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从领导与管理、学校环境、个别化教育计划、教学策略、特殊需要学生发展评估五个维度,对河南省特殊儿童随班就读现状进行全面调查,发现随班就读质量既需要宏观教育制度与政策的支持,又需要良好的社会人文关怀环境,更在于随班就读学校和教师的精细实施。随班就读得以顺利实施的重要前提是作为随班就读主阵地和实践者的普通学校和广大普通教师要充分领悟随班就读的理念,积极参与随班就读实践。  相似文献   

实施普通教育体制改革才能全面推行普通儿童与特殊儿童的融合教育.我国特殊教育相关法律法规理念上的滞后、随班就读机制体制的不健全、特殊教育经费分配体制的不完善、教师培养和培训机制不畅和普通班级班额过大等对随班就读的深入发展带来许多挑战.要想全面有效的促进残疾儿童少年随班就读的深入发展,必须完善法律法规的建设及随班就读的工作机制和体制,全面有效地推进随班就读健康发展.  相似文献   

上海市普通学校随班就读工作现状的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通学校是实施融合教育的核心.教育政策在提高随班就读工作质量方面有着重要作用.本研究采用自编问卷,对上海市300所普通学校开展随班就读工作的情况进行了调查研究.研究发现:上海市部分普通学校在随班就读管理制度、教研活动、个别化教育、融合教育、家校合作等方面已经有较大发展,但多数学校在课程调整、学生评价等方面存在突出问题;资源缺乏特别是教师资源缺乏是目前存在的主要矛盾,初中随班就读工作的开展情况落后于小学.针对调查中出现的问题,笔者提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

在融合教育环境中,不少随班就读儿童幼小转衔遭遇困难。文章以刚刚从幼儿园升入普通小学的随班就读自闭症儿童小宝为个案,研究论述了如何通过实施评估、设置衔接课程、家校合作开展个别化教育训练等,改善其问题行为,促进其发展。  相似文献   

再论融合教育:普小教师眼中的"随班就读"   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
在中国 ,融合教育的主要安置形式是随班就读。本文使用开放式问卷 ,录音采访了大连市 1 1所普通小学的 2 3位班主任教师。研究的结果表明 :(一 )大连市的普小教师对特殊儿童随班就读基本上持接受态度 ,集中有近一半多的教师认为要视学生的残疾种类合程度来确定特殊儿童是否随班就读。(二 )在多数普小教师看来 ,特殊儿童与正常儿童之间的交往势必交顺利的 ,特殊儿童的社会融合经常出现在课外活动、集体活动、游戏的场合 ,而在课堂学习的情况下较难产生。 (三 )从社会融合的可利用资源中 ,社区、学校、家庭之间的相互支持、协作的桥梁并未建立起来。 (四 )普小教师对随班就读工作的建议是希望得到特殊教育知识的培训。  相似文献   

上海市随班就读教师现状调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编"随班就读教师现状调查问卷"对上海市410名随班就读教师对随班就读的认识、对随班就读学生的接纳态度,以及教师的工作现状进行了调查.调查显示:上海市随班就读教师的教龄、学历分布合理;教师们对随班就读有理性上的认同,对特殊学生总体接纳态度较好;教师们对特殊教育专业培训意愿较强.调查还表明,目前上海市接受过特殊教育专业培训的随班就读教师比例偏低;教师们更倾向于接纳智力残疾、肢体残疾和学习障碍的学生,而对脑瘫、情绪和行为障碍等学生的接纳度较低;教师对特殊儿童的教育需求和学习特点不够了解,对特殊学生开展的课堂教学与课外指导存在困难.  相似文献   

采用自编的《随班就读任职教师职业适应与社会支持问卷》以及修订的《小学教师社会支持量表》对新疆地区80名小学随班就读任职教师进行调查研究,探讨融合教育背景下普通学校随班就读任职教师职业适应与社会支持之间的关系.主要得出以下结论:随班就读任职教师的职业适应水平与社会支持有较强的共变关系,社会支持高低不同的教师职业适应水平存在显著差异;整体来看,家庭支持、同事支持、情感支持对随班就读任职教师职业适应的预测力相对较强,而领导支持、家长支持相对较弱.在此基础上,建议加强家庭对随班就读任职教师的支持;为教师创造更多沟通交流的平台;完善随班就读任职教师职前培养和职后培训工作,提高其对融合教育的认同度.  相似文献   

随班就读是我国在融合教育理念影响下不断完善的一种本土化教育安置形式。虽然国家已出台政策把自闭症儿童纳入随班就读对象,但是真正进入普通学校的自闭症儿童并不多。目前,自闭症儿童随班就读主要面临的困境有支持体系不完善、教师缺乏自闭症相关知识技能以及关研究匮乏等,针对上述问题论文提出了针对性的策略,以期能为自闭症儿童随班就读工作的完善提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

从西安市莲湖区中选取4所普通小学,随机对各校教师共151人进行问卷调查。结果表明,西安市莲湖区特殊儿童随班就读工作取得了一定的成就,包括:随班就读对儿童有利,教师能接纳学生;特殊儿童交往能力有一定发展;教师整体水平较高,且能制定个别教育计划并进行课外辅导。但同时也存在学校客观条件较差、特殊儿童的评价机制落后、特殊儿童融入集体意识薄弱、教师的随班就读理念滞后,缺少专业培训、学校与家长合作水平较低等问题,需要引起相关部门以及教师、家长的重视,并采取切实措施解决。  相似文献   

陈瑾  曾凡林 《中学教育》2011,(4):108-112,118
特殊儿童随班就读是融合教育在中国的一种具体教育形式。随班就读发展的困境之一是,如何对随班就读进行有效评价。本文在文献梳理的基础上,结合我国特殊教育发展的情况,对特殊学生随班就读教育评价中存在的问题进行反思,尝试探索随班就读教育评价的发展对策,为我国随班就读教育评价实践的发展和随班就读教育质量提高提供有益参考。  相似文献   

In striving to educate as many children as possible and with limited funds to build a separate special education infrastructure to cater to the needs of children with disabilities, inclusive education was officially adopted in 1997 by the Department of Education in the Philippines as a viable educational alternative. This article reports on the current state of affairs for including children with disabilities within regular schools in the Philippines. The ‘Silahis Centres’ (‘school within the school’ concept) is presented as a feasible model for implementing and promoting the inclusion of children with disabilities within regular schools throughout the Philippines. Other aspects related to inclusive education such as teacher education, policies as well as lessons learned so far from inclusion efforts and future challenges are also described.  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with special needs in mainstream regular schools has been seen as the best practice in special education provision, most markedly since the 90s. International research has provided amassing evidence towards the advantages of inclusive model over a segregation model of special education provision. However, nearly two decades after the signing of the international pledge, namely the Salamanca Statement (UNESCO) towards accepting inclusive education, Malaysia has not yet fully gained the momentum to implement inclusive education for children with special needs, especially for children identified within the category of learning disabilities. Because of the delay in policy implementation, inclusive education remains sparingly practiced in some schools without formal support. This study aims to investigate a scenario of this practice in a mainstream primary school via interviewing the regular teachers. The ultimate aim of this investigation is to identify ways to move forward from the current practice of ‘unconscious inclusion’.  相似文献   

关于学前全纳教育有效性的思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
本文通过学前全纳教育对特殊幼儿发展的影响、对普通幼儿发展的影响、对教师的影响、对家长的影响,以及学前全纳教育经费等五个方面进行分析,认为学前全纳教育是有效的,值得推广。  相似文献   

本研究以自行编制的调查问卷和访谈提纲作为研究工具,对捷克奥洛穆茨州的全纳教育支持系统现状进行了调查研究。结果发现:通过实施全纳导向的教育政策,为全纳教育提供必要的支持、规定参与全纳教育教师的任职资格和培训、转变特殊教育学校角色等方面的努力,一个相对系统和健全的全纳教育支持系统已经建立和运转起来了。但是,传统的社会观念、政府经费支持、普通教师的专业成长、对特殊儿童家庭的财政和培训支持以及特殊儿童家长在全纳教育中的参与等问题仍然是捷克奥洛穆茨州全纳教育发展过程中亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

宋微  骆颉  王苗青 《成人教育》2011,31(5):61-62
全纳教育是当今国际上流行的教育思潮,目前在我国的实践主要是儿童的随班就读,在成人教育领域研究的还比较少。文章对全纳教育进行了简单的概述,然后分析了我国现代成人教育的发展现状,在此基础上指出了在全纳教育理念下成人教育体系改进的方向。  相似文献   

This article investigates inclusive education practices in schools under the jurisdiction of Thai local government through a study of schools in Khon Kaen Municipality in Northeastern Thailand. Thailand’s 1997 Constitution and 1999 National Education Act both legislated that the educational system must become inclusive, and under these laws schools are required to admit all groups of children, including children with special educational needs (SEN). This study sheds light on the situation of inclusive education in schools with regard to administrators’ policy implementation, teachers’ practices, and parents’ perception of inclusive education management. The findings derive from a survey of 11 school administrators, 114 teachers, and 274 parents (of 137 regular and 137 students with SEN), together with six focus groups with administrators and teachers from six schools. The results demonstrate that most school leaders support inclusive classrooms, most teachers are willing to work with SEN students, and parents of regular students accept the concept of inclusion. Actual practices of inclusive education vary, however, depending upon the perception of administrators and the will of the teachers to implement inclusive education. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the policy of the municipality may have resulted in the development of inclusive practices in schools under its jurisdiction.  相似文献   

“全纳教育”———使特殊儿童融入普通学校 (从而成为“全纳学校”)与正常儿童一起接受教育 ,其深刻的意义不仅在于为实现教育公平的追求 ,克服现有教育制度弊端向前迈出了一大步 ,而且更有其人格学上的深层意义 :对于特殊儿童 ,使其体验到做“人”的尊严 ,并激励 ,培养其自强的意识其坚韧不拔的个性品质 ;对于正常儿童 ,激发并深化其善于关心、同情、帮助他人的情感体验 ;对于“全纳学校”的教师 ,促使其真正教育家品质的养成与完善。  相似文献   

以CNKI所收录的特殊教育支持保障体系的相关文献为研究对象,利用Bicomb和SPSS软件对从1981年以来与特殊教育支持保障体系相关的1181篇文献进行可视化计量分析,以探测该领域研究热点分布及发展趋势。结果表明,我国特殊教育支持保障体系的研究热点主要集中在残疾儿童、随班就读、特教学校、融合教育、教育改革、支持保障体系、社会支持等方面。而且该研究领域有四大趋势,即特殊儿童教育结果的公平成为教育公平的关键;随班就读支持保障体系的构建成为重点领域;特殊教育体系的构建由单一向多维转变;“医教结合”初露端倪。  相似文献   

Inclusive education provides learning opportunities for children with disabilities in regular settings with other children. Despite the prevalence of inclusive education, few qualitative studies have adequately explored young children’s perspectives on inclusion. This paper reviews the findings of a preliminary qualitative study where play-based interviews were conducted with 12 typically developing children enrolled in one of two childcare lab schools. Study methods provided an opportunity to assess play-based interview techniques where young children were asked to describe their views on inclusive education. The findings demonstrate that play-based methods allow young children of various ages to identify complex issues related to inclusion. The authors call for additional research that examines research methods in early childhood settings on multi-faceted issues regarding educational policies and practices as a way to attenuate young children’s lack of participation in curriculum development.  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with disability in regular classroom settings has been identified worldwide as crucial to the provision of effective education for all children and to the creation of more inclusive societies. To this end there has been significant focus on pre-service and in-service teacher education to ensure that teachers are adequately prepared to teach in inclusive classrooms. When delivering a unit on inclusive education in the Seychelles, which was developed in Australia, we considered it essential to determine the suitability of the unit in supporting Seychellois teachers to teach inclusively. Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about people with disability are two aspects that have consistently been shown to impact on a teacher’s willingness to include children with disability. Therefore, the Seychellois teachers were asked to complete questionnaires in the first and final weeks of the semester in which the teachers undertook the unit. The two sets of responses were analysed to determine significance and effect sizes of any change in attitudes and beliefs. Data revealed that the Seychellois teachers reported more positive attitudes and beliefs about the inclusion of children with disability in regular classrooms after completing the unit, suggesting that the unit of study was suitable for the Seychellois context.  相似文献   

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