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The integration of children with spina bifida into ordinary schools has been well documented but the integration of such children into service schools abroad raises additional problems. David Bowdler, area educational psychologist, Service Children's Schools, North West Europe, and Lorna Deliczny, until recently special unit teacher, describe the difficulties faced in the mainstreaming of Sarah, a pupil in the special unit, Heide School, Fallingbostel, West Germany.  相似文献   

乌特勒支学派的教育学是现象学教育学的原初样貌.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"这个词表达的是教师和家长在养育孩子的日常工作中的一种共同责任,它涵盖了所有大人为了孩子的健康、成长、成熟和发展而与孩子打交道的事件和领域.在学校教育中,"pedagogy"是一门学科,它针对所有与儿童养育有关的专业人员.在欧洲大陆情境下,"pedagogy"是关乎伦理的,被看成一门人文科学.乌特勒支学派在将现象学与教育学结合的过程中,将现象学作为一种方法和态度;是日常生活现象学,而非哲学现象学.  相似文献   

Adequate planning efficient resources and teachers with commitment are crucial to the successful integration of children with sensory handicaps into ordinary schools writes Sylvia Adey, head. East Park Junior School, Wolverhampton  相似文献   

Recent developments in the integration of children with learning difficulties at the Pingle School are summarized Les Roberts head of the Remedial Department Irene Williams second in the Department, at the school  相似文献   

The integration of children with severe learning difficulties into mainstream schools is threatened by the 1988 Education Reform Act. Its continuation and expansion may largely depend on the type and degree of support available from LEAs and individual schools. Barry Carpenter and Jeremy Fathers, head and deputy head respectively at Blythe School, Ann Lewis, lecturer in education, Warwick University, and Rosemary Privett, integration support teacher at Blythe School, describe Blythe's integration projects and the role of the integration support teacher, which will be crucial in maintaining mainstream links 'at a time when … integration might wane'.  相似文献   

Three vocational high schools provide illustrative and contrasting histories in terms of African-American education and economic opportunity. Washburne Trade School reinforced trade union exclusion of African-Americans, and since integration in the 1960s has been abandoned by most of the powerful unions. Dunbar Vocational High School directed African-Americans into the lower-paying trades, but has lost the economic base that the ghetto once provided. Chicago Vocational School prepared the white working class for industrial jobs, but integration and re-segregation has coincidentally seen the erosion of Chicago's manufacturing base. These schools are compared in the economic, political, and cultural contexts of past and present. It is proposed that an integrated strategy for the reform of vocational education is necessary for these schools to adapt to economic change in the present and future.  相似文献   

盛洁 《中国德育》2007,2(7):38-40
根据杭州市崇贤中学的调查,外出经商家庭子女的家庭教育存在误区,学校受各种条件限制,对外出经商家庭子女不能进行个别化教育,以至于这部分学生很容易在心理和行为上发生问题。崇贤中学通过推行“学生成长导师制”,实行寄宿制,加强心理健康教育等方式,形成家校合力育人的机制,在对外出经商家庭子女的教育上取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

智力落后学生青春期教育研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
我校尝试在六年级以上学生中进行青春期教育。在教育中,我们遵循了实用性、正面启发教育、巩固性、家校教育同步进行等原则,运用了情况调查、课堂传授、个别谈话等教育方法,着重对男生进行性道德规范教育,对女生着重自我保护、防止性侵犯教育,取得了一定的成效,在智力落后儿童教育中有推广价值  相似文献   

儿童学习的本义在于主动建构,而非被动接受。主动建构,不仅反映了儿童积极主动参与学习的一种精神状态,而且也体现了儿童学习能力不断提升的一种渐进过程。无锡市洛社中心小学以课题研究为载体,以课堂教学、社团活动等为抓手,从理论与实践两个层面对儿童主动建构学习生活展开了研究与探索,有效促进了学生的成长、教师的发展以及学校办学品质的提升。  相似文献   

随着新课改的深入进行,如何促进学科间的知识渗透已是摆在广大教师面前的一个重要问题。本文着重阐述了选择渗透知识应遵循的原则、进行知识渗透的有效途径和进行知识渗透应注意的事项等三个方面的问题,以期待教师教学中运用这些原则和途径,从而更好地培养学生的学科综合能力。  相似文献   

Both ESN(M) and ESN(S) children attend the Pingle School, Swadlincote, a comprehensive school in South Derbyshire. Graham Fisher, ex-head of the Slow Learner Department at the school, describes the extent of their integration  相似文献   

温岭市职业技术学校在数控技术应用专业人才培养过程中,构建了"一会三组"的"三三制"实训模式。在此模式下,遵循"调研职业岗位→分析工作内容→归纳行动领域→转换学习领域→设定学习情境→优化教学过程→反馈教学评估"的完整流程进行基于校企融合的"工作坊"实训课程建设,按照工作过程对课程内容进行排序,形成跟岗、适岗、顶岗三级课程体系,达到了提高实训教学质量、引领专业建设的目的。  相似文献   

夸美纽斯是17世纪捷克的著名的爱国者、教育改革家和教育理论家,他的代表作《母育学校》对世界的教育理论的发展产生了巨大的影响。它被认为是外国教育史上第一部系统论述幼儿教育的专著,夸美纽斯认为父母和教师应该从孩子是幼儿的时候就开始教育,从德行、行为、言语从智育、体育、德育等重要的来教导子女,并且要在适当的时候将幼儿置于教师的管制之下。尽管几百年过去了,他的《母育学校》的许多教育思想在当今现代的父母教育子女的过程中依然有重大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于相对价格的视角,研究了1992-2011年间中国国内市场整合水平及其发展趋势,结果显示:这一时期中国国内市场整合水平是逐渐提高的,但市场整合进程并非一帆风顺。虽然各省区在此期间市场整合走势与全国走势基本相同,但不同省区的市场整合进程存在差异,特别是京津沪三个市的市场整合水平偏低。  相似文献   

School token economy systems are being employed with a variety of children in a variety of settings. Although their utility has been proven, additional benefits accrue when home-school token systems are used. These benefits are discussed, as well as the steps necessary towards implementation of these systems. Two case studies of elementary children are shared as practical examples of implementing home-school token economy systems.  相似文献   

欧洲“一体化”与“反一体化”运动是相伴而生的。在“一体化”进程的不同时期和阶段,“反一体化”运动总会有不同程度的表现。既有国家层面,也有政党、民众层面;既有坚决抵制而态度强硬者,也有总体上支持而部分持有异议者。“反一体化”运动的存在与发展,一方面有其消极作用,另一方面其积极作用也不可忽视。  相似文献   

Cooking with young children can be integral part of your curriculum. Here are some suggestions for working with children ages four to seven. Our four-year-old class has had a great time this year preparing simple entrees, as well as holiday gifts of cranberry bread wrapped in cellophane for our families. Not only is measuring, mixing and chopping ingredients fun, tasting the results with young children makes the process even more enjoyable.Liz Sellhoff Byrum teaches after school cooking classes at the Calhoun School and Allen Stevenson school in New York City.  相似文献   

本文分析了用社会学方法分析随班就读的必要性与可行性。并试图用社会学方法分析随班就读的一些基本问题:1.随班就读是一种社会活动;2.随班就读是特殊儿童在正常群体中实现社会化的手段;3.随班就读使特殊儿童在正常群体中实现目标色角;4.随班就读是一个特殊的组织群体;5.随班就读是特殊儿童社会失调后的调整;6.随班就读是班级组织与特殊儿童个体的社会互动过程;7.随班就读对特殊儿童的激励与控制;8.利用社会变迁促进随班就读工作。  相似文献   

The author teaches at the Kingsley Special School, Kettering. She gives an account of systematic observations undertaken to improve the integration of four young children with special educational needs in a nursery department. The field work forms part of her studies for the degree of MA (Special Needs) at Leicester.  相似文献   

The Gulliford Lecture 2003 was given by Professor Ann Lewis of the School of Education at the University of Birmingham. Professor Lewis's lecture, on which this article is based, focused on the process of listening to the views of children and, in particular, children with learning difficulties. Following the near-universal ratification of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, a plethora of recent initiatives, both in the UK and internationally, has encouraged professionals to access children's views about provision (educational, health-related, social and legal). A range of materials has been developed to support this process, often by, or in liaison with, children's charities. At the same time, research provides valuable insights into effective practice in exploring the views of children with learning difficulties. In this article, Ann Lewis reviews ten strategies for gathering the views of children and raises four challenges for the further development of policy and practice. She closes her argument with a call for greater rigour and critical evaluation in this crucial and demanding area.  相似文献   

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