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北梦原 《新闻世界》2012,(7):286-287
本文用意识形态分析方法考察群体性事件中话语的结构与内容,分析了不同群体性事件中话语的对立与共享及在事件过程中的话语建构与意识形态生产。通过对话语的分析,揭示群体性事件作为一种结构存在于社会的功能,认为它通过一种明确集中的方式再现了复杂的社会现象与社会关系,能够在具体的事件过程中呈现社会各个阶层对于现实的态度与看法。  相似文献   

信息技术革命不会局限于技术本身,更为重要的是它可能会改变我们时代知识生产、分配与消费的方式。大量新媒体事件背后,是中国媒介语语格局的变化,本文认为主要有三个方向的变化:大众话语权力出现与媒介话语权力重构;微小事件引发社会风暴;网络社会小媒体大有作为。  相似文献   

本文聚焦于社会事件中民粹主义在网络中的传播形态,即用民粹主义的话语来对抗和消解专业主义话语的权威。从本质上讲,民粹主义的话语是民众的政治实践,起到了社会动员的作用,对社会治理产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

本文从话语的微观层面,来分析作为自媒体的微博是通过何种话语建构策略,将个体话语推向网络公共空间,并且形成公众广泛讨论的"微博事件"的。以"罗永浩砸西门子牌电冰箱"事件为案例,运用话语及物性分析、互文性分析、元话语建构分析方法,探讨罗永浩微博文本的话语特征,及其在推动"微博事件"进入公共话语讨论空间中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

网络社区的治理越来越成为社会治理的重点,线上线下联动式的"去政治化"话语表达成为社会公共事件频发的隐性因子。本文基于长时段对江西南昌市"象湖事件"事发地及其周边村庄的实地田野调研,将扎根理论与集体座谈研究方法相结合,对社会公共事件中当事各方的话语进行系统分析。研究发现,民众在公共事件的话语表达中呈现"去政治化"倾向,通过弱者式、悲情式、戏谑化的表达方式建构起规避抗争风险的话语表达路径,由双微平台、QQ搭建起的媒介平台并非民意表达的最佳空间,反而成为加速事态演变、加剧社会风险的"发酵池",并尝试提出泛媒化影响下民众在公共事件中话语表达的新趋向。  相似文献   

新媒体事件的话语生产类型及叙事模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑恩  邓然  龚瑶 《当代传播》2011,(6):47-49
近年来,借由新媒体事件造势而发展的群体性事件越来越受到学界的强烈关注.本文以类型学社会话语的分析框架将新媒体事件归纳为四类话语,即国家(民族)话语、公共性话语、民粹主义话语和文化话语.话语背后分别体现了官方意志与爱国精神、公民性力量、戏谑狂欢精神和文化建构的逻辑.这些话语共同构成了新媒体舆情的主要表达内容.  相似文献   

在新媒体传播环境下,争议性事件中膨胀的公众书写和新闻专业主义实践及其相互关系,是值得探究的重要议题。本文将"邓玉娇事件"作为案例,运用框架建构和话语实践的理论视角研究发现:公众书写在事件发展的各个阶段,都热衷于使用道德评价框架,以提供观点为主,价值框架突出,道德话语实践倾向明显;报纸在事件爆发期和蔓延期,主要采取事实认定框架和事件解决框架,运用推演事实和进行社会改革的框架视角,追问事件发生的社会原因,呼吁进行社会改革,偏向"公众一方",而在事件解决期则偏向"政府一方",和政府有关部门保持一致。公众书写和专业媒体报道呼吁、重申和强调社会价值观,是达至社会共识和重新整合社会的重要过程。公众书写创造的"业余主义书写范式"存在促动和发展"专业主义书写范式"的可能,需要不断推动公众理性参与事件,促使专业媒体平衡报道事件。  相似文献   

随着社会化媒体的崛起,微博成为社会热点事件的重要信息源、策源地和意见发酵池,对热点事件在微博的传播机制研究具有重要价值。本文选取近两年新浪微博中的21个热点事件,通过大数据挖掘和分析技术发现加V认证用户和男性是社会热点事件的议题设置和积极转发者,转发深度和转发宽度符合无标度和小世界现象,热门事件传播网络中的群集系数更高于其他话题,看似话语平权的背后是话语再集权,形成了新的话语权力新贵;热点事件的传播结构和事件自身的性质具有很大关联性,热点事件传播具有多信息源、多中心、多层和随机性等特点,要理性看待社会热点事件在微博传播中的谣言现象。  相似文献   

本文对当下所谓"社会道德滑坡"的基本现象发问:道德滑坡或危机是模糊的主观感知,还是严谨的学术断定?研究把抽象的道德转化为坐落在人与人的关系中的、具体的道德行为,采用米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的话语考古学(Discourse Archeology)的研究方法,以《人民日报》为主的主流媒介话语为研究对象,探问改革开放四十年来的道德话语构型(Construction)发生了怎样的变化,它与行为主体之间有怎样的关系;本研究发现在社会道德"衰落"的表象背后,是道德话语的结构性转型所带来了道德定界的深刻焦虑;宏大的道德问题可以被分解、把握为话语实践维度和意识形态维度的两个具体方向,从而为包括意识形态建设在内的后续研究指明路径。  相似文献   

作为一档国家平台播出的道德类全日播栏目,央视《道德观察》多年来紧跟国内热点道德事件。讴歌先进人物的优秀事迹。鞭挞各种丑陋不道德的事件。在感动和震撼中让人们的心灵得到净化。是深刻反映国内道德生态环境的风向标。本文对该栏目的特点,尤其是音响特点进行分析,以进一步研究音响在道德类节目中应如何更好地应用。  相似文献   

林新 《新闻界》2007,(5):64-66
本文以话语分析的方法反思近一个世纪以来中国新闻界在界定新闻学最基本的概念上所存在的语境与语义的差异,认为新闻的“事实说“、“报道说“、“信息说“以及“事学“论等理论观点的建构都具有较明显的社会时代性,其间科学性与局限性并存,在当前构建和谐社会、传播和谐社会核心价值体系观念的语境下应展开相应的探讨,以推动新闻学理论的科学发展.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of engagement as it is used in the academic library literature requires greater structure and depth if the librarian community intends to appropriate and advance the usage of a phrase that resonates loudly across higher education. In reviewing the literature around engagement as well as in introducing critical perspectives from outside the library literature, this literature review and investigation demonstrates that engagement is a variously defined and used term that is both difficult to nail down but is essential to the healthy participation of an academic library in its respective community. The external perspectives introduced stem from the behavioral, psychological, and conceptual organizational approach to student engagement, whose application to academic libraries could be strengthened with a more critical grounding in the compelling terms and discourses of engagement as they are understood by those outside libraries. The framework of intellectual capital is introduced as a productive way of capturing the differing definitions and usages of the terms ‘student engagement’ and ‘engagement’.  相似文献   

This research is premised on Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model and on Berger's concept that religiosity is socially constructed. However, unlike the early Birmingham studies' emphasis on socioeconomic status as a “cultural code” through which audience members would decode media texts, this study examines the readings of television texts from the perspective of audience members who are, because of their religious practices, ideologically situated to the right of much that is offered on television. The findings in this case are consistent with Hall's notion that individuals bring contradictory and conflicting discourse into their readings of media texts.  相似文献   

This article sketches a genealogy examining the production of the concept of “the survivor” in contemporary culture and public discourse across five discursive sites in mainly western (particularly Anglo-American) cultures: the Holocaust, psychotherapy, feminist discourses of childhood and sexual abuse, reality TV, and discourses of health and illness. It argues that the survivor has become a meaningfully visible, cultural notion and a desirable role that individuals are encouraged to assume, rendering the categories of victim and the dead false and illegitimate. The article concludes by arguing for the need in contemporary public and highly mediated space to expand the range of explanatory frameworks through which individuals, especially those experiencing suffering, come to think, judge, and act.  相似文献   

This study advances the concept of consumer nationalism in the international marketplace. It examines the complex role of the media in its formation and expressive practices through a case study of an incident involving Toshiba Corporation in China. The concept rests upon three key arguments of self-definition through consumption, globalization, and symbolic national unification. In their encounter with the global brand Toshiba, the Chinese media and consumers re-discovered and evoked a strong nationalistic sentiment underlined by Japan's past aggression and atrocities in China. The media discourse of national pride and dignity in the case study represents the complex confluence of China's continuing ambivalence towards Japan, sponsor activities by key advocacy groups, and the changing Chinese media practices. Further research is called for to consider the concept of consumer nationalism, its processes, participants, and consequences.  相似文献   

According to NASA (2018), 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000. In an effort to better understand the political communication of American leaders surrounding this environmental exigency, I systematically examined invocations of climate change in the spoken communications of presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. I identified three discursive approaches that were likely to appear in these communications: a general environmental emphasis, foregrounding, and sidestepping. Results from a content analysis showed these presidents were most likely to employ foregrounding, with a focus on the economy. Democrats were more likely to employ a general environmental emphasis, while the Republicans were more likely to sidestep the issue of climate change. In addition, presidents were more likely to emphasize national security as time passed. Implications are discussed for public understanding about climate change and future policy when presidents focus on economic matters and national security.  相似文献   

赵绮娣 《新闻界》2009,(1):69-70,147
本文在考察博客网女性博客样本的基础上,结合网络博客的传播特性,以多维视野分析了博客如何使女性话语空间得到拓展;同时从主流意识形态、网络技术、传播效果等方面探讨了限制女性博客话语表达的不利因素,为女性话语的建构提供了一种思考角度.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):279-296
An ad hoc committee of the Librarian's Association of the University of California (LAUC) was charged with the task of organizing a workshop on diversity for all University of California librarians, and writing a report with recommendations generated by the participants of the workshop. From start to finish the entire operation took almost three years. Difficulties were encountered along the way: with the composition of the committee, the expectations of the LAUC executive board, the hindrance in writing a document by a collective, and the sensitive interrelationshps created among the committee members while dealing, at times, with an explosive topic. The importance and impact of the final report, "The Many Voices of Diversity," may not be recognized for several years since the recommendations presented go far beyond the common issues of cultural diversity. For the committee members it was an invigorating and rewarding experience that will not easily be forgotten and they would like to see this document become a model for other academic libraries.  相似文献   

档案话语意指档案内容所映射的叙事意义以及围绕档案建构过程的参与要素。后保管模式下,档案话语发生多维转向更迭,具体表现在话语构成、话语实践以及话语秩序等方面。通过解构具体实践中的权责矛盾、范式冲突、职能失调、本体危机等外化困境,窥探档案话语在后保管模式应用中理念转向与实践转向的速率适配性问题,进而提出话语形成的控制原则、话语场域的参与原则以及话语描述的分立原则的柔性策略,为实现档案话语体系的全新构建提供参考路径。  相似文献   

Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data: The Discourse Analytic Method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article presents discourse analysis as a method of analyzing qualitative interview data. Using examples from a study of users' library conceptions, it is argued that participants' interpretations are much more context dependent and variable than normally recognized, and that this has important implications for the use of interview data. Instead of producing definitive versions of participants' action or beliefs, interview data may be used to reveal regular interpretative practices through which participants construct versions of actions, cognitive processes, and other phenomena. This method does not take the individual as the principal unit of analysis, but strives to recognize cultural regularities in participants' accounts to examine the phenomena studied at a macrosociologic level.  相似文献   

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