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素质教育着眼于儿童的全面和谐发展.儿童文学的目的在于促进儿童向健全的社会的人的成长,两者在目标上是一致的。儿童文学对素质教育具有多个方面的独特功能价值.在中小学语文教育中有着重要的地位;它既是语文教育的重要资源。也是语文教育的一种独特方法.在精神上和语文新课标改革理念是相通的。语文教师有必要提升自己的儿童文学素养。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a project that explored the use of a modified form of ‘lesson study’ in a one-year programme of secondary school initial teacher education (ITE). Twelve mentors and student-teachers worked in pairs to design and teach two ‘research lessons’ in the course of two eight-week teaching practice placements as part of a university–school partnership for the preparation of new teachers. Participating student-teachers reported that engagement in this form of lesson study with a mentor was an effective way to help them grow individual teaching skills, knowledge and confidence in teaching placements. In addition, in most cases, it enabled active and creative participation in a community of teacher learners. However, engagement in lesson study not only supported student-teachers to meet ‘qualifying to teach’ standards, but also offered opportunities for holistic study of teaching and learning, leading to growth in what we characterise as ‘pedagogic literacy’.  相似文献   

在新的时代和新的语境之下的教学,要求我们对大学文学课的教学作出新的探索。即使是一些传统的方法,也应有所改进。无论是过去,还是现在,阅读在文学的学习和教学中都理所当然地应该占有重要地位,是开启文学心灵之窗的钥匙。在当代大学文学课程的教学中,我们应将精读、分类阅读、直觉阅读和索引阅读相结合运用,以使学生在阅读中真正体会作品的意蕴,感受文学的魅力,提高其文学素养,培养阅读技能,提高文字感受和运用的能力,使文学课的教学落到实处。  相似文献   

经济全球化对营销人才的英语交流能力提出了更高的要求,为此,我国高校需要培养专业基础扎实,英语技能熟练的复合型人才,因而,专门用途英语的教学日益重要.本文在阐述专门用途英语特点的基础上,探讨市场营销英语教学模式,研究了其课程内容设计和实现手段,以期提升营销英语的专业教学效果,培养学生的综合应用能力.  相似文献   

《孟子》与《理想国》两本典籍均较多运用对话体阐述有关道德的问题,其阐述方式各具特色,为问题式教学法在《马克思主义伦理学》教学中的具体应用提供了重要启示:积极开展课堂对话,丰富教学讲授模式;以"问题"解析为中心,注重解析方法的选择;正确应用案例,提升问题教学的实效。  相似文献   

本文结合本教研室多年来教学的实践经验,对高校新教师如何快速融入教学岗位,如何上好卫生化学实验课,谈了几点体会,期望对新入职的年轻老师提高教学水平和教学效果有所帮助。  相似文献   

多媒体和网络技术的应用对于在教学改革中进行学生的素质教育、技能训练,乃至创造性思维能力的培养具有积极的意义。现代多媒体教育技术在促进高校教学工作水平和教育质量的提高上起到了重要的作用。通过运用现代多媒体教育技术实施数学分析课程的教育教学过程,可以有效地提高数学分析课程教学质量。文章对运用现代多媒体教育技术提高数学分析课程教育教学质量进行了探索,探讨了运用现代多媒体教育技术提高数学分析课程教学质量的途径。  相似文献   

脚本语言是计算机网络编程方向的重要核心课程,良好的教学设计可以提高高职学生的学习积极性,使其掌握实现网页动态和交互效果的技能,达到学以致用的目的.文章从课程概况、教材选用、教学对象与目标、教学内容和要求、教学方法与手段等五个方面对该课程的教学设计进行了阐述,提出了一个可行的教学方案.  相似文献   

关于语文教学"教什么"和"怎么教"的问题一直以来是专家、学者、一线教师争论不休的问题.而要解答"怎么教"的问题,首先要弄清"教什么".语文的学习内容纷繁复杂,从思想感情到审美情趣,从社会生活到人生感悟,从语言表达到写作技法都是语文教学内容,究竟要选择什么样的内容进行教学?要弄清这个问题,需要探讨语文的核心价值和语文教学...  相似文献   

Within the school of thought known as Critical Thinking, identifying or finding missing assumptions is viewed as one of the principal thinking skills. Within the new subject in schools and colleges, usually called Critical Thinking, the skill of finding missing assumptions is similarly prominent, as it is in that subject's public examinations. In this article we examine how school‐ and college‐focused texts explain and teach ‘this very important skill’. The same texts also deal with the nature of assumptions, validity and the role of stated reasons in arguments, and the way these matters are tackled will also be examined in our inquiry. In addition we explore what respected contributors to the critical thinking movement have had to say about some of these issues.  相似文献   

教师元认知技能研究及其培训途径   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着教师教育运动的国际化 ,教师元认知技能的培训已被视为提高教师教育教学能力的一个新途径。加强对教师元认知技能的培养有助于增强教师的反思能力 ,有助于增强教师的自我教学效能感与实际教学能力 ,有助于增强教师的教学监控能力。教师元认知技能培训有以下途径 :加强对教师元认知知识的培训 ,加强对教师元认知调节控制能力的实践模拟训练 ,加强对教师自我效能感的激励活动  相似文献   

合作学习是目前世界各国普遍采用的一种新兴教学理论与策略体系。但是高校中的合作学习还是一个比较新的研究领域,理论研究与实践操作相结合是当前解决合作学习研究中出现的一些不足的重要途径。本研究通过在《商务韩国语会话》教学中实践合作学习的教学方式,探讨在商务韩国语教学中运用合作学习的具体实施方法、程序及教学效果。合作学习法不仅在提高学生的韩国语听、说能力方面有显著效果,而且让学生深入掌握商务方面的知识和技能,从而在提高学生的沟通、协调和合作能力方面有显著成效。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Teaching others effectively may rely on knowledge about the mind as well as self-control processes. The goal of this investigation was to explore the role of theory of mind (ToM) and executive function (EF) in children's developing teaching skills. Children 3.5–5.5 years of age ( N = 82) were asked to teach a confederate learner how to play a board game and were administered multitask batteries of ToM and EF with mental age, sex, and memory capacity as controls. There was a developmental increase in children's teaching skills (e.g., older children taught longer, explained more rules, and used more strategies when teaching). Examined separately, both ToM and EF explained unique variance in teaching skills over and above controls. Taken together, EF was a significant predictor of teaching efficacy over and above ToM and controls, whereas the same did not hold true for ToM. These results suggest that ToM may be a necessary prerequisite for teaching to occur; however, EF skills appear to play a vital role in children's teaching efficacy.  相似文献   

加强教师队伍建设需要六联动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莫坷 《高教论坛》2003,(2):158-160
本文结合新时期高校教师队伍建设的实际进行思考,提出加强高校教师队伍建设必须坚持进出联动、内外联动、上下联动、软硬联动、专兼联动和长短联动。  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners have become increasingly interested in how early childhood programs prepare young children for science. Due to a number of factors, including educators’ low self-efficacy for teaching science and lack of educational resources, many early childhood classrooms do not offer high-quality science experiences for young children. However, high-quality science education has the potential to lay an important foundation for children’s knowledge and interest in science as well as reinforcing and integrating critical language, literacy, and math readiness skills. This paper examines the current research on science in preschool classrooms and provides suggestions on how to teach science that supports children’s development across domains. Using the scientific method to explore science with young children provides a systematic model for engaging children in observation, questioning, predicting, experimenting, summarizing, and sharing results. These processes encourage children’s use of language, literacy, and mathematics skills in authentic ways. Suggestions are provided for teachers to use the scientific method as their guide for generating scientific discovery in their classroom.  相似文献   

《思想道德修养与法律基础》课是对大学生进行德育教育的课程,实效性是思想政治理论课的生命线。立足课堂教学,延伸教学视野。提高教学实效性,是思想政治理论课教师在教学中需要深入探索的一个重要课题。以知为基础,以行为归宿,坚持知行统一,力行实践,是我们在教学中的经验总结,对提高《思想道德修养与法律基础》实效性很有助益。  相似文献   

There are concerns about the quality of religious education teaching in England and a national framework for religious education has been developed to give the subject a firmer basis. This basis comprises knowledge, skills and understanding that involves thinking about and with reasons. Teachers of young children cannot be experts in all subjects. Novices and those with weak subject knowledge must often teach religious education. Such teachers tend to avoid reason‐based understanding as they are unsure of it themselves. Textbooks on religious education are common in the primary classroom. The question is: could they help novices and non‐specialist teachers in religious education foster this kind of understanding in their teaching? If so, here is a potentially simple and inexpensive contribution to the solution of a widespread problem. This study examined children's textbooks in religious education and found that the answer is not simple. Some books give themselves entirely to the transmission of facts. Others may foster various kinds of understanding but these understandings may not be of the desired kind. Some implications for the development of religious education teaching skills are discussed.  相似文献   

Computers are everywhere, and they are transforming the human world. The technology of computers and the Internet is radically changing the ways that people learn and communicate. In the midst of this technology‐driven revolution people need to examine the changes to analyze how they are altering interaction and human culture. The changes have already permeated societies around the world, altering learning, teaching, communication, politics, and most aspects of human interaction. The possibilities for improving educational effectiveness seem powerful, as a result of an information revolution with online access to infinite information and numerous teaching and learning activities of adults and children at school, at home, and in public places. An urgent need is for systematic longitudinal studies of what happens with learning and teaching as people use computers and play with the Internet. Perhaps the new technologies make possible a new kind of constructive dialogue, with intertwining of teaching and learning in a dynamic double helix of questions and answers, of modeling and experimentation. This special section will deal with (1) uses of new technologies to help people teach and learn more effectively, (2) uses of individual laptops to help children learn, (3) creation of new tools for learning and assessment, and (4) techniques that image brain structure and activity.  相似文献   

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