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19世纪中叶,来自今叙利亚和黎巴嫩地区的穆斯林移民开始进入美国,美国穆斯林移民群体肇始并延续至今。穆斯林移民群体在美国社会发展进程中的变化与演进,实为特定群体跨文明交往的个案。美国穆斯林移民既承载着伊斯兰文明的文化基因,又在整体上逐渐形成对美国的公民认同。在穆斯林移民与美国主流社会的交往进程中,文化差异、身份认同、国际环境等诸多因素都可能成为这一群体融入美国社会的负面因素,但经过交往与碰撞的过程,穆斯林移民整体上还是体现出社会参与增加的融合倾向。"9.11"事件的发生,对于美国穆斯林移民来说,既是冲击也是契机:一方面,恐怖袭击对美国社会的冲击让穆斯林移民与美国社会的融合难度增加;另一方面,美国穆斯林移民群体也再次明确了与美国社会主动沟通的重要性,增加了深入文明交往的动力。  相似文献   

<正>法国巴黎恐怖袭击事件发生之后,世界各国的专家学者都在进行反思,为什么这样的事情一再在法国发生?弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)曾经指出,"无法更有效地整合穆斯林移民,无疑为欧洲埋下了一颗定时炸弹"。欧洲社会不愿公开直面穆斯林移民的身份认同,而是将每个穆斯林当做独立个体看待,"文化多样性沦为了自由多元主义的装饰品",仅仅表现为少数族裔餐厅和五彩缤纷的装束,而没有像美国帮助少数族裔融入整个社会。  相似文献   

骚乱的主要群体是穆斯林移民,共同的宗教和种族成为相互认同的旗帜移民就业困难、爱到歧视、贫富差距悬殊等矛盾激化,是骚乱的根本原因骚乱给欧洲带来警示,靠部署更多的防暴警察,并不能从根源上解决问题最近,因两名非裔少年为躲避警察追捕而触电身亡引发的骚乱,已经由巴黎北郊向法国其他城市蔓延。这种大规模的骚乱发生在以“自由、平等、博爱”而著称的“移民天堂”——法国,确实令世人感到惊讶。骚乱  相似文献   

采用自制的城市新移民社会融入问卷对138名新移民进行调查,并对7名知识型新移民进行半结构式访谈。通过混合研究方法,主要从经济融入(包括工作、收入、居住状况)、生活融入(包括社会交往、气候饮食适应等)、心理融入(包括思想观念等)三个维度来研究城市新移民的社会融入现状并分析影响其社会融入的因素,最后针对新移民群体在社会融入中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

在我国城市化进程中出现了城市新移民子女这一群体,他们在迁入城市之后,面临着改变其原有文化价值体系、思维模式和生活方式,适应新环境和融入城市社会的问题。本文探讨和分析了城市化背景下的新移民子女社会融入的现状、困境与原因,并在此基础上,提出了针对城市新移民子女社会融入的有效途径和策略。  相似文献   

马修·阿诺德的文化研究理论指出,文明指的是人类的物质生活;而文化指的是人类的精神层面。现代文明虽然一直在进步,但是,国际社会里的野蛮和暴力行为仍然时不时发生。当今令世界头疼不已的ISIS组织便是有力例证。美国穆斯林属于美国国内少数群体之一,但该群体相对封闭,从整体上并未真正融入美国社会,如何有效引导其有效参与社会生活,值得深思。  相似文献   

贾琳 《教育评论》2022,(1):157-163
文章考察巴西第三代移民、第二代移民、新移民子女三类华裔新生代对母语族群和巴西主流族群的双向族群认同倾向和认同程度。第三代移民母语族群认同倾向和主流族群认同倾向差异不显著,对母语族群和主流族群都呈现出"中低度认同"倾向,家长、华人社团和华校应因势利导,在第三代移民融入巴西主流社会的过程中,增强其对母语族群的亲近,使这一群体在两种文化的交流与互动中建构起属于自己的跨文化族群认同。与第三代移民相比,第二代移民对母语族群具有较高的认同,相关部门应及时研发有针对性的华文教材,保证这一群体的母语族群认同在融入主流社会的过程中得以保持甚至加强。新移民子女对母语族群的认同十分强烈,对巴西主流族群的认同感和融入程度较低,家长应引导子女尽快适应新环境并掌握当地语言,真正成为我国需要的双语跨文化人才。  相似文献   

加强国际人才的社会融入管理,营造有利于引进、用好、留住国际人才的良好环境,能更好地将国际人才红利转化为创新发展的活力。而我国长期以来对移民社会融入管理工作的重视程度不够,法制建设与制度设计也难以满足"留住人才"的现实需要。应推动移民法律体系的构建,从国际人才的结构性取位层面融入、社会互动拓展层面融入以及文化调试适应层面...  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,人们在城市与乡村之间迁徙、流动的速度也在不断加快,于是城市移民问题便成为影视媒介关注的焦点。作为城市电影的重要亚类型之一,城市移民电影对底层移民群体的生存状况及悲剧命运进行了揭示与思考,如对城市移民面临的欲望与精神的溃败、身份的焦虑与文化的认同以及女性的失语与妥协等问题都有所涉及,表现了电影人对底层移民群体的悲悯情怀。城市移民作为底层弱势群体,他们既渴望成为城市中的一员,又很难融入其中。城市移民电影以影像的方式回应了城市移民与城市、乡村之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

本文作者是居住在伦敦的一位穆斯林。伦敦爆炸发生后,穆斯林几乎成了千夫所指的对象。本文作者深感这是一棍子打死了许多无辜的穆斯林民众。俗话说, 城中失火,殃及池鱼。“7·7伦敦爆炸案”后,英国人对穆斯林移民的警惕和抵抗情绪明显加强,这已是不争的事实。英国的穆斯林后裔约占全国总人口的3%,他们的父辈是上世纪中期来欧洲打工的,但这些移民的下一代却很难融入英国社会,他们中的很多人聚居在贫民区, 使这些年轻人有被社会排斥和遗弃的感觉,他们要寻找自己的英雄。他们心中的“英雄”,就是极端主义;生在英国的他们,其实更向往其它国家,居住在英国的极端分子常常开玩笑说,他们的家乡是“Londonistan”(伦敦“London”和巴基斯坦“Pakistan”两个单词组合而成)。当他们中的300到600 人先后踏上远方的国度,在“基地”营地接受训练的时候,这无疑是踏上了一条不归路。这一次,他们还顺手带上了五十多个无辜的生命! 但是善良的人更愿意相信,邪恶只是被放大了而已。和任何一个民族一样,穆斯林并不是一个罪该万死的邪恶民族。正如本文作者所说,其实和大多数其他人一样,他也谴责罪恶, 他也害怕天降横祸。  相似文献   

In the early years of the twentieth century, the great structural, social and cultural changes in American society included a growing number of immigrants arriving from the poorest regions of Europe. For the first time, the issues of immigration, assimilation and social integration became the most important problems facing American society. In the optimistic climate of the so-called progressive era, social reformers thought that these problems could be solved by the science of pedagogy, as applied to the educational needs of foreign immigrants. This essay centres on the pedagogical efforts of Italian-American educator Angelo Patri, who attempted to integrate Italian-American children into the fabric of American society through education. It starts by assessing Patri’s early writings, such as A Schoolmaster of the Great City, and his private and professional papers. In doing so, his work is situated in the debate on progressive education alongside pedagogue Maria Montessori, demonstrating his central role in the debate on integration through education. Within this analysis, particular attention is paid to the notion of learning by doing, and it is argued that both educators were influenced by this particular aspect of progressive education.  相似文献   

The increasing number of immigrants living and working in Greece has proven to be a challenge for the social as well as educational policy of this country. In order to help adult immigrants to integrate into society and facilitate their access to the job market, the Greek state has introduced special language education programmes. This paper discusses the current trends in Greece regarding immigrant language education and presents findings of a survey which aimed at exploring immigrants’ language needs and preferences. The results of this survey indicate a high interest by immigrants in learning Greek but a very low level of enrolment on and attendance of language courses. As a knowledge of Greek is necessary to improve immigrants’ socio‐economic and professional status, it is suggested that cooperation between immigrant associations and educational policy‐makers is necessary for the design of successful language programmes and the promotion of Greece’s policy of integration.  相似文献   


The paper investigates my positionality as a Pakistani Muslim researcher, affiliated with a U.S. institution, conducting ethnographic research with Pakistani Muslim immigrants in California. Three vignettes reconstructed from field-notes and a reflective journal illustrate the tensions and contradictions informing the research process. The first vignette details my shifting subjectivities in relation to a segment of the Muslim community in Northern California. Although my perceived disempowerment of Muslims motivated my research, my failure to subscribe to the Muslim Student Association's version of Islam cost me their disapproval. The second vignette highlights my relationship with one particular research participant. Although I shared the same ethnic background as this participant, my inability to conceive of her empowerment in terms other than those of Western feminism led to tragedy. The last vignette focuses on my interaction with the ethnographic data at my desk and becomes an analysis of the forces in my life that feed into my research.  相似文献   

The integration of immigrant children into the education system is a process that is accompanied by serious debate, especially in advanced countries, which have large shares of immigrants and a long history of immigration. The poorer educational outcomes of foreign-born children are largely explained there through their socio-economically disadvantaged background compared to the native-born population. This article examines whether the observations for those countries also apply to the Czech Republic—a country with a relatively short immigration history and immigration flows from different source countries than those in Western Europe. Regression analyses conducted on PISA 2012 data focusing largely on the maths skills of 15-year-olds reveal that the performance of immigrant children in Czech schools roughly compares to that of their counterparts in Western Europe. While their PISA outcomes were lower than those of Czechs, this was because immigrant children have poorer conditions at home or in the classroom.  相似文献   


The practice of veiling has made Muslim women subject to dual oppressions—racism and Islamophobia—in society at large and patriarchal oppression and sexism from within their communities. Based on a narrative analysis of the politics of veiling in schools and society, the voices of young Muslim women attending a Canadian Islamic school speak to the contested notion of gender identity in Islam. The narratives situate their various articulations of Islamic womanhood in ways that both affirm and challenge traditional religious notions. At the same time they also are subject to Orientalist 1 1. Orientalism refers to a set of discursive relations and practices that structured colonial relations between Europe and its Muslim colonies. Through Orientalist discourses, “the Orient” comprising the Middle East and Asia was constructed as a barbaric, anachronistic space outside of the progress and civility of European modernity. These colonial narratives served ideologically to rationalize and justify European expansion and exploitation within Muslim lands as part of the “white man's burden” to civilize the savage races. Orientalism still maintains currency within the Western imagination and serves to legitimize more contemporary neo-imperialist practices and to maintain positional superiority of the West in relation to Islam and Muslim societies. representations of veiled and burqa clad women that represent them as oppressed and backward. Focusing on ethnographic accounts of veiling among Muslims girls who attended a gender-segregated Islamic high school in Toronto, this discussion allows a deeper understanding of how gendered religious identities are constructed in the schooling experiences of these Muslim youth.  相似文献   

The French republican principles upon which public education is based include strict separation of religion from schooling. At the same time, public funds subsidise a large number of private schools, over 90% Catholic. Virtually no recognition or public support is provided for Muslim or Jewish schools, nor is there any public or group demand that it do so. This article examines the complex and changing context in which Muslim identity has evolved in France for and by second and third generation immigrants of Muslim origin from the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) or to a lesser degree from ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey or sub Saharan Africa. The latest phase is the most confrontational as the Muslim origin population, regardless of its actual heterogeneity or length of stay in France, is affected by the waves of terrorism and fundamentalism flowing from the Algerian civil war. Ill-informed French public opinion frequently amalgamates all Maghreb or Machrek individuals and communities when faced with the threat of violence. This article situates the official discourse which proclaims that the state and its schools promote a secular and equal opportunity for all and at the same time makes no allowance for cultural, linguistic, religious or socio-economic diversity. It examines more recent attempts by French governments to address the longer term needs and aspirations (especially religious) of immigrant populations of Muslim origin as it becomes clear that these populations are massively becoming French citizens and have no further plans to return to countries of origin. The article concludes with reflections on the specificity of the French approach to religious and cultural diversity. Above all, it emphasises a certain unity of view across political parties and communities that this specificity, although in crisis, does not require major change of the traditional republican approach.  相似文献   

In this article we address the issue of why democratic citizenship education should be incorporated more meaningfully into Islamic education discourses in formal institutions in the Arab and Muslim world. In the Arab and Muslim world civic and national education seem to be the dominant discourses. We argue that the latter discourses are inadequate to address some of the dystopias in the Arab and Muslim world such as the perpetuation of patriarchy, uncritical obedience to the state (often dictatorships), and blind patriotism. Consequently we posit that unless a culture of acceptance and hospitality (i.e. cosmopolitanism) is cultivated at Islamic educational institutions the possibility of democratic citizenship education unfolding is quite remote. That is, the future of Islamic education can only be re‐envisioned if an amended version of democratic citizenship education can inform Islamic education discourses in institutions—one constituted by a culture of acceptance and hospitality.  相似文献   

Government response to migrant workers is an issue which has recently received considerable attention in the American press in connection with President Carter's proposal of "amnesty" for many of the 8 to 12 million illegal aliens living in the United States. This country has historically been a mecca for people seeking to better their economic conditions, and a constant flow of immigrants has long been a part of American life. It is only more recently, however, that Scandinavia, along with all the industrialized nations of Western Europe, has been faced with an influx of—both legal and illegal—immigrant laborers.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the ways that Muslim and evangelical Christian schools in England and The Netherlands deal with religious education. Various schools take different views about how aspects of religious belief should be taught and how Christian or Muslim belief should be related to the wider curriculum of the school. While some of the schools have attempted to integrate, for example, evangelical Christianity throughout the whole of the curriculum, others have been content to have the religious teaching as a separate component of the curriculum. This paper uses the work of Basil Bernstein to describe and understand the nature of the religious curriculum in these schools. Through a series of case studies of schools and curricula it examines the nature of the curricula and their possible effects on children.  相似文献   

Reading pedagogy is constantly an object of discussion and debate in contemporary policy and practice but is rarely a matter for historical inquiry. This paper reports from a recent study of the history of reading pedagogy in Australia and beyond. It focuses on a recurring figure in the historical record—the ‘reading lesson’. Presented as a distinctive trope, the reading lesson is traced in its regularity in and through the discourse of reading pedagogy, starting in 1930s Australia and moving back into 19th-century Europe, and with specific reference to the UK and the USA. Teaching reading is expressly identified as a moral project—something that, it can be argued, clearly continues into the present.  相似文献   

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