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课程设计是课程教学重要的实践环节,应随着新形势下行业的发展和社会的需求作出适时的调整和改革.在工厂供电课程设计教学过程中,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,突出工程应用背景下培养学生的实践能力和创新精神,从选题、设计过程的指导监管、课程设计的答辩考核等方面进行改革和探索,有利于培养目标的实现.  相似文献   

通过问卷的形式,针对喀什师范学院预科汉语教师和部分少数民族预科学生和免预科双语班学生,调查了《初级汉语教程》《发展汉语——中级汉语》和《大学汉语·精读》三套教材的使用情况,并对新疆高校少数民族汉语教学中的教材选择和编写作了一点思考。  相似文献   

3D打印技术作为一项新兴产业,自20世纪末问世便立即得到了广泛关注,发展速度十分迅猛。第二课堂建设已逐渐发展为职业院校课堂体系建设中不可或缺的一部分,对学生的发展、成长、职业规划有着重大的意义。在3D打印课程中开展第二课堂活动,是3D打印课程体系建设的关键环节,将直接影响3D打印课程质量、学生综合素质。  相似文献   

文章针对目前景观设计类软件课程教学存在的部分问题,结合学校及行业人才需求现状,提出以实际项目为驱动的教学改革方案,从教材选择、教学模式、实践教学、成绩考核等方面进行以能力为本位的教学改革。通过课程改革提高学生自主学习能力和符合景观设计行业需求的实践动手能力,满足现阶段社会对高校人才培养的具体需求。  相似文献   

毕业论文写作是高校本科教学的一个重要环节,是对学生的实践技能、专业知识以及研究与创新能力进行检验考核的重要手段。本文通过分析湖北大学知行学院英专本科毕业论文选题数据结合该院毕业论文工作的创新实践得出结论,应用技术型院校的英专本科毕业论文应摆脱传统模式束缚,鼓励学生以多种形式在实践中完成毕业设计。  相似文献   


The two‐quarter Senior Design Project course given in the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Auburn University gives undergraduate students a significant computer system development experience by working on a project from proposal to prototype. Heavy emphasis is placed on team‐ and project‐management principles, team presentations, the application of standard structured development methodologies, and the generation of formal deliverables after each project phase. Project ideas are canvassed from faculty, graduate students, local industry and community, and from the students themselves. We believe that the knowledge and experience acquired by students from working in a team on a substantial project gives them an insight and perspective that is unattainable through the standard lecture paradigm. The course has received enthusiastic endorsement from industry, accrediting boards, and participating students (albeit at the end of the course!).  相似文献   

The Dainton enhanced engineering courses were designed to produce engineers who would be better prepared for careers in manufacturing management than their counterparts from conventional engineering programmes. As part of a large scale evaluation of these courses, the views of 167 students and 220 graduates of the programmes were compared with those of a control group of 353 students from conventional engineering courses. Respondents were asked for their opinions of 19 course elements in terms of the amount of time devoted to each as a preparation for a career as a professional engineer in industry.In general, enhanced students viewed their courses more favourably than students from conventional courses. Thus, over half of the conventional students criticised their courses for a lack of business and management material, compared with less than one in five enhanced students. There were few differences between the two groups in their views about the technical content of their courses. Criticisms about insufficient time being devoted to CADCAM, Engineering Practice, and Engineering Applications were common in students from both types of course. The views of enhanced graduates, who had up to five years' work experience post graduation, were similar to those of the undergraduates. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for engineering education in general.  相似文献   

创新型人才培养已成为当前制造业高速发展背景下高等工程教育的重要目标。学科竞赛是培养本科生创新能力与实践能力的重要环节,但指导教师如何通过学科竞赛过程塑造、培养学生的创新与实践能力还缺乏必要的系统研究。结合我校培养学生参加学科竞赛实例,从指导教师和学校两个层面介绍了培养实践、创新能力的具体实施环节和应用实例,提出了相关保障、激励机制和措施。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relation between full - time or part - time instructor status and college student retention and academic performance in sequential courses . Results indicate that for either developmental or regular courses, college students who take the first course in a sequence from a part - time instructor , and who take the second course in the sequence from a full - time instructor seem underprepared for the second course. By contrast to students experiencing other instructor status combinations (part - time / part - time , full - time / part - time , or full - time / full - time), these students are significantly less likely to either complete or achieve a grade of "C" or better in the second course. Sequential course instructor status, therefore, seems to be a predictor of college student success. Implications for practice pertaining to further research, college students, and institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

有限单元法是进行数值计算及解决工程问题的重要工具,"有限单元法"课程的教学包括理论教学、程序教学及软件教学。其中,程序教学是培养研究生编程能力及创新能力的重要途径之一。针对当前研究生"有限单元法"课程在程序教学方面存在的问题,分析总结了有限元教学程序的选择原则,建议选择简短完整、与学生的专业方向有关的程序作为有限元教学程序,提出了"以点带面,点面结合"的有限元程序教学模式及具体的教学方法。通过指导学生绘制有限元程序流程图、学习重点子程序的编程、运行并修改有限元程序、小组交流与讨论等方式来组织教学,可以有效激发研究生学习"有限单元法"课程的热情,加深对有限单元法理论知识的理解,提高研究生的编程能力及创新能力。  相似文献   

我国建筑业的快速发展给建筑工程技术人员带来了挑战与机遇。高职高专建筑工程技术专业的相关课程应满足岗位对职业能力的要求,在建筑工程技术专业相关改革的基础上对《建筑力学》课程的教学内容和方法加以改革。课程教学内容的选择和编排以建筑工程为载体,采用项目教学法将建筑力学的概念和理论融为一体,使得学生对力学知识在工程上的应用具有更直观的认识和理解,并为后续建筑结构及施工课程的学习奠定良好的力学理论基础。  相似文献   

作为现代机械制造中传统加工方法的替代,数控技术主要采用高速、高精度、复合、系统、智能、灵活的加工方法,是工业4.0时代不可缺少的一部分。文章根据工程专业认证计划以及工业4.0背景下对学生的培养要求和目标,分析了“数控技术”课程在机械设计制造及其自动化专业的教学现状和不足,针对“数控技术”教学大纲、教学方法、教学内容和课程考核方式提出了一些课程改革措施。结果表明,本课程应注重培养学生分析和解决工程问题能力,科学教学,不断推进机械工程数控技术教学的改革与发展。  相似文献   

伴随公共体育课程教学改革的不断深入,切合学生身心需求、增强学生兴趣的选课教学得到了广泛实施,如何进行网上选课成为当务之急。针对上述要求设计了高校公共体育网络选课管理系统,实现了打乱班级编制、按学生兴趣要求进行选课的功能。该系统能够对大量数据实行分析和汇总,避免了人工处理错误,有效地提高了管理效率。  相似文献   

特色行业地质工程专业大学生就业与教育若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
与紧张的大学生就业状况不同,具有艰苦特色行业的煤炭系统地质工程专业大学生就业则枝秀于林,求大于供。本文对煤炭系统对地质工程专业大学生求大于供的种种原因进行了分析,并提出了一些在教育与决策过程中应该重视的一些方面,及其缓解特色行业地质工程专业大学生紧缺局面的应对措施。  相似文献   

电火花加工技术是以实践教学为主的技术基础课程,是“金工实习”课程的重要组成部分。疫情期间,石油工业训练中心教学团队积极探索新形式教学模式,将电火花加工技术实训设置网络课堂讲解、实操仿真直播、工程软件训练、作品设计和加工四个教学环节,通过云端实践教学方式,全方位培养学生的工程意识、工程素质、动手能力和创新能力,实现与线下传统教学“卓越型”人才培养目标。  相似文献   

作为香港高等教育体系的重要部分,现有11所香港高校开设自资式研究修课课程。自资式研究院修课课程普遍具有学制短、实用性项目课程为主、课程设置灵活、兼读制模式及本地生为主等特点。近年来,随着香港逐步推进教育产业发展及区域教育枢纽建设,自资式修课研究生教育规模稳步增长,项目发展呈多样化趋势,且内地生规模迅速扩大。同时,香港高校修课式研究生教育也面临着来自规模偏小带来的集聚效应不足,课程设置高度市场化带来的办学风险等方面的挑战。  相似文献   

高职院校全校性通识课教学管理的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识课程是高校教学课程体系中的重要组成部分。教师开课少、学生选课难、学校管理难是目前通识课程面临的问题。从课程遴选、学生选课指导以及通识课学业评价等方面着手可以更好地解决通识课程的实际问题,真正实现通识课程提高学生综合人文素质的目标。  相似文献   

目前师专使用的中国历史文选教材大多不具有专科特色 ,基本上反映不出专科实际。因此 ,应紧紧围绕师专文选课是一门基础课和工具课这一中心 ,重新建构、编写一部具有专科特色 ,符合专科学生需求的中国历史文选教材。  相似文献   

大学生作为高校体育消费的主要群体,其消费行为对高校体育走向市场起着举足轻重的作用。他们的消费能力、消费结构、消费意向等直接影响着高校体育产业化的发展进程。通过对山西省普通高校学生的体育消费情况的调查研究,为加快山西高校体育产业化发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Problem solving is an essential skill for nuclear engineering graduates entering the workforce. Training in qualitative and quantitative aspects of problem solving allows students to conceptualise and execute solutions to complex problems. Solutions to problems in high consequence fields of study such as nuclear engineering require rapid and accurate analysis of the problems, design of solutions (focusing on public safety, environmental stewardship and ethics), solution execution and monitoring results. A three-month course in problem solving, modelling and simulation was designed and a collaborative approach was undertaken with instructors from both industry and academia. Training was optimised for the laptop-based pedagogy, which provided unique advantages for a course that includes modelling and simulation components. The concepts and tools learned as part of the training were observed to be utilised throughout the duration of student university studies and interviews with students who have entered the workforce indicate that the approaches learned and practised are retained long term.  相似文献   

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