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20世纪60年代中期,美国心理学家罗森塔尔和雅各布森等人的研究证实,教师在教育教学过程中对学生期望值的高低直接影响学生的学业成绩和学习态度,通过改变教师对学生的期望值可以有效地促进学生学习成绩的提高,培养学生主动求知的学习态度.这一实验称为教师的期望效应,也称作罗森塔尔效应或皮格马利翁效应.深入学习和研究教师的期望效应,对于帮助我国职业教育机构的教师更新教育教学观念,树立正确的学生观,全面推进我国职业教育教学改革具有重要的理论意义和重大的现实意义.  相似文献   

教师期望效应也称罗森塔尔效应,是教师在对学生了解的基础上对学生所形成的一种期待与关注,通过自我实现预言的方式干预教育过程中的师生互动,是一种巨大的教育力量.教师期望的形式多样,期望值有高有低,多在英语教学中应用期望教育,旨在调动学生学习英语的积极主动性,提高他们的自信心,从而提高英语教学质量.  相似文献   

杨英 《中学教育》2008,(3):62-64
罗森塔尔期望效应是学生按照教师所期望的方向发展的心理趋势。本文介绍了罗森塔尔期望效应研究的具体情况,为什么会产生该效应,以及如何更好的运用该效应等相关内容,以期对当前教师的教育教学有所启示。  相似文献   

罗森塔尔等人的研究证明,教师在教育过程中对学生的期望、期待、热情关注是影响学生学业成绩提高、培养正确的学习态度和人格品质的一个重要因素。深入学习和研究罗森塔尔效应,对于帮助我们中职教育工作者更新教育教学观念、树立正确的学生观、提高教育教学水平、培养高素质职业技术专门人才具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

“期望效应”也叫“皮格马利翁效应”,心理学家罗森塔尔对期望效应作了系统研究,于1968年正式提出这一概念.在教育领域里,许多教师对期望效应曾作过多次实验论证,证明了教师对学生的期望,是可以影响学生的发展的.如学生得到教师的热切期望,就有可能获得较好的智力发展;反之,如得不到教师的重视,就有可能受到一定的消极影响.同理,社会、家庭及本人的期望也有这种作用.但在实际教育教学中,并不是只要期望值越高,积极效应就会越大.因此,我们应正确处理“期望”与“效应”的关系,防止“期望效应”中的“高山反应”,即期望值大高,反而引起负效应.  相似文献   

罗森塔尔效应,就是期望效应,它是由于教师对学生寄于高期望而导致学生表现优良的心理效应,教师的期望效应,恰当地运用到教育教学中去,会收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

刘红伟  高长江 《考试周刊》2009,(47):212-213
罗森塔尔效应是教师的期望影响学生发展的心理趋向,其实质是对教育对象的尊重、信任、热爱与积极的期望。本文通过对罗森塔尔效应与当今中职生身心、学习状况的比较分析,提出在中职生教育中运用罗森塔尔效应的可行性与必要性,以及保证该效应发挥高效作用应必须注意的四个方面。  相似文献   

刘坤明 《考试周刊》2011,(10):152-153
罗森塔尔效应给历史教师的启示是,教师对学生的积极期望将对学生的学习成长产生良好作用。教师应充分利用罗森塔尔效应,给予学生关心和期待,激发学生的学习兴趣和动机,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

“罗森塔尔效应”(即期望效应)来源于美国心理学家罗森塔尔所进行的一项心理试验。在小学每个年级中随机抽取了部分学生,向教师谎称他们是学生中学习能力优秀者。8个月后,发现被教师期待的学生成绩都优于未被教师期待的学生。研究结果说明教师的期望对学生发展过程和发展水平的直接影响,得到了教育专家和教师们的普遍重视。然而,经过近几年的实地调查研究,我们发现部分教师由于缺乏正确的认识,使“罗森塔尔效应”走了样。1.教师的期望不等于所有学生都能具有较强的学习能力教师期望每个学生都是学习能力较强的学生,这没有错,也符合使每一个…  相似文献   

曹建军 《班主任》2005,(4):45-45
"罗森塔尔效应"是美国心理学家罗森塔尔和雅克布森1968年通过实验研究而提出来的,它揭示了教育过程中这样一种心理现象:实验者向教师提供某类学生有极好发展潜力的假信息,引发教师对这类学生产生期望,从而对他们表现出特别的关照、注意;学生体察到教师对自己的这种期望,受到激励,因而更加勤奋努力地学习,结果,智力和学习成绩大幅度提高.  相似文献   

This research examines two images of teachers as seen by students of education: the ideal teacher and their own self‐image as teachers. The research compares the students’ perceptions of these two images using two sub‐groups of students of education: students at an academic teachers’ college who will be referred to as student teachers and beginning teachers, who, while teaching, are completing their academic degrees at teachers’ colleges or regional academic colleges. Data were collected from 89 students at the two colleges by means of a questionnaire that included open‐ended questions which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of the research indicate that there are two major categories that comprise perceptions of the ideal teacher: first, personal qualities; and second, knowledge of the subject taught as well as didactic knowledge. Both groups of students similarly attributed great importance to the personal qualities of the ideal teacher, but there is a difference in their perception of the importance of knowledge: the beginning teachers attributed great importance to knowledge and perceived it as a quality similar in importance to personal characteristics, while the student teachers, who had not begun their teaching careers, attributed less importance to knowledge as a characteristic of the ideal teacher. A quality which was less prominent when profiling the ideal teacher is general education and wide perspectives. The teacher as a socializing agent, a person who promotes social goals, was not mentioned at all. Students maintained that, during their studies, they had improved their qualities as ‘empathetic and attentive’ teachers, ‘knowledgeable in teaching methods’, and in ‘leadership’. But they had hardly improved their knowledge of the subject they taught or their level of general knowledge. The discussion of knowledge and the desirable personal qualities of a teacher is relevant to the current debate regarding the relative merits of disciplinary education in contrast to pedagogical education in preparation for teaching as a profession. The clear preference for disciplinary education by policy makers in Israel and elsewhere in the field of teacher education is contradictory to the emphasis placed on the personal development of future teachers and their pedagogical education by the students of education who participated in this research.  相似文献   

Observations and student perceptions are recognised as important tools for examining teaching behaviour, but little is known about whether both perspectives share similar construct representations and how both perspectives link with student academic outcomes. The present study compared the construct representation of preservice teachers’ teaching behaviour as perceived by trained teacher observers and students. It also examined the predictive power of both measures of teaching behaviour for student academic engagement. The theoretical framework of teaching behaviour used in this study is based on evidence-based research derived from empirical teacher effectiveness research. The study was part of a national project that included 2164 students and 108 teachers in The Netherlands. Results suggest that, although observations and student perceptions of teaching behaviour shared similar theoretical considerations, the construct representations seemed to differ to some extent. Furthermore, although both perspectives are significant predictors of student academic engagement, student perceptions appeared to be more predictive of their perceived academic engagement than observations. Implications for research on learning environments and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

面向21世纪知识经济的到来,必须全面实施素质教育,实施的关键是教师素质。作为一个合格的高校教师要把教学和科研统一起来,既是教育家又是学者或科学家,搞好教学的同时,积极撰写学术论文,充分利用高校学报这块反映学校教学科研成果的学术阵地,以教学带动科研,以科研促进教学,成为实施素质教育的排头兵,确保全面实施素质教育的落实。  相似文献   

从12世纪建立最初的学校以来,挪威的教师教育经过几百年的发展,形成了较为完善和科学的体系,其历史经验和改革成果均值得借鉴。挪威教师教育大学化的特点在于:建立粗放式的课程指导框架;高等师范院校拥有更多的权限;强调教师能力的培养,努力实现学术性和师范性的更好结合;教师教育多元化且均衡发展。  相似文献   

高校研究型课程应精心选择授课材料,突出学科学术研究史和研究过程、学术成果。课程选题应力求接近学生实际,及时、精当地搞好讲评,还要组织学生讨论和与研究生交流。高校研究型课程的开设,对教师研究能力和知识结构,将聘任制实行时曾提出而未能解决的问题,又重新提出了。该类型课程的开设,有助于校园整体学术氛围的营造,还提出了图书馆建设、学年论文设立和把关、部分课程开设不合理等问题。  相似文献   

This study explores the characteristics and perceptions of those currently entering elementary teacher education in Turkey. A questionnaire consisting of fixed-response, Likert-style and open-ended questions was administered to all entry level elementary teacher education students (n=381) enrolled in the Faculty of Education of Selcuk University during the 2001–2002 academic year to seek information about their background characteristics, past and preferred elementary schooling experiences, reasons for choosing elementary teaching as a career, and perceptions of elementary teaching as a profession. Results indicate that significant differences exist between male and female prospective elementary teachers’ preconceptions of the teaching profession. Implications for preservice teacher education and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study aims to critically interrogate the role of Critical Thinking (CT) in English language education in Chile through the analysis of teacher educators’ and postgraduate students’ perceptions and understandings of CT in relation to their academic trajectories through university. Five postgraduate students and five teacher educators from three different Masters of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MTEFL) programs agreed to take part in the research. Informed by a qualitative paradigm, semi-structured interviews were conducted aimed mainly at (1) unpacking teacher educators’ and postgraduate students’ understandings of CT; (2) investigating postgraduates’ views of the place of critical thinking in their English teacher education training; (3) examining the ways in which teacher educators deal with CT in their pedagogies; and (4) identifying students’ preparedness to approach reading and writing critically, as viewed by both groups of participants. Analysis of responses revealed, on the one hand, students’ recognition of CT skills as necessary to succeed in academic life and, on the other, great concerns for the limited importance accorded to teaching these skills in teacher education courses. Teacher educators’ responses generally showed an increasing interest in trying to incorporate the teaching of CT skills in their pedagogies, but admitted to an overall lack of consistency in the implementation process. The paper concludes with critical questions about the perceived pedagogical mismatches between teacher educators’ and postgraduate students’ perceptions of the role of CT in their academic journeys, and about the role of Chilean teacher education programs in addressing these issues.  相似文献   

The research focuses on Estonian university students’ emerging teacher identity and their interest in becoming teachers. Five hundred and sixty‐five first, third and fifth year students participated in the survey. The results suggest that pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education and clear motives for studying are significant indicators of teacher potential. Pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education or the teaching profession and the wish to function as a change agent in the society were related to academic self‐efficacy beliefs and the belief that the teacher expertise is mainly pedagogical in nature. However, at the point in their studies at which the students are able to choose their masters programme and entry into teacher education, their likelihood of choosing teacher education remains low, indicating that there is a need to develop pedagogical content, study counselling and career guidance services to encourage students’ continued interest in and entry to teacher education and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Using Ireland as an example, this paper explores the rationale behind various selection criteria currently used to select suitable candidates for initial teacher education courses. It investigates and discusses patterns of association between second-level student teachers’ background characteristics on entry to their teacher education programme Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) and their achievement in terms of their final academic and teaching practice grades. It draws on a longitudinal analysis of application and examination data collected from eight student teacher cohorts (2000–2007, N?=?1,023) who completed their second-level initial teacher education at one Irish university. Special attention will be paid to the predictive value of entrants’ prior academic performance and teaching experience for their success in the academic as well as practical components of their teacher education course. The quality rationale behind academic selection criteria is contested on the basis of findings from this study. The positive impact of prior teaching experience on teaching practice performance and the differences in achievement observed between students from different academic fields are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper explores ways to bridge the separation that currently exists between the worlds of teacher research and academic research. Currently, many teachers feel that educational research conducted by those in the academy is largely irrelevant to their lives in schools. On the other hand, many academics dismiss the knowledge produced through teacher research as trivial and inconsequential to their work. In this paper, it is argued that our vision of educational research should include both teacher produced knowledge and knowledge produced by those in the academy, and take the position that the processes of teacher development, school reform, and teacher education can greatly benefit from occasions when academic and teacher knowledge cross the divide that currently separates teacher knowledge from academics and academic knowledge from teachers. Two specific examples are discussed that illustrate instances where academic knowledge and teacher knowledge have improved teaching, together with the assumptions regarding voice, power, ownership and status which make them successful cases. One case deals with the teaching of mathematics in the elementary school and the other is concerned with the teaching of language minority students. Also discussed are several ways in which knowledge produced by teachers and others who work in schools can potentially benefit academic research and teacher education programs in colleges and universities.  相似文献   

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