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教学创新改革是当前教育适应社会发展的首要任务,根据当前时代的特征,学生的实际情况,传统教学模式的一些现状和问题,进行教学改革创新。思想政治理论课是正确思想观念的传播,引导学生树立正确的人生价值观,在当今经济发展的时期,思想政治教育显得尤为重要,要提高思政教学的效果和质量,就要对思想政治理论教学进行创新改革,本文提出了参与式教学,文章主要探讨参与式教学在思政教学中的实际应用。  相似文献   

参与式教学法是提高思想政治理论课教学效果的一种有效方法.在高校思政理论课堂运用参与式教学法是必要的,本文探讨如何运用参与式教学模式来提升思政课教学效果,以更好达到思政课的教育目标.  相似文献   

本文从高职生的特点出发,简要分析了目前我国高职院校思想政治教育的开展现状,指出在思政课教学中引入参与式教学法的必要性,并详细地探讨了具体的应用策略。  相似文献   

<正>思想政治教育话语是思想政治理论课的特殊构成。将思想政治教育话语应用在思想政治理论课教学中,一方面可以提升教学整体效率,令学生更加熟悉思政语境。另一方面,思想政治教育话语也代表了思想政治理论,是帮助学生建构思政思维逻辑的关键所在。目前,国内高校思想政治理论课中虽然都有运用思想政治教育话语,但对话语内容的选择比较古板和保守,应用方式也缺乏灵活性。而新时代大学生更适应、更喜爱言简意赅的话语模式,陈旧古板的思想政治教育话语运用模式必然无法起到提升思想政治教育实效的作用。近年来,高校思想政治教育研究致力于创新话语应用模式,目前已有较多的研究成果。  相似文献   

高校大学生思想政治教育是一个热门研究课题。在当今形势下高校大学生思想政治教育的主阵地"思政课"的地位就显得尤为重要,探究思政课在思想政治教育存在的问题对推进立体化的思想政治教育非常必要。通过思政课不断丰富和完善高校立体化的思想政治教育,实现原有的单一的、平面的、直线性的传统高校思政课育人模式向立体的、多面的、循环性的思政课的育人模式转变。  相似文献   

"微思政"作为基于微信、微博等软件以及微小说、微电影为代表的思想政治教育模式。可以进一步配合学校建设思想政治的工作网,针对肿瘤护理实习护生,运用"微思政"平台干预,打造信息发布、工作交流和数据分析平台,提高思想政治教育水平,为处于发展中的"微思政"教育提供参考,进而促进医院思想政治教育工作的顺利开展。基于此,本文主要结合"微思政"的应用效果加以分析。  相似文献   

书院制模式为高校思想政治教育创新实践提供了新平台。本研究分析了书院制下大学生思想政治教育存在的问题,并提出通过凝聚书院社区育人合力、构建书院思政育人主阵地、汇聚思政力量下沉社区、优化书院思政活动载体、有效融入课程思政实践等举措,提升高校书院制模式下的思想政治工作育人实效。  相似文献   

文章首先概括了网络思想政治教育与传统思想政治教育互动模式,然后阐述了高校网络思政教育和传统思政教育的优势,最后提出了几点优化策略,主要包括加强高校思政网站建设、加强高校互动机制的构建、延伸传统思政教育内容、强化思政教育的辅助性作用等,从而实现高校网络思政教育与传统思政教育的互动整合目标。  相似文献   

随着高校校园信息化、网络化程度的不断提高,传统的高校思想政治教育模式也随之演化,从而达到充分利用信息网络便捷性、自主性以及即时性的目的。本文通过对传统思政教育模式和信息化思政教育的分析和对比,提出将网络W eb信息系统的搭建和思政管理信息系统应用相结合的新思政教育模式,推动高校思政教育的发展和提高。  相似文献   

课程思政是将思想政治教育元素,包括思想政治教育的理论知识、价值理念以及精神追求等有机融入非思政课程中,发挥其思政政治教育功能,潜移默化地对学生思想意识、行为举止产生影响,使各类课程与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应,实现思想政治教育与知识体系教育有机融合的教育模式。  相似文献   

工业工程专业虚拟实验室建设研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
工业工程是一门实践性很强的应用性学科,制造业对人才的实践能力要求也越来越高,这就要求高校必须重视工业工程实验室建设,加强对学生实践能力的锻炼。在对工业工程专业课程实验特点进行总结的基础上,对基于网络技术的工业工程专业虚拟实验室建设进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with enhancing inclusive education (IE) in developing countries (DCs). It is estimated that the majority of the world's population of people with disabilities live in DCs of Africa, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean and the Middle East, some 150 million of them being children, but less than 2% are receiving any form of rehabilitation service. Thus successful implementation of IE could increase the number of those with disabilities receiving educational and other services in DCs. Evidence, however, indicates that IE is not being satisfactorily implemented in most DCs. Factors such as the absence of support services, relevant materials, inadequate personnel training programmes, lack of funding structure and the absence of enabling legislation are the major problems of effective implementation of IE in these countries. The implications for improvements in these areas to achieve meaningful implementation of IE in DCs are discussed.  相似文献   

基于可重构思想的工业工程实验系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简要介绍了可重构思想,研究了可重构实验系统中各实验模块及其参数集的关系,并总结了3种可重构实验的重构模式。作者以工业工程实验系统为讨论对象,对工业工程学科中各课程实验模块及其逻辑关系进行了简单的分析,并以物流与供应链实验系统设计实例,重点讨论了可重构方法在工业工程实验体系中的应用。  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes have been identified as being vital to the success of inclusive education (IE). With pre-school student populations becoming increasingly diverse, and many children experiencing this as their first involvement in formal education, the attitudes towards IE of pre-school teachers are more important than ever. This study investigated pre-service pre-school teachers in an attempt to identify the factors that contribute to the formation of positive attitudes towards IE in this population. Participants were 139 undergraduate and postgraduate early education students studying at a metropolitan university in Australia. Results indicated that participants generally held positive attitudes towards IE, despite having concerns regarding their ability to implement the construct. Attitudes did not significantly vary through years of study of the undergraduate degree; however, postgraduate participants reported significantly lower attitudes. While those who completed a tertiary-level unit on IE were significantly more likely to display positive attitudes, neither personal experience with persons with special needs nor practical classroom experience significantly influenced attitudes. Experience, however, was found to significantly increase perceptions of self-efficacy. Findings imply the presence of unique factors associated with the attitudes of pre-service pre-school teachers. Implications for the structure of pre-service pre-school education programmes and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

工业工程本科教学实验体系研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
文章从工业工程的培养目标和现代工业工程特点出发,提出了工业工程专业本科教学实验环境的体系。该体系突出了以制造工程为背景,包容了基础工业工程和现代工业工程的主要特点,对全面培养和提升工业工程专业学生的能力和素质具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于培养目标的工业工程实验室建设与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了工业工程的定义、学科特点,并以河南科技大学工业工程专业实验室建设为例,重点阐述了基于培养目标的工业工程专业实验室规划基本思想、建设过程、建设成果和实验室管理方法,为国内其他高校工业工程专业实验室建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Intellectual engagement (IE) refers to enjoyment of intellectual activities and is proposed as causal for knowledge acquisition. The role of IE for cognitive development was examined utilizing 2‐year longitudinal data from 112 ninth graders (average baseline age: 14.7 years). Higher baseline IE predicted higher baseline crystallized ability but not changes therein, and was not associated with fluid ability. Furthermore, IE predicted change in school grades in language but not in mathematics grades or in standardized tests. These findings suggest that IE is not a major predictor of knowledge acquisition in adolescence, where degree of self‐determination in intellectual behaviors may be relatively limited. Open questions for future research are addressed, including reciprocal longitudinal associations between IE and academic and cognitive development.  相似文献   


Australia was an early signatory to the Salamanca Statement, and it espouses inclusive education (IE) as the overarching philosophy of education for all. A 2015 critique of IE in Australia [Anderson and Boyle 2015. “Inclusive Education in Australia: Rhetoric, Reality and the Road Ahead.” Support for Learning 30 (1): 4–22. doi:10.1111/1467-9604.12074] found that while some gains had been made, particularly in the recognition of the needs of some of the nation's minority groups, the lack of a nationally accepted understanding of IE meant that it was transpiring in fundamentally distinctive ways across the eight education jurisdictions, with different outcomes for different groups of students. This paper reflects upon why Australia has struggled to enact the recommendations outlined in the Salamanca Statement a quarter of a century ago. The impacts of current education reforms, including the current model of educational provision, the understanding of disability and educational need, and the neo-liberal concepts of standardisation, measurement, and choice are explored. It challenges the idea that IE is the work of schools, and instead argues the need for a national approach to IE. Governments must acknowledge the barriers that their current policies and structures erect and shift towards a more inclusive model of educational delivery – for the benefit of all children and young people in Australia.  相似文献   

This article reports on the third phase of a larger study that explored the perceptions of teachers about distributed leadership practices for inclusive education (IE) in primary schools involved in IE reform in Bangladesh. The Distributed Leadership Practice for Inclusive Education scale was developed specifically for this study to collect data. Participants for the present study were head teachers and teachers from 308 public primary schools. The results of this study indicate that teachers perceived that distributed leadership practices for IE were present in primary schools in Bangladesh. The findings indicate that teachers' perceptions about distributed leadership practices for IE have a significant positive correlation with their satisfaction about the implementation of IE policy.  相似文献   

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