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校本评核制度是香港考试及评核局对香港中学文凭考试所采取的一种评估方式,它将作为高考各科成绩的一部分.而中国语文课程也将在2012年的香港中学文凭考试中采用这一评估方式.采用校本评核一方面是为了提高评核的信度,同时,也是为了更好的评估学生的学习过程;另一方面,校本评核可以更好的促进日常的学习和教学.总之,在中国语文课程中采用校本评核的评估方式,可以提高学生学习的积极性,更好的体现课程的宗旨,从而促进学生学习能力的发展.  相似文献   

随着香港高中学制改变,考评制度亦由以往依赖公开纸笔考试,变为结合公开试和校本评核以评估学生的成绩。本文介绍香港公开考试制度内校本评核的发展背景,说明有关的宗旨和理念。同时,亦详细讨论推行校本评核遇到的问题,以及香港考试及评核局采用什么策略和措施推行校本评核。文中还就如何保证校本评核的素质、信度及公平性探讨了校本评核的具体操作。  相似文献   

校本评核是指在学校进行,由同一学校任课的教师评核学生在指定项目中的表现,并将评核成绩纳入高考成绩。香港考试及评核局对校本评核的分数比重、评审方法、评分准则、评审范围等做出明确规定,教师在评审过程中也有据可循。香港考试及评核局还采取措施保证校本评核的公平、公正。香港高考校本评核的成功运用对大陆高考改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教师评核素养是现今教育制度下重要的教师专业要求。为了解澳门初中中文科(第一语文)课程指引是否为一线中文教师课堂评核的实行提供足够的指引,本文采用关于教师评核素养标准的理论框架对该课程指引进行分析,发现指引在有关评核目标、评核过程、评核公平性、测量理论及学习性评核五个方面均有较详细的说明和指导,但在指导教师发展多元化评核、对评核结果进行沟通及注意评核伦理等相关内容方面则有所缺乏。  相似文献   

自2012年起,香港将实施新的高中教育评核制度--中学文凭考试,同时辅以非强制、非正式的学生学习概览.其中中学文凭考试分公开考试和校本评核两部分,前者由香港考试及评核局组织和举办,后者由学校自行实施;学生学习概览则由学校鼓励并帮助学生建立.与现行评核制度相比,新评核制度更加注重与国际接轨,并考虑了学生的多元化出路,而且...  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,评核担当着重要的角色,评核的数据是诊断教学,反映学生的学习能力、表现和成效的参考依据。因此,教师如何善用评核所得的数据提升教与学成为一个关键的问题。本文以香港“全港性系统评估”为例,具体分析学校该如何有效地使用评核数据来提升学与教。  相似文献   

香港推行课程改革已多年,香港教育局提倡的“评核促进学习”(assessment for learning)的理念成为学校评核活动的指导思想,无论校内测验及考试,还是公开考试的评核方法及模式,都深受影响。过去,评估一个学生完成中小学教育的学习表现乃根据学生在指定试场及时段的公开考试的成绩而论。时至今天,“一试定生死”已成为历史口号,公开考试的试场亦已扩展至任何一所学校,考试时段亦已散布在学习过程中的任何时候,因此,评核活动变得非常重要。评核活动可以以不同形式或模式进行,亦可在不同时候施行,其中最常见、亦最普遍的莫过于学校的测验及考试。与此同时,作为反馈学与教的标准化统一测验亦不断出现,于是要求统一化、公平公正、减少教师评分差异等议题,便更不容忽视。本文将对如何编制一个科学化、合乎客观标准、符合统一化及公平公正的原则的测验、考试进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文从香港中学会考及高级程度会考美术科考试及评核模式演变为主干,探讨中学毕业美术公开考试及评核模式演变与社会发展的影响。论文亦从近年西方学校艺术教育理念与发展,探究后现代社会学校视觉艺术教育的演变,以及如何影响关术考试及评核的模式。近年香港学校课程的改革,显然受西方国家学校课程改革理念的影响。考试及评核作为课程的重要部分,课程的改革必然会促使考试及评核的相应改革。考试及评核形式的改变,正反映我们社会期望的改变,学校教育培育的学生是否有自信?是否愉快学习?是否具备新世纪时代的共通能力?是否能够在新时代具有竞争力?学生是否具备改进社会的态度和适应新时代的生活技能?这些都是值得我们反省和探究的。  相似文献   

21世纪初,香港展开教育改革,教育统筹局为保证各中小学的教学水平,定期到校进行校外评核的工作.工作完成后,教育统筹局把这些校外评核报告上载互联网,供市民浏览.本研究是从2003至2005两个年度,教育统筹局在网上公布的校外评核报告中,各随机抽取10所小学的报告,针对这些报告中老师在有关教与学和评估不足的评语,提出教学有明确的目标,训练学生的语文能力,有质素的提问,照顾学生的学习差异,全体学生的参与,师生互动,设计一份优质的评估,善用评估得来的数据以改善教学等解决问题的建议和策略,并提供具体的操作方法,以落实课改的理念,提高教学的成效.  相似文献   

本文要探讨的是高职高专的艺术设计学科课程中,教师判断学生在知识技能的掌握成效所作判断依据,通常都是用成绩完成评定的。艺术设计类课程的成绩考核和评定方式依据应该是和其他学科有所区别的,并具有一定的特殊性。笔者尝试把学生“分数评核”区分为在设计思维学习活动中的表现和在作业效果所呈现的设计思维能力两种物象形式,来作为评定的基本依据。学生设计及创意分值评估,具体的评核依据应该以“想象力、好奇心、投入感、理解力和分析力”这五个主要方面同步考察。其中,学生的想象力和分析能力应该是最为重要的。尝试着如何从学生创意潜能的角度,去合理评定学生课程成绩。总结了一些心得体会。  相似文献   

The synergy, or lack thereof, between large-scale and classroom assessment has been fiercely debated in both academic and policy spheres for decades around the world. This paper seeks to explicate how different countries are utilizing large-scale testing and test results at the classroom level. Through country profiles, this paper analyzes contemporary developments on the tensions and synergies between large-scale assessment and classroom teaching, learning, and assessment observed across seven international jurisdictions: United States, Canada, Australia, England, Germany, Finland, and Singapore. The paper concludes with an analysis of international trends leading to a synthesis of root causes contributing to the current limited uptake of large-scale assessment results at classroom levels.  相似文献   

高职院校教师绩效考核存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效考核作为评估和改善教师表现的一种有效手段,它为教师的奖惩、晋升、培训、解雇等决策提供重要的信息依据,对加强高职院校师资队伍建设,实现学校整体目标起着重要作用。对此本文分析了高职院校教师绩效考核存在的问题,指出绩效考核目的不明确、岗位职责不清晰、考核标准不科学等弊端,提出建立有效的高职院校教师绩效考核体系的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The requirement to provide timely formative tasks that are designed to facilitate student learning and autonomy has provoked a wider examination of the role of assessment in higher education and encouraged further investigation of the alignment of learning, teaching and assessment in curriculum design frameworks. Many current authors have proposed that the primary purpose of assessment is to enhance current and future learning and that current practice tends to overemphasise the importance of assessment for progression and certification purposes. This paper proposes that a clearer distinction be made between assessment tasks designed to facilitate and test current learning through the use of formative and summative assessments, and those tasks primarily designed to enhance future learning, which could be better termed integrative assessments. This distinction would allow students and teachers to have greater clarity around the proposed outcomes and reward mechanisms associated with assessment tasks and feedback. This paper proposes that teachers should strive to incorporate four different types of assessment tasks throughout a programme of study, namely diagnostic, formative, integrative and summative tasks, and that the outcomes and reward mechanisms for different assessment types be explained more clearly to students.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between formative assessment and social software. Formative assessment practices though beneficial for student learning become marginalised and constrained in open and distance learning environments in higher education. Feedback is a key factor in formative assessment and learners can benefit from the deployment of emerging technologies and the opportunities for participation and dialogue afforded by social software. This paper explores and proposes a conceptual framework for this relationship. The claim is that the social dimensions of emerging technologies – specifically, blogs and wikis – allow for formative assessment practices to be re‐invented or at the very least facilitated by essentially participative and student‐focussed interventions. A comparison of these technologies against formative assessment mechanisms identifies the types of processes that these new tools might best support to encourage effective feedback approaches that both empower the learner and enhance their learning experience.  相似文献   

Trust,distrust and their impact on assessment reform   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper puts forward the case that one of the factors constraining principled learning‐oriented assessment practices is lack of trust. It examines a number of assessment dimensions in which trust or distrust plays a role. These issues are illustrated via a discussion of two different iterations of the same module taught in a teacher education institution. Through this example, the author analyses how accountability forces and distrust created an atmosphere which constrained the use of innovative assessment methods. The paper discusses how trust might be developed, some of the barriers arising, and the relationship between trust and good assessment practices. It concludes by sketching some possible avenues for further research into stakeholders’ perceptions of the interplay between trust and assessment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to trace the evolution of school assessment in Bhutan, briefly, as a background to considering the present and future school assessment issues especially as they relate to quality concerns and educational improvement in Bhutan. A benchmark for Bhutan, the National Educational Assessment (NEA) programme in Bhutan was inspired by a 2002 initiative in South Asia funded by the World Bank. In this paper, we address how the 2003 NEA was developed. Emerging issues are discussed including methods of reporting and the concept of “benchmarking” in three senses of that term. Technical issues are also addressed in the context of the desire to administer another comparative NEA in 2010. Out of these developments, the Bhutan Board of Examinations has developed ideas about expanding access to system-wide assessment data to different levels of stakeholders in order to achieve improvements. A 2x2 matrix is provided identifying four key questions around judgments of educational achievement at two key levels (system and school) within and between these levels. This matrix represents a model of the evolution of assessment in Bhutan. This paper should be of interest to education systems in developing countries that have undertaken or intend to undertake national educational assessment programmes.  相似文献   

新课程实施以来学生评价改革的回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新课程实施以来学生评价改革包括五个方面:学生评价理念的变革,日常学生评价实践的改革与研究,高利害学生评价体系的实践探索与研究,综合素质评价的实施与挑战,大规模教育考试的改进与研究。为了真正澄清学生评价的价值追求,以促进学生发展为根本目的,日常学生评价改革应遵循四个原则:促进每个学生的发展,不让一个学生掉队;全面关注学生身心各方面的发展;特别重视发挥评价的诊断功能;评价过程与学习过程相整合,充分发挥学生主体性,让学生参与到评价过程中。高利害学生评价改革的原则,一是尽量减少对青少年学生造成的伤害、压力,二是不让高利害评价的选拔、甄别功能扭曲学校应然的价值追求。  相似文献   

Despite compelling evidence of its potential effectiveness, uptake of self and peer assessment in higher education has been slower than expected. As with other assessment practices, self and peer assessment is ultimately enabled, or inhibited, by the actions of individual academics. This paper explores what academics see as the benefits and challenges of implementing self and peer assessment, through the analysis of interviews with 13 Australian academics. Thematic analysis of our qualitative data identified seven themes of benefits and five challenges. Our academics showed strong belief in the power of self and peer assessment as formative assessment, contrary to past literature which has focussed on the accuracy of students’ marking. This paper therefore brings insights as to not only what academics value about self and peer assessment but also identifies potential inhibitors in practice. Recommendations are made about improving the design and implementation of self and peer assessment in higher education.  相似文献   

教学评估是大学英语课堂教学过程中的一个重要环节,全面客观的教学评估会对教学起到正面积极的作用。本文对大学英语课堂教学评估中的终结性评估和形成性评估进行了论述并指出在大学英语教学中建立多元评估模式的重要意义。  相似文献   

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