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Yunnan officialdom was extremely understaffed in QIAN -Long period, which is very rare in Yunnan history. The study finds that the bureaucratization of Yunnan chieftaincy in YONG - zheng period together with other factors resulted in the crisis of understaffed officials in Yunnan official- dom. QIAN - Long' s government took a variety of measures to solve this problem and achieved good re- sults. The understaffed crisis was greatly alleviated in late QIAN - Long time, which guaranteed the reign of effective Governance in Yunnan.  相似文献   

当传统文化、民族文化的价值被多元、深入地重新发掘与体认之际,成吉思汗及其所代表的蒙古民族再度成为一个新的社会文化热点。20世纪七、八十年代以来,有关成吉思汗的专著开始不断涌现。大陆、台湾等各地出版社相继出版了多种成吉思汗传记作品。从事不同学术领域研究、不同国籍的学者站在各自不同的角度,密切关注着成吉思汗及蒙元文化的特性,相关文学或学术专著层出不穷。目前,这一研究领域有影响力的专著已达数十种之多,马冀先生的《成吉思汗评传》(内蒙古人民出版社,2005年10月)即是其中之一。  相似文献   

蒋亚娟 《教师》2010,(15):93-94
Teachers' questioning is quite significant on motivating learners. When asking questions, teachers need to find a balance between convergent and divergent questions. Wait-time is also very important when questioning. This study was based on a survey of 34 students who were taking academic English language courses in a UK university (the University of Hertfordshire) and also suggested that three to five seconds is the most suitable wait-time for students.  相似文献   

Vanadium oxides condensed films are prepared on glass substrates, using spray pyrolysis (SP) technique. The effects of substrate temperature, vanadium concentra- tion in initial solution and the solution spray rate on the nano-structural, electrical, and optical properties of depos- ited films were investigated. Characterizations of the sam- ples were performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and UV-Vis spec- troscopy methods. The type and concentration of the charge carriers were determined and measured by Hall effect experiment. XRD patterns showed that the prepared films had polycrystalline structure, mostly tetragonal fl-V205 and V409 phases with the preferred orientation along (200) direction. The Hall effect experiment revealed that all samples were n-type, except the ones deposited at substrate temperatures Tsub : 300 ~C and Tsub = 450 ~C, vanadium concentration 0.1 mol/L and solution spray rate 10 mL/min. The charge carrier concentrations obtained were in the range 1016-1018 cm-3. The lowest sheet resistance (R~) was obtained for the samples prepared at T~ub = 450 ~C, vana- dium concentration 0.05 mol/L and solution spray rate 10 mL/min. It was also found that the optical transparency of the samples changed from 20% to 75% and the optical bandgap of the samples was from 2.22 eV to 2.58 eV, depending on the deposition conditions.  相似文献   

This article presents the methodology used by the Finnish Education Evaluation Council in the national evaluation of social and communication skills in vocational education and training. The evaluation concentrates on key competences such as learning-to-learn skills, communication skills, social skills and entrepreneurship (Implementation of Education and Stringfellow, 2005; Recommendation of the European Training 2010, 2004; Winterton, Delemare-Le Deist & Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006 on key competencies for lifelong leaming, 2006). The evaluation focuses particularly on skills required in the labour market. These competences are included in all vocational study programmes as a part of accompanying with other key competences. The authors' approach follows the principles of developmental and participative evaluation, applying the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) model, which has been accepted by the European Commission for the quality management and quality assurance framework for vocational education and training in Europe. Additional methods such as interview and statistical data gathering were used to acquire comprehensive data and ensure extensive participation of each partner involved has key competences. The evaluation material was collected from vocational education and training providers by sector (n=8) and by qualification (n=53). Every sector and type of examination was included in the evaluation. The evaluation was based on a sample (n=130). The evaluation data were collected from multiple sources by using multiple methods. The material included written self-evaluation reports by vocational education and training providers (n=130 which equals 95% of VET providers), quantitative information, interviews organized by the National Board of Education and an evaluation seminar for providers as focus groups. Educational administrators, teachers, students, employers and workplace instructors participated in the self-evaluation of the vocational education and training establishments (multi-professional evaluation).  相似文献   

《权力·合作·平衡:防御性现实主义理论研究》评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟维瞻撰写的《权力·合作·平衡:防御性现实主义理论研究》一书,已由世界知识出版社出版。该书是国内第一部研究防御性现实主义理论的专著,书中将防御性现实主义看做是现实主义最有可能的发展方向,并对这一理论的核心主张作了系统阐释。  相似文献   

2009年1月至12月间,我校共有110位教师在校外省级以上刊物发表论文和出版著作176篇(部),其中主编、参编著作教材17种,发表论文159篇,另补录2008年登记遗漏题录1篇.现刊出教师在校外发表论文及正式出版著作的题录.  相似文献   

Questionnaire data from the PIRLS 2006 study in Italy provided a number of indices in order to summarize factors of educational context influencing reading achievement. The aim of the present paper is to study the relationships between school factors, teacher factors, family factors, student factors and reading achievement by means of multilevel regression analysis. Results show that pupils' attainment in reading is significantly related to: (1) home educational resources (home/student level effect); (2) parents' attitudes toward reading (home/student level effect); (3) students' attitudes toward reading; (4) students' reading self-concept; and (5) teacher career satisfaction (school/teacher level).  相似文献   

道安论坛是我国宗教界、学术界与政府通力合作,在国内召开的第一次以道安法师为专题的学术研讨会。这次研讨会经过一年的筹备工作,中间有过几次反复,时间也经几次调整,但是最终如期召开,圆满完成了任务。本次论坛得到了国内外学者的大力支持,参会学者达到近百人,著名的老专家如楼宇烈、杨曾文、孙昌武、温玉成先生都出席了会议,年富力强的麻天祥、王亚荣、董群、邓子美、朱明忠、张总等先生,以及一批中  相似文献   

中华民族拥有悠久灿烂的文化,一代又一代地滋润着中华儿女自强不息的进取精神和拼搏创新的生命活力。在中华民族文化的形成和发展过程中,既包容吸收了中国境内各民族丰富多彩的文化,也吸收了来自外国各民族的优秀文化。回顾历史,在构成中华民族文化的基础和主体的传统文化之中,儒、释、道三家通过相互比较、吸收和融通,曾不断地充实和丰富了民族文化的内涵,推动民族文化与时俱进,向前发展。  相似文献   

The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) initiated the Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES)--A longitudinal large-scale international comparative survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in schools. The goal is to understand how ICTs effect teaching and learning in schools. SITES 2006 was the third module in this program to determine how teachers use ICTs, and to find out how school and education system factors influence teachers' pedagogical orientation. SITES 2006 administered three questionnaires: one for school principals, one for technology coordinators, and one for mathematics and science teachers, around 400 schools in each of 23 education systems. The main study took place during 2005-2007. This paper describes the South African educational context, provides an overview of the South African participation, speculates on South Africa's future participation, and provides a comparative glimpse of the use of ICTs in South African mathematics and science classrooms.  相似文献   

从1978年高校恢复大学语文教学到2007年全国几百所高校将大学语文列为必修课程,大学语文教学已行进三十余年。这期间,大学语文教材可谓层出不穷、种类繁多。如何独辟蹊径,使其体现前瞻的编写立意,具有开阔的学术视域,则需进行更深湛的学术考量和对大学语文教学更到位的把握。由内蒙古自治区高等学校汉语言文学类教材编委会组织、李树新教授主编的《大学语文》(内蒙古大学出版社,2009年版)立足民族地区,  相似文献   

任永东 《教师》2014,(17):46-46
Abstract:Comments on students’assignments are important for English course.The loopholes in teachers’working schemes-comments of their students’written assignments are the clues around which the paper spreads.In the process of teaching,some English teachers pay so much attention to the contents taught in class but ignore the comments on students’written assignments.Consequently,it is not applicable for students to correct their mistakes in time and they probably make the same mistakes repeatedly.  相似文献   

如何将计算机引入石油工程课程设计教学环节之中,是一个重要而且亟待解决的问题。本文建立了"任务驱动、合作学习、目标分解、阶段考核"为特色的钻井工程课程设计体系,以典型设计案例为参照,将信息管理系统技术和工程计算技术相结合,研制开发了一个面向对象的钻井工程课程设计辅助教学系统。实践表明,该系统的应用可以减轻教师的辅导工作量,提高学生自主学习的积极性,增强开展钻井工程课程设计的主动性,可以方便学生收集资料、整理数据,同时减少手工计算的工作量,有助于提高学生的学习效率,培养学生的设计能力。  相似文献   

余丽娟 《教师》2010,(12):112-113
In this thesis, we will discuss the translation of the fuzzy language in A Dream of Red Mansions from Chinese into English according to Yang Xian-Yi's translation. The paper focuses on discussing the translation different kinds of fuzzy numerals, which can be rendered into round numerals, and the other two are numerals in juxtaposition and numerals in idioms.  相似文献   

Y^3+-doped (Bi 1/2 Na 1/2) TiO 3-CaTiO 3-BaTiO 3 (BNCBT) positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) ceramics sintered in air atmosphere were investigated in this study. (Bi 1/2 Na 1/2) TiO 3 (BNT) component can remarkably increase the onset temperature T c of PTCR ceramics with the expense of the resistivity R 25 increase. CaTiO 3 (9–27 mol%) component can decrease the resistivity, and adjust the effects of BNT phase on the T c point. For the sample containing 3 mol% CaTiO 3 , T c raises from 122 ℃ to 153 ℃ when only 0.6 mol% BNT added, while for the ones with higher CaTiO 3 content (9–27 mol%), T c is only increased by a rate of 8–9℃/1.0 mol% BNT. The effects of BNT and CaTiO 3 components on R25/Rmin (negative temperature coefficient effect) are also discussed.  相似文献   

The troubled state of affairs in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan portends serious repercussions and grave consequences, destined to affect education particularly higher education in the entire tribal belt. Ironically, no extensive study has been conducted, to investigate those dimensions of FATA higher education which have been adversely affected in the aftermath of 9/11. This exploratory study examines those areas which have been badly affected as a result of current turmoil. In fact, the higher education in FATA has its own peculiar dynamics. Inherently, the entire tribal region has very few well-maintained and properly equipped colleges. Lack of adequate educational facilities, multiplied poor security environment has aggravated the entire situation. Law and order situation in the region has undermined the already dilapidated monitoring mechanism of education department. This state of affairs provides breeding ground for extremist propensities and radical tendencies. In reality, very little attention has been devoted to reform the education system in tribal areas. The whole set up needs to be rehabilitated by taking recourse due to the proactive role of international community. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy makers besides offering new avenues for further research.  相似文献   

“地质学基础”课程改革与地质能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地质学特点,结合时代发展,本文从教学内容、教学方式及考核方式等方面对"地质学基础"课程建设进行了探讨,提出了整合教学内容、多种教学方式相结合、改革实践教学体系及提倡多样化考核等意见。从专业技能、创新思维能力、观察能力、想象能力及地质分析能力等方面进行了分析,对学生地质能力的培养和运用提出了建议,以此引导学生运用唯物辩证法观点分析地质现象及地质事件,进一步提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

本文总结了多年病理生理学的教学经验,从学生学习的角度阐述学好病理生理学的基本思路与方法,希望能为各类相关人员学习病理生理学提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty sacrificed himself to Tongtai Temple for four times. The event is very fa-mous in Chinese Buddhism history, but the evaluation for it is quite different. Emperor Wu was enlightened by the worshiping Buddha behavior of Indian Ashoka. Emperor Wu's action was a simulation of Ashoka deeds, judging from the similarity between the two charity events and his admiration of Ashoka. Emperor Wu's worship for Asoka opened up a new perspective for us to study the history of Chinese Buddhism.  相似文献   

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