趣的体育运动。但是网球是一项高技术的运动项目,技术动作比较复杂,运动量大,对网球爱好者的身体素质要求比较高。通过调查发现,大众网球运动中运动者肘关节的损伤比率较高。采用了文献资料法,问卷调差法,实地观察法和数理统计法对大众网球运动中肘关节损伤原因和损伤类型进行分析研究,旨在为网球爱好者预防运动损伤提供理论参考。  相似文献   

网球肘是常见的肘关节疾病,网球肘患者从事网球、羽毛球运动居多,家庭主妇、打字员等长期使用肘部活动者也易患此病。网球肘对患者造成极大的身体痛苦和精神压力,降低了患者的生活活动能力和工作效率,对社会经济也带来了一定的影响。本文对网球肘的发病机制、症状和目前的治疗方案进行了综述,以科学地认识、预防、治疗网球肘。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify ranges and speeds of movement, from shoulder external rotation to ball impact, in the tennis service actions of world class players. Two electronically synchronised 200 Hz video cameras were used to record 20 tennis players during singles competition at the Sydney 2000 Olympic games. Three-dimensional motion of 20 landmarks on each player and racquet were manually digitized. Based upon the mean values for this group, the elbow flexed to 104 degrees and the upper arm rotated into 172 degrees of shoulder external rotation as the front knee extended. From this cocked position, there was a rapid sequence of segment rotations. The order of maximum angular velocities was trunk tilt (280 degrees/s), upper torso rotation (870 degrees/s), pelvis rotation (440 degrees/s), elbow extension (1510 degrees/s), wrist flexion (1950 degrees/s), and shoulder internal rotation. Shoulder internal rotation was greater for males (2420 degrees/s) than females (1370 degrees/s), which may be related to the faster ball velocity produced by the males (50.8 m/s) than the females (41.5 m/s). Although both genders produced segment rotations in the same order, maximum upper torso velocity occurred earlier for females (0.075 s before impact) than for males (0.058 s). At impact, the trunk was tilted 48 degrees above horizontal, the arm was abducted 101 degrees and the elbow, wrist, and lead knee were slightly flexed. Male and female players should be trained to develop the kinematics measured in this study in order to produce effective high-velocity serves.  相似文献   

网球比赛是由许多个短时间的剧烈运动和休息组成的运动.良好的身体素质是掌握网球技战术的基础,也是在当代网球比赛中充分发挥最佳技战术水平,夺取最后胜利的保障.网球运动属于技能主导类项目,具有速度快、比赛时间长、移动范围大的特点.技术动作主要靠挥臂击球时上肢、肩带和腰腹的肌肉爆发力.在比赛中抽击速度快,要求运动员对来球全面观察,迅速做出判断并想出对策,然后迅速移动步法,调整身体重心和击球位置,进行挥拍击球.这些项目特征决定了运动员必须具备速度、耐力、力量、灵活柔韧性素质.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法等研究方法对中外20名优秀女子网球运动员的竞技年龄特征进行比较分析,发现:中外优秀女子网球运动员在启蒙训练年龄上的差异并不显著;但是外国优秀女子网球运动员转为职业选手的年龄较早,所以其成为职业选手的年限也较长。中国优秀女子网球运动员之间的现役年龄的分布较为离散,中国十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异大于国外十名优秀女子网球运动员的现役年龄差异;并且中国优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄比国外优秀女子网球运动员达到最高竞技水平的年龄晚。  相似文献   

国际乒乓球联合会决定采取新赛制后 ,对我国乒乓球运动技术能否在世界乒坛继续保持领先地位 ,提出了新的课题 ,新的要求。文章根据新赛制的特点 ,介绍了提高乒乓球运动员前 3板技术的训练方法。  相似文献   

The ability to generate a high racket speed and a large amount of racket kinetic energy on impact is important for table tennis players. The purpose of this study was to understand how mechanical energy is generated and transferred in the racket arm during table tennis backhands. Ten male advanced right-handed table tennis players hit topspin backhands against pre-impact topspin and backspin balls. The joint kinetics at the shoulder, elbow and wrist of the racket arm was determined using inverse dynamics. A majority of the mechanical energy of the racket arm acquired during forward swing (65 and 77% against topspin and backspin, respectively) was due to energy transfer from the trunk. Energy transfer by the shoulder joint force in the vertical direction was the largest contributor to the mechanical energy of the racket arm against both spins and was greater against backspin than against topspin (34 and 28%, respectively). The shoulder joint force directed to the right, which peaked just before impact, transferred additional energy to the racket. Our results suggest that the upward thrust of the shoulder and the late timing of the axial rotation of the upper trunk are important for an effective topspin backhand.  相似文献   

A method is presented for assessing the serve speeds of tennis players based on their body height. The research involved a sample of top world players (221 males and 215 females) who participated in the Grand Slam tournaments in 2008 and 2012. The method is based on the linear regression analysis of the association between the player’s body height and the serve speed (fastest serve, average first-serve, and second-serve speed). The coefficient of serve speed (CSS) was calculated as the quotient of the measured and the theoretical value of the serve speed on a regression line relative to the player’s body height. The CSS of >1, 1 and <1 indicate above-average, average, and below-average serve speeds, respectively, relative to the top world tennis players with the same body height. The CSS adds a new element to the already existing statistics about a tennis match, and provides additional information about the performance of tennis players. The CSS can be utilised e.g. for setting the target serve speed of a given player to achieve based on his/her body height, choosing the most appropriate match strategy against a particular player, and a long-term monitoring of the effectiveness of training focused on the serve speed.  相似文献   

Waiter’s serve (WS) is a specific tennis serve posture frequently observed in young players, and commonly considered as a technical error by tennis coaches. However, biomechanical impact of WS is unknown. The aims of this study were to identify the potential consequences of WS in young elite players relating to performance and injury risk, and to explain the kinematic causes of WS. Serve of 18 male junior elite players (Top 10 national French ranking, aged 12–15 years) was captured with a 20 camera, 200?Hz VICON MX motion analysis system. Depending on their serve technique, the players were divided into two groups (WS versus Normal Serve [NS]) by experienced coaches. Injury data were collected for each player during a 12-month-period following the motion capture. Normalized peak kinetic values of the dominant arm were calculated using inverse dynamics. In order to explain WS posture, upper limb kinematics were calculated during the cocking and the acceleration phases of the serve. Shoulder internal rotation torque, wrist proximal and anterior forces (P?P?P?相似文献   

对李娜2013年澳网女子单打比赛技术进行分析,以期能为中国今后的优秀的网球运动员的训练和竞赛起到一定的参考作用。高质量的发球和稳定的底线技术能力是比赛取胜的关键,李娜应该加强这方面的训练。  相似文献   

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