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情感场生态是指以情感为基本特质的场生态。情感场生态课堂关注教师、学生和环境之间的生态关系。具体而言,在教学设计和课堂教学过程中应充分考虑到师生双方的情感需求和状态。情感场生态课堂具有自然、温情与自由生长等特征。  相似文献   

所谓教学生态,就是教师、学生、课堂等要素在教学过程中构建起的一种良性关系。发挥课堂主阵地的作用,引导学生主动参与课堂,与学生进行积极有效的交往互动,有助于激发师生双方的热情,循序进渐地构建课堂良性教学生态,促进师生实现共同进步、共同发展。  相似文献   

本文所指的课堂情境是指教育双方为开展教育活动创设的物质载体和精神互动。物质载体包括授课的时间、地点、环境、手段、方式等,精神互动则主要强调教育双方之间的沟通互动以及受教育者之间的交流学习。大学生社会主义核心价值观教育课堂情境是指以社会主义核心价值观为教育内容,教师从学生角度出发,“以人为本”,积极创设出的师生互动氛围浓厚的课堂环境。  相似文献   

和谐发展创设生本课堂,还课堂生机,还学生自然成长过程,还学生自由发展空间,构建生态课堂已成为目前大学服装英语教学改革的内在需求.情感生态课堂能够营造和谐的情感环境,使师生和生生之间达到自然和谐的情感生态关系,从而有效构建生态课堂.  相似文献   

"生态课堂"就是遵循教育教学规律,创设民主和谐的教学环境,以实现课堂教学效果的最大化、最优化,促进师生可持续发展的一种课堂形式.生态课堂构建应具备四大基本环节:创设情境,营造氛围;互动探索,学习新知;成果展示.动态生成;达标测评.拓展升华.  相似文献   

近来,生态课堂教学备受教育界所关注。本文结合教学经验,通过对创设情境、知识探究、自主体验、师生共建等内容的探讨,思索有效生成生态课堂策略,从而在高中数学课堂上建构起良好的生态课堂。  相似文献   

高琦 《考试周刊》2009,(23):180-181
“生态”原是指自然环境中生物之间、生物与生存环境之间相互作用的动态平衡关系。借用自然环境中的生态概念,把课堂看成是一个生态系统,其要点有三:1.课堂中的生态元素指的就是学生与教师:2.学生与教师都应当遵循自身发展规律获得发展:3.课堂生态元素之间、课堂生态元素与课堂环境之间存在着密切的关系——课堂环境是由师生活动来生成的。反过来,课堂活动环境又反作用于师生的发展,对师生的发展有潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   

通过界定“生态·智慧”课堂的内涵与属性,明确“生态·智慧”课堂是将生态课堂与智慧课堂相融合的课堂教学新形态,是基于育人为本的教育理念创设的智慧型生态课堂,具有思政性、生态性、智慧性和动态平衡性四种属性;提出了课堂教学的优化路径:搭建智慧教学环境(平台)—共建共享教学(学习)资源—打造师生、生生学习共同体—师师、师生、生生有效合作,实现师生共长;以“财务管理”课程为例,探索并实施了基于线上线下智慧化学习环境与资源的“定目标—创情境—明分工—互合作—共成长”课堂教学路径,打造“有灵魂、有活力、有智慧、有秩序、有效果”的“五有”课堂。  相似文献   

教室环境总在潜移默化中影响着师生的生活和生命成长。因为风格不同、师生在布置活动中的角色不同,以及其他细节上的千差万别,教室布置对班级生态创造的影响也呈现出不同的样态。只有师生都以主体身份参与教室布置,让教室布置最大限度地体现教室里每一个人的成长需求和愿景,才能创设积极的班级生态。  相似文献   

在信息技术课教学中,经常会出现学生对信息技术的学习热情慢慢减退,课堂的学习效率不高,教师上得很“累”,学生学得很“厌”的情况。为此,笔者试图以创设生态课堂为途径,为课堂注入生命力,使学生的学习兴趣长久“保鲜”,营造师生共生的学习环境。  相似文献   

数学课堂教学生态化是以课堂为落脚点,用生态的理念,力求营造一种和谐的、动态的、充满生命力、可持续性教授知识、学习知识和交流知识的数学课堂教学生态环境。而数学审美教育在促进数学课堂教学生态中有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

A curriculum project can be positively or negatively influenced by the environment of the classroom in which it is implemented. Analysis of the perceptions of students, teachers, and external observers has allowed us to study the influence of classroom environment in the implementation of an innovative project in science education. The main conclusions indicate that even though the global evaluation is positive, more so among teachers than among students, there are differences between the perceptions of the participants, probably due to differences in interests and needs. Moreover, in the classroom environment, the teacher and the actual dynamic and spatial organization are of great importance, and it can be difficult to maintain interest or to achieve a satisfactory evaluation on the part of those students whose academic performance is lowest. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 655–671, 1998.  相似文献   

研究课堂动态生成资源问题是中小学教师进一步深化课程与教学意识,提高教学效益的重要途径。不同的教学环境对课堂动态生成资源具有不同的作用。物质的环境与师生交往形成的心理环境对课堂动态生成资源都有着极其重要的影响。  相似文献   

不同的教学环境对课堂动态生成资源的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究课堂动态生成资源问题是中小学教师进一步深化课程与教学意识,提高教学效益的重要途径。不同的教学环境对课堂动态生成资源具有不同的作用。物质的环境与师生交往形成的心理环境对课堂动态生成资源都有着极其重要的影响。  相似文献   

The current research examined the psychometric properties and utility of a measure of college classroom environment in predicting goal-related outcomes rooted in goal contents and achievement goal theories. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses in Studies 1 and 2, respectively, yielded support for two distinct and gender-invariant classroom environment constructs—professorial concern and affiliation. Results of multilevel regression analyses in Study 3 indicated that both constructs were positive predictors of intrinsic and self-approach goals. Additionally, professorial concern was a significant positive predictor of extrinsic goal adoption. Contrary to expectation, perceptions of affiliation in the science classroom were unrelated to task-approach goals. These findings illustrate the important role that socially dynamic classroom contexts play in fostering motivation and satisfying basic needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper the role of power in classroom interactions is examined in terms of a dominance continuum to advance a theoretical framework justifying the emergence of three ways of distributing power when it comes to dealing with the control over the teaching–studying–learning (TSL) pattern of teacher domination, pattern of empowerment and pattern of student domination. It is argued that these patterns affect the nature of interactions in the classroom, and thus provide the initial conditions for the emergence of three complex dynamic classroom environments: classroom as an environment of order, classroom as an environment at the edge of chaos and classroom as an environment of chaos. In the conclusion the implications of these emerging patterns and environments for teachers, especially for student teachers’ reflective practice, and the need for teacher educators and researchers to be aware of them are advanced.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):77-84
Tablet PCs have the potential to change the dynamics of classroom interaction through wireless communication coupled with pen-based computing technology that is suited for analyzing and solving engineering problems. This study focuses on how tablet PCs and wireless technology can be used during classroom instruction to create an Interactive Learning Network (ILN) that is designed to enhance the instructor's ability to solicit active participation from all students during lectures, to conduct immediate and meaningful assessment of student learning, and to provide needed real-time feedback and assistance to maximize student learning. This interactive classroom environment is created using wireless tablet PCs and a software application, NetSupport School. Results from two separate controlled studies of the implementation of this model of teaching and learning in a sophomore-level Introductory Circuit Analysis course show a statistically significant positive impact on student performance. Additionally, results of student surveys show overwhelmingly positive student perception of the effects of this classroom environment on their learning experience. These results indicate that the interactive classroom environment developed using wireless tablet PCs has the potential to be a more effective teaching pedagogy in problem-solving intensive courses compared with traditional instructor-centered teaching environments.  相似文献   

课堂教学环境就是学校教学活动中所必须的诸客观条件和力量的综合。课堂教学环境主要包括课堂物理环境和课堂心理环境两层结构,二者相互影响、相互促进。课堂教学环境建设的主体是教师和学生,在教学过程中,师生共同追求各种课堂教学环境因素的动态平衡,进而形成课堂教学环境二层结构的良性循环。  相似文献   

A Working on What Works (WOWW) approach was utilised over six sessions in a mainstream Scottish primary class to enhance classroom relationships and behaviours. The aim of the intervention was to manage everyday classroom problems within a natural classroom environment. WOWW incorporates positive psychology and implements a solution-focused approach. The quantitative results illustrated an improvement in the teacher ratings and class ratings for the class goals set by the class teacher, and helped the teacher to feel more confident in her class. From the qualitative comments, class teacher and pupils reported a positive experience of WOWW and noticed a difference within the classroom. In summary, WOWW influenced a positive change to relationships and behaviour within the classroom.  相似文献   

Students’ perceptions of actual and preferred classroom environment were investigated using the What is happening in this class? questionnaire (WIHIC). The WIHIC assesses seven classroom environment dimensions: student cohesiveness, teacher support, involvement, task orientation, investigation, cooperation and equity. A sample of 978 secondary school students from 63 classes in Queensland responded to the WIHIC. For each item on the WIHIC, students recorded their perceptions of the actual (or real) and preferred (or ideal) classroom environment. Results revealed that statistically significant differences between actual and preferred environments, and that the gap between actual and preferred environment was smaller for more positive classroom environments.  相似文献   

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