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国外高等旅游教育制度变迁轨迹经历了萌芽期、形成期、发展期到完善期,而我国高等旅游教育制度仍处于发展期.我国高等旅游教育制度变迁机理,是在诱致性制度变迁与强制性制度变迁的共同作用下发展演进的,并呈现出高学历教育制度需求增加和院校培养制度供给合理化的趋势.  相似文献   

论高等旅游教育人才培养过程的“非同质化”控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等旅游教育人才培养过程的"非同质化"控制是"非同质化"人才培养模式在高等旅游教育领域得以体现的关键所在,是"非同质化"的高等旅游教育人才培养理念的具体运用.立足于"非同质化"的高等旅游教育人才培养目标,通过探讨高等旅游教育中课程设置、教学过程及专业实践等三个环节优化和改进的途径,以期对我国高等旅游教育人才培养过程的健康发展起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

当前,我国旅游行业存在一个很大的矛盾:一方面,旅游产业飞速发展需要大量高素质的旅游管理人才,另一方面旅游管理专业毕业生就业难问题突出。其原因在于我国高等旅游教育在办学定位、培养思路、教学模式等方面不能适应我国旅游经济发展和旅游市场需要。我们必须对高等旅游教育目标定位、培养模式等进行改革创新,以培养适应我国旅游事业发展的高素质旅游人才。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国高等职业教育考试招生政策主要经历了以高考统招为主导的依附发展期、以高校自主招生为基点的多元探索期及以分类考试为核心的深度改革期。基于历史制度主义视角分析发现,高等职业教育考试招生政策在历史背景与社会环境影响下呈现渐进式变迁特征,在政策构建成本与协同效应作用下表现出明显的路径依赖。此外,社会经济建设与产业转型升级是促使政策变迁的外部推手,高职教育内涵发展与个人价值诉求是推动政策演进的内在动力。未来,我国高等职业教育考试招生政策应优化制度体系,加强政策导向;加强产教融合,完善评价体系;消弭社会偏见,破除“身份”门槛。  相似文献   

我国高等旅游教育课程改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程改革是提高我国高等旅游教育水平的重要途径。对我国高等旅游教育课程设置的现状进行研究,分析其改革的必要性,并提出一系列的改革思路。  相似文献   

高等旅游教育发展20余年来,为我国旅游业的发展注入了持续的动力,研究旅游行业人才需求的特征。对于优化旅游教育结构、明晰高等旅游教育培养目标、调整教学计划和课程设置具有明显的指导意义。  相似文献   

纵观教育概念的演变和发展历程,教育概念的内涵不断丰富,大体经过了萌芽期、发展期和成熟期。在概念变迁的过程中呈现出了所处时代的要求,并促进了教育理论的日趋成熟,更好地认识现代教育为我国教育事业做出的贡献。  相似文献   

贾鸽 《高教论坛》2021,(7):77-79
近代学制的嬗变经历了三个阶段:癸卯学制、壬子癸丑学制和壬戌学制,学制的变迁促进了高等工程教育制度的建立、不断发展并且趋于完备。考查近代京津冀地区的高等工程教育,从历史中寻找经济的发展和教育的联动关系,以期为当前京津冀地区高等工程教育发展提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

教育督导是国家教育基本制度之一,我国现行教育督导制度是在改革开放后逐渐恢复与发展起来的。从不同维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁路径是不同的。从议程设置维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有自上而下与自下而上两种路径。从价值取向维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有激进性与渐进性两种路径。从举措动因维度来分析,教育督导制度变迁有强制性与诱致性两种路径。改革开放四十多年来,我国教育督导制度变迁在三重维度路径均有发生,每一重维度上的路径变迁皆具有双重性特征,相互补充。影响教育督导制度变迁路径形成的原因多种多样,各种不同原因之间交互作用与交互影响。为消解教育督导制度变迁中存在的阻力,一方面需要进一步提升我国教育督导的行政地位,另一方面需要不断地提升教育督导组织自身持续地自我学习能力。未来我国教育督导制度变迁仍然会在三个维度上发生,每一维度上的变迁皆有相应的适应性要求。  相似文献   

通过分析我国从1991年至2012年间20年来文化旅游开发方面的论文,认为我国文化旅游开发方面的研究分为四个阶段:起步期、初步发展期、快速发展期和繁荣期;并从文化旅游基本理论、文化旅游供给、文化旅游需求三方面对文化旅游开发进行综述,分析了我国文化旅游开发未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

1999年扩招是我国高等教育发展的一大转折点,扩招以来高等教育政策经历了外延式发展、提升质量、内涵式发展三个阶段。运用历史制度主义的框架分析发现,二十年来我国高等教育政策变迁中的利益主体主要有政府、高校和家庭三者,并存在特定的演进逻辑和路径依赖。普及化时代高等教育政策应当注重鼓励高职分流成人教育生源;打破路径依赖推进混合制高校健康发展;配合一流学科建设涵养高等教育特色生态。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村高等教育与城市高等教育发展相比明显落后,突出表现为高等教育入学机会城乡失衡以及重点高校城乡学生比例失衡。造成这种状况的原因是多方面的,如体制原因、观念原因、政府重视程度等。要改变高等教育入学机会城乡失衡的现状,应拓宽农村高等教育筹资渠道、合理配置教育资源、进一步加强农村高等教育教师队伍建设以及开辟新的教学模式。  相似文献   

The article sketches the centrality of 'access' to Government thinking but questions the compatibility of this ideological commitment with the current funding regime. Whilst focussing upon the success of 'access courses' in promoting alternative, high quality routes to higher education it indicates the depth of cultural and institutional change required if access and mass higher education are to become realities. By clearly distinguishing between expansion and opening access, the article makes some pragmatic suggestions as to how the latter can be achieved.  相似文献   

文章运用制度变迁理论,论述当代高校管理上一个具有主要意义的论题,--制度变迁是高校发展与管理效率提升的源泉。首先从制度变迁是经济发展与经济效率增长的源泉切入,进而推论出制度变迁是高校发展与管理效率提升的源泉,其次解析制度变迁推进高校发展与管理效率提升的三大机制,再次从分析制度对高校发展与管理效率的二重性作用入手,阐述高校制度变迁的必然性,最后在剖析当前我国高校发展与管理效率的五个方面制度性障碍的基础上,提出了颇具针对性、实用性与创造性的六项制度变迁措施。  相似文献   

A significant global trend during the 1990s is the restructuring of higher education systems. The essence of this restructuring process is a redefinition of the relationship between institutions of higher learning, the state, and the market, and a drastic reduction of institutional autonomy. This article is an analysis of the restructuring process in the forms of privatisation of higher education and corporatisation of public universities in Malaysia. This analysis highlights the context of higher education reforms in the era of globalization, major trends in higher education reforms and Malaysias responses to these global trends. By focusing on the institutional level, this article examines the expansion and diversification of private higher education as well as the change in the governance and culture of public universities brought about by privatisation and corporatisation.  相似文献   

The expansion and diversification of higher education are twin phenomena that have been associated with the development of higher education in many countries around the world. This study attempts to use enrolment expansion as a lens to examine the effects of governmental intervention and market forces on diversification of the Chinese system, which has gone through the most profound changes of institutional patterns and the largest expansion ever seen in the world higher education community. Forming an analytical framework from the population ecology perspective, the resource dependency perspective and the institutional isomorphism perspective, this study investigates programmatic as well as institutional diversification of a population of 594 Chinese universities at the end of 2001. A result of these changes is the impulse towards more comprehensive patterns of knowledge, with the universities seeking to broaden their curricular coverage. Paralleling this pattern of programmatic convergence, Chinese universities are being structured in a hierarchical way according to functions and goals.  相似文献   

Key voices influencing higher education are increasingly aware of engagement in effecting change. Public research universities have missions compatible with engagement, but efforts to institutionalize it may conflict with their underlying values. Using boundary expansion as the analytical framework, this study compared the institutionalization of engagement at two types of public research universities. Land-grant universities implement engagement primarily through outreach and extension in specialized units. At urban or metropolitan universities, engagement is more often a university-wide agenda, impacting teaching, research, and partnerships. The difference between the two approaches can be explained by examining institutional capacity for boundary reshaping and expansion. Lorilee R. Sandmann  is Associate Professor in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy at the University of Georgia. Her research focuses on major institutional change processes to promote higher education community engagement and on criteria to define and evaluate faculty engaged scholarship. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. David J. Weerts  is Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. His teaching, research and scholarly interests include state financing of higher education, university-community engagement, and alumni philanthropy and volunteerism. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  相似文献   

地方高校发展与高等教育政策调整   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来,我国地方高校在规模迅猛扩张的同时,普遍陷入了多重发展困境之中。从制度变迁的类型和路径依赖两个角度来看,这种困境产生的制度根源有两个:一是以中央政府为主体的激进式强制性制度变迁的局限性,二是对传统高等教育管理模式的路径依赖。今后高等教育政策调整必须遵循两个基本的指导思想:一是弥补激进式强制性制度变迁的局限,二是摆脱对传统高等教育管理方式的路径依赖。  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of academic staff in the management and administration of Australian higher education institutions, particularly universities.

An early focus is on the maelstrom of change from 1960 until the mid 1970s when change was generally equated with expansion and growth often without integrative forward planning. Three positive outcomes of this period of change are identified: an expansion of the passive concept of administration to include management and entrepreneurship as legitimate activities in the operation of universities and colleges; a greater involvement by academics in institutional management because, among other reasons, of the availability of enlarged data bases and heightened competition for diminishing resources; and the increasingly definitive forms of professionalisation among career administrators.

The deficient preparation of academics for management roles in Australian universities and colleges is contrasted with evidence of increased participation by administrators in management development activities including graduate programmes. Trigger films which are designed to provoke opportunities for learning in a peer group situation are presented as a particularly powerful remedy for this deficiency.

An evaluation of the TERC trigger film, “Decisions in Academic Departments”, by a small group of professional administrators from eight countries is then analysed. Such trigger films provide a stimulating and easily used resource for the improvement of management and administration in higher education.  相似文献   


Higher education research is closely linked to the debates on higher education policy and practice. It provides the information basis for decisions about the future of higher education. As the themes of the public debate on problems and reform needs in higher education change quickly, higher education research has to anticipate future problems and themes of debates in order to develop concepts and to generate knowledge well in advance. Future‐conscious higher education research might aim to identify likely future changes in thematic areas which are already in the limelight of public attention, as trends in the areas of expansion of higher education, diversification of structures of the higher education system, system steering and institutional management as well as internationalisation and globalisation suggest. Moreover, future‐conscious higher education research should try to identify thematic areas not frequently discussed at present but likely to be major issues in the future. For example, professionalisation of higher education in terms of the emergence and expansion of new administrative and service professions in higher education institutions might have far‐reaching implications in the future and is worth to be paid attention by higher education researchers.  相似文献   

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