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介绍PISA 2015年合作问题解决的测试框架,讲述了三个合作维度和四个问题解决认知过程的测评要素,并结合我国四个地区学生在合作问题解决方面的表现进行分析。PISA 2015的结果显示,我国大陆地区学生在合作问题解决方面表现中等,高水平比例较低;在态度得分较高,合作维度表现突出;其表现与学科表现相关度较弱。相比其他OECD国家和地区,在"合作问题解决"表现上,我国学校校间差异较大;且社会经济地位解释率较高。这要求我们在跨学科、学科内、课堂教学活动形式方面加强培养,并提升社区、学校和家庭的合作机制,共同塑造合作问题解决的环境和机会。  相似文献   

考察初中生情绪智力的特点,并探讨情绪智力对初中生学业成就的作用机制.采用情绪智力问卷、师生关系问卷等对深圳400名初中生进行集体测试,结果发现:(1)情绪智力的不同维度表现出不同的发展特点;(2)学业成就水平不同的学生情绪智力与师生关系各维度差异显著;(3)情绪感知、运用、理解三个维度与师生关系的四个维度呈显著相关与学业成就呈显著相关,师生关系各维度与学业成就呈显著相关;(4)师生关系在情绪智力与学业成就间起部分中介作用.  相似文献   

基于心理学的意识理论,从认知、情感和意志三个维度对云贵川渝6786名义务教育阶段学生的中华民族共同体意识进行问卷调查和深度访谈,以期对培养能担当民族复兴大任的时代新人有所启示。研究发现,学生的中华民族共同体意识整体表现良好,但认知、意志维度的水平略低于父母,其内部呈现出显著性的性别、学段、民族、学校城乡属性、家庭SES等群体差异。回归分析结果表明,作为外源性因素,家庭功能对学生中华民族共同体意识的影响最为显著,学校环境次之,社区支持相对较弱;民族认同作为内生性因素,在家庭、学校、社会三项外源性因素和学生的中华民族共同体意识之间发挥着部分中介作用。为铸牢中小学生中华民族共同体意识,应建立家校社协同育人长效机制,构建多维一体的教育体系,巩固中华优秀传统文化进校园,提高民族地区国家通用语普及质量。  相似文献   

基于布鲁姆的认知分类学和PISA测评框架,结合专家评定法,构建数学能力、认知水平和问题情境的三维数学高阶思维能力测评框架,依据测评框架开发相应的测试题,并对Z市11个区县的28 153名八年级学生数学高阶思维能力进行测评。结果表明:数学能力维度问题解决得分最低,认知水平维度评价得分最低,问题情境维度不同情境下高阶思维表现无显著差异;不同学业水平学生的数学高阶思维能力存在显著差异,B水平与A水平学生间差异显著且高于D水平与C水平学生间差异;女生的数学高阶思维能力比男生略高,但不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

高中生批判性思维能力是学生今后生存和适应社会的必备技能。运用调查法,从寻找真理、开放思维、分析能力、系统化能力、批判性思维的自信心、求知欲和认知成熟7个维度对高中学生批判性思维能力的发展状况进行研究,结果发现:高中生批判性思维能力整体较弱,在各个维度上表现不均衡(平均得分250.9分);高中生批判性思维能力在人口因素的个别维度上存在显著性差异,但整体无差异。另外,高中生学业成就与其批判性思维能力存在显著性差异,主要表现为寻找真理、认知成熟度和系统化能力三个维度上的差异。因此,课堂教学应该去追求革新的和创造性的问题和关切,进而提升高中生批判性思维能力。  相似文献   

小学低、中、高学段均会涉及以情绪觉察为主题的心理课,当前,小学高年级的大部分情绪觉察心理课设计并不能有效满足学生的情绪发展需求,主要表现为三个问题:情绪觉察任务类型简单化、情绪识别技能训练表面化、情绪描述技能培养粗糙化。然后从情绪社会化视角下,适当关注对复合情绪的觉察;以心理理论和认知评价为路径,适当加强对情绪的内在觉察;夯实情绪体验整理技能,适当侧重相似情绪和混合情绪;以情绪细腻度为方向,培养情绪描述技能四个方面,提出了小学高年级情绪觉察主题心理课的改进策略。  相似文献   

学生生活质量是衡量学校发展的重要指标,也是教育质量的重要构成要素。对乌鲁木齐市2 409名学生生活质量研究发现:(1)学生生活质量处于中等水平。不同学段在生活质量上不存在显著差异。女生在师生关系、同伴关系、亲子关系、作业态度维度上显著高于男生;在负性情绪、运动能力两个维度上显著低于男生。独生子女在亲子关系、学习能力与态度、自我概念、生活便利性、运动能力维度上显著高于非独生子女。单亲家庭的学生在同伴关系、亲子关系、学习能力与态度、自我概念、生活便利性、运动能力、自我满意度维度上显著低于非单亲家庭的学生。(2)学段、家庭成员关系、学业成绩、性别、家庭社会经济地位(SES)与生活质量有密切关系。为此,应根据学生的不同特点,从学校、家庭等方面为相关部门制定改善学生生活质量的策略,以促进学生身心全面发展。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国小学教育实践多侧重于评价学生知识、技能掌握的水平,或把它看作学业成就评价的全部,对学生知识、技能的应用水平以及能力(如,问题解决能力等)的评价不够重视,更忽略对学生在学习过程中形成的非认知方面的成就(如,学习态度等)的评价,或者只把非认知方面的成就看作是影响学生知识、技能掌握水平的因素来分析,因而,对学业成就评价存在着较大的片面性,不仅掩盖了学生学业成就某些要素的缺陷,而且容易以偏概全,产生盲目乐观情绪,最终严重影响学生的发展。另外,我们在考试的上位概念——学生学业成就评价这一层面构建评价体系,既可…  相似文献   

以TIMSS 2011评测框架为研究基础,以北京市为例,通过调查问卷,从地域和学生性别两个视角评估小学生科学学科能力的总体发展状况和“知道”“应用”“推理”三个不同维度的成就表现。研究显示城区学校小学生科学学科能力发展明显优于郊县学校的学生,同时小学男生和女生的科学学科能力发展无显著性差异。  相似文献   

研究用2个心理理论范式测量错误信念认知和情绪理解能力,比较33名孤儿和33名非孤儿的表现,并分析了错误信念认知和情绪理解的关系。结果显示:(1)孤儿错误信念认知水平发展趋势与非孤儿一致,但孤儿的错误信念认知能力发展显著低于非孤儿;(2)孤儿的情绪理解发展趋势和水平与非孤儿基本一致;(3)儿童(包括孤儿)错误信念认知和情绪理解在3-5岁期间发生明显变化,大多数儿童在5岁时已基本具备错误信念认知和情绪理解的能力,4岁是儿童错误信念认知和情绪理解能力发展的重要年龄;(4)儿童错误信念认知与情绪理解关系密切。  相似文献   

Students’ individual learning is supposed to be based on cognitive and social processes. Therefore, students’ social skills are assumed to play an important role for school performance. This study set out to investigate the links between students’ peer relations skills and assertion skills and their grades for written performances and oral performances. In the middle of the school year, 94 ninth-grade students of a German secondary school reported on their peer relations skills and assertion skills. Additionally, at this point of measurement, students’ initial school performance in German and mathematics was measured by standardized academic achievement tests. In these two subjects, students’ grades in in-class tests and for oral participation were collected during the following 5 months. These grades were given by the students’ respective subject teachers. Path analysis revealed that students’ peer relations skills were positively associated with their grades in in-class tests, but they were not linked to their grades for oral participation. In contrast, students’ assertion skills were positively related to their grades for oral participation, whereas no correlation was found between students’ assertion skills and their grades in in-class tests. These results are discussed with respect to the role of peer relations skills and assertion skills for students’ academic learning and the fostering of these skills in the classroom.  相似文献   

School success is closely linked to intelligence but also to non-cognitive factors such as achievement motivation. The present study examines which non-cognitive factors predict secondary school grades and looks at reasons why female students tend to outperform their male counterparts. A sample of 554 German freshman students provided measures of general intelligence, achievement motivation, science course choice, self-efficacy, self-perceived academic achievement, and test anxiety. Results show that achievement motivation, self-perceived academic achievement, and sex significantly contribute to the final secondary school success above intelligence. Females’ advantage in final secondary school grades becomes even larger after controlling for general intelligence. This advantage can be explained by females’ higher achievement motivation. Showing more compensatory effort as well as self-control and taking more pride in their own productivity helps females to outperform their male counterparts at secondary school.  相似文献   

社会情感技能作为当代年轻人应对复杂世界、谋求可持续发展的必备能力,已成为国际教育领域关注的热点问题。经济合作与发展组织以"大五人格模型"为基础开发了社会情感技能测评框架与工具,并在2019年首次开展了社会情感技能的国际测评。该测评框架将社会情感技能划分为工作表现、情绪调节、与他人交往、协作、开放性思维以及复合技能6个维度,同时,还设置背景问卷,以探究家庭、学校、社区等环境因素对个体社会情感技能发展的影响。借鉴经济合作与发展组织的测评经验,我国在独立开展社会情感技能测评时要注重测评结果的政策导向功能与改进功能,创新测评工具,促进测评手段和方式的多元发展。  相似文献   

听力障碍中学生疏离感特点研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用问卷法对431名听力障碍中学生的疏离感进行测查,结果如下:(1)听障中学生疏离感的总体状况表现为环境疏离最高、社会疏离其次、人际疏离最低。(2)女生的无意义感高于男生,男生的亲人疏离感和不能控制感高于女生;在三个年级的学生中,9年级学生的自我疏离感最高,7年级学生的压迫疏离感最低。(3)独生子女的伙伴疏离感高于非独生子女;城市学生的压迫疏离感和社会孤立感高于农村学生。(4)听障中学生的无意义感和亲人疏离感均随人缘状况的改善而降低;人缘差的学生的伙伴疏离感和不能控制感高于人缘好的学生。  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(1):37-53

This article focuses on the beliefs of primary school children aged 7–11 years in England concerning the impact of adult-led after-school extended provision (EP) on their development of non-cognitive skills (NCS). In responses to a questionnaire survey and focus group interviews, children were more positive than parents, teachers and school governors, believing EP enabled them to acquire numerous NCS, including most emotional intelligence competences, but excluding social skills related to locus of control. Findings support the argument that EP affording NCS development may enhance academic achievement, indicating that NCS development embedded in primary curricula may also benefit academic achievement.  相似文献   

This paper estimates models of the transitional effects of food insecurity experiences on children's non-cognitive performance in school classrooms using a panel of 4710 elementary students enrolled in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade (1999-2003). In addition to an extensive set of child and household-level characteristics, we use information on U.S. counties to control for potential confounding effects of the local economic and noneconomic environment on children's household transitions between states of food insecurity and food security. The time horizon of our analysis affords insight into factors underlying children's formation of non-cognitive skills and the efficiency of classroom-based educational production in elementary school. Overall, we find significant negative developmental effects for children with food insecurity at home; and that children experiencing an early transition from food insecurity in 1st grade to food security in 3rd grade have even larger impairments that persist through 5th grade.  相似文献   

This paper explores how starting school at a younger age affects the developmental score gaps between relatively advantaged and disadvantaged children. While previous findings suggest that delaying school entry may improve school readiness, less is known about whether it has differential effects for advantaged and disadvantaged children. For disadvantaged children, starting school early may be a better alternative to staying at home for longer as school provides a more stable and educational environment than the family home, overcompensating for the penalties of starting school early. This may be less applicable to relatively advantaged children who generally have greater access to resources in the home and who are more likely to utilise formal pre-school services. We use the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to investigate if there is support for this hypothesis. The endogeneity of school starting age is addressed using the regression discontinuity design. We find that an early school start generally improves children’s cognitive skills, which is even more pronounced for disadvantaged children. In contrast, an early school start tends to negatively affect children’s non-cognitive skills with both advantaged and disadvantaged children affected in similar ways. Thus, our findings suggest that an earlier school entry may narrow the gaps in cognitive skills, whereas the gaps in non-cognitive skills are not affected by the school starting age.  相似文献   

Study Success     
The meaning of study success is crucial when investigating the validity of the admission system to higher education. A common measure of study success is grades. However, grades might be a measure of different kinds of success in different education programmes due to disciplinary differences. This article presents the results of a study carried out in the Departments of Business Administration and Social Welfare at a Swedish university. University teachers were interviewed about their views on study success in their freshmen and senior students of today and in the future. The results indicate that the teachers in the Department of Business Administration tend to choose cognitive criteria whereas the teachers in the Department of Social Welfare tend to choose non-cognitive criteria and criteria classified as both cognitive and non-cognitive, when asked about their present students. Regarding the success of future students, the tendency is similar but the differences between the two groups of teachers are smaller.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童的问题行为调查及家庭影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用早期问题行为发现量表对470名小学四、五、六年级和初一、初二、初三的留守儿童进行测量。结果发现:留守儿童存在情绪方面的问题行为较为严重,其次为学业适应不良及人际关系不适应;男生容易出现学习不适应问题,女生较易出现情绪不稳定问题;年级差异上,四年级、六年级和初三留守儿童学习和情绪问题较其他年级更严重;是否与兄弟姐妹生活在一起、父母外出时间、外出距离、回家频率、代养人类别及教养方式、留守儿童性剐及年级是影响留守儿童问题行为的重要因素。  相似文献   

Supporting children and young people's mental health and well-being is central to UK Government policy, with statistics suggesting post-16 students and those with learning difficulties are vulnerable. This case study explored how practitioners at a special school for students with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties promote post-16 students' mental health and well-being. Data were drawn from four semi-structured interviews and a follow-up focus group. The thematic analysis identified a whole-team approach to supporting mental health and promoting student well-being, through staff knowledge and interpersonal skills, particularly related to communication and ability to build trusting relationships, providing experiences and preparing students for adulthood. Consideration was also given to facilitators and barriers to promoting such provision for students. The emotional needs audit from the Human Givens Institute (2006) could provide a framework for practitioners in special schools to promote mental health and well-being, enabling practical and tangible strategies for intervention and support.  相似文献   

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