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自动变速中单向离合器的检修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单向离合器具有结构简单、反应快捷、使用可靠等特点,在现代自动变速器中广泛使用单向离合器进行换挡控制,本文就自动变速器中使用的单向离合器的结构、类型、工作原理和检修等进行论述。  相似文献   

自动变速器是车辆传动系统的主要部件,换档质量是反应其性能的重要指标.将自动变速器中的行星传动机构简化为等效杠杆,利用等效杠杆的受力平衡图和转速关系图可以直观判断单向离合器的接合或分离、换挡执行元件的工作状态以及动力传递路线.采用模拟杠杆法对AG4的行星齿轮变速器动力学进行分析,建立了该变速器通用的动力学运动方程,并就1-2档和2-3的升降档过程进行了分析.  相似文献   

一般车型自动变速器油压试验主要包括:主油路油压测试、调速器油压测试、油压电磁阀工作测试、各挡离合器油压测试、蓄压器背压测试、变矩器工作油压测试、节气门油压测试,掌握其测试方法,可以保证自动变速器的修理质量。  相似文献   

自动变速器的控制技术影响到变速器使用性能,本文介绍现代控制理论在自动变速器控制中的应用,如换档点控制,变矩器闭锁离合器控制、换档质量控制、适应性控制、模糊控制、容错控制等。现代控制技术的应用既提高汽车的行驶性能又改善换档品质,使自动变速器对于不同的驾驶条件和运行工况均具有较理想的运行性能和较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

自动变速器的行星轮系机构变得越来越复杂,通过对行星轮系的基本原理分析,以及对自动变速器传动比的计算分析,旨在提高对自动变速器的行星轮系机构的认识。  相似文献   

一汽大众汽车有限公司生产的宝来(Bora)轿车,采用德国大众01M型自动变速器,它具有4个液压控制前进挡,ECU根据负荷、速度等信号控制变矩器的锁止离合器,实现4个挡位的刚性传动.本文主要介绍了该变速器的组成、结构、工作原理和故障诊断程序.  相似文献   

以纯电动客车为研究对象,为其配备一台自动机械式变速器(AMT)以达到提高其续驶里程的目的。通过调整变速器机械机构及控制模型,提出了一种纯电动客车带自动机械式变速器的传动系统模型;通过整车性能指标确定了变速器的档位数和传动比范围;并以纯电动客车续驶里程为目标优化了传动比,从而确定了变速器的参数;最后通过整车性能校核确认变速器的适配性及优越性。结果表明为纯电动客车匹配的自动机械式变速器在能够满足整车动力性能的前提下对提高纯电动客车续驶里程具有积极意义。  相似文献   

通用GF6是典型的6档手自一体自动变速器,行星齿轮变速传动机构结构复杂,档位分析难度较大,因此以行星齿轮变速传动机构的结构和各换挡执行元件的安装位置为基础,通过分析推理法来分析各档位,并针对分析推理法难以分析三排行星齿轮机构组合实现档位的情况,提出假设分析法,在不必计算出传动比大小的情况下,通过输出轴转速高低的变化,准确判断出自动变速器某档位的换挡执行元件选择是否准确,对研究6档及以上自动变速器的学者提供新的分析方法和思路。  相似文献   

黄仕扎 《广西教育》2012,(15):146-147
自动变速器行星齿轮机构教学,可通过实施一体化教学方法,使复杂的自动变速器行星齿轮变速传动机构的构造简单化,抽象的原理通俗化,从而明显提高教学效果。  相似文献   

自动变速器行星齿轮机构教学,可通过实施一体化教学方法,使复杂的自动变速器行星齿轮变速传动机构的构造简单化,抽象的原理通俗化,从而明显提高教学效果.  相似文献   

大型集贸市场因其人流物流相对集中,故其火灾自动报警控制系统设计则显得尤为重要。以某大型设置中央空调系统的集贸市场为例,对大型集贸市场火灾自动报警控制系统应具备的功能进行了探讨,并对火灾自动报警控制系统的设计分6个方面进行了改进。  相似文献   

将Java成功地移植到嵌入式系统的关键是虚拟机(JVM)技术.Java虚拟机是一种软件,对Java程序而言,它表现为具有单一硬件和操作系统特性的软件“计算机”,它能够使采用Java编程语言编写的程序无需修改就可以运行在大多数操作系统和硬件平台上.JVM具有自动内存回收功能,但是在嵌入式系统中,却不能采用传统的内存回收算法,因为这样的算法不能有效消除Java程序中的内存泄漏,从而会影响嵌入式系统的稳定性.本文分析了产生这种内存泄漏的原因,并提出了一种适应于嵌入式系统的JVM内存回收机制.  相似文献   

本从汽车产品的特殊性出发,通过对汽车服务营销理念的分析,探究汽车营销行为的核心思想和根本出发点,明确指出客户关系管理和客户忠诚度的培养是汽车经销商生存与发展之根本,客户的终身价值是汽车营销商利润之来源。因此,汽车服务营销将构成汽车营销与服务企业市场竞争力的核心。  相似文献   

New York City (NYC) is considered to be one of the world’s most progressive cities and gender and sexuality diversity (GSD)-inclusive education departmental policies appear to reflect these values. However, even within such a context, NYC educators report challenges in their work to meet the needs of trans/gender-diverse students and the visibility of trans/gender diversity more generally within their pre-K – 12 school communities. This paper reports on interview data from 31 school staff members from nine public and independent schools located in the NYC metro region, with a specific focus on their framing of inclusivity and bullying, and reported support of trans/gender-diverse students. Based on educators’ representations of their schools, the nine schooling environments fell into two broad clusters: (1) those framing trans/gender inclusivity as an anti-bullying initiative and working at the minimum policy requirements, and (2) those working beyond bullying discourses and policy frameworks to conceptualise trans/gender inclusivity as integral to the school’s mission and as offering clear whole-community benefit. Findings support the constraints of bullying discourse on even supportive educators’ curricular ‘translation’ of GSD-inclusive policies, reinforcing the need for relevant policy reframing and targeted of professional development opportunities, particularly for school leaders.  相似文献   


Trans* is becoming a buzzword and trans* celebrities have become increasingly visible. On college campuses, trans* students have also become more visible and advocacy for them continues to be extremely important. To support these claims, some literature has emerged regarding trans* college students’ identity development and experiences on campuses, including their perceptions of campus climate. However, higher education scholars and professionals know virtually nothing about the lived experiences of trans* educators working in colleges and universities. Extending on the importance of scholarship regarding trans* college students, trans* educators’ experiences are important because these educators are in positions of influence as mentors, advisors, and role-models to students and colleagues, and perhaps knowing their journey and how they can better be supported will allow their contributions on campuses to become more visible. Additionally, these educators are in positions of power in the university and encourage all people invested in higher education environments to advocate for increased notions of gender and inclusion in their offices, departments, units and the university as a whole. Through the use of portraiture methodology, with semi-structured interviews and a participant-observation as methods the purpose of this study was to help make more visible the lives and experiences of trans* postsecondary educators, while expanding notions of gender in higher education.  相似文献   

汽车零部件的供应物流作为整个汽车物流的源头,其物流运作的好坏不仅影响整个物流系统的成本和质量,而且还会波及生产和销售,最终直接影响着汽车厂商的竞争力。文章通过对基于巡回取货模式的汽车零部件供应物流的研究分析,针对其中的不足和问题,提出了汽车物流的“集成增值模式”等提高汽车零部件供应物流质量的优化措施。  相似文献   


Men and masculinities studies are gaining prominence in higher education literature, illuminating how cisgender college men understand and grapple with masculinity. Additionally, the increased visibility of trans* students has fueled the expanding scholarship and attention to their experiences, often however centering on white gender-conforming trans* students with little if any focus on their multiple and intersecting identities. The gap between these two strands of literature risks reifying hegemonic masculinity and genderism, as masculinities continue to be theorized as exclusively shaped and embodied by cisgender men. Through post-intentional and queer phenomenologies, this study seeks to fill that gap by investigating how trans*masculine students conceptualize masculinity/ies, and how that conception is informed by various intersecting and salient identities. Through a multifaceted conceptual framework and disruptive phenomenologies, the study positions trans*masculine students as agentic worldmakers, constructing trans*masculine pathways, with implications for building toward gender liberation for themselves and others.  相似文献   

This article examines how student teachers construct their teacher identities by using (auto)biographical stories. Teacher identity is seen as a narrative process and teaching as a certain kind of practice, in which hope is a significant part. The inquiry is based on 35 essays written by students. The analysis includes five different stages of reading. The students are aware of the moral roots of teachers' work, its joys and predicaments, and struggle to make sense of the different narratives they hear about teachers' work. Although student teachers consider hope as an important part of teaching, they at the same time 'apologise' for having such an 'unrealistic view'. The results prove that (auto)biographical stories are a powerful tool for making the moral dimensions of teachers' identities visible. The results also challenge teacher educators and administrators of education to support student teachers to keep up their prospects of hope.  相似文献   


Much of the expanding literature positions trans college students as an overly homogenous population, lacking agency and wrought with hardship and tragedy. Drawn from a broader study on transmasculine college students’ conceptualisations of masculinity, this paper draws attention to the multiplicity of transmasculine voices navigating sexuality and romantic relationships. This navigation is embroiled in their negotiations with masculinity, dominance and cissexism, as they chart affirming sexualities and relationships. Participants’ unique and nuanced articulations are suggestive of the gender liberatory possibilities that derive from trans youth’s perspectives.  相似文献   

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