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张欣  李哲 《兰台世界》2010,(2):28-29
针对数字化档案能否具有传统档案相同法律地位的问题,提出解决数字化档案法律地位的举措,以期加快对数字化档案法律地位的认可和立法。  相似文献   

行政诉讼日益成为解决公民、法人等与档案主管部门之间争议的主要途径,构成当事人权益保护的重要制度保障。本文基于2000年以来342份档案行政诉讼裁判文书进行实证研究,讨论我国档案行政诉讼的发展趋势及主要特点,并进一步分析考察档案行政诉讼裁判结果的影响因素。结果表明:法院级别、被告级别、原告有无聘请律师、原告是否提供证据、被告是否含有档案馆与裁判结果存在显著的相关关系。本文基于上述研究结果为完善档案行政诉讼制度和档案管理制度提出对策:未来应当加大对原告的保护力度,完善档案行政复议制度,健全档案行政诉讼证据制度,明确档案行政诉讼受案范围和档案主管部门职责,深化档案主管部门服务职能。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、数字化通讯网络技术和电子商务、电子政务的飞速发展,信息的存储、传递、统计、发布等环节实现无纸化已逐步成为现实。电子信息几乎出现在社会的每个角落,电子文件在我们日常生活中无处不在。但是,这种信息载体的革命性变革也引发了诸多法律问题,有关电子文件的涉案纠纷越来越多,电子文件证据已被应用于刑事、民事和行政诉讼领域。研究电子文件证据价值的特点和规律,解决现实中的各种相关问题,已经成为档案界、法律界和计算机技术界普遍关注的焦点和当务之急。  相似文献   

在档案行政执法过程中,不可避免地会遇到档案行政相对人不服档案行政处罚而上诉人民法院而引起档案行政诉讼。但如何认识档案行政诉讼,怎样面对档案行政诉讼.这是各地地方档案行政管理部门需要思考和注意的问题。  相似文献   

档案法律规范抵触指的是在档案法规体系范围内,下位法与上位法的基本原则或具体条文在内容上的不一致.在立法环节,档案法律规范抵触是不允许存在的.在我国现行有效的档案法律法规中,还存在档案法律规范抵触现象,原因主要有三个方面:权利争夺或利益保护、档案立法技术不成熟、档案执法薄弱.解决这个问题,应当从档案立法、档案执法及权利配置等方面着手加以规范.  相似文献   

档案信息资源共享中的法律问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案工作的核心在于利用,档案工作的目的是使公众都可以利用档案,实现档案信息资源共享。这是新时期档案信息系统的一个重要工作目标。档案信息资源共享涉及到许多的法律问题,解决好这些法律问题,才能有效实现档案信息共享,避免违法侵权行为的发生。  相似文献   

章从档案行政诉讼的举证责任、法律适用、证据收集等四个方面对行政诉讼中应注意的问题进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国档案法》的制定及其施行是我国法制建设的重要组成部分和自我完善,它是正确调整国家、集体和公民及其之间在档案和档案事务关系方面的法律准则和行为规范。正确认识和调节档案法与档案工作、档案法律意识与档案工作、档案工作与其他法规的关系,并通过反复学习、宣传、贯彻档案法律,使人们懂得国家需要档案工作和档案法律,人民需要档案工作和档案法律,各行各业需要档案工作和档案法律.进而将学法、守法、执法成为人们的自觉行动,  相似文献   

档案的基本属性在于它的法律凭证作用,作为档案永久保存以备今后查考的电子文件,同样具有法律凭证作用。但是,由于电子文件的特殊性,其法律凭证问题至今仍然没有得到根本解决。  相似文献   

上海市电信有限公司档案馆保存有非常完整的档案,而这些完整齐全的档案为解决公司涉及的相关法律纠纷提供了强有力的证据,有效地维护了电信公司的法律权益,避免了经济损失。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Legal notes     

At some time in the future it may be that broadcasting will become a profession with an agreed upon preparatory course of study. At the present time, not only is there a lack of uniformity in course offerings and content, but there is no substantial agreement as to whether broadcasting is or even should be a profession. (In this connection, the recent proposals by William Chambliss in the September 18 issue of Broadcasting looking toward professional standards, education and licencing for advertising practitioners become particularly intriguing.)

Most encouraging however is the interest shown by teachers of broadcasting whenever they assemble for discussion of their common problems. In the following report, Professor Sherman P. Lawton, author of The Modern Broadcaster and coordinator of Broadcasting Instruction at the University of Oklahoma describes the questions raised (but not settled) at two recent meetings: a colloquium on the beginning course in broadcasting held as part of the “Annual Radio‐TV Conference and Clinic” in March 1961 at the University of Oklahoma, and a APBE‐sponsored session at the April meeting of the Institute for Education by Radio‐Television in Columbus.  相似文献   

Legal notes     
SYMBOLOGY: THE USE OF SYMBOLS IN VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS (A Report on the Fourth Communications Conference of the Art Directors Club of New York). Edited by Elwood Whitney. New York: Hastings House (Communications Arts Books), 1960. 186 pp. $6.95.

DESIGN IN MOTION. By John Halas and Roger Manvell. New York: Hastings House (Visual Communication Books), 1963. 160 pp. $13.50.

THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE UNITED STATES. By Fritz Machlup. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1962. xx + 416 pp. $7.50.  相似文献   

文章简要阐述中国图书馆法制史;对中国图书馆立法问题给出了基本评价;论述了当代中国图书馆立法的必要性;提出图书馆法权概念,并论证了其与图书馆核心价值历史的、现实的关系。文章强调,中国当代图书馆法权来自宪法,法权内容却明显缺失,只有通过图书馆立法,才能对图书馆法权予以明确、具体、系统的说明和规定,并客观彰显图书馆核心价值。  相似文献   

很多国家都制定了本国的图书馆法,但国内外图书馆法所体现的法理精神存在一定的差别,通过分析,从法理学角度指出了我国图书馆法需解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Legal Death:     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Questions about the importance and viability of legal research and writing as a part of the law school curriculum are not novel. Confronting these questions head-on, however, is a responsibility that should be handled by law librarians. This article addresses the issue of teaching legal research in an academic law library setting. The reasons why the author has pursued an aggressive approach when dealing with legal research instruction are explored. The methods employed to carry out that legal research instruction mandate are examined. creased as legal research and writing are more and more frequently combined and taught by writing faculty.1 At the same time, the research skills of law students are on a downward spiral. Howland and Lewis document this plunge in an informative survey.2 Law librarian Donald Dunn substantiates this decline and attributes it, in part, to “the increased emphasis in law schools on legal writing,”3 in consequence of which, while “legal writing entered the expressway; legal research took the off-ramp.”4 Further, law librarians and legal research have even been pummeled by one of America's most popular authors.5 In this environment, it may seem unwise to continue to advance the argument that academic law librarians should teach legal research. Notwithstanding the obstacles that face such instruction, law librarians have an obligation to press forward in this important work.6 Legal writing instructors have not demonstrated that they have the expertise to provide this instruc-tion.7 Likewise, law faculty have demonstrated that they do not have the interest in tackling the task.8 Say two authorities on the subject: “Regular faculty members generally do not teach a research course, and when they do decide to teach one, the results are invariably disastrous. Most law faculty members cannot teach legal research because they do not understand it themselves. If compelled to teach the course, they rebel.”9 Perhaps it is time for law schools to cede the stewardship for legal research instruction to those information professionals who have been trained and are qualified to teach legal research instruction -law librarians.10 And it is time for any reticent law librarians to accept the obligation to take a more proactive approach toward teaching legal research.11  相似文献   

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