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目的:观察螺旋CT及成人标本,分析颈椎横断面、正中矢状面图像及成人标本,测量双侧椎动脉间距、双侧颈椎横突孔高度,上、下颈椎横突孔间距,椎间盘厚度、相应椎体高度,双侧钩椎关节与相应椎动脉的距离,颈椎椎体的前后高度,为临床颈椎手术提供解剖依据。方法:选择2010-12/2012-03黄冈市中心人民医院CT室患者60例,男30例,平均年龄(42.5±14.2)岁,女30例,平均年龄(35.5±13.3)岁。排除颈椎病理改变。60例患者行颈椎CT扫描,矢状面和冠状面重建。以黄冈职院医药卫生学院解剖教研室提供的成人体标本10具(男5,女5)共20侧,用游标卡尺和角度测量仪,观察和测量相关数据,进行颈椎的相关解剖学研究。  相似文献   

目的:研究视交叉的解剖特点,进而为垂体肿瘤切除手术提供解剖学依据.方法:在20例成年男性头部标本上,对视交叉进行观察与测量.结果:视交叉前缘与鞍结节相距4.42±1.17mm,视交叉前缘与交叉前沟相距7.0±1.1mm,视交叉与镰状韧带颅前窝附着处后缘相距10.7±1.02mm,视交叉宽度为10.6±1.2mm,在出视神经管、入颅处,两侧视神经内缘相距14.8±1.9mm.结论:视交叉的解剖关系是垂体瘤手术成功与否的关键.  相似文献   

目的:提供斜坡区入路相关的解剖学数据,以期提高岩斜区脑膜瘤的切除程度与术后疗效.方法:通过解剖80例成人颅骨标本,以斜坡为核心测量了相关结构的解剖关系.结果:斜坡区与脑桥、延髓腹侧及第V~Ⅻ对脑神经关系密切,两侧毗邻破裂孔、颈内动脉、内耳门及颈静脉孔.测量了颞骨岩锥长度、内耳门前缘至鞍结节外缘距离、枕骨大孔的径线等数据.结论:了解斜坡区各结构的形态及相互间的位置关系,对于提高该区域手术的安全度和成功率具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的:利用影像学资料测量寰枢椎椎弓根的各种数据,为临床应用提供客观依据,提高寰枢椎椎弓根内固定手术置钉的1次成功率。方法:2001.10~2007.9月,对200份寰枢椎CR、DRX线片、MRI及64排CT片,通过图像储存传输系统(简称Pacs)分析,测量寰枢椎椎弓根安全进钉点及安全进钉角度。利用自制的寰枢椎定位导向器,依据所测的安全进钉点及安全进钉角度对48例患者应用192枚寰枢椎椎弓根行经椎弓根内固定手术。结果:通过对这200份影像学资料分析测量后认为寰椎椎弓根安全进钉点:左侧(19.93±1.32)mm,右侧(19.16±1.30)mm;寰椎椎弓根向内侧安全进钉角度:左侧(23.72±2.09)°,右侧(23.35±1.91)°;寰椎向头侧安全进钉角度(9.00±1.20)°。枢椎椎弓根安全进钉点:左侧(13.14±0.82)mm,右侧(13.85±0.79)mm;枢椎椎弓根向内侧安全进钉角度:左(24.52±1.26)°,右侧(20.42±1.42)°;枢椎向头侧安全进钉角度(25.00±3.00)°。48例病人平均随访10.6个月,按JOA评分标准,优31例,良14例,可2例,差1例,优良率93.75%。结论:利用对CR、DRX线片、MRI及64排CT片等影像学资料,测量寰枢椎椎弓根各种数据,设计简便、程序简化、个性化强,对寰枢椎椎弓根内固定手术的实际操作有良好的指导意义。  相似文献   

乌贼生殖系统标本的制作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把乌贼的腹面朝上放在解剖板上,用镊子轻轻提起外套膜,沿鳍剪下乌贼外套膜的腹壁肌肉。然后,放入盛有5%甲醛和2%甘油的混合液的容器中(加甘油的目的是使标本不致于太脆),注意容器必须有足够大的底面积,以便使乌贼保持自然状态平放其中。约固定半个月后,则可以取出解剖,具体操作如下:  相似文献   

目的为甲状腺手术中避免损伤喉返神经提供解剖学资料。方法结合医学生实践教学训练,对46具(男41具、女5具,共92侧1经福尔马林固定后的成人尸体标本喉返神经及其毗邻关系进行解剖、观测。结果颈部左、右侧喉返神经分别为95.65%、78.26%,始终走行在气管食管沟内;喉返神经的喉外支以1~2支型为多见,占80.43%;喉返神经和甲状腺下动脉之间的关系分为5种类型,左右侧有明显差异;喉返神经的喉外支分支点在甲状软骨下角尖端约14.5~70.0mm范围内。喉支分支点与甲状腺下角尖端的距离为16.5±7.5mm。结论在甲状腺手术中应注意喉返神经的变异及其毗邻关系.以防止喉返神经的损伤。  相似文献   

目的:研究脊椎骨性管道为治疗椎管狭窄症提供解剖学基础。方法:用不同尸材19具,解剖出第四腰椎,观察测量其矢状径的大小。结果:19块椎骨管径在14.5mm-17.9mm之间,平均为(17.0±0.41)mm。结论:国人矢状径平均17.0mm,15mm为临界值,12mm以下为狭窄。  相似文献   

目的 :研究眶内侧壁血管神经孔的变化情况及位置关系 ,补充人体调查资料 ,并为眶内侧壁血管结扎术及筛窦切除术提供解剖学参数。方法 :总结眶内侧壁血管神经孔的变化情况 ;采用游标卡尺分别测量左右两侧各孔间的相对距离并进行比较。结果 :穿经眶内侧壁的血管神经孔 ,二孔者所占比例为左 5 4 .12 % ,右 5 6.4 9% ,三孔者所占比例为左 4 2 .35 % ,右 4 1.18%四孔者所占比例为左 3.5 3% ,右 2 .33% ,未发现有单孔者。各孔间距离分别为Dacryon点—筛前孔 :左 17.73± 1.5 5mm ,右 17.5 2± 1.85mm ;筛前孔—筛后孔 :左 14.37± 1.4 6mm ,右 14.4 0± 1.76mm ;筛前孔—副筛动脉孔 :左 9.84± 2 .0 2mm ,右 9.76± 1.5 5mm。结论 :眶内侧壁血管神经孔的出现率以二孔最多 ,三孔次之 ,左右两侧对比 ,各孔出现率及两孔间距离统计学无显著差异。Dacryon点至筛前孔 ,筛前孔至筛后孔 ,筛前孔至副筛动脉孔的距离为手术止血提供参考依据。  相似文献   

前交叉韧带重建术中骨隧道定位的应用解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为关节镜下自体髌腱中1/3重建前交叉韧带术中的骨隧道定位提供解剖学依据。方法:在18例膝关节标本上,标出前交叉韧带的附着点、重建点的位置,测量重建点的距离。结果:胫骨隧道重建点位于胫骨髁间棘前内侧缘前交叉韧带后方7mm处,股骨隧道重建点位于髁间窝外侧壁从前到后7mm,右膝为11点,左膝为1点处。关节内前交叉韧带移植重建长度为22.5±0.9mm。结论:前交叉韧带重建术中选择合适的重建点,获取标准的股骨、胫骨隧道对术后关节功能的恢复和稳定具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

成人下腰椎椎管侧隐窝MRI测量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:本研究试图通过测量本地区无症状正常成人腰椎椎管侧隐窝宽度,确定其测量标准值。方法:对无腰腿痛等症且完全排除椎管狭窄者200例行下腰段L3/4、L4/5及L5/S1水平MRI扫描,并进行双侧侧隐窝的测量与观察。结果:腰椎管侧隐窝宽度测量值在不同年龄组和不同性别之间统计学上无显著性差异(P〉0.05),在同一椎间盘水平左右两侧比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05),在不同椎间盘水平左右两侧比较无显著性差异(P〈0.001)。结论:本研究总结了正常国人成人下腰段L3至L5椎间盘水平双侧侧隐窝的MRI测量指标。其定量测量标准尚须谨慎应用,以便为临床提供更加准确、丰富的影像信息,进一步提高腰椎管狭窄症的诊断准确性。  相似文献   

应用成人尸体140具,对硬膜囊末端以下部位的骶管及有关结构进行了观察和测量。发现骶尾后线韧带与骶管前壁相贴者24例,占17%。硬膜囊以下部位的骶管长,男性为6.61cm,女性为5.37cm(P<0.001),男女之间有高度显著性差异。并测量了硬膜囊末端平面的骶管口径、骶管下段延长线在骶管裂孔中点处与皮肤的夹角等有关数据,为临床骶管穿刺提供依据。  相似文献   

To investigate the Fe2 effects on root tips in rice plant, experiments were carded out using border cells in vitro. The border cells were pre-planted in aeroponic culture and detached from root tips. Most border cells have a long elliptical shape. The number and the viability of border cells in situ reached the maxima of 1600 and 97.5%, respectively, at 20~25 mm root length. This mortality was more pronounced at the first 1~12 h exposure to 250 mg/L Fe2 than at the last 12~36 h. After 36 h, the cell viability exposed to 250 mg/L Fe2 decreased to nought, whereas it was 46.5% at 0 mg/L Fe2 . Increased Fe2 dosage stimulated the death of detached border cells from rice cultivars. After 4 h Fe2 treatment, the cell viabilities were≥80% at 0 and 50 mg/L Fe2 treatment and were <62% at 150, 250 and 350 mg/L Fe2 treatment; The viability of border cells decreased by 10% when the Fe2 concentration increased by 100 mg/L. After 24 h Fe2 treatment, the viabilities of border cells at all the Fe2 levels were <65%; The viability of border cells decreased by 20% when the Fe2 concentration increased by 100 mg/L. The decreased viabilities of border cells indicated that Fe2 dosage and treatment time would cause deadly effect on the border cells. The increased cell death could protect the root tips from toxic harm. Therefore, it may protect root from the damage caused by harmful iron toxicity.  相似文献   

边境安全作为安全领域的一个重要内容,原本是指一国的边境地区免受外来侵略、干涉和控制的军事安全状态。随着全球化的发展,其内涵已发生很大变化,即除军事安全外,还指生活在一国边境地区的居民的生活条件和经济发展水平等都能得以显著改善和提高的居民安全状态。“上海五国”及其继承者上海合作组织的形成和发展是边境安全内涵演化的最好例证。  相似文献   



This study aimed to compare the learning curves of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 and L5/S1 levels.


We retrospectively reviewed the first 60 cases at the L4/5 level (Group I) and the first 60 cases at the L5/S1 level (Group II) of PELD performed by one spine surgeon. The patients were divided into subgroups A, B, and C (Group I: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60; Group II: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60). Operation time was thoroughly analyzed.


Compared with the L4/5 level, the learning curve of transforaminal PELD at the L5/S1 level was flatter. The mean operation times of Groups IA, IB, and IC were (88.75±17.02), (67.75±6.16), and (64.85±7.82) min, respectively. There was a significant difference between Groups A and B (P<0.05), but no significant difference between Groups B and C (P=0.20). The mean operation times of Groups IIA, IIB, and IIC were (117.25±13.62), (109.50±11.20), and (92.15±11.94) min, respectively. There was no significant difference between Groups A and B (P=0.06), but there was a significant difference between Groups B and C (P<0.05). There were 6 cases of postoperative dysesthesia (POD) in Group I and 2 cases in Group IIA (P=0.27). There were 2 cases of residual disc in Group I, and 4 cases in Group II (P=0.67). There were 3 cases of recurrence in Group I, and 2 cases in Group II (P>0.05).


Compared with the L5/S1 level, the learning curve of PELD in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 level was steeper, suggesting that the L4/5 level might be easier to master after short-term professional training.

INTRODUCTION Recently increasing demands from consumerhave been observed for premium quality fruit witbetter taste at a higher price. Three major parameters determine the internal quality and the tastof apples. These are hardness, sugar content antitratable acidity, which are still determined destructively. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) habeen used to nondestructively measure internquality in a wide range of fruits and vegetablesuch as onions (Birth et al., 1985), cantaloupe (…  相似文献   

Measurement of sugar content in Fuji apples by FT-NIR spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the potential of FT-NIR spectroscopy and the influence of the distance between the light source/detection probe and the fruit for measuring the sugar content (SC) of Fuji apples, diffuse reflectance spectra were measured in the spectral range from 12500 to 4000 cm(1 at 0 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm distances. Four calibration models at four distances were established between diffused reflectance spectra and sugar content by partial least squares (PLS) analysis. The correlation coefficients (R) of calibrations ranged from 0.982 to 0.997 with SEC values from 0.138 to 0.453 and the SECV values from 0.74 to 1.58. The best model of original spectra at 0 mm distance yielded high correlation determination of 0.918, a SEC of 0.092, and a SEP of 0.773. The results showed that different light/detection probe-fruit distances influence the apple reflective spectra and SC predictions.  相似文献   

应用135具出生后至7岁的小儿尸体,按身长分为三组。其中,75,5厘米以下为0~12个月,76例;95.1厘米以下为1~3岁,36例;116.2厘米以下为3~7岁,23例。对硬膜囊末端以下部位的骶管进行观察和测量。发现骶管弯度随年龄增加而变大.在骶管裂孔中央处,其长轴与皮肤之间的夹角分别为19.9°±2.53°,24.2°±3.29°、27.4°±3.40°.硬膜囊以下部位骶管长度分别为1.51±0.37厘米、2.10±0.22厘米、3.74±0.45厘米.髂嵴连线并骶角的垂直距离分别为3.83±0.91厘米、5.95±0.64厘米,7.32±0.96厘米.骶角至尾骨类的距离分别为1.85±0.40厘米、2.72±0.37厘米、3.71±0.57厘米.以上各数据在组间均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。硬膜囊末端平面的骶管管径和骶管下口的口径均以矢状较横径狭小.  相似文献   

The authors utilized a Delphi technique to explore roles and competencies as identified and ranked by 106 upper level graduate student-practitioners from eleven academic programs specializing in distance education. Responses were compared to two previous studies utilizing distance education expert/scholar respondents. Although the roles identified were similar to previous studies, the highest rated competencies in the current study emphasized technical expertise to a greater degree than did the previous practitioner/scholar studies. Results included consensus on fourteen distance education roles and twenty-one core competencies.  相似文献   

电测法应用于混凝土结构的表面应变测试   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以不同标距和不同贴片时间的应变片测量预应力混凝土梁表面应变,与标距500 mm的机械表测量结果进行比较。结果表明:应变片的标距越大,测量准确度越高,通常100 mm标距的应变片测量不确定度达9%,当标距增加到300 mm时,测量不确定度下降到5%。建议在应用电测法测量混凝土结构表面应变之前,应进行同工艺条件下的应变进行标定;采用环氧黏结贴剂应变片时,黏贴应对黏贴层厚度进行严格控制,并能保证环氧黏结贴剂的充分固化条件。在无法采用规范做法对黏贴后的应变片进行固化和稳定化处理的条件下,建议尽量在短时间内使用上述条件下的应变片测量方法。该研究特别适合一般条件下,混凝土表面应变测量的研究和教学工作。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):125-146
States are implementing statewide assessment programs that classify students into proficiency levels that reflect state-defined performance standards. In an effort to provide support for score interpretations, this study examined the consistency of classifications based on competing item response theory (IRT) models for data from a state assessment program. Classification of students into proficiency levels was compared based on a 1-parameter vs. a 3-parameter IRT model. Despite an overall high level of agreement between classifications based on the 2 models, systematic differences were observed. Under the 1-parameter model, proficiency was underestimated for low proficiency classifications but overestimated for upper proficiency classifications. This resulted in higher "Below Basic" and "Advanced" classifications under 1-parameter vs. 3-parameter IRT applications. Implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

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