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1.我的外套比你的便宜得多。[误]My coat is more cheaper than yours.[正]My coat is much cheaper than yours.[析]more和cheaper都是比较级,而比较级前不能再用一个比较级修饰,可以用much,a  相似文献   

1、他的书比我的新。[误]His book is newer than my.[正]His book is newer than mine.[析]在比较等级句型中,比较的对象必须是同类事物才能进行比较。2、他是两个男孩中较聪明的一个。[误]He is cleverer of the two boys.[正]He is the cleverer of the two boys.[析]比较级用于两者之间时,比较级前一般不加the,但若比较级后不用than,而用“of the two…”表示两者间“较……的一个”比较级前必须加the。3、汤姆是凯特的最好朋友。[误]Tom is Kate′s the best friend.[正]Tom is Kate′s best friend.[析]形容词最高级前有形容词性…  相似文献   

1.比较对象的“一致性”问题我们都知道,只有同类事物才能比较,在使用比较级时,一定要注意相互比较的对象要有可比性,要对等。作为比较对象的成分不能省去。例如: 误:Your spoken English is better than I. 正:Your spoken English is better than mine. 误:The population of China is bigger thanAfrica.  相似文献   

1.[误]I have less books than Tom.[正]I have fewer books than Tom.[析]less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。2[.误]There are three girls in my group.The cleverer is Mary.[正]There are three girls in my group.The cleverest is Mary.[析]在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用最高级。3[.误]The boy sat there as quiet as his sister.[正]The boy sat there as quietly as his sister.[析]as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而…  相似文献   

[误区一]不同类事物进行比较1.他的钢笔比我的便宜。[误]His pen is cheaper than I.[正]His pen is cheaper than mine.[析]在比较级的句子中,相比较的双方必须是同类事物(该例中mine=my pen)否则会造成歧义。2.北京的冬天比上海冷。[误]The weather in Beijing is colder tha  相似文献   

In daily life,there are many examples of funny sayings,famous phrases and common figures of speech (修辞手法).English idioms are expressions that have a meaning different to the literal meaning (字面意思) of the words used to make them.A good example of this is the expression "raining cats and dogs",while the literal meaning im plies (意味着) that cats and dogs are falling from the sky,the figurative meaning (比喻意义) is that it is raining heavily.  相似文献   

水乡 《中学生英语》2002,(20):12-12
1.这种茶比那种茶好。[误]This tea is better than that one.[正]This tea is better than that.[析]one只能代替可数名词,不可代替不可数名词,而that可以代替不可数名词。  相似文献   

黄燕 《初中生辅导》2013,(Z2):67-69
形容词的比较级就是用来表达两个对象间这种特点的比较结果。让我们来学习形容词的比较级,来看看怎样使用形容词的比较级。例如:1)Jane is taller than Mary.简比玛丽个高。2)The idea sounds better than that one.这个主意听起来比那个更好。3)I think Math is more difficult than English.我认为数学比英语更难。  相似文献   

1.现在她正自学英语。[误]She is learning English herself now。[正]She is learning English(all)by herself now.[正] She is teaching herself English now.[析]表示“自学”可用learn…(all)。by oneself或  相似文献   

1.我很喜欢英语。 [误]I very like English[正]I like English very much.[析]very不能直接修饰动词。2.她睡得很熟。[误]She is very asleep.  相似文献   

众所周知,英语中两种事物的差别比较是用than来表达的,但也有少数介词能体现出两种事物之间的差别,具有比较级的作用.现列举若干,供参考.1.above高于……;超过……,胜过e.g.The mountian is 1,000feet above sea level.(=The mountainis 1,000 feet higher than sea level.)那座山比海平面高出1000英尺.We are very excited because theresult of the football match is aboveexpectation.(=We are very excitedbecause the result of the footballmatch is better than expected.)我们非常激动,因为足球比赛的结果比预料的要好.  相似文献   

1.这本书是两本书中较有趣的一本。[误]Thisbookismoreinterestingofthetwo.[正]Thisbookisthemoreinterestingofthetwo.[析]形容词比较级前一般不加定冠词the,但是比较的双方只出现了一方(没有than及后面的部分),强调两者中“较……的一个”,且句中含有“ofthetwo”这一介词短语时,比较级前面必须加上the,构成“the+形容词比较级+ofthetwo”结构。2.玛丽是她班上最优秀的学生。[误]Maryisthebeststudentofherclass.[正]Maryisthebeststudentinherclass.[析]in和of引起的介词短语均可跟在形容词最高级后面表示比较范围。但of后面的比较范…  相似文献   

Can you work it out?Tom likes animals very much.His house is like a zoo.There are six kinds of animals in his house.\They are horses,dogs,cats,chickens,sheep and pigs.These animals are in different rooms.The sheep's room is  相似文献   

12.[误]He’s more taller than I.[正]He’s much taller than I.[析]修饰比较级的程度状语有:any,even,much,a little,far,a lot,still等。more构成比较级,不能修饰比较级。另外,very修饰原级形容词(副词),也不能修饰比较级。13.[误]Try the fourth time.[正]Try a fourth ti  相似文献   

在运用形容词、副词的比较级和最高级时,同学们容易犯一些错误。笔者现在就这些常见错误逐一分类,并作简析。愿大家能从中汲取教训,避免类似错误的发生。一、避免不同类事物进行比较1.他的钢笔比我的便宜。[误]His pen is cheaper than I.[正]His pen is cheaper than mine.[析]在比较级的句子中,相比较的双方必须是同类事物,否则会造成歧义。这里mine=my pen。  相似文献   

形容词的比较级就是用来表达两个对象间这种特点的比较结果. 让我们来学习形容词的比较级,来看看怎样使用形容词的比较级.例如: 1)Jane is taller than Mary. 简比玛丽个高. 2)The idea sounds betterthan that one. 这个主意听起来比那个更好. 3)I think Math is more diffieult than English. 我认为数学比英语更难. 1.形容词比较级的形式变化: 1)单音节形容词在词尾加er,如:darker The cloth is darker than that one.  相似文献   

very是英语中使用频率较高的词之一,但许多同学在运用该词时经常出错。本文列举一些常见错例。一.忌修饰形容词或副词的比较级。修饰形容词或副词的比较级,应借助于下列程度副词:m uch(……得多),still(还要,还),even(更),far(……得多,大大……)。例如:1.吉姆比凯特高得多。误:Jim isvery taller than K ate.正:Jim ism uch taller than K ate.2.昨天很热,但今天更热。误:Itw ashotyesterday,butitisvery hottertoday.正:It w as hot yesterday,but it is still/evenhotter today.3.这部电影比那一部好得多。误:Thisfilm isvery better …  相似文献   

不少初学(自学)者将“他的英语说得比他班上的任何学生都好”译成:1.He speaks English better than any other student in his class.2.He speaks English better than any student in his class.两种译文的差别仅在于 other 一词。一词之差,使得译文1是对的,译文2未忠于原文,这可以从下面两个句型的分析比较中得到解释:句型 A:“…比较级 than any other 单数可数名词 …”是对同一范围中的两者进行比较。句型 B:“…比较级 than any 单数可数名词…”是对不同范围的两者进行比较。比如:3.Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.4.Tom is taller than any boy in Class Four.句3是在同一范围内,即在同一班级学生之间进行比较,因而适用于  相似文献   

Hello! MyEnglish name is Lucy.I’m eleven.My hobbies aresinging and English.My favorite fruits are watermelons and apples.Myfavorite foods are sausages,cakes and hot dogs.I like red ,yellow大家好!我的英文名字叫露西。我今年十一岁了。我的爱好是唱歌和英语。我最喜欢的水果是西瓜和苹果。我最喜欢的食物是香肠、蛋糕和热狗。我喜欢红色、黄色和蓝色。  相似文献   

王琴芳 《新高考》2008,(11):51-53
Holiday The Bay Hotel It is aquiet,comfortable hotel,overlooking the bay in an uncommerciallised Cornish fishing village on England’s most southerly point.If pop music is no longer your strong point,and you are considering a relaxing holiday where the scenery is breathtaking and the sound of the sea is live music to your ears.  相似文献   

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