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利率市场化改革与银行风险控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利率市场化改革充满各种风险,对中国而言、银行风险是这一改革过程 中最主要的金融风险,因此,对利率市场化过程中的银行风险控制,就显得尤其必须和重要,借助金融约束理论为分析框架,能够对这一问题作出比较深入有用的解释。政府控制利率市场化过程中银行风险的主要措施是通过存款利率控制对银行进行租金激励,辅助手段是加强银行外部监管等,并应注意这一改革过程中出现的一些其他问题。  相似文献   

持续期与商业银行利率风险免疫管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来利率水平的变动对银行的固定收益的债券和存贷款组合的价值有着直接和重大的影响,利率风险一直都是银行、无论是传统的商业银行还是投资银行所面临的最主要的市场风险之一。因此,对利率风险的管理是市场风险管理,甚至是整个风险管理中最重要的组成部分,对其管理手段和衡量方法也是最为发达的。目前,有效衡量利率风险的一个主要工具就是持续期。相对于传统的利率风险衡量方法而言,持续期能更加准确、有效地衡量利率水平变化对债券和存贷款价格的影响,因而成为固定收益资产组合管理者和商业银行进行利率风险管理和资产负债管理的重…  相似文献   

本文选取2007至2015年13家上市银行的面板数据作为样本区间,研究了货币政策对上市银行盈利能力的影响.实证结果表明,法定存款准备金率与上市银行盈利能力成正相关关系,贷款利率与上市银行盈利能力也呈现出正相关关系.在实证研究的基础上,提出上市银行应加强对货币政策变动方向的预测,提高自身应对利率风险和流动性风险的能力的建议.  相似文献   

国有银行能否按照市场化方式运作银行资金,是能否在竞争中取胜的重要因素之一。利率市场化可为国有银行创造比较规范的经营环境,迫使银行的经营机制发生变革,使银行利率风险和利率管理难度加大,各银行间竞争加剧,促进金融创新,推动银行客户结构的优化。为此,要实现以客户为中心的业务模式。加强利率风险的管理和控制,加强成本管理,大力发展中间业务,推进金融创新等。  相似文献   

近年来,利率市场化改革逐渐深化,将在一定程度上加剧银行业的系统性风险。运用SVAR模型,选取2008-2019年期间以股价和房价为代表的资产价格和我国银行的相关数据为研究样本,实证研究利率市场化、资产价格波动对银行业系统性风险的影响。结果表明,利率市场化改革会在一定程度上加剧银行业系统性金融风险,并且对资产价格波动具有显著的冲击作用;此外,以股价和房价为代表的资产价格与银行业系统性风险存在显著的负效应。在此基础上,分别从利率市场化、资产价格两方面提出建议:增强商业银行定价管理,加强风险防控;增强资本市场监控,建立有效监控体系等。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款的运行效率与其利率的均衡水平有关,而贷款均衡利率由还贷期限、贷款风险和宏观经济变量决定.我国的国家助学贷款利率低于均衡利率水平,并由此导致了银行惜贷、贷款成本增加、社会福利流失等问题.如果提高利率水平、降低违约风险,再通过改善银行管理,使国家助学贷款利率回归均衡水平,从而可改善国家助学贷款利率政策的实施效应.但是,利率提高之后,必须辅之以政府对借贷学生的利率补贴以及其他配套政策,以达到学生贷款助学之目的.  相似文献   

从1996年中国放开了同业拆借利率,到2013年7月,金融机构贷款利率的放开,再到2015年10月,中国人民银行取消了存款利率浮动上限的要求.这些都表明利率市场化进入了实质性的阶段.随之而来的是,银行就面临了愈来愈多的风险.其中利率风险是最为主要的,因此银行应当重视识别与防范利率风险.本文基于利率市场化的大背景下,选择2011年1月4日至2015年12月31日的同业拆借利率作为研究数据,在GARCH-GED模型基础上运VAR法对利率市场化下我国商业银行利率风险进行实证研究,检验的结果反映了利率波动对外部冲击的反应比较敏感,而且在长期内具有持续性,在短期内的影响也是难以消除,即存在一定的记忆性.总而言之,对利率管制的放松将会使我国商业银行的利率风险增加,因此其应对利率波动带来的风险管理能力还有待提高.  相似文献   

利率风险是指由于利率的变动对商业银行的盈利造成的不利影响。伴随着经济社会的发展,我国的银行也取得了较大的发展,利率风险也呈现出复杂多变的趋势,这是一个不容忽视的问题。应当引起银行业的关注和重视。开展金融创新是解决利率风险不可缺少的措施。我国商业银行存在着资本充足率低、利率风险管理体系不健全以及外部环境不健全等问题。商业银行可以通过确立以利率风险管理为核心的资产负债管理模式、发展表外业务以及开展金融创新来解决这些问题。  相似文献   

实行利率市场化可能产生利差缩小,收益变动等风险,规避风险的措施包括完善监督机制,建立企业产权制度,建立银行产品定价体系,提高高定价能力,大力发展中间业务以及积极开发金融衍生产品,转移利率风险等。  相似文献   

对美国、日本、德国以及中国台湾等典型国家和地区利率市场化路径考察可以看出,良好宏微观环境对于改革的效果有着重要的影响。先长期后短期、先大额后小额的次序安排有利于控制改革风险。利率市场化会在一定程度上弱化金融脱媒对银行业的整体冲击,提升银行体系在金融体系的竞争力,但无法抑制住脱媒趋势。从微观市场结构看,利率市场化会在一定程度造成银行业总体数量的减少,并导致行业竞争加剧,提升行业集中度。从微观运营角度观察,利率市场化会"倒逼"银行通过提升表外业务收入和综合化经营转型两个途径来探索新的盈利增长模式。银行存贷利差在利率市场化初期会缩窄,但长期看会趋势稳定甚至扩大;而净息差从一开始就不一定必然下降。  相似文献   

Leaders working in the outdoor adventure field are faced with making critical decisions that keep students, clients, or customers safe from the perils of risk-related activities while enabling them to benefit from these experiences. The knowledge and competency necessary to analyze and manage risk is integral to those providing outdoor adventure programs. A review of related literature suggested the need for further research and the potential standardization of training for outdoor adventure leaders. In order to address the issue of outdoor adventure risk management curriculum design specifically, this inquiry has (a) incorporated expert outdoor adventure industry and educational risk management perspectives, (b) synthesized findings with related literature and researcher perspective, and (c) described five key principles for related curriculum design and delivery. This qualitative analysis involved interviewing industry-leading outdoor adventure program directors and postsecondary outdoor adventure faculty in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Although developed through a risk management lens, the principles may be generalized to other aspects of outdoor adventure curriculum design.  相似文献   

高职校内实训基地股份制经营的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校校内实训基地的股份制经营中,科学确定股份构成,合理界定各股东的角色和利益定位.是实现多方共赢的保证。校内实训基地的股份构成包括:设备和场地股份,资本股份,智力股份。明确股份构成后,要分步实施对实训基地经营管理的股份制改造,积极选择和引进投资者及各类人才。  相似文献   

This study explored girls' and boys' (aged 10–11) attitudes towards reading and writing. Girls enjoyed reading significantly more than boys. Boys liked mostly comics and humorous books; adventure books were girls' favourites. Poetry did not appeal to pupils. Many boys did not enjoy typical school texts. Most pupils, especially boys, did not like to read aloud. Even many fluent and motivated readers felt embarrassed when doing it. Pupils' attitudes towards writing were more negative than those regarding reading. Boys were significantly more reluctant writers than girls. To interest boys the writing task should have a meaningful purpose or a communicative function. The results suggest that pupils' interest should be a key factor in the selection of reading material; otherwise, many students will avoid reading and may develop a lifelong aversion to it.  相似文献   

发达国家如英、美、日等国利率制度经历了由自由到管制,再到自由的漫长过程,反映了资源配置方式的变迁。本从理论上对这一历史进程的原因进行了分析,提出了实现我国利率市场化途径的三个基本结论:培养真正的金融企业,特别是银行企业;提高政府利用利率调控金融市场的能力;实现利率市场化要循序渐进。  相似文献   

Little research on the socialisation of adventure educators into their craft has been conducted. The purposes of this study were to describe (a) the perspectives and beliefs of preservice adventure educators as they began adventure education training (AET) and (b) the elements within their acculturation that led to these perspectives and beliefs. Participants were 20 preservice adventure educators at the beginning of their AET. Data were collected with three types of interview. They were coded, categorised, and reduced to meaningful themes by employing analytic induction and constant comparison. Results revealed that preservice adventure educators possessed one of three orientations. These were a leisure orientation, outdoor pursuits orientation, or adventure orientation. Factors shaping these orientations were family and friends, experiences of outdoor and adventurous activities, experiences working as counsellors, timing of occupational selection and age, and a number of secondary attractors including the motivation to remain connected to the world of adventure. Should they transfer to preservice adventure educators in AET at other institutions, the main practical implication of the study’s results is that they should provide the basis for AET faculty to understand and deconstruct any less than desirable beliefs and perspectives with which prospective adventure educators enter their programmes.  相似文献   

应用型高校经管专业本科毕业论文在选题上应有突出应用性、创新性、真题真做的要求,指导过程中要组建论文管理机构与制定指导管理制度,严格论文评审、规范论文答辩。  相似文献   

针对音乐专业的特点,结合实际工作经验,对音乐教育专业教学管理中存在的问题提出建议。认为只有从学生的实际出发,因材施教,培养学生的学习兴趣,合理安排课程的设置与考试,科学安排教育实习时间等,才能真正提高音乐教育专业人才的质量,才能更好地满足社会各方面对音乐人才的需求。  相似文献   

Adventure training has become fashionable over the past few years in Hong Kong. Current Education Reform suggests learning should not be confined to the classroom, and adventure training is viewed as an alternative method to institutional routines for personal and group development. This paper reported a longitudinal study investigating how learning happened for four church members (out of twenty-five participants) purposively selected in an adventure team-building camp. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments were used. Results shed light on: (1) how the constructs of self-efficacy and organizational commitment helped to conceptualize what people meant by a team; (2) how qualitative findings revealed evidence of learning of the four members which could not be observed by quantitative findings; and (3) how participants experienced and learnt from adventure training.  相似文献   

Research into adventure recreation has tended to be located in the experiences of men. This is largely due to a history of dominant male participation, though it is acknowledged that more women are accessing these forms of leisure experiences. This paper reports a study of forty-two women who had participated in adventure recreation at some stage throughout their adult lives. These women were interviewed regarding their personal meanings of adventure reaction. This included exploration of how adventure was experienced and the types of issues that affected their participation in adventure recreation. The results showed that adventure for these women incorporated risk and physical challenge, but also a sense of newness, learning, personal development and creativity. The evidence presented suggests that while traditional definitions of adventure recreation offer a general differentiation of adventure activities from other forms of outdoor recreation, they are perhaps too limiting. The women's experiences indicate that adventure extends beyond labeled “adventure” pursuits and that broader understandings need to be incorporated into our meanings of adventure.  相似文献   

中小学研究性学习可以而且应该“大题小作”。“大题小作”有利于培养孩子们高瞻远瞩的气质,有利于培养孩子们独立自主的人格,有利于培养孩子们的创新思维能力,有利于激发孩子们的科学兴趣和培养孩子们的科学精神。选题应考虑人文因素。评价应侧重学习过程。  相似文献   

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